It’s so typical to have traitors within the ranks, which only leaves everyone pointing fingers and second-guessing each other, while in the meantime making no forward progress. It’s an insidious but very effective tactic. I think it was Cicero who made the famous quote about how the traitor is far more dangerous than standing armies because he never marches up to the gate and makes himself known.
Having said that, it’s important to know who the traitors are. While one can never be absolutely sure, I use a few litmus tests that seem to work pretty well. Any person or website that fails them are either too ignorant of current events and history to be taken as a serious source, or purposely spreading NWO memes because they’re shills. In either case, they should be abandoned and outed in other forums IF:
1. They use WW2 terms such as Nazi, Hitler, Fascist, etc. as pejoratives. For example, “Hitlery” for Hillary. This only serves to subconsciously reinforce the NWO narrative of WW2 events that work in the globalists’ favor. Any legitimate site or spokesperson would know better than this.
2. They misdirect readers/listeners as to the real cause of world problems. They never take it right to the core, but focus on effects rather than the cause. In this case, they focus solely on Muslims. Yes, Muslims (and mass Third World immigration) are a huge problem at present, but they are only the effect. We all know the cause of forced immigration, manipulated financial markets, devaluation of currencies, disappearance of national borders, war, destruction of culture, racial agitation, etc. is international Jewry. Anyone who is not able to say the J-word, but instead constantly focuses attention on “Muslims”, “Liberals”, “Feminists” or any other group is intentionally misdirecting their audience. Are you listening Jared Taylor of American Renaissance? The guy will never say the J-word, just like Alex Jones.
3. They play Good Jew / Bad Jew and talk about “Zionists” vs. Jews. They regularly feature these people on their shows and/or publish their content, such as Gilad Atzmon, Norman Finkelstein, David Cole, Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, Mark Steyn and others. Red Ice Radio and Veteran’s Today do this a lot, along with Rebel Media.
4. The site or agency is owned and operated by Jews or Jewish subsidiaries, like Breitbart and Rebel Media. I can’t believe how many sites draw source material from and link back to these two sites alone.
While no one’s heart and mind can be truly known, this is the best way I’ve found to weed out many of the BS-ers. In the end, I give NO money to any of them because you can never really know who you’re dealing with.