Beige Horizon hit a new low quite recently but this descends even further. The CBC have been so rattled by Trump they have been a parody of a character assassinating government propaganda mouthpiece since the primaries. His victory shook their psyches. I sense weakness and vulnerability, with many openings to strike down and expose their narratives. Let's make 2017 the year the (((mothership))) is held accountable. #cbconblast
CBC New Low "The Trump effect" in Canada: Testing how we react to racism and intolerance
Other urls found in this thread:
Canada should be annexed by the United States, with all chinks and shitskins being deported, and all kikes gassed
We can reach the stars together, and secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Conditioned useful idiots are always reaching new heights aren't they?
Youtube's running slow for me tonight. Can anyone tell me where in Canada this "experiment" took place?
How did canada get so retarded?
Canada was 97% white in 1971:
Remember this?
Canadians are forced to pay for this garbage. Absolute propaganda.
Keep this thread bumped, and downvote the video in the OP. It signals to normal Canadians that they're not alone.
da memes
Did they actually fucking do that?
I gotchu fam. Welcome to Canada.
I just came here to check these.
fucking degenerates
also, please someone photoshop "just call me faggot" onto first pic
pls no flood detect.
checking these nice trips
also, Canada's liberal party seems Sweden-level cucked
godamn european style parliments make me cringe. its autistic shrieking: the government.
rather its autistic shrieking; the legislative body
It's like they subconsciously know that non-whites are what makes a country awful.
This. Does it have comments open? Fill them with angry remarks about how its bias propaganda done by the Canadian government, and bring up how they hate white people.
Nothing subconscious about it. They know their place. They will never admit it though. They need us, and hate us too for being better than them. They also hate themselves for being worse.
It was so bad that moonman took a trip to Canada just to lay down some lunar rhymes.
Remember, complain to the CRTC, not the CBC. This is actual "fake news."
DEFINITION of 'Crown Corporation' Any corporation that is established and regulated by a country's state or government. This is the opposite of private companies, which are privately owned, structured and operated to serve the owners of the company. A crown company is commercially owned by the government.
kek that faggot is the least convincing actor they could've gone with
At 1:24 it shows the negress sitting in the truck. Not a very convincing scene.
My first question for the makers of this video is this: How the fuck can the tell which Twitter users are Canadian?
Has Twitter given them special access to their website so they can analyze geo IP statistics? If so, this proves nothing, as VPNs and proxies are a thing.
Are they just basing it on what people describe themselves as on their Twitter profile? That is meaningless, I have dozens of Twitter accounts pretending to be all sorts of nationalities.
WOW, they just listed the hashtags they used in their analysis to create their bogus stats, calling them "HATE SPEECH": #siegheil, #whitegenocide, #whitepower.
How the FUCK is #siegheil or #whitegenocide "hate speech"? They literally just published on national television, that being concerned about the erasure of your culture and people from your own country, is HATE SPEECH.
I'm taking these motherfuckers down. I'm going to deconstruct and anally rape this entire video. FUCK YOU CBC JEWS, I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS. You should be TERRIFIED.
also checked
I don't know if it's more surprising that that video is still up or that its ratings haven't been disabled yet.
Should start flagging these videos for racism or being offensive or whatever jewtube has, I dont have an account myself.
Back when this video first aired, an user on 4cuck made a thread about how he has already contacted a lawyer about suing Majumder for hate crimes. Lots of anons pledged to help fun his case if he went through with it. Haven't heard anything since, but there's that.
This shit takes forever, particularly in Canada. Remember that female MRA group that got thrown out of some canuck convention during the height of Goymergate? They're still waiting on their trial.
Canada makes me sad. I went to Victoria once. It's a nice place. The Canadians I met were nice. The idea of Canada browning itself out makes me sad.
Their time will come. I will be as close to the Nuremberg hanging they get as possible. I'm sure the line to get to swing one of these fucks will be long.
