Has anyone noticed that since the press conference their has been a concerted effort to mock Trumps Inauguration attendance. All over halfchan, mostly halfchan's Holla Forums and even their Holla Forums is filled with those posts. All of plebbit is too, I thibk I've noticed a couple posts about here too. And of course Holla Forums is making fun of it too. Was the press conference a backfire or is there some actual organized liberal retaliation against it? How long will this last?
Has anyone noticed that since the press conference their has been a concerted effort to mock Trumps Inauguration...
is this picture for ants?
Mistakes were made
50% of D.C. is niggers and there was barely any there.
Try looking at Bush's and comparing.
How about that.
op admits picture is for ants.
of you are an ant foggot
Unless a real outlet (not Vox, not CNN, not any anti-Trump outlets) report it, it should not be responded or initiated upon by Trump's press. Of course, the press person needs to be aware of these things, but they should not be initiating on memes - or else they end up legitimizing the craziness of the Anti-Trump press and shit like Hillary talking about a cartoon frog.
Basically, they need to be careful to not respond to memes seriously until it is 'legit'. This is exactly what the other administrations did. This is what will drive the left fucking crazy. So, let this be a learning experience.
I thought it started at noon?
Trump voters have to work, so who gives a fuck?
Typical man. Being enraged by false reports about size.
Trump knows what he's doing. His stirring the hornet's nest. On Twitter, journos are hitting him, former press secys are talking shit, they're all going crazy. He's a counterpuncher, but like any good counterpuncher, he knows the value of the taunt.
until Trump keeps his promise and tightens the libel laws
One indicator of crowd size — although it doesn’t tell the whole story — is the number of trips taken on D.C.’s Metro system.
As of 11 a.m. on Inauguration Day, Metro said it had recorded 193,000 trips. That’s about on par with the number of trips taken for President George W. Bush’s second inauguration in 2005. In 2013 during Obama’s second inauguration, the system had recorded about 317,000 trips. During Obama’s record-setting 2009 inauguration, the system had recorded 513,000 Metro trips by 11 a.m.
Weren't they paying for people to show up?
you guys forget its a shitty weather rainy day.
+majority of people who voted for trump have a job
obamas people are bums, welfare niggers or homo cucks who cant wait to have an excuse to slack off work
All I wanna know is what on earth did we do to our cameras in the past 8 years?!
Pure psyop. It's not even the same building.
sure have been a lot of 'demoralization' threads lately. nice try, rabbi.
11:30 during a business day? All the conservatives are at work, liberals have plenty of time considering they live off welfare.
its really a simple explanation
It was raining that day probably why shit is blurry and could also be why not as huge as a turn out. also niggers not coming out for king nigger. also hard-working trump supporters at work and too busy to go the inauguration.
Rain fucks with the focus.
I recall them paying to have people show up. Or there were tickets or something.
Keep in mind that most of the people who went to the Trump inauguration would of been people from out of town while most people who went to Obamas were the local negros
Has noone realized how Trump controls the public discourse through the press yet?
If this is the primary focus of most Americans, including journokikes, what other events aren't getting coverage?
it's obvious when you realize what major executive action is about to be signed
It was a cruddy rainy day. DC has the highest unemployment rate in the country for blacks so the Jobless had all the time in the world to show up during a morning with nice weather for the inauguration of the first black president.
Most of the people who went to the Trump inauguration would have been people from out of town while most people who went to Obamas were the local blacks.
T-that l-last l-line w-was a-almost i-identical t-to m-mine
Are you sure that first one isn't the 8:39am pic?
Obama's inauguration was bigger, and getting defensive about it is what the leftists want. There's a number of good reasons why that's the case already ITT. It doesn't mean shit. Trump will keep doing good things, already killed the TPP, and they'll keep bitching about it.
Trump has the power to stop "fake news" now. Whatever he's playing it'll be amusing.
Who cares about the normalfag circuses?
does it have to do with israel?
Trump has very very jewish lawyers working for him. The most jewish lawyers in NYC, and therefore the world. These jews have very high verbal intelligence and autisticly apply their talentto subverting the laws of America. Trump's jewish lawyers are very good at thinking outside the box. Trump will sue CNN for libel. It will go to SCOTUS as a first amendment case.
You have to ask? But this is Trump fucking with the media some more since now, this is all the media will report as well as Trump's administration's response, instead of something of substance or anything he actually does. As it stands now, he could nuke Mexico and all the media will be talking about is the inauguration attendance, something the media has gone full lugenpresse on, ignoring the fact that there were protestors preventing people from attending on the ground, ignoring the fact that many of the local residents of DC did not turn up since many did not vote for Trump, ignoring the fact that livestreaming is a more common thing now than before and thus more people watched at home, ignoring that people were at work, and so on.
