I posted this on 4chan but it isn't getting much attention.
With the Women's March shit going on, there's a lot of talk about Planned Parenthood. I'm rather ignorant about how healthcare works in this country, but I'm looking for serious thoughts on the issue of whether or not the government should fund PP, but more focused on the economics and not the morality of abortion. Pros and cons. It seems to me that if it's defunded, all the same services could still probably be offered by local clinics, with more freedom to compete with one another. There seems to be a huge contention regarding poor women having access to the resources though. By extension, how should government treat healthcare? Should it be a right of every citizen?
You get sick You go to a doctor And you fucking pay him
Grayson Thompson
By enforcing the contracts private citizens voluntarily enter into with one another
Go fuck yourself you dirty commie fuck
Carson Morris
Justin Williams
For a start, it would be nice if they didn't decimate my tax return with penalties for not having insurance for half the year. I can't believe this shit, hopefully it's gone next year.
Ryder Robinson
nothing infuriates me more than someone telling someone to calm down
Adam Mitchell
I didn't imply that I believe it's a right, because I don't. I'm just trying to be open to different arguments that I won't hear from normies.
I get it.
Noah Gray
Healthcare artificially costs way too much.
Charles Cox
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Why are Murrifats so simple about this? Are your lolbertarian principles worth more than the quality of the society you live in? It's very much possible to offer healthcare for everybody in a way that still promotes personal responsibility, competition and high quality. Look no further than the Swiss model. It's obviously superior.
On Holla Forums it has nothing to do with the general state of health care in the US. I'm sure Holla Forums would be perfectly happy giving European style healthcare TO WHITES ONLY.
Notice the difference?
Dominic Carter
If the government committed to fully subsidizing abortion services for all those beneath a certain income level, the program would pay for itself and start making a profit within the first 5-10 years by reducing welfare payouts and tax breaks for the lowest classes of society. Within two decades the racial demographics issue would be fully resolved.
Aiden Kelly
Aren't Trump going to remove non-whites? Atleast the spics?
Michael King
Ever hear of "the more corrupt the state the more numerous the laws" ? There is no reason any man should be compelled by the state to make a choice about his own health/well being. Don't you think that if everyone HAS to buy healthcare because of the law it will drive healthcare costs up? You are artificially creating demand. I know plenty of 20-30 year olds who would not touch healthcare EVEN if you think they should.
Fuck off he said he didn't want to make this about abortions
Andrew Morgan
Trump can't deport citizens. We have a lot of non-White citizens.
Jose Long
I used to do IT work for hospitals and doctor's offices. It's amazing how they waste money.
Jaxson Evans
Take your Swiss model and stick it up your AIDS canal
Isaac Lee
I'm pro Abortion. It's our last line of Eugenics.
Dominic Thomas
American Healthcare is way more expensive than European though.
Well that sucks. So what's the plan for that? I guess we're lucky that most of our shitskins actually aren't citizens yet.
Nathaniel Hill
that's not how it works around here LURK MORE
Christian Clark
I don't want to make it about the morality of abortion, or the eugenics side. Basically, if I'm talking to a normie who's convinced that PP is her and other poor women's be-all-end-all to reproductive health/abortion services, all of which is included in her "right to her own body," how would I convince her otherwise besides saying "Just don't get pregnant, abortion is murder"?
Austin Sullivan
Justin Powell
Switzerland is the size of a postage stamp compared to the US. They also have 8.2 million people, compared to ~330 million in the US. Plus, Switzerland doesn't have more than 40 million illegal beaners and 30 million niggers who are mostly on welfare using all the services that mostly whites pay for. It's apples and oranges. Obama said he was going to institute all that shit, and all that happened was that the IRS started punishing people if they didn't buy health insurance.
It is though. Your healthcare system is fucking awful and extremely inefficient.
So have the states individually take care of it or something then. I agree the non-whites could be a problem but the main goal should be to get rid of them all first then.
Chase Campbell
That is from corruption. Why would I want to give those same healthcare providers/insurer MORE power from the state?
Jace Fisher
That entire list of top 10 countries didn't have a medium-sized african nation living inside its border like us.
Owen Allen
I'm English and know nothing of 'planned parenthood'. We have family planning here. It's free contraceptives. I have two children and they are well looked after. My wife makes sure that they have good food and wake up on time for school. She also keeps good house. I pay the bills,do the gardening, provide a home, work, and fix things. Traditional values have been eroded partly by feminism and 'progressive' morals. Women need a man to be a provider and protector. It's biology and natural order.
