How can we show young white men that socialism is in the best interest and not fascism?

How can we show young white men that socialism is in the best interest and not fascism?

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Maybe the idea is good put human nature is not ready for it.

No young people are really interested in fascism. If you think you're smart enough to choose for others, others might take it upon themselves to do likewise. Youth'ns don't like that.

A strong socialist family unite will help greatly
Sharing stuff in the family
Showing the kids what the working class go through around the world
And last but not least reading let him read as he like

Electoral statistics show that the resurgence of the extremist righ in many European countries is to a great part due to the young male vote. So you are wrong.


tribal society was basically communist in nature, and is the closest to le 'human nature' than capitalist society

Really hard to as they are young but if they get a job and get into reality then maybe it would be easier.

that's scary then.

You have to leave your basement and talk to them.

A smartly dressed capitalist overhears you are says

"But I worked hard for my money, staying late after everyone else left. I don't want to give my money to people who don't work hard like I do. They don't deserve it. If they want money let them work for it."

What do?

"You deserve your 'fair share.' huh? Well who gets to decide what's fair?"
"I deserve that money since I worked so hard. It's only fair!"

The same thing we do every night.

i guess i can see where the 'brocialism' comment comes from

Tbh I don't think that young people are really at risk of being sucked into the alt-right. Even among young white men B████ ██████ was the most popular candidate iirc.

Emphasize the focus on work, and being fairly compensated for work. Emphasize collective control of the workplace. Place importance on democracy and fairness between your co-workers and neighbors.

Dismiss the allure of hierarchy and 'being the boss' as toxic and divisive. Disparage consumerism, identity politics and bourgeois pop culture. Support simple living among communities of equals.

And for the love of god stay away from discussion of money, welfare, and redistribution.

Tell him that he was only able to make that money thanks to the efforts of his workers, since all value is created by labour.

Say they'll get qt brown grills instead of having to settle for snownegresses.

What's scarier is that people like you are not following current trends and confidently spout anecdotal bullshit.

The same way we should be appealing to everyone really, even if it doesn't always work out that way. By appealing to their class interests.

These are all talking points that lure "useful idiots".

If they're already that young and prefer to eschew socialism, it's because they are not easily fooled.

So basically don't talk about what is really going to happen.This is why socialist societies always end up being run by incompetent crooks trying to manage legions of oblivious morlocks.

These leaders select for traits in their constituency that ultimately contribute to the system's downfall along with the inherent human capacity to abuse the power they've acquired.

So deliberately pandering to shortsightedness and expecting it to work out and not turn into a morass of violence and deprivation.


Within the tribe, not across tribes.

Explain to me how he could have accomplished anything without his workers?

The other workers.

He can other guys, you know?

Come on you can do better than that. You're not contradicting your opponents point.

I do, because the workers aren't one group.

If this one group doesn't accept the term, the porky can just find another group.

It's the workers who need the porky, not the porky who need the workers.



I'd tell him that if he's really working that hard and not just bullshitting to justify his huge salary, that he's a fucking shit manager because literally one of the first things you're taught in business school is to delegate the work out to his workers.



wew stormwolf88 go suck a tit

That's not true tho

I meant stay away from the current rhetoric of the welfare state; taking tax money away from workers to pay for "undeserving" outgroups. Redistribution will happen, but in terms of means of production given to workers, not cash payments to citizens.

No one is gonna be swayed by a group that demands you read Marx, Lenin and fifty other political philosophers before you can participate. If you can't describe and implement a system that will provide equality and a decent living to people from the grassroots up, then don't even try. No one in this day and age will support a top-down seize-the-state revolution, and instead couching our language in terms of fairness and community is necessary to avoid a century of anti-communist rhetoric and knee-jerk reactionary thought.

Read Marx, muhfugga.

You dum

Lure them in with sexy young white girls.

But regardless he needs workers to create value, otherwise he can't produce anything. Therefore labour is still the source of all value, even if the labourers are scabs.

The vast majority of young people aren't interested in fascism. It's only a popular ideology among middle class people like the other forms of idpol. Everyone else is to busy trying to survive to be worrying about the future of their race or whatever bullshit.

This actually worked in most communist parties as recruitment tool in the 60`s. Why can`t we use leftist nymphs to lure more men to our side anymore?

stop treating FALC as a meme
it's the real thing for socialist societies in the imperialist centers which is easily attainabled

Cause they are all bourgie/middle class insecure feminists.