In any case, I look forward to the media blaming him for their coverage over this issue or claiming he caused another distraction when it turns out he did something important but they missed it because they were being the predictable mongrels that they are.
Does he need to sue them? Obama and his ilk stupidly signed over a bunch of power to themselves to stop fake news but ended up giving this power to Trump now. I don't think he will hit at them right away since Trump seems to prefer making people bend knee but in the end, he can fuck them over. The anti-Russia hysteria they caused can be used even more to fuck them over. Probably why the media has suddenly backed away from it.
Skip to 1:15:00. Bring popcorn.
Nobody of any consequence.
Fuck off back there.
And because none of them have to be at work on a Friday morning.
What time were both the pictures taken? The trump one could have been taken hours before anything actually happened and before the real crowds turned up.
It will go on for the next four years. Liberals have no shame. They never admit fault. They will double down then double down again.
I think PBS was the source on this. They're salt because they will have to finally compete. No long will be they be able to broadcast leftist faggotry while suckling the teet of government.
The attendance thing was their doing as a result of all the announcements about violence. Which turned out to be fake news. There were more reporters then protesters in some parts.
Anyway it's pety shit. They're fucking children. Reactionary bitches with no message let alone a coherent one. Just look at the smelly vagoo march yesterday. Nothing but, 'muh vagina' from a bunch of cows that dried up decades ago. Trump has no plans to try and change the law. He said that months ago but these fuckers just ignore it. It's mental illness. They tell themselves these stories because they have to. Otherwise, they would have to live with the knowledge, that they're LIARS.
Every move Trump makes the media will attempt to undermine him. Wait until the next terror attack and watch them blame it on Trump.
that's a lie.
Even CNN's own uploads show they're full of shit.
The line is at full capacity.
Flooding the National Mall with niggers isn't "attendance".
More people protesting Trump were in DC than people who supported him. It's over. The sleeping beast has been awakened.
oh really and who is that
Exactly, and DC voted against Trump like 95%, so the entire fucking population is already anti-Trump. So in 2009 it would have been much easier to have large crowds for King Nigger, since the 90%+ of the people that live there already voted for him.
Truth checked
The left has finally woken up and realized the culture war is back on. All around the world they're rallying. The protest on the day of inauguration was the largest protest in all of American history.
Onigger's second inauguration was on a tuesday, but niggers don't work any day of the week so same difference.
Pretty much this. It's a shocking display of racism, intolerance and lack of patriotism from the gibsmedat part of the country.
'09 attendees didn't have to deal with hordes of paid protestors blocking off major roads.
No, but "their" will be a concentrated effort to mock your post.
Bullshit faggot. The Iraq war protest drew in millions, before social media was in every normies hands too.
Football draws large crowds too, but is worthless. Are we really caring about muh size now?
Omg this is like literally the issue of like the year guys! This is like really important. Why wont the media validate me xd. I like need attention or my job wasnt like worth it. Will somebody like literally please pay attention to me?
Fucking niggers and jews. It must be then.
Dude move the fuck on. You all look so fucking pathetic.
What are you on about, nigger?
Don't you mean next 8?
Nice dubs, by the way.
Attendance was low because we have jobs. I live in Baltimore and didn't go, though it would have been very easy too.
From what I'm reading, the viewership set record numbers if you factor in internet streams.
Badly done panorama
No one ever cared about inauguration crowd size before.
But das rascist you dirty leftist da MLK March was da largest in American History. By the way you sound like a leftcuck.
Most of obama's crowd were local niggers (who can't even vote due to felonies) and the tea party.
Holla Forums still trying to defend this.Kek
If commie kikes are known for one thing it is accurate numbers. Right, Hiram?
And you know what's funny the largest protest in American history will be forgotten in a week.
Sounds like someone's jimmies are getting rustled.
not an argument.
Did somebody say smug anime girls?
Actually it is he is saying those numbers are exaggerated by people who want to benefit. 3.3 to 4.2 million basicallly means we have no idea how many people protested but we are sure it is a lot. They kept saying a million people were protesting in DC but every time they showed them it only looked like a thousand at best.
I don't think you know how arguments work.
I attended the inauguration, and I can tell you, there was most certainly not as many people as obamas. But, I can tell you this, there seemed to be a purposeful manipulation in the way the event had been set up in order to make pictures like these.
