Steppenwolf is the villain of the upcoming Justice League Movie

Warner in charge of not giving a fuck.

Goddman that's some ugly box art.

Is it a must that whenever you take a picture of something you must have some fucking digusting nails?


Well, I just hope they've learned from that fucking abortion they paraded as doomsday.
It seems almost a thousand percent obvious by now that overwhelming majority of the people involved are not familiar with the property.

That was not fucking doomsday. I don't give a fuck what warner says. That was a left over Troll from Lord of the Rings that they tossed in there at the last second

That's some autistic levels of criticism

I can't help it, it's the first thing I ever notice in these pictures.

They're probably going for an Earth 2 inspired look.

They'll make Darkseid that mist thing from the Smallville tv show.

You'd think with all these repeated examples of absolute failure like the clouds from FF4S, and the sheer disgust people had from Jesse Eisenberg cosplaying the riddler and the LoTR troll they'll have something to compare on what they shouldn't do. But I just don't see it. I just don't'

Don't forget Parallax.

I am fucking done with superhero movies.

I'm honestly surprised they wasted Jesse Eisenberg as Steve Jobs Hipster Lex Luthor with Daddy issues. Given how manic he played it in that abortion of a movie, he could have probably pulled off a fairly good Joker or Riddler.

I think that was the idea at first but because they had the Joker for Suicide Squad and wanted Ledger type of surprise, I think they just fused those characters together and thats what we got.

If that is what the character looks like, then the final product will look even lamer in the final movie. Just look at Ares in Wonder Woman… His action figure was actually kinda cool, but his form in the movie was just ridiculous.

Reminder that the genius behind the decision to turn Galactus into a cloud also cut Sentinels out of X-Men 3 because he thought audiences would reject giant robots.

top kek

Galactus in FF4SS was supposed to just be the cloud, but I think Weta Workshop fought to get at least get the distinctive helmet silhouette (bottom pic) in the movie.

When the special effect team knows your done something stupid design wise and wants to fix it, your movie has a problem.

IIRC the intention was to make it like Ultimate Marvel's Gah Lak Tus, who is a fleet of locust ships before the Reapers in Mass Effect were created.

Was that ever any good? The only Ultimate Marvel stuff I read was Ultimate Spiderman.

:/ tbh fam

Yeah, apparently they thought him just "magic-ing" up a costume would be silly?

Its a super fucking edgy comic on par with the rest of Ultimate Marvel. Only difference is that is a cosmic horror Lovecraftian story.

Are they trying to turn him into Lord Satanus?

DC really likes their horned villains in movies and that armor need colors

That looks pretty cool. Too bad you have to buy all the Wonder Woman action figures to build it.

Don't be ridiculous.

What an excellent way to commemorate what would have been Jack Kirby's 100th birthday. By demonstrating you, the company that owns the characters, don't know shit about his characters.

For both DC and Marvel, they haven't been characters in years. They're nothing but trademarks and faces for merchandise.

The least they could do is get the faces right

Watchmen is still the worst contender for that.
When you compare it to the comic's vibrant colors, even more so.

I actually like the movie. But man, it pisses me off that Snyder thinks muting colors automatically makes something more mature.

Just look at this. Great example.
Snyder: "Well hurp durp, Ozymandias is the villain right? So make his evil lair darker, get rid of all the color, hell just throw a blue filter over it. That will tell the audience he means business. I am a visual genius."


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