A color revolution is coming to America

What is a color revolution? It's where media, academia and capital converge together on a astroturfing campaign to start a revolution. Capital funds the paid activists and promotion efforts, media sanitizes the image of the color revolution and makes it appear larger than it is and academia provides the intellectual foundation of the campaign and sends their students out on the streets to bolster the numbers of paid activists. The hope is with a coalition of paid activists and students along with promotional efforts by the media it can reach critical mass to draw the golem in. A color revolution is in the works right now, being planned behind closed doors and capital flowing into the right organizations. It'll start on Twitter and Reddit, expand to Facebook then hit the streets.

Ground zero of the color revolution will be the Pacific Northwest. They need a white face for this revolution and they'll do their best to keep BLM out or largely sidelined. What can we do? Turn it into a nigger revolution. Fact is there's not many white liberals and if we can get the niggers involved they'll scare away most of the whites that get involved. If we play it right we can have the activist organizations lose control and turn the whole thing into a nationwide chimp out. We need to be in there stoking resentment among the blacks that they're being pushed aside by white liberals.

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There's enough to start a color revolution, but not enough face down a colored revolution.

Turning this color revolution into a colored revolution is a good idea.


Not to dismiss your claim of this, or say that it couldn't happen. But what are you basing this off?
And what makes you think it won't devolve into an identity issue on it's own without outside influence?

They tried to do this with Hillary and her color purple fixation. It's all Soros' doing anyways. I'm sure they'll try again but the simple fact is they are too obvious with their bullshit and thus is is easy to call them out.

To be fair. If I was Soros and his masters? This would be my response to the Trump victory.

Killing Trump vindicates him and everything he said.
So he has to be overthrown.

The largest capital infusion into activists organizations in US history just happened. Right now they'll have marketing teams working around the clock designing aesthetics for the color revolution. People that worked in the Obama administration and bureaucracy are being funnelled into those activist organizations right now. So will people that are laid off by Trump. The groundwork for it is being laid out right now.

Again, what is your source for this? Where are you getting this information?

this, they should have pushed BEFORE things got bad for them. probably trying something like that now that they don't have the best footing would be not that bad,

be vigilant anyway, burger anons.

What more can they do aside from what the protesters have already done over the past few days though? Even with marketing teams, ex-administration and near unlimited finances what options are there for them? If they decide to riot protest more, then they will inevitably be crushed by police, if they start leaning into more extreme measures then they'll be labelled as domestic terrorists and invoke the wrath of the armed forces in its entirety. They have the backing of the biggest influencers in society already, and it hasn't worked. I don't see how them doing any of this could lead them to an overall victory of any sort.
Trump going down, despite what they might think, what be anything but a victory for them.

This. At the moment it sounds like you want anons to go stir up niggers. Provide a source for your claims.

Hasn't 'Democracy Spring' been a meme for a couple of years now? Certain (((respected human rights institutions))) have been pushing the idea since at least 2015.

Now this is 4D CHESS that I like to see.

Numbers show that with America being only about 60% white anymore, the numbers will quickly add up. Most whites are conservative.

What do you think the Arab spring was? Go back about a decade.

We need to keep mobilized in support of Trump. They will probably try to come up with a "progressive movement" or something, after all the liberal salt (but don't doubt them being disorganized, as they were completely unprepared for the Don, and not being able to do even that), but it will be a political one. And it would be a good thing as it will create a hostile "progressive" movement that hangs on to the dying "social justice rhetoric", preventing or making it harder for the opposition to come up with a reasonable candidate any time soon.

Top Kek, good fucking luck

I'm dubious on the military supporting either side.
The intelligence apparatus will definitely side against Trump though

Here's hoping they show the same level of competence and dedication to excellence that was the hallmark of the Obama Administration.


Merely complaining that there is not enough representation in the organization's leadership is enough to cause them to self-implode. Let their own rhetoric destroy them from within.

This is the easiest way to take any org down. From day one start attacking the leadership for being overwhelmingly white or (((white))). 2/3 of the leadership will have to be replaced. Also make sure to meme that it should be a woman to lead it to take on that ebil drumpf.

