Kikes, Usury, Protestants, how it all started?

First they changed the definition of Usury. It is now : The act of lending money at an interest rate that is considered unreasonably high or that is higher than the rate permitted by law.
But it used to be: lending money with interest of any kind

Early forms of banking (like depository banking and currency exchange) had been practiced since 5,000 BC if not earlier. Banking was practiced in temples in Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, and Babylon. . Although small-time (((moneylenders))) might act as loan sharks despite usury bans, usury was outlawed and treated as a sin by most cultures in history. These included Indian cultures, those that practiced Buddhism, Judaism, Zoroastrism, Hinduism (but allowed to goys), Christianity, Islam…..
History tells us two things. First, that charging interest is as old as minted currency and trade itself. Second, that making money by lending it had long been viewed harshly when not banned.
It was banned everywhere at some point, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Sumeria, Byzantine empire… but what happenned exactly.

Most empires went down after leaving Kikes use Usury. I don't know about sumeria, or Egypt but Roman Empire ended with peasants enslaved by (((usury)), the next empire, Byzantine, banned jews from banking, holding posts of power (justinian code) then after hundreds of years of a great civilisation, allowed Kikes to be merchants and got rolled over in a century.
Western (christian) countries kept a ban on (Kikery), but only for christians. So what happenned. They lived (between themselves) along white people, allowed to lend money. But they were quickly chased down by people when they saw their tricks, because there we no big cities, power centralization.

When bigger cities emerged with more centralised power, the "Wealthy class" appeared, people needed money, and the Kike started to corrupt and blackmail people. They created Masonry as well as Protestantism (christanity wasn't cucked enough) , leading later to the "age of enlightment" (tolerance, free market, Human rights, etc..) Protestantism allowed Usury, more and more white people Shilled for the Kikes, england and France first then Germany. It led to the birth of USA, the french revolution, the fall of western monarchies, international Jewry, WW1, WW2 …
While the Kikes are the source of the problem, one must ban Usury at all cost.
And i'd like to remind you that Capitalism and Communism are 2 faces of the same coin, both leading to everyone owned by a ((few chosen ones)).

Other urls found in this thread:

Judaism (but allowed against goys) not hinduism


In the west, things really went to hell when Cromwell started worshiping Jews instead of worshiping Jesus.

Charging interest is to safeguard your coin. It began with the Knights Templar who invented the banking system. It was so pilgrims to the Holy Land could travel without getting robbed.
My money is kept safe in banks and various investments. It is not the work of the jew. I gain more interest than I pay, because I invest wisely.
A lot of my money is invested in precious metals. They never lose value as they're limited. Also gemstones. The diamond market is artificially inflated. Rubies, sapphires and emeralds are better.

What a bunch of bullshit. MY, I, MY money…. kike

Explain, please.

Do you not earn your own money?

When you loan money, you take a risk that it won't be paid back. You either have to compensate the lender with some interest, or face the fact that you can't get access to capital.

It's no coincidence that the end of usury laws coincided with the industrial revolution. People were able to borrow money to build machines that allowed a single worker to be far more productive, allowing wages to begin to spiral upwards and allowing anyone to be able to live better than any medieval king.

Interest is thus vital to industrial civilization. Remove it, and you won't have industrial civilization for much longer, unless you have already reached escape velocity and existing capital can cash flow future capital investments. Which it can't, because Jews are in charge of the central bank.

So fuck off with your Commie bullshit.

You do realize they can make those other gemstones artificially, just like they can diamonds, right?

If you need a value dense material that you can smuggle across borders, use bitcoin. It is infinitely value dense, and nearly impossible to confiscate. Much lower spread too.

Knight templars did not invent anything.
You need to educate yourself on how the world is enslaved by money dept.

Earning money from money is being a parasite = 0 production value.

You take the same risk, with or without interest. What is the logic in that?

Usury laws coincided with the decline of civilisations and the access of power of the kikes.

Interests can only work as part of a production value on a invest.

We're all posting in a shill thread. Do your own research on Protestants and you'll see.

Why the mods allow this shit to go on I'll never understand. But I've been searching for somewhere else to go, I'll tell you that much.

You make 10 loans, and charge 10% or 0% interest on them. At the end of the year, one person defaults. The person charging interest makes his money back. The person not charging interest does not.

This is what risk is. Do this every year and the person not charging interest will be broke very soon, and there will be no more money to lend, or even to invest in his own productive capacity. 0% interest destroys society.

They invented the banking system.

Protestants are neocohens, close to jews, supporting Israel and the Usury system.