Same way you show young black/yellow/red/brown/blue men.

Barrage them with cuck memes until they realize that submitting to a higher power is incredibly beta, and that they're being robbed by their employer

They are not necessarily "his" workers.
He could simply be a worker who exerts great effort in the company of workers who exert minimal effort, complain, and ditch out of their shift early/call in sick as often as possible.

Work on your reading comprehension/projection. No where in the body of the text did it mention the man being a manager. Nowhere does it distinguish salaried wages: he could very well get paid commission. He could simply be good and whatever field he is in and has been recognized for shining above his peers.

Me and my .357 do, of course!

You said he was a capitalist.

Regardless, we don't begrudge the wealth of workers who simply get paid more for selling their labor.

In addition, meritocracy is a dumb meme.

You need cult of masculinity to get young males into something. Tell them how you're going to make THEM great again.
Nobody wants "muh equality", they just want to score pussy and feel good about themselves. You just need to convince them how socialism will help them achive that.

This tbh. Make socialism manly again.

Stop fapping and do some pushups.

I don't really see how you can achieve that when even one of the least idpol leftist forums out there, i.e. leftypol, still has posts bitching about white men or/and smugly laughing about their "demographic demise" in every fifth thread or so.
Ultimately you're not really offering them something better than the status quo is the issue. All most strains are really promising them is that they'll have to take up more managerial work in lieu of having a boss (co-ops et al) and that more third-worlders will get a share of the supposedly larger pie it'll bring.
That's of course while handwaving away issues they're already facing from the latter like the 10+ child rape gangs spread throughout Britain (in populations with less than 4% Pakistanis present mind you) as either automatically solved by material improvement or routinely mocked ala the "muslamic rayguns" chav and circle-jerking over leftist "human nature" memes.

Since so many memesters here furiously masturbate to the consumate egoist Stirner you should ask yourselves this first.
What's in it for them really?

what do you mean?

That's not a way to put it, because it's not him who needs the workers, but it's the workers who need him.

clearly they aren't worth having and aren't anywhere near a "master race" if they fall for the likes of trump. just gas them all

I can make a shackle trough work. i can pay people to make a shackle. I can't throw money at wood to make a shackle..

He needs the workers if he wants to produce anything.

These are the best ideas of the thread.


Even with all that, the vision of a perfect white paradise with aryan qt's still more appealing tbh fam.

Maybe you guys could try something to fill the void like reclaiming world peace in a more manly and conservative way or calling out radical feminism and stuff like blm.

In the end is all about balancing the edginess and the benefit/comfort zone: 95% of Holla Forumsacks would support a non-feminist and an (not necessarily aggressive) ethnically nationalist form of communism.

What did he mean by this

i think i picked the wrong term.
i mean:

no ""cultural revolution""
no multiculti
no mass immigration
no demographic threat

Btw, the mussolini quote was at the same time, a possible argument against it (warmongering, imperialism). And an example of a cool rhetoric (edginess, call for fight/struggle, "you have a place in the world"-feel, exciting, courage etc)

If someone adopt the countries culture and langauage, then he can potentially become full citizen of that country.

You know that if the economic system change, the culture will also change right? Unless you refer to what Mao did?

You might be unto something, but what do you define as multiculturalism?

Stop itself with end of capitalism. No demand for cheap labor, no subordination of foreign politicy to multinationals corporations.

nice meme

Economically, it is, but it can't function without real democratic counter powers, institutions or enlightened tyranny.

i was referring to the kind of thing Mao did. That's why the ".

Multiculturalism is the belief that different cultures existing and developing themselves in the same space and context is something positive or desireble. Of course, monoculturalism is almost impossible and there will always exist cultural differences inside society.

However, my point is that multiculturalism should be discouraged and seeing as the inevitable burden it really is, intead of being promoted as a cool ideal.

Multiculturalism is good for an empire (it divides the ruled) or for the world as a whole (in a certain way), where different people live in the same planet. But not for any real form of community, including a united republic.

Can still being promoted by cosmopolitanism and your typical liberal cultural expansionism.

What does this link have to do with anything? I'm not talking about the world, i'm talking about the internal organism of nations.

But Anyway, this is completely lame when it comes to represent immigration within western countries (it's about the world).

And "higher than average" birthrates is already enough to play a demographic threat if they are a continuous pattern, which, in the case of Western Europe especifically, they are due to constant immigration (immigration, btw, that itself is unsustainable towards the maintenance of native culture as the base of the social fabric).