It also closed over half of the abortion providers in Texas.
The law was struck down last June, but by the time it had been, the number of Texas abortion providers had dropped from over 40 to only 19.
It also closed over half of the abortion providers in Texas.
The law was struck down last June, but by the time it had been, the number of Texas abortion providers had dropped from over 40 to only 19.
Other urls found in this thread:
Some of that is due to contraception, but not all. Much of it is harassing legislation by pro-life groups.
Note: this county is 90.6% Hispanic
Oh yeah, also
This is a big issue, and it deserves more notice re long-term demographic shifts. They're making it harder for blacks & hispanics to even attempt to be responsible.
Visual of the Texas Christan pro-lifers who got this passed.
Go kill your fetal alcohol baby in Mexico. And don't come back.
When are we going to allow children to sue their mothers for causing birth defects by consuming Alcohol, using tobacco products, or doing drugs?
Why is that cunts are entitled millions of dollars for being raped by a rich man, but disabled children are not entitled to anything?
Thanks to laws like this nationwide, we will have hundreds of thousands of black & hispanic kids being born who would have been aborted.
I've got a vomits solution Holla Forums vomits what if we just vomits start impregnating the niggers and spics vomits ourselves?
This is the fruit of radical Traditionalism. Thank you Tradcuck traitors.
Remember folks, rabbi yeshua needs more godly negroes!
Chistcucks will defend this.
i sense a gassing in your immediate future
Abortion is murder.
Deal with it.
Only if the child is white and has no defects.
Christcucks fucking up the country again. We're going to have to save these dipshits from themselves or purge them with the rest.
So the abortion rate remained the same for white women?
Thank god for Atheism+™ for giving us abortion.
Killing birth rates of other races is not going to solve low birthrates of whites. Since homosexuality, feminism, low quality of education and food, women in working places and slut culture is what actually killing our birthrates.
Is there any way we can influence where abortion clinics get put? To get them to majority spic/nigger areas? If you're in a majority white town, definitely try to get your city council to ban them and run any existing clinics out of town.
i told you guys texas was the anus of the south
Killing/lessening birthrates of other races via abortion is all we can hope to do right now. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, faggot.
Besides, abortion is a very useful tool to help with eugenics, and it's easier to sell than casting your deformed downies down a pit when it's able to cry.
Even better if you can get them to kill themselves.
Act like you're a liberal and bitch about how abortion services are being restricted from minorities. Play up the angle that they're poorer and can less afford to make long trips to get to a clinic. Call the lawmakers racist. You'll probably quickly get democrats flooding to help you as you'd be using their dogwhistles, then find one of the radical feminists that has connections and hand it off to her saying that its inappropriate for a white man like yourself to be leading the effort when there are so many brave women involved. Stick around for a bit, making sure its still running smoothly while slowly doing less and less until its self-sustaining and you can move on.
Repeat in a new community.
So this is probably the next anti-Trump point shills will push. When the Trump Administration starts cracking down on abortion, get ready for a LOT of "How will Trump reverse the demographic crisis now? Whites are still screwed even with the wall." or something like that.
This is a factual statement, the wall is a positive step but it does not solve the situation.
Abortion isn't murder if there's no brain activity.
Question where the race statistics on abortions are coming from. The pro-death advocates exploit the latent racism of White liberals by trying to draw a correlation between abortion and controlling the mud population. It's intriguing how the left pulls off this hat trick and has been doing so for some time.
Where does the CDC get its statistics from, exactly? Where else but Planned Parenthood and the abortion clinics, those stalwarts of integrity.
Who is checking to make sure these human beings are not checking the White box on the form when they should be?
It's a legalized form of homicide. If a pregnant woman gets murdered, courts consider it a double-homicide.
It does not bode well for the movement that we have people openly advocating for abortion as a way to control the mud population, based on shaky race data.
Instead, we should be pushing for an end to birthright citizenship and IUDs/sterilization for welfare recipients. No one has to die.
Removing Abortions still has the biggest effect on White birthrates overall, they're talking about percentages here, so 1% of whites abortion is about the same number as 10% nigger abortions, so these numbers mean shit. Abortion should NEVER be allowed.
