I saw this on the other chan and laughed what do you think?

I saw this on the other chan and laughed what do you think?

Also conservative cringe thread.

Other urls found in this thread:



This shit.

That picture isn't really getting my noggin' coggin' OP. What's your point?

Got a feeling that quote on the left is entirely made up.

CPUSA wasn't formed until 1919 and before that the common label would have been social democratic or socialist party. So yeah…I think its fake.

I found it strange that anyone affiliated with the (reformist, social-democratic) Fabian Society would associate with Communists… so I looked it up.

Henry Makow, Jeff Rense and some thread on Stormfront turned up first. Which usually isn't a good sign. Well…

Guess what: it's a hoax. It originated in a 1957 letter sent by infamous Holocaust denier Eustace Mullins to the Washington Star newspaper. The guy made it all up.

There is no "Racial Program for the Twentieth Century", and the quote is bogus; as for Israel Cohen, he is a minor figure with no known or likely ties to socialism. The only reason this even got traction to begin with is because a dumb segregationist senator used it as proof that the Civil Rights movement was a Communist plot to subvert America.

Somehow right-wingers always manage to keep baffling me further with their blatant lack of integrity, self-respect and intellectual decency. It never ends.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a Jewish communist and culture critic.

care to explain ?

No idea. Hipsters will leave anything.

If I'm crypto, I must have fooled my self internally, My dude. I just like laughing at this shit.

It's actually forbidden to leave anything but stones on Jewish graves. I guess these PoMos didn't get the memo.

True, although we can say the very same thing about liberal SJWs.


Except SJWs actually have power in real life.

Time to dump my folder :^)

Some obligatory videos:




I don't know, I actually haven't seen those kinds of collages full of hoax quotes by sjws yet. it will be interesting if those pop up in the future though.

I feel like Murdoch videos are like Berserk, if it was made by an idiot with little to no artistic talent.

Makes me yearn for the lack of effort days of the likes of confederalsocialist/fringeelements.

i wonder how many of those books the golden one has actually read


80 percent of people that wear MAGA hats are doing it ironically

Doesn't make it not cancer, it just makes it ironic cancer.

i can get behind ironic cancer though

I happen to wear ISIS shirts ironically.

I need more of this.

Just saw this.

This is the most basic shit ever fuck these people

For a moment i thought that was a metal gear character until i remembered its a "real" person.
You know, sort of real. A created legend, but there was a guy behind the mask even if his name wasn't the same as the legend.

But there are lots of poor white people to?
So that assumption alone doesn't adequately explain black crime numbers.

Beat this

I think I know what I'm going to choose

And actually gay-looking statues, at that.

probably rape the tiny statue when no one is looking

SOCIOeconomics factors. Money is not everything.
The concentration of poverty
The urbanisation level
The access to education
The quality of environnement
The purely culturals factors (real nigga don't do White stuff like school)

All thoses are playing a part.

Kill yourself. Seriously.

I will never understand Holla Forums's obsession with inequality and hierarchy. Even a cursory analysis shows that there is, in fact, a hierarchy and lack of equality in Western societies. Income inequality notwithstanding, the members of the ruling class generally know each other, all go to the same schools, live in the same few cities, and so on. One does not simply break into the ruling class. Holla Forums will never be ruling class. It's like they think that democracy is somehow depriving them of their rightful place in a racial hierarchy above women and brown people, but have apparently failed to realize that the ruling class simply does not give a shit.

Jesus, I feel bad even laughing at this level of autism.

The dudes those statues and busts in all their social media avatars straight up fucked other dudes, because it was a cultural norm.

but muh preservation of "traditional" values and d-d-degeneracy right

If the right wing openly embraced pederasty, I'd go over in a heartbeat. Why would anyone even have sex with women when teenage boys are around?

Of course, I'd probably be the one getting fucked in the ass when it came down to it. But that's a small price to pay for one's ideals.

hi /cuteboys/


not all cultures are equal though

the first guy is actually really cute though. not much cringe in apperance

Dude, not cool. Augustus and Livia, not Octavian and Agrippa OK. Hail Cæsar.

This is the first post in this month that actually pisses me off, have you ever looked into the fucking pederasty movement. John Henry Mackay is one of the forefront advocates of Pedestry in the 19th century of germany with the early gay liberation movement. The first pedastry/gay journal was even called The Egoist

Please Look into this and dont fucking go meming with the right, youknow what they did when they found out about pedastry. Burned all the books, purged all its members in the night of the long knifes like Ernst Röhm and we got a nice place with a pink triangle in the camps.

Please do some research with the socialist movement/ anarcho-individualism and its relation with homosexuality and pedestry.

There existed a French gay magazine titled "Gaie France" in the late '80s that promoted pederasty from a far-right perspective. Its editors were mostly third-positionists associated with the Nouvelle Droite.

Relax, friend, I was just making a joke. Plus we all know it will never happen.
But if it does, I can't make any promises as to what I'll do.

You will stay with us and get a special position in the cutebuy gulag where you can supervise right wing gays all day!

You drive a hard bargain. I guess I have no choice but to agree.

fresh from /mu/

link ?



Yeah, all the PoMo readings of Benjamin come from misinterpretations of his language essays. The task of the translator was to recognize each original text as fragmented but to find the lost language of G`d within those fragments and thus return the language to wholeness. Postmodernists and deconstructionists, however, don't just recognize language as inherently fragmented, but arguably get some kind of enjoyment in keeping language fragmented and arbitrary.



