user, what do you think about it? While SJW think that we "must" have 7 million or smth genders, in fact one gender society is the best community for building a communism.
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I'm in favour of abolishing the concept entirely.
what is the difference between gender and sex?
But how will I know how to live life without strict roles everybody has to follow?
Symbolic and the Real.
I've heard that sex is biological, gender is whatever the fuck you want it to be, I guess.
or something like that, idk
Daily reminder that gender tumblrisms have nothing to do with actual gender theory. You're masculine or feminine or non-binary (the master race), not some other bullshit out of left field that you just pulled out of your ass.
And that said, gender is spooky af and should be destroyed.
Sex is if you have a penor or a vagoooo. Gender is what you perform and what you are recognized as - i.e. Being masculine or feminine.
Has that always been the meaning of gender?
One's imposed by culture and determines one's role in society (i.e. there are "jobs for men" and "jobs for women"), another is a product of biology, of one's genetic makeup.
yeah fuck tumblr and fuck gender
so there's only two genders?
But there are jobs for men and women.
escorts catering to a client's sexuality
I can't say for whether or not that's true. But it's also kind of beside the point.
The important thing to take away from the sex-gender distinction is that there are clear differences in how the two appear to us. Sex is something that has to be determined analytically - i.e. You have to pull someone's pants down and see what they have, and even then it's not a 100% reliable way to determine sex - whereas gender appears to us phenomenologically. The experience of gender in an Other has no necessary connection to sex, though there is probabilistic connection because males and females may be more likely (again, not necessarily a priori) to have masculine and feminine traits, respectively.
Nevertheless, one can be a male and appear as feminine, and vice versa. And the Other will experience them as feminine or masculine regardless of their sex.
I mean it's definitely a spectrum - no real person can ever fully conform to our gender constructs, and no one ever does - but I think the idea that there is something beyond the spectrum is kind of ridiculous. The difference between femininity and masculinity is active vs. passive, subject vs. object.
Dividing genders is a good way to end humanity. Is that what you pricks want? "Hey I'm asexual watch me begin my mytosis"
i'd much rather have sex than gender
No it's not
Suicidal individuals. I can help speed that process up
One gender, one loaf white bread, one gallon water; communism.
I got it lads, what if there were no humans? We would also have to get rid of some of the more cunning monkeys.
Why stop there? Why not just crash the moon into the earth and sterilize this fucking shithole?
Nah, I like the moon.
Or that term was just fucking made up:
Or in French
The two words meant the same thing in English for a long time until id/pol/ idiots decided, without the words' definitions linguistically changing by themselves, that they were two different things, also without the general consensus of Anglophones.
sorry; I'm a linguist and whenever someone does this in any language it just pisses me off to no end, like in Germany where they've changed the meaning of the word 'guilt'
In the end, no matter who you want to fuck, you do NOT get the right to change a word just to fit yourself.
>pic related tfw you can't tap Thomas the Train Engine's ass because dreams don't come true
"schuld" - a word which should mean guilt- actually also has been changed to mean "debt"- more or less erasing the actually meaning of the word
No, schuld also means debt. Its the same in Dutch.
implying you can't breed humans in labs
implying biological reproduction will last another hundred years
implying you're not a fucking retard
Whenever I see somebody reply, to a basically benign comment that just expresses the poster's opinion, or even just what they've heard, with a simple "no"; I imagine them quickly closing the tab, getting all pouty, crossing their arms and walking away from the computer.
You're not so dumb to think that asexual people believe they can breed by themselves are you?
Hmm… yes.
Is "the end of humanity" bad somehow?
I can't wait until we're all just a vague shade of brown and a monoculture
You won't live to see that though.
You will never breed with a genetically engineered anubis grill.
feels bad.
We should never go BioPunk. It will be the ultimate uncunny valley.
We have to go VR and AR.
Sex is whether you have a penis or a vagina. Gender is a spook.
/thread on truthdubs
also hi from /n/!
i'd much rather have sex with gender.
Not degenerately like a manslut, but like the very concept of it needs a hatefucking
As a nihilist, why is anything good to you?
sexual desire is one of the worst forms of suffering and is definitely antithetical to any sort of ideal society
You're using post-generism wrong. Post-genderism is a transhumanist view of wanting science to destroy the barrier between sexes so men and woman can do things the opposite sex can or even fully become the opposite sex if they like.