Eli Edwards
Straight up no chaser. Sanger had the right idea. It goes like this; It is cheaper for society to pay for abortions because. a. a poor mother has a large chance of raising a poor child due to economic opportunity b. a mother who doesn't want the child is more likely to produce a child that will be a net drain on society So… a few thousand for an abortion vs a lifetime welfare leech. A woman who is determined to keep her child will find a way to make it work. A woman who either can't make it work or who doesn't want the child… And here's the kicker on abortion vs anti-abortion. If you think abortion is murder and you want it to be illegal shouldn't both conspiritors be jailed? The doctor who did it and woman as well?
Joseph Morales
Would it be better, worse, or inconsequential for it to be left to local clinics that are funded by the state, rather than have a large, centralized, federally-funded organization like PP?
Jacob Wood
Depends on how it goes down. If federal funds are cut it just means they can't get money from the Feds. States can choose whether to fund it (I think it's either under the Medicaid program or something else). States and local charity/medical services could fill the gap if they want. PP does give out a lot of gibs to poor people (read niggers, spics, degenerate whores) and it's hard to reason with someone when they're losing their gibs. It's like explaining to a child that no, they can't have their cake and eat it too. No kid wants to hear that.
Luis Wright
Thanks. How about this? Would it be better to fund at a state level, or does it even make a difference?
Isaac Reed
Brandon Miller
I like how this is a radical position for you.
Chase Allen
Are you expecting an actual debate in this echo chamber? Better go to elsewhere for that, people here just parrot the party line.
Eli James
Our healthcare system is heavily socialized as it is. I mean crazy like. Medicare/aid (poor/old/disabled) is yuuuuuge. Plus hospitals must treat. The problem is the complete fuckery our government has layered on over years and never fixed. They keep wanting to socialize costs without ever addressing structural problems, personal responsibility issues, and most importantly risk. Onigger care disconnected our insurance system from risk to a great degree (esp. With forcing insurance coverage of non-qualifying and negating upcharge of our existing conditions, that's a role for gov system that does not rely on risk), it trashed personal responsibility, and sold out to big pharma.
Example: Must cover birthcontrol pills = naked woman vote buy, socialization of a personal want not a medical need, pharma can charge fuckall because must cover hurts price negotiation (not like it helps with current structures)
Julian Perry
I bet if the cost of taking care of shot shitskins, junkie overdoses, beaten shitskin women, and mexican slut pregnancies were taken out, health insurance would be $20 a month.
Joseph Myers
Federal funds aren't used for abortion. So the anti-abortion argument regarding federal funding of PP is pointless.
That aside, PP does mostly good things. Mainly things for women's health. But also general support for families.
But it's not all definitively good. Many would argue that providing free contraceptives destroys the family unit and encourages affairs.
This is misleading. It might be true, since PP is one of the few places women can still legally get abortions. But abortions still only make up about 3% of the services that PP provides. 97% of their services are not related to abortion. The small numbers for the other cancer screening services is because those medical services are offered virtually everywhere.
Eli Hall
On one hand, I don't think the government should be paying for birth control and abortions. On the other hand, it's primarily liberal trash and non-whites that make use of those services and it's best if they don't reproduce.
Josiah Nguyen
Sure, but I'm wondering if the same services could be offered, subsidized, and possibly be more efficient at the state level in the absence of PP monopolizing (I guess you could say) them.
Brayden Cook
not sure if you're talking about a proportion of procedures/visits or of billing, but either way the numbers are vastly inflated by spics who treat Planned Parenthood as their (free) GP.
Joshua Flores
It's going to be 100% handing out pamphlets soon.
Noah Perry
Leo Brown
Jayden Mitchell
you are not immune to the lurking rule, this is bullshit and you know it
Mason Evans
Government in general needs to be reduced. Government funding murder of innocents and the enablement of division of the sexes… that is treason against the people
Zachary Reyes
Fuck planned parenthood.
These satanic clinics should all be burned!
They should fully defund them. Ho wanma open her legs? Then welcome to the real world you dog in heat. Babies.
Parker Reyes
THIS The shutdown of abortion clinics in texas reduced the negro and spic abortion rates while the white girls went to Oklahoma or Louisiana to get it done anyway.
If anything, we need to move the abortion clinics so that whites have to travel further and into deeper jungles to get them, yet feral negros and other undesirables have very easy access.