
Let's discuss the state of modern hollywood comedy. Honestly it pretty fucking awful and I think mainly it's because it doesn't seem like anyone sits down and writes jokes and scripts and they all seem like halfassed SNL skits stretched over a movie's length. No one remotely feels like an actual honest to god character but instead just some one dimensional joke machine. This is the fat woman joke, she's fat and a woman. This is the wigger joke, they exist solely for the supposed sane character to be embarassed of. Next there's the fact that some jokes go on for way too long, even if they aren't that funny in the first place. It's usually a setup for a joke happens and then the actual meat of the joke is the supposed sane character chewing up 30seconds-1minute of everyone's time by talking in a slow, smug fashion or trying to spin their touch on a joke, a very prominent example I have in mind is that one deadpool 2 trailer where the hobo gets shot because Wade took too long changing. Then deadpool takes one whole minute goes OH MAN HE GOT SHOT OH MAN HE'S DEAD OH MAN I TOOK TOO LONG CHANGING OH GOD ARE YOU LAUGHING YET WINK WINK.
It's kind of hard to believe such a drop in quality is possible after things like the Naked Gun and Police Academy(not that these two were the undisputed gods of comedy but watching them again, even the jokes that go on for too long are funny). Is there a specific reason why every single aspect of comedy movies, from jokes to actors to even shot quality drops so hard? Am I just looking in the what's popular section and there are still movies on par with Naked Gun out there?

It's mostly just because the subversion has gotten too blatant at this point. They can't make a joke that isn't "HAHA THING I DON'T LIKE IS WEAK HOLDS UP SPORK" not to mention using the same short list of actors every single time.

The problem is the incredible pushing of political correctness. Like you can make a fat woman joke, but only if that fat woman is Melissa McCarthy or Rebel Wilson, both of whom are white. You can't make a fat woman joke with a black actress - maybe if "she" is played by Eddie Murphy.

For the rest, in order to someone be funny, it is a requirement to have a well written character. They don't do that anymore, because they don't have to. There are gimmicks, like Thor is the strong, handsome guy, so jokes regarding him or coming from him will be based on "I am stronger than you, that's why this is funny" or "I am supposed to be stronger, but right now this guy is stronger, but we are on the same side, so he defeating me is actually funny" or someone else making a statement about how strong or handsome he is. Being strong is established, the handsomeness is implied, so that's it. There will be no real funny things coming out of his mouth, because he is a 2D character, and being so troubled about muh brotehr and muh kingdom are not stuff taht you can joke about.

Unless the villian does it, but then the villian is evil, and if you laugh on his jokes, you are evil too. That's how this works.


you guys gonna peg this one on the jews? because (((they))) have made some funny stuff.

there was some good slapstick in the new Ghostbusters

The problem with Hollywood right now is that it's run by cowards chasing the massive blockbuster profits. Back when great comedies would come out, it was because they had writers with genuine talent and actors with good comedic timing and they weren't afraid to take a risk. Now if it's a comedy it has to be two random BIG NAME actors, maybe with Jonah Hill if they want to pretend he's funny some more, then it's either a rehash or…actually. When was the last original comedy movie? I think the Wayans Brothers have been putting stuff out, but that's been all parody content right? I legitimately can't think of a comedy that's been released in the past five years that wasn't a remake of something else. Help me.

Not too mention the 'comedy' in certain blockbuster flicks.

I agree; the new Ghostbusters is an excellent piece of cinema.

Sick to my back teeth of snark. Why these fuckers can't grasp that humor isn't limited to sarcasm is beyond me.

Modern "comedy" movies are 90% improv because writers are too expensive in a business ran by shekelberg's. That is why comedies are trash now. Plus most people's sense of humour has been poisoned by decades of manchild propaganda.

How are you supposed to make a crowd of edgy nihilists uncomfortable enough to build tension for a joke

The issue is that humor fundamentally requires you to make fun of something. Dancing around taboos and point fun at sacred cows and shitting on other people is funny. You can't be funny when you're constantly trying everything you can to to be 100% PC and never offend or step on anyone's toes. That's why SJW humor in modern media is mostly just "lol xD SO RANDUM" bullshit.

At least we have Rick & Morty to cut through the nihilism of modern comedy.


What's been the funniest movie of the decade?

The greatest story never told

you can thank a certain male feminist for this

I don't think so. I think the problem is not that they aren't making fun of something, but they do it not to entertain, but make yourself out as being better. When I see comedy making fun of certain real world aspects or people, I hate it not because they make fun of someone that I like, but because instead of it being funny it comes off as being more mean spirited, childish and with an intent to make ourself out as being this smug super genius.

I think the problem is that people going "wow, just wow I can't believe he did that, just wow" became a popular style for punchlines.