White women getting abortions shouldn't be mothers in the first place, unless you actually want more White kids raised by single moms.
Either way, abortion is currently our most valuable tool to help with eugenics, and you're a dumb fuck for saying retards shouldn't be put down at birth.
You make a good point. I'd be on board with that.
Go outside of an abortion clinic and watch who uses it in your average city, its quick to confirm to yourself that its primarily shitskins.
The moment we decriminalized fornication is when society started to erode.
Now we are at the point where people think killing unborn babies is a right, and there are sites and apps facilitating "hooking-up".
Millenials aren't even getting married anymore because we are no longer a trust society.
So stop going after the only thing keeping such a degenerate society from filling up to the gills with single moms, and go after the hypergamy.
You have yet to offer a solution to the retard babby question. PROTIP: They have to die at the larval stage regardless of your Tradcuck Moralism.
Pro-life across the board is one of the biggest weaknesses of American life. Subsidizing abortion and sterilization of undesirables would be the best thing for the country.
This is not the fault of traditionalism. Traditional values include getting rid of defective offspring millenia before there was ever the ridiculous notion pushed that "every life is precious".
It is if your definition of "Traditionalism" entails M-muh Christian values.
It does not.
There has been millions of abortions in the US, and the majority of them has been white.
Just remove welfare for having kids, and the law that the father has to pay for a kid if the couple fathter and mother wasn't married, and you'll see the number of kids dwindle like fuck for niggers and beaners.
Now propagate and support getting kids and marriage in every Medium from radio to tv to schoolbooks instead of degenerate shit and hook-ups, and you'll see the number of white kids go up, because most whites can support their children with their own money, while niggers and beaners cannot. Now also lower income tax for people with kids, and you'll see whites have even more kids because having kids will be much cheaper for people who actually work, while niggers and beaners don't get free welfare money.
Abortion is murder out of convenience, and no future white kid, no matter if single mon or whatever dumb rhetoric you have, should ever be killed.
Sterilization for welfare recipients would be very difficult to get passed, but I think if there is a compromise, it could happen in some form.
The way I see it, there could be a three strikes rule.
First kid on the dole is a mulligan; mistakes happen.
2nd kid, the woman is required to get an IUD to continue receiving benefits.
If it happens again after the IUD wears out and she's still on the dole, then she has demonstrated a disregard for the common good and the use of taxpayer money, and a complete lack of responsibility, at which point mandatory sterilization is in order.
Killing is not inherently wrong and without abortion non-whites would already outnumber whites in the US. Your ridiculous moral standards help lead to the extinction of our race. Already we see gross numbers of abortions being more in non-whites than whites so even that portion of your argument falls entirely apart.
Down's Syndrome subhumans can genetically count as White, and they need to get curbstomped at birth.
"Murder out of convenience" my ass. Europe's ancient ancestors killed their offspring all the time because, unlike you, they were smart enough to count how many mouths they'd have to feed. r/K selection, nigger.
end welfare, and you give niggers less reason to breed the way they do, but ultimately the only solutions are brutal. The cat's out of the bag with abortion, until it is banned in most places, white women will continue to travel to do it.
Of course, this isn't the first abortion thread in the last 24 hours so it may just be d&c
except that white women and couples are getting abortions because they don't have enough cars, or now isn't the perfect time for 2.1 babbies, or it will hurt her career.
And most physical abortions, instead of chemically induced, ARE matters of convenience, the number who do it for legitimate reasons like birth defects are in the low single digits.
Niggers are impulsive, they'll keep getting pregnant regardless, all removing abortion does is increase their birth rate.
Those single digit percentages are still impressive to me. No more short busses for White schools, I say.
And single moms destroy society more thoroughly and permanently than the Tradcuck moral dilemma over abortions ever could.
Have you not read the entire post? Remove welfare and fathers paying, and niggers and beaners could not feed all the kids. These kids wouldn't exist or simply starve if born, even if they don't have abortions. Niggers and beaners would also be dumb enough to have some illegal abortions which you could make desired in ghettos just like drugs.