Banking system and usury existed in antiquity retard

What are you talking about? It all started already when Rome made Christcuckery it's official religion. Reminder that Christcuckery was created and spread by exclusively Jews back in those times, it always was a Jewish psy-op to make Aryans weak.
Then, the Catholic church, run by crypto-Jews and philosemites for its entire existence, made the Jews in Europe into the continents international bankers under the guise that "Christians are not allowed to practice usury". This way, the Catholic church ensured that Jews were given all the power over Europa.

Out of all the Christian denominations, Protestantism was always the most pro-Aryan and most anti-Jew. If we look at NSDAP voting patterns, virtually ALL Catholics voted against NSDAP, and nearly all Protestants FOR NSDAP.

Both are cucked.
Sorry but neocohen are protestants.
Protestants allow usury.

You guys realize, Nationalsozialistische was against usury and banking systems but they didn't go hard enough against them?


If you support usury you support kikes….

Our financial system is perfect goyim. You need that dept you'll never be able to repay!

Good goyims also make money and defend us, perfect !

You don't have to lend money do you? If you do it it's for the profit. (being a kike)
Civilisations who banned usury had Temples doing loans for poor people, and that was "charity".

earning money from money is being a parasite kike and destroying the civilisation.

You are not forced to lend your money.

If you want more money, go to fucking work.

You're a gigantic faggot. The lender has a miniscule amount of risk compared to the borrower. That's why it's immoral, because 9/10 times the lender faces little to no risk. Take mortgages for example, the (((bank))) lends money to buy a house, the borrower buys that house and proceeds to pay the (((bank))) and if he defaults, even if he has already paid well over the value of the house, the bank acquires the house and nothing really is lost by the (((bank))), for the bank must approve that loan in the first place. There's zero risk on the (((bank))) side. This is why you faggots have been kicked out of/massacred in over 100 countries. If everyone dislikes you, It's not antisemitism, it's the way you behave.
If you want to invest in a business venture, take your time, look into it to make it will likely turn a profit, then share the risk. Borrower brings in the ideas and the legwork, the lender brings in the financial capital, and if it works out. Both people profit, but if it doesn't. Both walk away empty handed.

Wait, people are not redpilled on that? lol

So do Catholics you fucking retard. Or are you posting from the year 900?

Fuck off, Muhammad.

Everyone does now. It's not the point. But the first chistians to allow usury in europe were protestants, espcially england.

Not the one we know today you ultimate mongoloid.

Haha, you got BTFO you dirty kike.

Because templar banking system was international jewry right

But that is objectively wrong. Again, the first Christians to allow usury in Europe were Catholics, because they allowed Jews to practice usury. This happened about 900 years before Protestantism was created you retard.

and? That's why i wrote in the OP. But at least they had to identify as jews to do it.
I didn't say Christians weren't cucked, i said protestants were even more.
And they allied with jews, helped them get in power.

Yes, but objectively speaking you are wrong, because OBJECTIVELY speaking, Protestants are the least cucked Christians, and always have been. Catholics have by far been the most loyal servants of the Jewry throughout history.

No matter what your opinion is, what I said are the actual facts of the matter here, whether you want to delude yourself otherwise or not.

And I already mentioned this before, but Catholicucks protest voted against NSDAP because of how much they love the Jews. It was all thanks to the Protestants and others that NSDAP won.

Btw i'm not talking about Lutherians (do they even exist anymore?) since they were anti kikes and anti usury (germany..) .

Read Barren Metal from E Michael Jones.

Lutherans are Protestant. Also, there are essentially zero other Christian demographics in my country Finland than Lutherans. So yes, Lutherans are the vast majority on such a scale in several northern countries, that they are actually the only Christian demographic in these Nordic countries.

You just keep rooting yourself out Shlomo.

I don't much much about the divisions, all i know is they supported the jews, supported usury and are supporting Israel today

Tell me, you support Usury and Israel right? Because that's why protestants do

Not a Protestant myself, I'm not a Christcuck and do not approve of Christcuckery. It is a Jewish cult that ruined our ancestral homeland already two thousand years ago.

But I am just rooting out Catholikikes like you, since you two seem to be under the delusion that Catholicism is not THE MOST cucked sect of Christcuckery. It always was and still is. This is just a fact. You seem pretty butthurt about this truth since you made a thread where you try to blame Protestants for the crimes of Catholics.

In fact, without Catholics, there would not even be any Jews in Europa. You were the ones who let them in and tolerated them.

What about american evangelicals?

