Why isn't Sargon of Akkad on our side again?
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redundant t b h
w e w
sage goes in all fields
Anyone with half a brain can realize capitalism has flaws, this alone doesn't make you a leftist.
I'm not even a feminist and that is a pants-on-head-retarded summary of feminist thought. Like seriously, if that's the level of discourse involved then the dude is a total retard.
author of this video is a lolbert
do you think he will sympahtize with leftists more?
true, but it's hard to achive ideological purtiy
it's good that fedora tippers like sargon realize the error of their ways
I got that, dingus
A) He has drunk the "Gommiez = Stalinists gonna take your toothbrush, rape your women and make you live in a house with 50 sand niggers" cool-aid so much that he is now the personification of Maccarthy.
B) He is using the "anti-commie cuckservative liberal" meme to get money. If he started saying "capitalism doesn't work, perhaps Karl Marx has a point", he'd loose his audience and cash flow.
He even went with the "Marx said he wasn't a Marxists" meme, once.
because he's a stubborn liberal.
commissar sargon "revisionist killer" of akad will lead us to communism in england
maximum kek
From the comments-
probably sargon isnt on our side…
stop bonding with reactionaries over your misunderstanding of feminism…
I don't think Sargon is reactionary, he's just trying too hard to be centrist and "le anti-sjw".
probably carl drank some spooky coolaid…
really sick of it in general
because we don't want him
Not a Sargon "fan" but you guys might want to consider the possibility that not everybody who rags on feminism is just "misunderstanding" it and that your special not-like-that revolutionary feminism from the 1960s is not relevant to anybody espousing or opposing the ideology in the developed world in the 21st century.
But being mired in the mid 20th century is a problem endemic to the left, so it's no wonder we have nothing to say that's worth anyone's time while even fucking lolberts and le horseshoe theory liberals like Sargon are less myopic on this shit than we are.
[misunderstanding of feminism]
e e
You are right, 60s feminism is totally irellevant…but no one exept you mentioned it…
(and its not the only far left radical feminism)
then how come most of what i hear form the people who ra on feminism are shitty strawmen or… well misunderstandings and misrepresantations?
I hope a treatment for your brain injury is discovered soon.
gee what a coinicdence you turned up in a threat about probably carl…
just ignore the fact that it is a over a century old diverse school of thought and maybe then you can pretend feminism has no legitimacy…
just pretend its all le SJeWs…
Dafaq is this random ass bird doing there?
i have no clue…but its a nice bird
This is next level ideology.
Typically lolberts just blame the problems with capitalism on "crony capitalism or "corporatism", I've never seen them deny that the clear problems of capitalism don't even exist.
color me shocked
Because his viewer base is mostly classical liberals and proactive anti-feminists. In other words, smug teenagers. So he isn't very useful because they will destroy him if he steps out of line.
Because he's a dumbass liberal. The fact that he agrees with the facts that wages have gone down and the middle class is shrinking just means he isn't a super classcucked lolbert, not that he's actually a socialist.
Uh huh.
This is pathetic every time I see it.
The problem is, you're your own state, sense of idpol.It doesn't matter to what degree if you yourself despise it.You are being invaded by feminists who disagree with you and must protect your culture.
Just shut the fuck up and think critically. Engage with ideas, not plug your fingers up your wax filled ears and scream until snot and spittle erupt out your mouth.
Read Elly Tams.
Wasn't there already a thread? Is this the same dude?
Read my ass and tell me how it tastes like idpol
just shut the fuck up and think critically
Is it surprising anyone else but a tankie thinks Sargon is leftypol's bosom buddy? It's a great punchline.
Think critically but hol up let me trash u aight now u can
Looking at sixty years of feminist action and opinion to base an opinion on is not thinking critically…riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
No, you are not oppressed because you have a vulva and other people are not compelled to give you any shit you ask for as result.
Boo fucking hoo
It would be if you actually read any of the literature and didn't become a puppet for youtube talking heads past their nu-atheist prime.
It's totally different actually.
I think the real autistic friendless loser is you. You always want to make people cry and it's like yuh.
When did I bring up autism or friendliness. And where did I want to make people cry. I'm all assuming you're men who don't cry.
Maybe it's biased of me not to think men can't be bitches.
Oh, here we go, its another episode of "you're ignorant!". No, I have read your theory and it is not different. You're different to Holla Forums only in that you blame men when they blame jews.
Feminists and nazis: despicable human scum.
But that's your argument you pointlessly argumentative self mastrabutory fuck
Point out your qualms. Maybe I'll believe you've skimmed the wikipedia articles.
Oh the classic "B-B-BUT YOU'RE NO BETTER THAN Holla Forums ARGUMENT" like I hate men. I didn't but the more ridiculous fucking men like you I meet the more I'm starting to think the fairer sex is better to be around.
Feminists are nazis.Yes.
You whined yesterday that everyone was a friendless autistic loser.