If you prevent niggers and beaners from getting kids or feeding their kids in the first place, then there is no reason to have abortions to keep their birthrates low, and it will only damage whites.
Also the biggest problem isn't even the law itself, but the fact that our society and the media tries to present abortion as a normal thing. Even if not outlawed, this shit should never be normalized.
I agree that retards need to be removed at birth, or that the parents should decide, but they have to pay for all the expenses that come up with letting it live.
You will never successfully enact legislative change to allow this to happen. Not only would you have every democrat fighting you on it over gibs but you would have a huge chunk, likely the majority, of conservatives fighting you as well due to white empathy. In the miraculous scenario that you somehow pulled it off you'd have all the churches diverting their missionary efforts to ghettos in the US to keep them fed.
But user, you just said
so I guess you're a murderous pro abortion degenerate like me for wanting to hurt those precious h'wite retard babbys.
All white christfags, we should help the lefties out and support planned parenthood, mostly niggers and spics abort their litters while it's the white christfags that want to save all the little shits.
Also even if your position had a chance of working it would be absolute insanity to do away with abortion before it was enacted.
Abortion is an excellent policy and everyone who disagrees with this is a cuck.
If it were up to me, I'd quintuple Planned Parenthood's federal funding and sign legislation that fined the States for restricting its operations. Were it not for PP, we'd have 50 million more niggers in the USA, and God only knows what a hellscape that'd make.
So what? I wouldn't care if they delivered the niglets and then blasted their heads off with shotguns. The only thing of importance is that our enemies - for all niglets will grow up to be our enemies - die.
Trump should repeal it ASAP
This. Most planned parenthood facilities are located in the ghettos and rightfully so, of course leave it to the white christfags to try to ruin a good thing.
Perhaps, but then again, I do want to murder my enemies.
He can't, the moral majority is back and are calling the shots in his administration.
end welfare, until we ship them to africa many will leave for gibs elsewhere, and let normies begin hardening their hearts to niglets starving.
I have no problem with abortion for eugenic reasons, but abortions are almost exclusively matters of convenience. We have to start taking women in hand. One is making them responsible. Get pregnant in college? Time to drop out and find a husband.
I agree, you must have skipped my first two words which were "end welfare."
Who gives a fuck? We are about changing the minds of white men and the direction of our civilization. Get people riled up enough about welfare and we'll have RWDS in no time.
How many white babies pulled out in chunks are an acceptable price for niglets getting killed.
That would probably increase the nigger birth rate since many sheboons would lose their free contraception and family planning
Lolbergtardians are scum fucking retards they are worse than liberals in almost every way
There are already a shitload of homeless blacks starving or dying in gunfights, those cunts only superficially give a shit, they would riot a bit right now but that would be it. But yeah, democrats and churchfags would donate for them just like for starving Africans and save a few of them, which is why taking media and schools away from kike hands and reeducate white people on this matter is so important. We also have to make sure to send niggers to Africa in the fastest and most efficient way.
I'm sure he could twist Cuckservative arms real easy. I doubt Lindsey "Just Call Me Lindsey" Graham would put up much of a fight if his balls get zapped by Pence.
We can end abortion outside of eugenic purposes once they're shipped back to Africa, until then its a clear positive.
As long as its lower rates than the shitskins its acceptable. This is a demographics war, anything that hurts their numbers more than ours is positive.
Yeah, Texas is about to become Guatamala/Haiti. Good job Christcucks.
This is utter bullshit. There's plenty of niggers that act like they're starving just to get more money from cucks. Noone actually starves in America unless they're suicidal enough to turn down free(to them) food because there's plenty of opportunities to get it. Churches, government shelters, welfare, begging.
Better yet use the housing voucher program to get spics, koreans and other minorities to buy up the homes in nigger town, Pedro and his homies will systematically start wiping out the nigger populations.
Nice D&C you cuck. Abortion is degenerate.
Target practice.
We could just wall it off and turn Austin, Texas into a nature documentary about libtards getting anally raped by rusty machetes, South African style.