Yes that's true. As much as Catholics are cucked, Protestants are even more. They are just a schism of it.
Whatever happenned, or not the main point was usury anyway, they cucked every christians in the end and got to their goal.
Whoever shilled for them is not the problem, it wasn't the average citizen.

No, we already went over how Catholics are the most cucked Christians. This is a fact. Even today in Europe, Protestants are far less tolerant of Jews than Catholicucks.

But in the end, Christianity as a whole has to burn and perish for the Aryan race to prosper again.

Nah kikes and usury has to perish or at least get far away from us ;) You got your priority list wrong

I don't recall listing my priorities you kike. Point out the part where I said getting rid of Christcuckery is the most important part? I can't find it anywhere, help me look for the part where I said that. Well? Oh wait, I NEVER SAID THAT AND YOU'RE A STRAWMANNING JEW.

Christian Zionist is exclusively from protestants tho ;)

Do you know that more than half of all is owned by kikes (media, banks, insurrences;..) and the other half by zionist protestants? Like the rockefeller.

They sure made great allies there centuries.

Exclusively in America. No such Christian Zionist movements exist in Europa, mind you. And you are only talking about Church organized movements. Virtually all Catholicucks in both USA and Europe are as individuals also Zionists.

Do you know that the Catholic church and the Vatican have been allies of the Jewry for 2 000 years? They sure made great allies for several millenia.

Yet all it took is a few centuries with masons and protestant to rule the world and make their ethnostate. Strange that the protestantism happenned the same time of the creation of free massony, and century later they would overtake everything. (((coincidence))).>>8879478

Convenient lie there Pope Francis, but the truth is they didn't "overtake everything" because all the power is in the hands of the Jewry. The Jews created Christianity as a tool to control the Aryan masses, and Catholicism has always been their primary tool for this. Protestantism was at least born as a counter reaction by the Aryans, against the Jewish tricks of the Catholic church. Protestantism was only subverted much later.

So if you cannot admit that logically speaking, Catholicism has for its entire 2000 year existence been a tool of the Jewry, and that Protestantism was the fight against that Jewry, then you have outed yourself Shlomo.

Rome had little choice but to adopt another religion.
Resources were scarcer than they once were for them and Roman traditional religious rites had over the years become far too complex and demanding in terms of resources.
The priesthood was also taking up way too much manpower especially the high quality manpower needed in civil administration, engineering and the military.

Christianity was just lucky enough to be there, relatively tame and above all extremely frugal in its rites.
This was before the catholic obsession with making everything out of gold and jewels came along.

I don't know much about how catholicism was in the past, but I can tell you right now that it's been fucked ever since they elected (((John XXXIII))) as pope.

pajeets tend to be pretty based, both hindus and sikhs

The interest rate is just the price of money now in terms of money later. Interest is a natural part of the economy that facilitates capital accumulation (wealth creation).

The "usury" charge against the kikes is one of the very few laid against them that is actually bullshit.

The real Jewish financial scams are public debt and fractional reserve banking (a.k.a. legalized Ponzi schemes).

what about the inquisition

Go shit in the street.

i'm sorry, did i trigger you mahnoor?

That is wrong you historically ignorant cunt. Sure the Catholic countries allowed Jews to practice usury within it's border by turning a blind eye, but Calvin was the first one to defend usury, which is why Jews from all over fled from the inquisition and headed toward Calvinist territory. Calvin even set up his state so that Jews could openly practice their faith, but Catholics could not, they accepted Jews but not Catholics. Why? Because they were judaizers that wanted to revert to the Old law. That's why Calvin forbid drinking, dancing, and made church attendance mandatory. Because he preferred control from without to control from within. The Old Testament over the New testament. Why do you think so many of the (((people))) who owned printing presses assisted in printing and distributing (((Protestant))) bibles?

But look historically at Catholic Countries and you'll find that Sicut Judaeis Non was the stance, Jews weren't allowed to practice their faith in public, or hold positions of public office. They were heavily restricted because those who practiced Judaism were morally bankrupt.It wasn't till Napoleon (who Jews saw as a messiah) because they recieved rights at the (((French Revolution))).

You want traditional Catholic teaching on the Jews? Here.

Of course they did. Hitler wasn't Christian. He openly said he was, but didn't act like it at all. Racial theories in the sense that you are terrible and will never amount to anything because you have certain biological characteristics are not compatible with Christianity. Christianity is concerned with behaviour, not racial characteristics. Racial theories are characteristic of the jew. Jews are only concerned if you're a member of the tribe. Christians are concerned with not only how you behave but why. That's why Hitler was rejected by Catholics, because Nazism is Inversed Judaism.

