
OK. Defend this shit retards.


Enjoy keep having to pay a fee for your cable box silly goy

Because I know you ppl can't really read that well, this means shitty ISPs can keep shitty infrastructure in place, not upgrade jack shit and continue overcharging you for third-world tier speeds.

You know how this will create jobs? Not by employing a work force to install new equipment across the nation. Nope. Not by bolstering an era of new companies to compete with the ISP mafia. Indeed not. This means more jobs as servants in the yatchs of the elite. More jobs as retail associates, maybe, if retail companies even earn enough from poor ass burgers. All for the fake promise your ineptitude made you too retarded to fucking see through.

Bend over America. The right-wing retards will make good on their promise to hold back progress one last time for four years. If you dimwits even last that long….




back to reddit with you

You have any more salt? May I recommend shoving it up your tiny little dick while you masturbate to rich schlubs selling you more empty promises?



The west is being invaded by savages and you're worried about your fucking internet speed? Fuck off nigger

You give yourself away, Steinbeck

We have a race war coming you dumb faggot. GTFO

wtf I hate Drumpf now

More right-wing tears. Holy fuck you guys really are retarded. I guess you really do enjoy taking it up the ass every paycheck. Congrats!

lolbergers never ever learn.

I can't. The ISPs in this country are fucked beyond comprehension. Our internet speeds and coverage are worse than fucking Afghanistan.

Because that will fix you having a tiny dick, the brain the size of a fucking bird, and you getting to have all the sweet nazi poon all day long like in your retarded right-wing wet dreams? If you really want Civil war 2.0, you'll be crushed you dumb shit. But intellectuals have better things to do with their time in this day and age luckily.

Kill yourself OP.

Better luck next time Schlomo.

Still watching the electric jew? I hear TRS softly calling your name.

Sounds bretty ebin
I guess I should have voted for Hillary then? Or Bernie? (he can still win btw!!1)
We have massive demographic issues and you're worried about Internet speed of all things?
I guess this is what niggers worry about in their spare time.

A street shitter not giving a shit about consumer protection…Color me surprised…

stopped reading there

like what? they're not producing anything of value with all their (((intellect))). hubris like yours always precedes an ass whooping.

learn to prioritize, nigger.

None of those is an argument. If Holla Forums ever was a board which can hold it's "consensus" it is not know, you can only babble about that it exists.

Found the NPR faggot worried about his nigger teir job.

It was not even a condemnation of Trump, really, it was just a statement of fact. It's been a problem for a long time, it should be going in a direction that would correct it instead of deepening the pit. We invented the internet, why does every shithole on the planet have better access to it than 90% of the country?

The internet is and has been one of the greatest weapons we have against the kikes, it is in our best interest that it be protected and improved as much as is possible.

Typical tricks, schlomo



I'm not arguing with you, I'm making fun of you.
The inability to recognize the difference between the two is a large indicator of autism.



Doesn't matter. It's obvious you're new or an outsider. You're not here for actual discussion either. Fuck off.

Tell me where you live and let's see where that intellect gets you. I'll dash your skull on the pavement. I'm tired of you cowardly cucks and your bravado.

No, you give me your address, unless you're a pussy lmfao.

Go back to plebbit.

Keep the salt flowing user, shit like this makes my day


What do you care about net neutrality? You only use reddit anyway.


Fuck off

That isn't what Holla Forums is?

Lol. Captain autismo here who was so easily brainwashed by Yuri is talking about intellect.

Well a lot of base infrastructure is still very usable and up-gradable.

Cable Internet went from 10Mbit down and 1Mbit up in 1997 to 500Mbit down and 50Mbit up here in my country. Approaching what most fiber ISP's provide.


I'm not helping you with your paycheck, Steinbeck.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't like it at all. The problem is we are currently being bombarded by shills trying to do anything they can to turn us off Trump, which makes genuine criticism and discussion difficult.

This is not a good thing.


Well your comment is reasonable and gives me some hope

Still, he did similar picks for other cabinet positions so who knows

I'll never regret voting for the most anti-immigration option. If America doesn't remain white it's dead anyway, so any collateral isn't that important

The net neutrality is a false dilemma made up to have the FCC gain control of the internet – which they have. The solution to the conundrum is already written into Trump's philosophy and platform: destruction of regional monopolies.


Stop typing like a retard instead of chimping out.

It's more of the zionist-bloc alliance Trump is a part of. This guy is a street shitter, he appointed a street shitter to the UN position, he took millions in campaign contributions from street shitter Shally Kumar, he floated John Bolton for a cabinet position who wants to admit India into fucking NATO, he put that chink Elaine Chao in charge of the Transportation Department. Even the Democrats he cuddles up to [and get subtly pushed by the "alt" media] like Bernie Sandkike and Tulsi Gabbard are lunatic, batshit insane zionists.

The plan is to have White men fight a forever war against Islam while this is managed by a kike/pajeet/chink ruling class.

The neocon wet dream is to finish the Iraq/Afghanistan/Iran corridor. If we cuck them out of Greater Israel and War with Iran, we win.

That's not really what's going to happen, though. The immigration will simply be redirected towards India and Asia [as it has already been for years] because those groups tend to be friendly towards zionism as opposed to Muslims and spics, who tend to be outright hostile or uninterested in involvement.


Well, we'll see, right?

Uncuck your mind, friendo.

I'd suggest you do the same if I had the vaguest idea of what you were trying to get across.

It's a shitskin, no defense needed.

you spelt "cunts" wrong m8
we prefer intelligent people to intellectuals, and intelligence is not restricted to "highbrow" book readers alone

"Interesting" thread to be anchored.

You didn't check out his motives for opposing those rules. Money has to do with it. Whenever you set those laws, you have to compromise with the opposing side by giving them their slice. In the case of corporations, this would mean that you would secure their industry by funding them with tax payer money so that they would follow those rules.

You just defaulted to, "hurr durr dum republicans want to ruin my Netflix and MOBA sessions".

The only thing that "intellectuals" do is rationalize themselves into mutilating their genitals and spending six figures on a toliet paper degree. The majority of you guys have no useful skills besides filling up 4x6 index cards and angrily writing verbose papers.

You'll kill yourselves before you lay a finger on us.

That's only a workable solution in certain fields, and would require a healthy economy and more sweeping deregulation so that people could get into the field.

Telecom, however, is not one of those fields. It's like water, power and transportation: the huge infrastructure requirements that need to be coordinated with city planners and public spending tends to obviate competition and cannot be fully deregulated because of the necessary planning aspects.