And then we have to get rid of those. How do you want to do that? Why remove niggers for a smarter enemy? Just remove niggers with the hundreds of possible means and then fill those places with whites with cheap housing advertisement.
They're already here, his way has them doing some of the work for us.
Pro-Life is degenerate, cuckboy.
Except that we need every bit of our own people, if they have more niglets at the same time they'll just be murdering each other in their ghettos more and demanding more gibs until white people won't take it anymore.
And why not remove both at the same time? You're just treating cancer with more slightly less cancer, instead of removing it.
A good amount, though it'd be hard to put a number on it. Let's say 1 White fetus for every 10 non-White ones.
This is a war of attrition and there are no elegant solutions. Losses are acceptable. Ending welfare would certainly be a step in the right direction, but, as others have pointed out, born children would receive much more sympathy than unborn ones. All the niggers would have to do is pop out kids and White liberals would queue up to take photos of their teary little faces and the cockroach-infested hovels they call "homes". Donation money would be pouring in by the boatload, to speak nothing of the immense political pressure to end such heartless policies. Abortion provides an incredibly cost-effective amelioration of the non-White problem.
On another note: let's not essentialize "White" here. Whites are our in-group and they perform better on a number of important metrics (crime, intelligence, productivity, trust) than non-Whites, but one isn't a super-special star-child just for being born White. There are plenty of White degenerates, liberals, race-mixers, and assorted trash who are better of infertile. To provide them with abortions is to strengthen ourselves.
Now, I understand that you believe abortion to suppress the birthrates among people who'd be otherwise fine, but who just consider having kids "inconvenient", but we only have imperfect tools available. Yes: some basically functional couples won't have children, but, all things considered, the practice does more good than it does harm.
California will make up for it by aborting double its share of beanlets and nigglets. It's the only good thing that liberal shithole contributes.
If you assume percentage of blacks killing one another remains constant or only has a slight increase then this does not work out to our benefit. It would have to fucking skyrocket to make up for the differential between extra whites being born and extra niglets being born without abortion.
and if you look at the numbers above, it is 1:1 white and black, with more spics, but they have a country nearby to flee to. I can agree that most of the white women wanting abortions are shit, the problem is the left has convinced 1/2 the population that they aren't bad people, that it's just a clump of cells, etc.
actually, no, I think high taxes are responsible for most of white's reluctance to have kids. It's just as easy to have 8-12 kids on a farm in the middle of nowhere as it was 100 years ago, the problem now is the money and the jewed culture, even if they aren't trying to be anything but poor.
1:1 per though no one has posted the changes in birth rates. How many whites can a nigger kill, and vice versa? I'm not talking about the current state of affairs continuing indefinitely, because down that path lies extinction no matter what laws are passed.
Irrelevant, all that matters is whether it worsens current demographic percentages or not. Regardless of the fact that whites are better at combat you are still worsening the odds resulting in fewer whites surviving a race war.
If we can end their gibs and make the illegals less able to work, spics will flee south. Niggers won't go to africa willingly, they'll just sit in their cities and the south and chimp out.
Also you must take into account the current population percentage of Texas. Whites currently outnumber blacks 4:1, 1:1 abortion rate for gross numbers shows that niggers are approximately four times as likely to get an abortion. Now extrapolate out a few generations with abortion being banned versus being in place and you can see how beneficial it is
Trump dont care about moralfaggotry like abortion, porn or weed. He can twist their hands. And is not like federal administration care about state rights since Kennedy forces niggers into white community.
Your entire argument revolves around what you believe would happen if we end gibs. Even if I completely agreed with you on that score, which I don't, I'd consider getting rid of abortion before getting rid of gibs absolutely retarded.
Why would they flee to a place that's objectively worse to live in
ending gibs is politically unlikely anytime in the near future
Are you a race traitor, or just an idiot? "Welfare" is more than people living on autismbux their entire lives; it's healthcare provision for the working poor, unemployment allowances for those who lose their job (for a certain period of time), childcare subsidies, government reductions of loans to incentivise certain behaviours and so on.