The main issue with this picture is that there were only screens to view them on the right side of the Mall, and there was only 2. If you wanted to watch you had to huddle close on they were both only on the right side. It's funny because that makes it so if you make a side by side, like the picture there, the left side is going to be less populated. Seemed planned in advanced for this kind of narrative. I don't know I'm just seeing Jewish tricks everywhere now.
The pic (((they're))) claiming was the full attendance is from two hours before the event began. Everyone saw the massive crowd during the live broadcast, but apparently liberals are fine with completely dismissing their own memories if the lugenpresse tells them so.
Here user your image wasn't normie-fied enough
DC is filled with blacks. They all came to see da firs blag presdent.
Most people just watched online or on TV.
What to speak of all the cult like Obama worshiping white womyn came a day late.
Your numbers disagree with you Chaim
It is just more attempts to delegitimize Trump any way possible. Press conference is fine, lie to the people, tell them you're lying, surkov strategy. Get the opposition to work themselves into a rage and make fools of themselves.
No, the Civil War was.
Front page of CNN right now… "alternative facts".
not just DC but also the suburbs in maryland are black as fuck. they were bussing in nigras from prince george's county in 2008 and 2012.
real inauguration pic
Sweet resolution. Where'd you get that?
/k/ I think
Also, here's NBC CBS and ABC video from their own youtube accounts showing the mall full of people:
Found what is probably source image. Still has the EXIF in it.
Is anyone else seeing this shit?
I zoomed in and noticed some strange pixels I know.
So I decided to draw a line out of those pixels since they formed parallel lines. And they touched the straight lines of landmarks on the side precisely.
Especially that building bottom right where they got all the necessary points.
The fuck am I looking at?
Compression artifacts, most likely. I'm not an expert though.
You mean that wasn't a Trump victory parade that all the legbeards went to?
There is a video which is supposedly of the inauguration.
youtu be/PdantUf5tXg
The video shows the last segment of the mall before the monument being completely empty. The pictures do not.
THEREFORE, the video must have been from some prior event.
I don't know much about D.C. geography, but there has to be something. Some building that is missing which was constructed recently. Maybe a building that is present which was torn down recently. Some detail in the prepared grandstand. Something. The video presented as evidence and the actual event are very, very clearly two different days – AND WE NEED TO PROVE THAT.
Fuck it, while they focus on retarded shit, Trump is hard at work destroying them.
use your brain
I am trying but it's hard.
But no seriously, go watch the video. That's where they're getting the image for the comparison. It wasn't a picture taken earlier in the day, it's a picture from a completely different event. This is the only way to explain the discrepancies.
I wonder if there are uploads of Bush inaugurations anywhere on the internet.
It's the same event, just earlier in the day.
Why even do your inauguration at this ungrateful place ?
Nigger, watch the fucking video.
youtu be/PdantUf5tXg
The video shows the crowd dispersing before it reaches the quantity of people shown in
It categorically CANNOT BE the same event.
What about perspective?
They cut and pasted that shit
The video shows the final block before the monument being completely empty. The pictures do not. No amount of perspective is going to change that.
I'm still pissed off at Conway for that. What the hell was she even thinking saying that? She made herself look like a clueless moron.
You can't see it
Welcome back from your 2 years completely off the grid. Now sit back and enjoy the total media bloodshed in the next few weeks.
I'm talking about the one in front of the building, not the one behind it. And you can see that block in the still images. There are people in that block.
Count the white gazebo/tent things on either side. There are 4 along the left side on the overhead shot. Can you see the 4th one in the low angle shot? Not really, so it's hard to see if there are people in the last block or not, there's just a white strip.
Look at and tell me again that you can't see the crowd all the way up to the building. Some people are standing directly in front of the windows for crying out loud. This isn't perspective, this is bullshit.
That said, another theory has been put forward that the timelapse video is of the inauguration but the hour of the inauguration has been cut. There's a very obvious jump cut at 0:46 of the video. That cut could jump possibly hours of footage showing the filling and then emptying of the back blocks. In which case my theory that the video is of a different event would be false.
I don't think he does, they wont admit they're wrong up until the moment Trump wins re-election, then it might take them a while to realize after that they really fucked up, but I wouldn't bet on it.
At first glance the 2009 photo appears to be darker than the 2017 due to poor picture quality, but then you realize it's because one has niggers and the other doesn't.
No I think it's just different lighting, the Obama one has darker shadows.
That image is more convincing and does indicate that more people came in after that overhead shot was taken. Yeah I think that maybe the timelapse is missing a chunk of time, possibly to make it look worse than it is.