Luther was an emotional child whose opinions went to both extremes. Earlier in life he advocating for giving them more rights. He basically said "Muh poor Jews, they've been treated so bad and they only act bad because we treat them bad. So we need to be nice to jews."

If you really want me to find the direct quote I will it might just take me 15 mins.

Nice strawman, faggot. This isn't an either/or situation. You can remove the kikes and still have it so that old people can draw interest on their savings to live, and businessmen can get money to start new businesses.

Those civilizations were impoverished shit heaps. Also

There are more classes of people than jews and retarded nigger pygmies in this world.

Try not to be less intelligent than a nigger. If the guy taking the loan defaults before he has paid off the principle, or if there is a housing market collapse, etc, then they lose BIG. The reasons you noted do REDUCE the risk, but not to fucking ZERO. That is why mortgages are lower interest than signature loans.

Tyrone doesn't understand this because he's a stupid nigger. Why are you incapable of understanding it? Are YOU a stupid nigger too, user?

Yes , Hitler and everyone was wrong about jewish laundery.

What board is this?

Sorry wasn't means to be a reply to you.

But Legalized ponzi shchemes etc is only a natural following of usury.

Anything that makes money without productive value(aka real work) is bad and is kikery. It makes rich richer by lending to the poor ans eslaving them. There is a reason it was banned everywhere.

Why do you think Judaism forbids usury against other jews but allows it to destroy other nations (from talmud you can find it)

In a market Jewed inside and out?
How would that even happen?

Only if the bank is grossly negligent or reckless can it lose money, by not examining who they're lending to. The worst case for the bank, they get the home + the downpayment, then every payment after that adds to their coffers until default. Whereas the borrower ends up penniless and homeless. The problem with lending money is the uneven risk sharing.

How is the bitcoin meme still a thing?
Its been all jewed up from moment one

Oy vey! It is a fee for a service.

We live under a system in which every dollar printed has costs involved to create and start off with interest "owed" on it.
Print a second dollar and the interest grows. Even if you use the second dollar to pay the interest of the first, there is still money "owed" on that second dollar and a need to print more money to cover that "owed" cost, and at interest once again. Do you see the downward spiral created by the jew yet, nigger?

Read the first part of Bagavad Gita. A guy is ready to kill the opposing army but breaks down because he sees people he respects and grew up with in the other army. He is stuck between losing by losing these valued people or by losing by just not fighting. The god KRSNA tells him that if he doesn't fight he will be called a and be known as a coward, even if he stayed his hand because of his bleeding heart. They would say he retreated - and that is worse than death.

Lose your job, can't pay the mortgage. If you can't see this very basic risk, you have no business dictating what people can and can't do with their money.

Yes, as in, offering the grossly negligent interest rate of ZERO PERCENT which offers literally no upside, yet the morons in this thread seem to demand.

Demanding zero percent interest loans is LITERALLY kike tier behavior. LITERALLY. As in, kikes set the interest rate at zero, or even NEGATIVE!

Empiricism trumps claims of kikery. People use it to bypass currency controls every single day, and have for years now.

The value of precious metals and gemstones constantly changes

They didn't practice usury, dumbass

You're a fucking retard. Do you even understand how the monetary system works?

Make the state the only lender. Problem solved.

That's what Americans were fooled into believing was the case with the Fed. Reserve. That lending would be done by the state. Instead, money-making ability (lending) was bought by private banks who then amassed more cash, etc.


This user is right you faggot. The problem with usury is "full recourse loans "
. Banks should have to share the risk of they lend.

National Socialist was wrong, we shouid accept usury (kikery). That's what you are saying?

https ://

Maybe you should educate yourself, National -socialism is both anti-capitalist and anti-communist.

The reich didn't but all stock-exchanges (as it was supposed to do) it it was stricctly a state affair.


Why aren't you on cuck/pol/ then? :'^)

Papist, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).


I've never lended anyone money with interests whatsoever.

As a matter of fact, usually i just pardon the loan, if its by a friend.

But on the other hand, I'm not jewish.



kikes always kike


You missed the part where ERE banned kikery for nearly all of its history.

If you actually read history of 1st century Judea you'd find that kikes were loansharking even other kikes and driving them into poverty. All this nonsense about jews never harming other jews and having a strong sense of kinship and brotherhood is horseshit, the jew in reality is so despicable he will sell his own mother for a penny.

^ this

Thank you for your lecture Rabbi.

There, I see the answer.

The decline begins when leaders decide they love money (an invention of man) more than their own people.