The welfare system might have grossly over-expanded (mostly thanks to pensions and niggers) but going full on "end the gibs, bennies war now" is just using nogs as a cover for libertarianism.
Oh dear jesus, that's terrible. I always stay in the western part of the state, so I didn't know that. We are already at the stage where cities will have to be blockaded, I see.
And then I see your image and the ration is 6:1
We do not have a few generations as things now stand.
If we're talking about shit taking decades, I agree. I mean this shit has to happen fast. Trump isn't going to end welfare, only an economic collapse or white people waking up will do that, but we have the ability to push him hard memetically to change the system.
When our economy went to shit, didn't a lot of them go back? With a hostile population and no gibs, it certainly would give them an escape route. Maybe with the shit going on down there we can put in a government that will make them want to go back.
welfare whore detected
Libertarian detected. Hitler had one of the expansive welfare states in the world.
No, whites are not at 70%, look at the image again. That figure includes "Hispanic Whites" at the bottom it shows that actual whites is 45.3%.
I fully expect it to take decades.
Hello FBI.
Correct. And murdering non-whites is a good thing, dummy.
Whites should be able to provide for themselves or have to resort to their familiy or community to help them, not be incentivised to be r-selected niggers like you. You defend that shit because you benefit, and you don't care that most other people who benefit from it are scum.
Besides germany being very different culturally, the circumstances were different. And he failed.
fuckin hell.
FBI calls for immediate and/or targeted acts of violence or any form of wmds, probably arson as well, but not sure on that.
Thanks for telling us that most whites at or near the poverty line are niggers, Schlomo. If only we could all be crypto-liberal individualists like you.
No, I defend that shit because you're a short-sighted nigger who thinks that you can chase out the blacks by economic means alone. The very fact that the US has an entire Black and Hispanic nation inside its borders means that citizenship revocation and mass deportations are downright necessary, not that they become impossible.
Even if you accept your caricature of a welfare system as "paying Consuela to live and Sheneequa to have keeds", cutting it off isn't going to solve anything because third worlders instinctively work in foreign countries to parasitize money back to their home country, and blacks instinctively breed, regardless of if they're starving or not.
Albeit I'm not an American, I don't think you can't even make the argument from a pragmatic point of view, because I doubt there's less sympathy for people using a state welfare system to whatever degree than highly-ghettoised coloured populations.
Reminder that relative statistics =/= raw fucking numbers.
Even if blacks and hispanics get more abortions by percentage, because they are a smaller percentage of the US population, there's ALWAYS going to be more white kids killed by this than spics or niggers.
At the end of the day, it may seem like spics and niggers abort more, but ultimately in raw numbers, whites do it more than blacks.
Nope, try again dumbfuck.
This is going to cause another crime wave.
Kill yourself, seriously.
Abortion of niggers and beaners is the only thing keeping the US white, and even then.
I'm well below the poverty line. But I don't beg the government for gibs so I have no reason to defend it. Of the people I know, NONE on significant amounts of welfare are worth a fuck. The point of lesser but widespread things like health insurance 'grants' were to get people dependent on the government and to normalise signing up for gibs.
nope, I think we can chase out significant amounts of spics with economic means, but not niggers. Harsher measures will be needed. My problem with abortion in this regard is that it isn't enough and hurts whites as well, and whites of higher economic classes.
Yeah, it fucking is paying shaneekwa to have kids. Last time I went to a grocery store in my nearby mostly white city, there were niggers, males alone and females with hordes of niglets apiece, fucking wrapped down the aisles and out the door as they all got their gibs. Yes, that is most of it.
that explains it, most welfare here is not for whites, and the older settlers of america are generally averse to it and other forms of socialism. Later immigrants tend to be the only whites who support it outside of coastal cities.
Out of sight, out of mind. There is very little sympathy for ghetto niggers anywhere here.
No, going by European history, the point of it was to head off actual Socialism. Hitler makes the point in Mein Kampf that by continually refusing to provide moderate reforms in the 10's and 20's under the guise of opposing Socialism, all the parliamentarians managed to do was strengthen and radicalise Socialists.