I think having a genderless and gender neutral language would be the ideal because it would make it not possible for someone to identify with their sex or gender.
im down with postgenderism :p
so wait…
in this transhumanist future, can I selffuck myself or not?
what do you even think the goal of transhumanism is? what is even the point if you can't even drop 10 copies of your brain into a vm and have them all orgy each other on loop for decades
ngl, I find this concept deeply disturbing to visualize
I have read lacanian literature myself and will gladly tell you that screaming "muh read lacan" is a terrible way to popularize his works. Come on nigger, he gives you several basic tools to argue your position, like the borromean knot.
i dont really understand the whole 0 genders concept. like are you saying that people only have attachment to their genders because of language? seems like it's a little deeper than that. gender informed language, not the other way around
Don't always have to link to Lacan comrade. Some tread a different trail
I'm really skeptical that one just abolish sexual difference, even if discourses surrounding gender issues are spooky as hell.
Common discourse is more like gender is what you experience yourself as (i.e. feeling masculine, feeling feminine) as well as the social baggage surrounding it (behaving like a man/woman). It's an embodied experience that is not arbitrary. You don't just decide to "feel" like a woman, if you were born with the male sex.
furries will love that, mannn
and Foucalt is less….dense to understand than Lacan
have you read/watched *Knights of Sidonia*? In that society most humans basically are genderless unless/until they find someone they like and then they adopt the characteristics of a certain gender to they can breed with their lover. Note that after then, they can return to their 'neuter' status with surgery or something, or transition to the 'opposite' sex.
Theres also other fun things like the humans having clorophyll (sp?) so they eat much less compared to unmodified humans. That's a cool future to shoot for.
I fucking love that manga. I feel like most scifi just takes modern society as we know it and throws some fancy technology in, but Sidonia's author seems to have seriously thought about how things may change in the future.
Photosynthetic humans would all be fat as fuck. Eating is a deeper pleasure than sex.
They're just teenagers and young adults grappling with sexuality and probably what their sexuality is.
The fact that it triggers so many says more about them then SJWs.
If Hegel was a cute ladyboi I'd totally fug him because
Agreed. In fact, as technology advances it's all but guaranteed to happen anyway. Once people can reconfigure their bodies on a whim then there will really be little reason to classify people by gender.
HEY it's
you fuck!
cool. Have you read Rapture of the Nerds? It's a book on post-singularity society. genderbending is a topic talked about in there
too, but its not a 'core' topic. (theres a bit of biopunk hacking in the book)
basically, the 'gauna' (aliens) attacked Sidonia in the past, and basically destroyed the food supply. As a result, the humans genetically engineered themselves to photosynthesize to deal with the reduced food supplies until the damage could be repaired. They kept the mods for legacy/laziness purposes, and I guess because it's less stuff to carry around (for the long term scout missions the mecha go on).
You can always make the metabolism quicker to deal with that.
are you a fan of biopunk? (the 'hacking' part of transhumanism basically, and a sf subgenre)
God, I read too many globalised fetish threads, mixing politics and and fetish is like mixing sleeping pills and rum, I've spent way too much time figuring out the ins and outs of how an Amazonian gynarcho-communist state would function.
Near future academy is great bit of trap hentai, but the society it presents where everyone presents as female and tons of sex scenes start with the girl going "oh , so you're a boy huh? I had no idea" seeped into my politics to the point that I've reall become the straw man degenerate Holla Forums goes on about.
The thing is, "identifying" as a gender (or a race, etc) is an irrelevant endeavor.
Why is the concept of gender relevant? Because it highlights the fact that gender roles are a collective construct. Gender is dependent on public perception and defined by social behavior, not something you pick up according to your preferences as if you were shopping at the gender supermarket.
It doesn't matter that you identify as masculine if society sees you as a woman. That's what they will judge you and allocate a gender role upon, regardless of your precious feelings.
Do you think the cops care what a black guy identify as when they beat the shit out of him?
There's this story about a white-looking guy sitting in the white car of a segregation-era train: the crew obviously didn't mind about him, that is until he told the conductor he was technically black. The conductor's views changed and he modified his behavior accordingly.
You don't play around with social constructs; you are trapped in them. The only sound progressive understanding of gender issues is gender abolition.
I'm curious what do y'all think of the thousands of genders identified in fungus
It would certainly shed some light on Holla Forums's bizarre sexual mores.
Look at that, suddenly gender isn't a social construct.
Zizek is right. Gender is a concept just like all identities which can be hewn to utter atomization to the point where the entire concept becomes meaningless.
Fuck off cuck
Any links to Zizek talking about gender?
Or identity politics in general?
Who fucking cares? Just treat people like normal human beings. I thought this board was supposed to be anti-idpol -_-