How's our plans of shitting on the aut-right going so far?
How's our plans of shitting on the aut-right going so far?
We don't really need to do anything.
They're kind of a joke on their own.
Its going great, the goyim have no idea
they already have mainstream audience and a successful candidate they're a serious threat
candidate to what?
you are implying the politicos playing role has anything to do with their intentions or with the interests they represent.
That would be like saying bern si a "socialist" candidate or hillary is a "socialist" candidate.
No they are not, they are ruling class and face puppets.
neo-Holla Forums is pretty much the alt-right itself
This one politician is it's own pupetmaster.
Fuck off Holla Forums, you're less important than you're desperate to believe.
No, they're being exploited by opportunists out to make a quick buck off their stupidity. Those opportunists have a mainstream audience.
No, Trump is a moderate who says offensive things and the alt-right just memes a lot about him, but memeing about someone doesn't mean they take you seriously, know about you, or would even care.
Pretty good, talked to Hill-dog's PR-team yesterday, seems palindrome man will be releasing more founds for the internet campaign, expect cents per post to break the dollar. Nero reports the fires are rising as planed. You know what to do.
You know those bumper stickers are made by a homophobic Christian fundamentalist right? Do not line his pockets you idiots.
they shit on themselves whenever they speak
Well the plan is that you go to /gulag/ and serve 10 years. How does that sound?
The only people who think the alt-right is a serious threat are the alt-right. To everyone else, they're like a drunk homeless man staggering around the park. The only attention they're being given is the sort of "what will he do next?" attention where people are waiting to see what inane drivel they'll slur out next and when they'll finally pass out under a bench.
his presidency would be exactly like bush
We need more jews and acult shit.
Deal with liberalism first.
I actually think we do. Taking a stab at individual porkys to highlight the absurdities in the current system. People hear about Soros and shit, and they don't like it, Holla Forums then tries to convince them the problem is the Jew, but that's really stupid so mostly normalfags reject it.
Our best bet is to take down Bill Gates I think, that fucker is the poster boy of altruistic capitalism, and the illusion of benevolent capitalism is our greatest enemy. But we should also target the Rothschilds and other aristocrats that need to go. While stressing that their removal will only leave another to rise if the system is not changed.
Theory sticks to most proles like water to glass, but they know right from wrong when it's shown to them.
Was to this
No he isn't. Chump has a hand up his ass just like everybody else with any power, and if he doesn't he'll fall into line on the offchance he isn't throwing the election like Kerry did for Bush Jr. in 04.
Yogapig is a faggot.
Yeah, like, you know, expanding the standard of living for people in poverty to the highest point in human history, increasing the average human lifespan, inventing and proliferating life-saving technologies around the world, and giving a path for the most disadvantaged to become as wealthy as they desire by providing value to others.
Capitalism is the single greatest story in human achievement. Through the rising tide, all boats are lifted. Free-association market agents are the most moral, and most efficient path to ending resource scarcity forever through peak efficiency, automation/machine learning, and reducing the cost of energy to almost zero.
People point at resource inequality as injustice. This is a misconception born from the compulsion, this endless human predisposition to dualistic thinking which colors every question in shades of opressors and victims. Look at what has happened to the purchasing power: in 80 years, a mildly successful small business entrepreneur will be able to feed and home 1,000 people as easily as he can buy a new TV. Wealth inequality is the measurement by which we can see Smith's dead hand pulling us out of scarcity and into abundance.
That is, if the manipulation of fiat currency by syrup-tongued vampires can be prevented – these who seek the path of least resistance, by extracting value through destruction, not creation. Vampires, who seek to manipulate incentives to redirect these coursing rivers of progress to irrigate their poison crops. They dam, dilute, and redirect this spontaneous downhill flow towards freedom from resource constraints, so that they can have their cake without baking.
Nothing wrong with some beauty liking some beast.
I say we challenge them to take DNA ancestry tests. That will take out some of them.
please do. eventually you will come to the realization that they are overwhelmingly jewish.
Most of these things came from scientific and technological advancements that had little if anything to do with Capitalism. People will do research and fuck around out of plain curiousity. If anything, Capitalism works against this by keeping countless people chained to dead-end jobs for most of their lives when they could be fucking around and creating western civilization. And it's not like porky invests in anything that isn't in his personal short-term interests.
More like evicting them from their land and enclosing their commons so they can be kept chained to a cotton mill for 12 hours a day. And when they fight and die in droves for a minimum wage, patting yourself on the back for your boundless altruism.
The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews.
-Karl Marx
Christians and Chinamen are out jewing vanilla Jews every day, you will never be rid of the Jew as long as you nurture a system that rewards Jewish behavior.