It's fucking Obamacare. Almost everyone qualifies for healthcare gibs under it, but you got to sign up for it. It was not meant to head off anything. It was meant to do what I said followed by enough failure that under any president but Trump or perhaps Cruz would have led to complete socialised medicine. It was meant to be a direct path to communism.
This thread was about america, not europe. How's abortion helping your demographics over there?
Criminalize the abortion of WM/WF offspring.
Blacks/ Hispanics helped & encouraged to abort. However, it should be treated similarly to bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is when you took on obligations you're unable to meet. Sure, there's a legal process by which you're relieved of those obligations; but also, you're barred from taking further obligations for about seven years. Women who get abortions should similarly be barred from creating new fetuses for a long enough period of time to be certain that they're out of the minefield. It's insane that we would allow them to just turn around & make another baby, right after having an abortion.
Only if you are a shitskin.
I am in fact "Too Poor" For the affordable care act.
If I happened to be a spic, I would probably pass with flying colors.
I wasn't talking about Obongocare genius, I was referring to your point about getting people dependent on the government.
It has about the same impact as homosexuality. Which is to say, virtually none. Abortion of healthy whites is a social evil, but its only the offspring of (((Feminism))), which has been far, far worse for white birth rates.
White demographics are declining worldwide because women work, and destroy wages by doing so, and our countries are "overpopulated" because under-developed rural areas are being abandoned for ever-expanding regional and national capitals, which makes the cost of living rise ever higher.
That's what it is. Add single white moms into the mix and it's a complete picture.
I was under the impression that the grants were used to lure everyone in, they used to be for anyone up to 4x the official poverty line.
But it wouldn't surpise me since that is the way most welfare goes here eventually. I make very little money but I haven't tried for it.
You literally replied to the part where I was describing obamacare. Are you saying systems that hurt everyone and give them the out of signing up for gibs doesn't make them dependent on the government? It's manipulation 101.
I agree, though I think high taxes are what keep them there now that feminism did the original work. White birth rates suck in the rural areas here as well, and we're not remotely overpopulated. The population density has almost stayed the same in the rural parts of my state, for instance, while families went from huge for a few generations, to moderate after world war 2, to barely replacement now.
No, you're obviously right about Obamacare. We just argued past eachother, about different things.
There's also the decline in small-scale farming (due to the Green Revolution feeding the Third World) and local industry making essentially permanent cuts to employment or salaries due to foreign competition, which drives emigration to cities and then the factors I just described. All of that, combined with a lack of private and public investment in rural areas, drives particularly youth emigration into cities, where their birth rate which is already under attack socially (all but the most hardcore Christians are subconciously feminist now) and then comes under sustained economic pressure too.
One of the things I despise most about it, and the farmers who shill for this stuff. Local rural industries are actually better than they were before here, doesn't seem to make a difference though you point stands elsewhere, and the farmers themselves almost entirely live off the government teat Which is part of why I said the government wants us dependent, you won't find anyone but gov't employees who demand more government involvement than farmers in rural areas.
Sadly, even the most rural areas were hit hard with feminism in the 70s, and it shows. That generation was when fertility really plummeted and lesbianism exploded.
didn't finish my thought about green rev, I meant us and some of the best soil in the world being used up to make the 3rd world population explosions
Also fyi
Christcucks like will either will be hanged for race treason in a glorious National Socialist paradise or go extinct because your christian daughter got impregnated by based Godly
Tyrone or Hector.
Deal with it
There is no saving these people, even if you threaten them with viplence they will leap at the chance to be martyrs. And they don't care about race, they would happily choose a "based" godly black man for their daughter over a white atheist man.
Nice d&c.
Majority white population signals this
2004 =/= 20016, which has become a cesspit of degeneracy with shit like tinder hitting the mainstream
Texas =/= the entire USA. Try finding places like the south or god forbid Cali.
Abortion harms whites more than minorities by the sheer virtue that there are more whites than minorities. If you want to advocate for sterilizing or aborting shitskin babies, be my fucking guest. Blanket abortion laws are a cancer that promote reckless behavior by both women and men. There is absolutely no justifying them.