There's four or five anfem posters. Read between the lines. Though that one isn't particularly wrong.
"I have multiple personalities stop holding me to account"
How new are you to not know that there's me, the one who thinks cum is great, the one who posts cats, and the one who posts statues.
Like how new are you.
I am no longer quoting your posts because I want to close this dialogue.
Please refrain from responding to me.
Ok bye
Again, I am no longer quoting your posts because I want to close this dialogue.
Please refrain from responding to me.
Ok bye
Again. I am no longer quoting your posts because I want to close this dialogue.
Please refrain from responding to me.
I'm not interested in debating you, all you anfem posters are demented cultists. It'd be as pointless as trying to demonstrate the non-existence of God to an ISIS member. It does not matter what I say, you will demand I must join your cult of horrible people regardless.
Yes, you hate men (or support such whatever reason). If you wish to spend time with feminists, off you go. I'd be delighted to never have to hear about your shitty religion ever again.
Yes, you are nazis. That's why you throw your toys out the pram every time we express our dislike of your group. Go and post some angry messages on FullTriggeredism or ShitRedditSays when our views rustle your jimmies.
Again; I am no longer quoting your posts because I want to close this dialogue.
Please refrain from responding to me.
You expect me to take you seriously, but you're comparing me to someone who beheads infedels.
Just shut up dude holy shit.
Let's see I'm a nazi, I'm isis, I'm evil and bad. What else have you got that you learned from reading feminist theory. I eat babies?
I don't care if you take me seriously. I've seen how feminist communities behave and they're already trying to kill heretics. What do you think happens to people who lose their homes and jobs in the winter?
Cue the "not my…" disavowal, because you think that asking for support of feminism somehow excludes supporting the majority of that group.
You're annoying me to the point I want you to be beheaded. Does that satisfy you cunt boy
Such is the way with feminism and dissent.
You know why this cunt isn't smart enough to be a leftist? Because he
WTF is Sargonism LMAO!
Am I following this right, he thinks the bourgeois is oppressing the working class but doesn't think they're responsible for falling wages?
Who is his audience?
Feminism IS a radically diverse school of thought. There are as many differences between Simone de Beauvoir and contemporary liberal feminism as they are between Karl Marx and Maoism-Third-Worldism.
Only people who have learned to mindlessly scream "huuur idpol" at the mere utterance of the word "feminism" as some sort of Pavlovian response believe otherwise.
Birds are comrades too.
Come the fuck on.
You wouldn't be the least bit amused if he suddenly turned anarcha-feminist?
And only people who have drunk the kool-aid feels the need to defend every flavor of it like their life depended on it.
It never happens.
this is true
feminists once placed millions in concentration camps in order to extreminate them
literally hitler
If I had to guess, probably because you only see what you want to see as a result of emotional investment in the term or tribalist opposition to those who tend to criticise it. Kinda like the kid who convinces himself that everybody who shits on his favourite pseudo-philosophical anime just doesn't understand it because it's *too deep*
Reminder that he has been repeatedly shown to have not done any research on the topics he's talked about. He's a charlatan who has made tons of money from being an idiot on the internet. He's not a leftist.
Right, because that's totally feminism's fault. I'm sure that if you went 50 years back the ratio would be completely different.
Not the guy you're responding to and while I don't think it's feminism fault, it is disappointing that I don't see feminist leading the charge against it.
Sometimes I wonder why feminist who actually push male issues aren't given a bigger spotlight.
Uh huh.
yeah sure buddy
Glad you agree.
Top Kek, this
This too
from the limited amount of videos I've watched by Sargon, he seems like a libertarian
The only reason he is famous is because of angry gamergate virgins mass subbing him to fight back against da ebil feminists.
Nah. Social Liberal. He openly supports things like universal social security and socialized healthcare.
have anyone thought maybe, just maybe Maxism is a flawed political ideology?
It has been tested several times in the real world, and always it turns into a tyranny, there is no freedom speech, if there is a socialist system that work that maybe just maybe it because they have capitalist values, allot taxes. Even the ones on welfare programs pay taxes from their welfare since it seen as income plus you only get one chance of getting a job, if you fuck it up by getting high or something you just become another cog in another slave-labor system,ect.
yeah we know and we are fine toning it
a little bit of a big word right there buddy a lot of the theoretical economical and political still stand strong
No that was Leninism "muh vanguard parry" and Stailnism "muh 5 years plan"
Both worked.
Well, I'm just thinking of socialists values in general, it always seems that if there is more than a certain amount of people if one just takes healthcare. One would wait a really long time for just getting medical help like a surgery, go to a big city in Scandinavia and see.
Also with overpopulation, and since socialist systems don't like bums they can throw people away from their own property since property could either be privateer or state property, if its state property you could be thrown out if they think a refugee is more worth than you.
Forget having something called court-order when the police wants to go into you're apartment or house. They can just walk inn.
Food is expensive because of taxes, you pay more taxes to get "free shit" even if that's also a lie.
