So has anyone heard of this movie? I've never seen a movie where snakes are the main protagonist and it looks comfy.
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It's shit.
Is it already out?
Yeah. On one hand there's a love story with a green snake and black snake who plays the hero, so Holla Forums wouldn't like it. But on the other hand, the green snake's brother is a dude weed lmao character in a kids film and he's actually funny. Also the whole story is about black snake and weed snake going on a journey to save the girl snake and its been a while since I've seen stories that play this straight especially in this political climate. Animation's pretty cool, especially the scenes with the snake charmer.
They're animals. Animal interbreeding triggers the fuck out of me because they can't mate unless they're from the same species/subspecies.
I wonder if they are actually going to address the animal abuse issues? Most snake charmers sew cobras mouths shut for tourists, or kill them for snake stones for jewelry or medicine.
Be a great way to educate people.
There was a thread about it some months ago. I remember the snakes being hot.
See the hybrid between polar bear and grizzly bear.
You can tell by the story, dialogue and humor, that this is a black movie, much like Shark Tale and Open Season are. I dislike black humor and storytelling in general, I began watching the movie and kept rolling my eyes until I just coouldn't take it anymore and stopped. The thing with black movies is that they are always about "male wants thing/female, does stupid morally obtuse stuff to get money/fame/thing/female, get female". Because there's always a love subplot, and the female love interest is always nice, understanding and easily tricked, despite the male being an idiot loser without much character depth. The humor is always mean and selfish, taking advantage of someone, this applies as well to pretty much any action/plan the male lead comes up with.
Are you talking about the blue snake? If not, anything black about it besides the color?
The snake with hair pisses me off more than anything else from this pro-immigration bullshit tbh
That's borderline sparkledog tier.
Forgot to mention that the snake charmer is the villain and was the one that kidnapped the girl snake kickstarting the whole plot. They also mentioned snake abuses by mentioning how the snake charmer would skin snakes he doesn't use anymore.
Thats very problematic and my fetish.
Defiantly worth a watch. Plus Netflix animation been on a roll lately. I love snakes. I'm glad they're covering that.
They take those stones ( made up of built up poison) and make jewelry and "medicine". They sell for quite a bit, so third world countries don't give a shit if they are killing endangered species.
Well America is no better with the Rattlesnake roundups. But at least we are protecting the endangered species.
One might think having no limbs would put a damper on the love life, but not for snakes. When a female snake is ready to mate, she begins to release a special scent (pheromones) from skin glands on her back. As she goes about her daily routine, she leaves an odor trail as she pushes off resistance points on the ground (See Getting Around). If a sexually mature male catches her scent, he will follow her trail until he finds her. The male snake begins to court the female by bumping his chin on the back of her head and crawling over her. When she is willing, she raises her tail. At that point, he wraps his tail around hers so the bottoms of their tails meet at the cloaca – the exit point for waste and reproductive fluid. The male inserts his two sex organs, the hemipenes, which then extend and release sperm. Snake sex usually takes under an hour, but it can last as long as a whole day.
Female snakes reproduce about once or twice a year; however, the methods of birth vary among species. Some snakes give birth to live young (from one to 150 at a time), while others lay eggs (from one to 100 at a time); some even combine these methods by holding eggs internally until they hatch, and the babies are born live. For the most part, female snakes do not sit on their eggs like a hen, but in some cases they will protect their eggs (and their young) for a few days after they leave the mother's body.
I think you're probably projecting your own feelings onto the animal.
If snakes were big enough to eat you they would, they lack the parts of the brain that allows social boning, affection, loyalty, and love.
Just like hasidic jews, most anime girls, about half of all women women, orthodox jews, most politicians, most bankers, most people in positions of power, and insects.
Can this be an anime hate thread now?
Just imagine
Funny you should post this, because he's back >>>Holla Forums792751
He's afraid to post here for some reason.
Thats who I was trying to summon
This. It is literally that story with the Brazilian birds.
I don't know why proper monstrous snake chicks turn me on, but they just do
Sauce on that?
I missed him.
wait is it just me or did a lot of posts get deleted here and in other threads?
We did get raided by some kind of bot spewing gibberish paragraphs.
Out of curiosity, I tried running the crap through a few online cypher crackers, but I'm pretty sure it was gibberish. There's no two letter word with the same letter, surely. Unless it was "gg" or something equally retarded.
I'm a sucker for stories where a boy has to find a girl he loves taken away from him on a giant journey even though the weed lmao snake knew the hero longer than his sister Are there more stories like this?
Or they were never as separate as retarded modern evolutionist fanatics like to pretend.
You only need to look at dog breeds to see how retarded it is to think a polar bear and a grizzly are too separate to be the same fucking species.
So is the film any good?
Got more?
I hope you're referring to the tits and not the animu face.
How much does a talking qt snake cost?
Downloaded it a long time ago but only watched it a day ago. It's crap but the sneks girls were cute. I cringed at the dance-off. The fat matron snek reminded me of that gif of a chubby snek drinking water. I still don't know what the fuck those glowing slugs were. I thought they were aliens.
I think they were glow worms.
They sure are.
>no qt snake companion
Fuck this dimension
das cute
Have the actual gif?
Only the youtube video.
I like sneks
My heart.
the sandsneks too?
All sneks.
Who's the artist?
Isn't it in the link in
Also yes the snek girls are cute.
too small to fug but can hug
No one's going to talk about about this?
Fucking Europe at 0:40
I wouldn't say that.
What ami looking at?
Do not lewd qt snakes?!
What do you guys think of the stoner snake anyways?
Meh at best.
Why is it so cute when a snake drinks water?
Well that's something.
I saw a man fuck a snake once, it was odd to say the least
-3/10 when he's not wearing the wig
Um, what do you think mulattoes are?
Breeding within the same species, obviously.
Means politically incorrect. You mean "ghetto" or "nigger" humor, not "black".
What happened to >>889213?
A visual interpretation of the girl snake getting charmed by a snake charmer and that includes visual analogies to sexual fertilization and the origin of sin.
Whatever you say, fam.
Huh, what's your point?
Ah, thanks, English is not my first language. Then, what I wanted to say is: I dislike nigger movies with nigger humor and nigger plot. Even when they are depicted as animals, you know it's a nigger movie with niggers all because of the argument and general ghetto feeling.
I remember that webm
Unsurprisingly common on Holla Forums when XCOM 2 came out
I wanna fuck that snake's tits.
Hey Holla Forums
Welcome to the internet hate machine, newfag.
You're kind want's to fuck anything with tits
pick one, cuck
doesn't look like it feels all that good for either parties.
Fucking beasts, the only humans are the choosen people.
Forgot to add these also.
This is ultimate disappointment
Nice job politicizing a fucking snake cartoon, Holla Forums