Wrong. In 2013 whites accounted for 37% of ALL abortions.
Before you even dare say 2013=/=2016, how about YOU find the 2016 numbers then?
If it weren't for the high birth rates of some other races, particularly blacks, then low white birth rates would be a relatively minor issue.
The population of Africa is going to double in 35 years. In the worst nation, Niger, the average woman has 7.57 births!
We can't beat that without turning every white woman into a pure baby-making machine, and what would be the point? A victory at the end with 30 billion people on a environmentally devastated planet?
Islam and Christianity are in battle in Africa to gain the most adherents, and both of them even oppose contraception, let alone abortion In theory, Islam is more open-minded on contraception than Christians, but they want more followers as well
Everyone should read this, and keep in mind how much worse the United States would have been without abortion:
niggers can't do math btw
Damn, forgot link:
Those statistics don't tell the whole truth, imho. They only tell you the race of the mother, not the race of the father or the child. Undoubtedly a fair percentage of abortions by white women would have been black, and a smaller percentage would have been Hispanic.
If 20% of abortions for white women involved a black father then you are looking at 28% white abortions and 44% black abortions.
If 30% of abortions for white women involved a black father, then you are looking at only 24% white abortions, and 47% black abortion.
This is honestly really important to keep in mind.
not to mention the "white" category would probably be much smaller if you split them into caucasians and jews.
Once whites become 20% of the population in their countries, they will be at a level that other groups can consider ethnically cleansing them. At that point, whites will not exert much political power. Before that occurs you will see hispanics, blacks, and muslims occupy the majority of positions in the military. Whites will have their weapons confiscated, and those who refuse will be imprisoned. Ethnic cleansing will likely follow the loss of the military and disarmament. Demographic change is easily the most effective way to wage war against a nuclear superpower in the 21st century.
WM/WF offspring can be born defective, and I'm not going to allow you to criminalize killing Downies. Even in Adolf Hitler's all-White paradise, I'm gonna fight tooth and nail for Eugenics, and abortion is part of that. Maybe if you open public baby-killing pits for parents to fling their tards down would I stop supporting abortion as a public right.
yeah, well…. the end of the world won't be too far off when, or if that day comes. we can only do our best to keep that from becoming a reality.
Christians love retards. Here is Steven Crowder's video "Special Needs Abortion: A Holocaust"
abortion of downies doesn't really serve a direct eugenic purpose, they almost never breed. the value of eugenics is in preventing the slow degeneration of the race in the absence of harsh natural selection, not in preventing severe disorders caused by a single mutation. at best you could say they take up resources that white families could better use on healthy children.
it's clearly morally permissible to abort them because they're not fully human, but it's not even in the top hundred things for a eugenics program to worry about.
Christian abortion abolitionist convinces black woman not to have an abortion at the clinic.
Praise God!
abortion is child sacrifice to moloch and baal good to see a pro-life pres in office. planned parenthood members need to be murdered,
God damn it. We need those fucking abortions.
Texas, what the fuck are you doing?
We need all the people on the left to abort their children. Especially white people. White people on the left are our greatest danger because we are in closest proximity to, and we let our guard down around those rats.
Aborting people like harry reid and hillary clinton is a good thing.
You do realize that those niggers who get abortions are just going to pump a bunch of other kids at some point down the line whereas the whites who get abortions do so for lifestyle reasons and will not. I hope you also realize that many of those niggers will either be killed in their communities or wind up in prison outside of society, so actual net number of new niggers entering society vs new whites entering society is much different than the raw numbers you're posting.
I'm sure you have evidence for all of your bullshit arguments, and you're not just a Christcuck rationalizing why your religion's stance is not racial suicide.
Most of these are just using actors, no? I mean, why would you back out of something you've already made up your mind on?
Being anti-abortion is such a cuckservative position.
Abortion = non-whites and white democrats having less children.
abortion is disgusting and wrong no one should be encouraged to get one as a form of birth control.
ive met girls who used it like that and i could never respect them again afterwards.
we wish you were aborted too lena cuntham!
Fresh off the boat eh?
pic related
So what?