There is so much regulations that you have more bland brands.
Kek. Good joke bucko.
It failed so fucking badly that it became a legitimate argument against socialism and communism in most people's of people's minds
Except not. You are just repeating good old propaganda from more than half-a-century ago. Literally, from the 50s.
Most people in USSR supported Soviet Union even in 1991. Even now majority in Russia is still pro-Soviet.
Pity that the workers didnt own the means of production to halt the decision of the party to end it all.
Yeah that's a social democracy and most of the problems you are citing come from that.
Fucking kek
Are you being sincere right now? What you are describing sounds more like social liberalism than socialism.
Under social liberalism, the state redistributes wealth by collecting taxes from those who can pay and investing them in social programs meant to combat the worst excesses of Capitalist system, that arise from the fact that workers are exploited by bourgeois porkies who take most of the value that labour produce for themselves, using the justification that the means of production belongs to the rentier capitalists who do the exploiting.
Under Socialism, it is not necessary to pay taxes to get free shit - quite the opposite, it is about working in order to earn what you produce. Under the old system, porky takes most of what you produce for himself, leaving you with the bare minimum of scraps necessary to keep you working (for him), creating the numerous social ills that liberals attempt to right through taxation and welfare. Under Socialism, the need for taxation is diminished as the problem of economic inequality is resolved by the workers exercising direct control over the means of production.
As for the rest of your post that's just straight up bullshit. And increased waiting times have more to do with the advent of Neoliberalism in recent years starving public services out rather than anything inherent to leftist thought.
I distinctly remember bourgeoisie owning the fuck out of the means of production before the Revolution (every Revolution).
Don't remember it helping them in any way.
*I distinctly remember the party/state owning the fuck out of the means of production before the party chose to reform to capitalism
Fixed it for you, cause we are talking about 1991.
what else is new, Holla Forums?
lel that face
No, lies.
'Holodomor' (Ukrainian Famine/Genocide of the 1932-33) perpetrated by the Soviet Regime.
Other warcrimes like execution of Polish soldiers known as the Katyn massacre, 300,000 Lithuanians were deported or sentenced to prison camps on political grounds.
Yugoslavia has the best warcrime mainly because it was annexed after the warcrime or crime against humanity as some people call it.
There are allot more crimes against humanity but I don't think, a wanna be commie wants to hear about the cool commies.
yeah, no
didn't happen
cry more, faggot :-)
Hello fellow polack!
You would have passed as a critic of USSR, but you showed your true colors and gulag is there for you.
Wait, so you`re telling me that events in 1933 soviet union count as a warcrime?
How many died in WW1 and why wasn't it crime against humanity?
are you refering to the NATO propaganda reason given to start bombing yugoslavia illegally?
Yes, they where warcrimes
It was seen as crime against humanity, kinda why Germany went broke and the rise of Hitler.Also another way you know it was a warcrime, the use of chemical weapons became illegal after ww1 and super illegal after ww2, only because of experimentation on POWs and Jews when it came to nerve-agents
It was not illegal, it would be illegal if they've would have used biological or chemical weaponry.
yeah, no
you don't understand fucking basics, lmao
However, Germany went broke cause it had to bay debd to France, same as post WW2 and Gas wasn't considered "illegal" then.
Also, tear gas is illegal as means of war, but A OK against your own population.
Your "legal" and "crimes against humanity" is Bourgie BS in the end.
They did not use nerve-agents. Nerve-agents where considered illegal under WW2 kinda why they only used the simplest gasses that takes away air or replaces air, not the good nerver-agent gasses, where they are dead within 5 minutes. Fuck, we even got amazing sedatives and hypnotic medicine because of the paranoia when it came to nerve-agents from Germany.
The best thing, they did not even consider using nerve-agents, if Germany would have started to use it instead of normal firepower. We would be fucked, and it was tasted on Jews and POWs.
Giving names when it comes to crimes against humanity, is not considered sources when its cut and dry warcrims. And when there is a reason why most of Eastern Europe hates Russia because of these crimes and are in a constant omg shit muh pants because scawy Russia is coming to get us again-mode.
Yeah, no. It could not be true that a political ideology that sees humans as objects would not do allot of warcrimes.
try to not be a faggot and i might try to take you serious
Said names faggot, do basic shit like looking it up.
After-all most people know of Katyn, they know of Holodormor.
Also these warcrimes where so awesome that most people had respect for the cold hardheartedness that was the USSR. But I guess if one wants to have a narrative of USSR as perfect and Marxism as perfect. It does not help bringing up the past.
Sargon is the only one of the alt-right people I like to watch.
I know he isn't actually alt-right, but I mean that in regards to his viewers.
Speaking of which, his viewers seem to be having meltdowns because some other alt-right pundit thinks some of his views aligns align with Marx.
I'm not going to spend 3 hours watching everything that happened, can anyone explain what happened?
The conclusion has failed to satisfy the observation because the arguments used were faulty.