Was America ever great anyway?

I mean, it was ruled by kikes the whole time….. should be; Make American great for once

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Make baitposting great again.

America was at its greatest when it WASP - which actually included the Scots, Swedes, Dutch and other Protestants who flocked there in the 'early days'. The start of its downfall was when it became significantly more urbanised with the influx of Irish, Italian, Polish and other Catholics. Its death knell truly sounded a little after when jews had used urban voting blocs to force through laws that the previously mostly rural Protestant founders did not agree with.

To this day the rural areas are still heavily North-Western European of Protestant descent. I'd also add that obviously not all Catholics, and not all Italians, Irish, Polish etc. were bad people, and many of them did work for themselves and lived in rural areas. The fact remains however that it was not until the demographics changed with the Irish/Italians/Polish/etc that the jew was finally able to wrest control away from WASPs and put it firmly into their own hands. Obviously its not that the Irish/Italians were intentionally trying to destroy America, they were just easy targets for the jews who could harp on about 'civil rights' and 'welfare' and all the other stuff they use to manipulate people into doing their bidding.

yes, you illiterate peasant Content Farm share-cropper, America is indeed the greatest.
Read this book to learn One Weird Trick why Americans were the first in history to chop down Monarchy and do something new in thousands of years of history.

Then read this book why the Jew HATES him. (the Jew inevitably steals credit for it like they always do):

Why would you bump this shit slide thread?

Implying democracy was a better choice than Monarchy.
Maybe French revolution was a good thing too?

It was great, the question is if the current Americans can make it great again.
Aside from their celebreties and their propaganda, most white americans dont even resemble heathy humans.
Their entire diet is generally extremely harmful and disgusting to the point that we definitely see epigenetic changes in white Americans.
I recently had a discussion with an American fitness instructor and the standards at which he considered people fit were absolutely laughable. You cant just shove shit into your body for 30 years and still look decent by working out.
Same goes of course for the negro-mulatto underclass that has become a huge part of the US population, but I dont consider them americans.
For America to become great again there would need to be a massive overhaul of their preferred diet. Since food producers, big pharma, the medical complex and the government itself have no interest in a fit population we will maybe see a better America in the future, but not one that is healthy and as good as it was before.
Go dig up the programs Kennedy envisioned for schools and colleges. He wanted the american people to be the Ubermensch. Shame he was killed.

I'm not american but i can relate the fall of western democracies to the masonic creation of the United States. THey were even communicating, were the same group that were part of the french revolution.
WIth the fall of the monarchies, it opened the whole usury, liberal kike market.

Funny that you forgot the largest ethnic group, ther American Germans… You have more than half of Germany in your country.

wikipedia. org/wiki/German_Americans

economist. com/news/united-states/21642222-americas-largest-ethnic-group-has-assimilated-so-well-people-barely-notice-it

buzzfeed. com/peteraldhous/trump-and-the-white-vote

electionanalysis2016. us/us-election-analysis-2016/section-4-diversity-and-division/why-are-the-german-americans-trumps-most-loyal-supporters/

i means the fall of western Monarchies

USA was republic, not democracy. They fought war with post revolutionary France

Huh you need historic lessons. The same people did the american and french revolutions.
Louis XVI was dumb and the masons played him (or blackmailed since they managed to lend money to the kings) to financially support (american revolution) the same people who would kill him later. Lmao

Exactly correct.

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Enlightenment

Enlightement = French and American masons, the ones behind revolutions and leaving kikes in power

I'm oldish. 50. I remember the 70s as a kid and the USA was respected. I'm Scottish btw, and never been to America.
Obama destroyed its standing. Trump is half Scottish and loves the UK.

American and French revolutions were nothing alike. Jefferson was appalled by what the Jacobists in France did and retracted all of his support.

Who said they were alike?
They were done by the same masonic kike puppets and took over the world at this time.

Mason were not jews but christian.

Daily reminder that most White Americans are descended from the British Isles but choose to identify as German because they think it is more interesting (especially when it comes to LARPing) and because the German part of their ancestry is often the most recent in terms of immigration to the US, while the British part is often very far back, even to colonial times, and in many cases is considered "American" rather than "British".

Yeah just like Hillary Clinto is Christian

Irish were always here, same with the Catholics. Maryland was founded by Catholics. It's just that we got their entire lower class at once during the famine.

Low energy, this is D grade salt and D- minus bait

Before the Federal Reserve Act, especially before the Civil War

Daily reminder that you're fucking retard