Sinead SPLC shill

So it's obvious that pagan sjw cunt sinead at renegade media is a shill, but who is funding (((renegade radio))), the fact that she associates with Veronica (((Rothman))) is clue enough, an obvious D and C to sow dissent among pro-white females into accepting anti white rhetoric and ideas. Also she has admitted to racemixing in the past and having been institutionalised, so could be a COINTELPRO.

Other urls found in this thread:
Vid of her chimping out

That's nothing new, what are you trying to slide faggot ?

Who the fuck cares about Sinead anymore man. Just let this hooknosed schizophrenic die from lack of attention already.

until someone finds their source of funds, there is no reason to even bring her up



This. The only people who ever talk about Sinead are anons when they're insulting each other by accusing each other of being Sinead. She's an irrelevant joke.

I literally want to kill her.


it's traitor, moshe.

This tbh.


Here we go with the d&c again

Into the ovens.

You go in with them, too.

Go back to TRS fagget.


Emily youcis is a gross pig whore too. I hated her for retweeting Malik obongo. Muh based negroid

Renegade red ice and NPI are all part of the same controlled op to discredit our message. Sinead is just obvious about it more.

you dont need dox retard her info is public

i bet you hate him because he called traps gay which is a proven fact btw

She is neither gross, nor a pig, nor a whore.. but she is alt right, and hangs onto Spencer for example. Not our girl.


check out her old blog, specifically this one about pig cocks

reported, shillboy

I've never understood what made this girl important enough to talk about tbh.

is this a parody?
what is happening?

I once argued with her on the flat earth thing. It was really fucking weird. I delivered the undisputable proofs that the earth couldn't be flat and she still believed it. I just gave up at some point.

Maybe its her insanity, maybe she really is a shill all I know is that she's got something very fishy going on

all flat earth people are like that, or they wouldn't remain flat earthers. I'm not sure how many actually believe and how many are shills told to spread that cancer. Doesn't matter. It's a litmus test for being able to trust their info and opinions, flat earth is an automatic fail.

(((her))) last bf was black and there's youtube videos of her singing with him
she drives a fancy convertable car and nobody can trace her funding

Keep gobbling those marbles, Schlomo Spherestein.

Such as?

Seriously kill yourself. Sinead is crazy, but you're just stupid.

What is the context?

Nothing thread. You hate the bitch OP? Ok, lots of people seem to. So what you need to do, before making another thread, is get some PROOF. Hack the cunt, Hack her friends. Otherwise you're being a little faggot.

If they were getting more than 15 listeners per week, I'd probably care. As it is, it's just feds throwing their money down the drain.

There is zero evidence that she has a child, or that if she does, it is white.
All video a purporting to show her kid, only amount to background " kid" sounds and Sinead ACTING like a kid is there.

e-celeb bullshit.

It's not like they shill here, so I really don't care.


atleast she is spreading the word in public and without shame, unlike people on this board that will hide behind screens

Well said she is a strong women unlike richard spencer and people on this board.

They need to constantly create e-personas so that they have anchor points to draw in data accumulation. It keeps their numbers going and their existence is justified to their program directors and managers.

the data is then funneled strained for trash and refined and then finally passed on to the fbi. they are looking for high confidence actors, political operatives, foreign spies etc etc..

The whole thing is really interesting really.

bumping for justice