Hunter Avallone's vapid S█████ "satire" is pretty cringe-worthy


There is literally nothing wrong with being a jew.

Daily reminder idpol is CIA.

Conservatives love jews and want to die for israel

You're retarded

They're so entrenched in their own ideology they can't differentiate what's what anymore.

Strap in boys, this is a fun one.

Some things I noticed:
1. What in the fuck is Right-Environmentalism and how in the hell is it any different from Left-Environmentalism (if there is even such a thing)?
2. lmao at Terminator 2 being placed with shit like Das Boot for good Nazi cinema.
3. The fuck is their problem with post-modernist architecture? It's apparently about on par with Islam and Judaism for their hate.
5. Bodybuilding and Fitness is apparently Moderately AND Mildly Supported.

I agree with major oppositoin to degraded """art""". I think it's pretentious bullshit that anyone can make lol

At least they think about mixed market economics, prehaps they put something like market socialism there.

I hate shitty art too, but judging from the alt-right and how they respond to everything, they'd want people who make it to be summarily executed via firing squad.

lel that's such a random thing to put in

wait, what? holy shit do these idiots know why people put floride in tap water?

People don't? I'm not sure what you're referring to, but as a commie I'm sure as fuck not in favor of putting what was essentially seen as a waste product of the aluminium industry into the water supply.

Applying fluoride coating to teeth? Sure. Mouthwash? Sure. Putting it in the water? A nice way to deal with toxic waste. There's no reason to imbibe fluoride, and it doesn't make you "create more fluoride" coating, the body synthesises it by its components. Drinking it won't do shit for your teeth, but it will save the industries that produce it as a waste by product from having to dispose of it and instead be allowed to directly sell it.

Uh? Don't they realize that New Wave cinema stands in complete opposition to what they believe in? Sounds like they threw in a few arthouse films so they could sound "intellectual" but in the end it only outlines their lack of political and artistic culture.

I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.

Confirmed for tasteless philistines.

Well… I guess you have to start somewhere.


how does this even work

To be fair, it's true that political ecology is not neutral; let alone an intrinsically left-wing issue. In its early days, it was equally an emerging awareness of the irremediable damage that could be done to our environment and a blood-and-soil worldview that took the form of reactionary nature-worship.

Right-wing environmentalism tends to be aggressively malthusianist and social-darwinist, to the point where some of these guys don't really have a problem with thinly-veiled support for genocidal policies as a form of population reduction.

That's why you get all that talk about "natural order" and stuff from new-age types who usually like to flaunt their progressivism. My parents run a small business centered around environment-related talks and I can tell you for sure it mainly attracts politically illiterate, deeply irrational individuals who would gladly post Fascist propaganda on Facebook if it was adequately cloaked in environmentalist pathos.

Don't misunderstand me, I think that as socialists we need to address environmental issues such as resource depletion, global warming or animal abuse… but people that describe themselves as "ecologists" first and foremost and put a deified "Nature" ahead of mankind are more often than not reactionaries — anarcho-primitivists included.

Animal abuse is an ethical issue, not an environmental one.

You're right, I mentioned it because it's often bulked with environmental issues by ecologists, seeing how animals are a "part" of "Nature".


The truth is just talking to a conservative is cringe. Like wow.

Maybe in terms of cooperation? Idk
It makes sense only if you federalize the EU and have every federal republic be 100% french, german or whatever.

most of the time, yeah
especially if they're deeply religious and use their religion to justify their politics

I've totally passed over the cover image of the porno manga on the bottom left there!

Ok let's see which things I agree with:
I'm against Degraded "Art", radical feminism (stare rape, mainsplaining and all that crap) , SJWs (cuz they're liberal slacktivist attention whores tbh), mainstream media (cuz they're full of propaganda), american and NATO foregin wars, celebrity "culture" (it's brainwashing), cuckservatism and neoconservatism and junk food & dietary toxins.
Anyone else agrees with them on these points? I think everything else they wrote is crap tho.
Lol@ mixed market economics
I bet they think they understand economics better than we do.

More or less but the "degraded art" is a matter of taste. As much as i find it repulsive, some in family appreciate it.

I just think it's very pretentious and requires no work. It's usually some really autistic random shit.

Depend if art's value comes from the work or emotional response or interogation it raises. I must admit, that one performance when some guy recorded himself getting drunk until he puked left me flabbergasted…

If you agree with alt-rightists on the issue of art then maybe it's about time you question your understanding of it.

"dude lmao its dumb and everybody can do it"

You are retards if you think by "degraded art" these cretins mean just contemporary conceptualism or what have you and not attempt to shove under it everything that is 1)made post 1900 and 2) isnt HELLA FUGGEN EPIG AND SHINY AND IMMEDITELY GRASPABLE XDD. But the larger point is that they dont have basic grasp of art history - because thats the trojan horse from the jewish satan - and interpret art like an accesory for circlejerk. Now that attitude allows them to cherrypick across varying periods and similarly shove everything that can be circlejerked easily under muh tradition. See for example illustrating the baseless cherrypicking.


will girls be allowed to have sex with cute teenage boys too?


Daily reminder Cultural Marxism is REAL.


how the FUCK can you support neopaganism and ethnohistorically reconstructed europeans religions and idolize and worship the spook of the west so incessantly? How can you be for paganism but tattoos are a form of fun stuff?*

I don't think they're against all tattos. They're just against those in the picture lol