Women and shitskins can't run shit, just look at the clusterfuck that is the DNC. They would fall apart to infighting before it ever got anywhere.

Plus there is all the other D&C pro-life vs pro-choice sects etc.

Military would undoubtedly support Trump. The brass would be divided which would make that factor a wash and the enlisted voted Trump in heavy numbers so its clear to see which side they'd fall into.

if theres a "good" move that the enemy can make, anticipate that the enemy would make that move and be prepared to counter it before they make it

So what? What exactly is more liberal wailing going to accomplish?

Yeah. Problem is that the enlisted are heavily indoctrinated towards obedience.
It's tough to say if they'd be able to overcome their brainwashing if the brass said to oppose Trump

Soros being tied to 50+! groups that protested this weekend and his having done just this in every country where he hasn't gotten his way.

These cocksuckers are completely predictable because they do the same shit over and over again. You read their trash and watch everything, everyday for 20+ years and you can predict almost all of it.

The nutjob liberals Shlomo is trying to herd up to do his bidding have no plan. None of them do. Not only that, but there's too many of them. It's splintered as fuck. So even if they had a message and a clear one at that, they lack a path to anything and even if they got there, they have no plan. So it's like irl giant thread that keeps repeating. Think 10 Enoch threads on the street. Just a clusterfuck. They're worthless reactionaries and cry babies. Most of them are medicated out of their fucking minds. Look at that 'don't divide us' snowflake wailing wall. Just endless repeating of a kike mantra. Does it do anything? No and after a a fucking day it's already old.

So how would such a person fight back most effectively? Lets toss out some ideas that will bite our common enemies in the ass more than anything else.

1. Go out and scrounge up leftists uniforms and masks to overlay own /k/omando uniform.
2. Maybe infiltrate a few leftist scum groups to work at selecting militant targets and supporters.
3. Go around to a few nifty targets selected by how Holla Forums figures or your subverted leftest revolutionaries served up on a plate and do some rapine and pillaging while looking like color revolution faggot. Selling captured leftist supporter families or such to other subhumans for more profit could become viable at some point.
4. Use ill-begotten newfound wealth to buy more fun's, rinse off leftist scum blood and repeat till targets are all gone.
5. Even if caught at some point, you can continue to blame leftists views and such for any actions or just being falsely blamed for crimes you didn't commit cause biased and shit.

This post was clearly only for purely informational and entertainment purposes only. Nobody here advocates any kind of violence and shit. We are not leftist scum after all. It's for a book or something, yea.

I don't think so. Those color revolutions usually work because the government that has to deal with the rebellion is afraid that the US is going to send their kike army in if they properly deal with the paid rioters - this is a problem the US-government doesn't have.

The US government has the opposite problem. If they DON'T put em down the US population would end up doing it instead. The citizens of the U.S. have bough more weapons each year than the 14 largest military's (including the US government) on earth have in their arsenals combined for eight solid years.

Every year.
Think about hat.


Purple. :^)

It's fucking easy. Just grind up some datura or angel trumpet, jison weed, the like, and toss them in with som coffee and brew your pot of hallucination delierium coffee. Then pass out the coffee to the protestors. In several hours (when you'll be long gone) they will fall into a complete delirium and cause a lot of trouble for themselves.

They have to pay that much just to compete, meanwhile we memed all this for free.

This is why drugging the crowds of protestors with datura would be in our favor. There is no sanitizing that image.

Watch the shills in media and on the hill. Purple is the new warning coloration.

You must be new.
Lurk more.

In case of left v right, the government would try to stop both since it would legitimize the US government, a situation that hasn't happened since the Civil War

tangential image relation.




We have a ton of potions knowing Holla Forums we'll find things we never imagined would work to fight them.

It's a good or a bad thing for the rest of the world?

You are fucking retarded and never served. Enlisted soldiers are the most disobedient cunts. They do stupid shit that gets them smoked and even jailed if they DUI or assault a gangrape a Jap schoolgirl.

Officers are obedient little dogs. They went to university in order to be commissioned. They also have to play politics in order to move up.

Paint that revolution brown.


Get it? Make it a nigger/spic affair or just use my nerve gas so they shit themselves to death.