I ever since I saw how hyper liberal SJWs did that I couldn't help but see it in these big time comedies too. They don't see the need to form a real joke as they can just try placing something that's supposed to be absurd on screen and then have characters act shocked at it.

look at the size of that fucking forehead

That's what I was trying to say

a striking resemblance

Oh god, thanks for reminding me about the shawarma scene
I can still feel a slight burn in my eyes and twitch from my eyelids to this day whenever someone brings up the Avengers thanks to that bullcrap

Pretty sure that is from the loads you take

A moth goes into a podiatrist’s office. The podiatrist says, “What’s the problem?”
The moth says, “Where do I begin with my problems? Every day I go to work for Gregory Vassilievich, and all day long I toil. But what is my work? I am a bureaucrat, and so every day I joylessly move papers from one place to another and then back again. I no longer know what it is that I actually do, and I don’t even know if Gregory Vassilievich knows. He only knows that he has power over me, and this seems to bring him much happiness. And where is my happiness? It is when I awake in the morning and I do not know who I am. In that single moment I am happy. In that single moment, before the memory of who I am strikes me like a cane. And I take to the streets and walk, in a malaise, here and then there and then here again. And then it is time for work. Others stopped asking me what I do for a living long ago, for they know I will have no answer and will fix my empty eyes upon them, and they fear my melancholia might prove so deep as to be contagious. Sometimes, Doc, in the deepest dark of night, I awake in my bed and I turn to my right, and with horror I see some old lady lying on my arm. An old lady that I once loved, Doc, in whose flesh I once found splendor and now see only decay, an old lady who insults me by her very existence.
“Once, Doc, when I was young, I flew into a spiderweb and was trapped. In my panic, I smashed my wings till the dust flew from them, but it did not free me and only alerted the spider. The spider moved toward me and I became still, and the spider stopped. I had heard many stories from my elders about spiders, about how they would sink their fangs into your cephalothorax and you would be paralyzed but aware as the spider slowly devoured you. So I remained as still as possible, but when the spider again began moving toward me, I smashed my wing again into my cage of silk, and this time it worked. I cut into the web and freed myself and flew skyward. I was free and filled with joy, but this joy soon turned to horror: I looked down and saw that in my escape I had taken with me a single strand of silk, and at the end of the strand was the spider, who was scrambling upward toward me. Was I to die high in the sky, where no spider should be? I flew this way, then that, and finally I freed myself from the strand and watched as it floated earthward with the spider. But days later a strange feeling descended upon my soul, Doc. I began to feel that my life was that single strand of silk, with a deadly spider racing up it and toward me. And I felt that I had already been bitten by his venomous fangs and that I was living in a state of paralysis, as life devoured me whole.
“My daughter, Alexandria, fell to the cold of last winter. The cold took her, as it did many of us. And so my family mourned. And I placed on my countenance the look of grief, Doc, but it was a masquerade. I felt no grief for my dead daughter but only envy. And so I have one child now, a boy, whose name is Stephan Mikhailovitch Smokovnikov, and I tell you now, Doc, with great and deep shame, the terrible truth. I no longer love him. When I look into his eyes, all I see is the same cowardice that I see when I catch a glimpse of my own eyes in a mirror. It is this cowardice that keeps me living, Doc, that keeps me moving from place to place, saying hello and goodbye, eating though hunger has long left me, walking without destination, and, at night, lying beside the strange old lady in this burlesque of a life I endure. If only the cowardice would abate for the time needed to reach over and pick up the cocked and loaded pistol that lies on my bedside table, then I might finally end this façade once and for all. But, alas, the cowardice takes no breaks; it is what defines me, it is what frames my life, it is what I am. And yet I cannot resign myself to my own life. Instead, despair is my constant companion as I walk here and then there, without dreams, without hope, and without love.”
“Moth,” says the podiatrist, “your tale has moved me and it is clear you need help, but it is help I cannot provide. You must see a psychiatrist and tell him of your troubles. Why on earth did you come to my office?”
The moth says, “Because the light was on.”

Most good comics has become obsolete or cut out from the mainsstream. Check out Artie&Anthony show though, it's fucking good.

I think the last good comedy movie was Tropic Thunder. So nearly a decade ago.

Wow, even Holla Forums has fallen for it.

Even feminists hate him now because his portrayals of female characters are too problematic, which I would agree with since his portrayal of every character is problematic in that he can't write for shit.

screeching cows who get angry at whoever their handlers point them at are useless idiots, nothing more. It is amusing to see the "good allys" get tossed under the bus as they go for the next level of numale servitude with eager betas lining up to get any little taste of female approval they can.

there was always bad comedy people ate up
and there were always terrible movies being made. I feel like they just dont care to even release a few gems along with the chaff to keep us even mildly interested. They definitely are tired of pretense - they want their docile indoctrinated masses and they want them now.

My problem is that something with an even remotely interesting premise is comptely fucked.
I remember reading about an upcoming comedy where some low level analyst chick gets thrust into a spy conspiracy and I thought that's a cool premise, then I read that Jason Satham was in it and I though "cool, Jason can kind of make comedy work", then I read that Melissa whatshername is in it and I got shut off completely. Because the entire structure of the jokes is that instead of this analyst being put into a world she doesn't belong in and she has to adapt, the entire joke is that LOL SHE'S FAT AND CRASS AND DISGUSTING

eww. i can't argue with you there.
i think it's a sign. It's time to stop just consuming and also start creating. tho you still have more hope than me, i've completely tuned out of western media.

Police Squad was the only good comedy.

Irony was, it was considered too ahead for it's time back then.

Problem is that modern Hollywood comedies rely way too much on adlib. As a result they don't put thought into jokes or sight gags. The adlib needs to be trimmed down. That and be short and to the point with jokes. They drag it out so much like Family Guy.

That wasn't a hobo. That was Uncle Ben.

That was nice, user.

Now, that's funny.


It still irks me that they've made Nordberg (literally means Nordic Mountain) into a black guy in the movies. O.J. Simpson was funny, but still. Also changing Alan North to George Kennedy is another strange thing. Both were great, but the original Ed is not so incompetent