Make sure you fly the corporate Kikenada flag upside down, if ever again. The new Canadian flag is forever disgraced, it represents nothing more than the cuckening by the Trudeau dynasty and their Jewish foreskin speculators.
Here's the black woman's twitter that made the video:
She's currently just retweeting people who are showering her with praise. Amusingly, every single comment on the CBC Marketplace tweets of the video is by Canadians demanding CBC be defunded. Top kek. (Use the hashtag #CUTCBC)
Good opportunity to redpill normies with memes.
I agree that it's a dead end. Frankly, the Canadian government would probably counter-sue the user for hate crimes.
Canada is just China and America's bitch anyway considering how weak, insecure and irrelevant the nation always was and forever shall be. It's a country that exists only because stronger nations let it. Annex Canada today!
Also if you live in Canada and watch ZOGNews like CBC, you'll immediately detect Canadian insecurity when the ice niggers constantly try to shoehorn Canada into the topic somehow.
Shlomo detected! Nice try at D&Cing USA vs. Canada.
USA and Canada are forever bros, and together we will defeat the international Juden. Get triggered Chaim.
Everything you need to know about the progressives.
I lost my patience and started name fagging to see if I could lure one of these leftists into a debate on the subject of 'diversity in Canada'. I've gotten lucky, because today CBC posted a video called 'Trump Effect', which was a psy-op they ran on Canadians (pretending to be "white supremacists" and harassing Canadians about immigration, see here: ). I started challenging the creators and stars of the video to a debate on Twitter, and it fucking worked: pic related, Jesse Lipscombe agreed to a debate (the challenge tweet was a reply to CBC's tweet about the video, and was the only reply actually). I know namefagging is forbidden but I am going insane doing nothing about this bullshit in my country. This 'Trump Effect' video INFURIATED me.
I've never taken part in a debate in my life, please help me prepare for this. This is a chance to expose Canadians to the truth behind these "anti-racism" charades. I was extremely careful to make it clear that I want to debate 'diversity in Canada'. This is because I know that there are no valid arguments for it. I will ask him to first explain the benefits of diversity… see where I'm going with this?
Jesse Lipscombe is the founder of the "Make It Awkward" movement/website:
I've already sent him a follow up email (he sent me a private message on twitter with his email address), but he hasn't replied yet. He said he'd be down for doing it via something like Skype, since I live a couple thousand Km from him. I would however be willing to do it in person, too. I don't give a fuck.
Help me annihilate this debate please. I really think that this guy's head is swollen from the CBC coverage, and has made a huge mistake here. As I said I don't have any experience with debating people, and I'm a computer scientist not a philosophy major, but I took as many philosophy courses in uni as I could.
Yes I spoilered my twitter handle, because I am ashamed to be namefagging. I realize it's redundant, I just hope people will believe me that this is not for attention. I have nowhere else to turn. Help me deconstruct every facet of this guy's bullshit so I can wake Canada up.
Fuck, I meant to post a new thread. I'll just gas myself
I guess I'll just leave this here for now and not make a new thread.
Help me destroy this debate pls.
Go to youtube and watch the following:
Ben Shapiro Debates (He's a kike but the man is a fucking master) and vid related to start.
Also be clear WHAT you are debating, don't make it something vague like "Raycism" make it "Does group homogony improve the economy" it needs to be specific
YES, thank you, perfect, I will consume these videos immediately.
I'm wondering if the CBC could be tricked into covering this, somehow. Pics related, tweets from the black woman explaining that her intent behind making 'Trump Effect' was to encourage "open" and "honest" conversations. I mean, it would look pretty hypocritical of them to discourage this debate, wouldn't it? You might even say… they could be forced to cover it.
I'll see what I can do, but seriously watch through those and be sure to tell us when you're doing it
Godspeed user, do us all proud
If libshits can be pushed over in America, they sure as hell can be pushed over in Canada. Godspeed!
Read this, and memorize, it is the best go to debate manual for nationalists. Studying and trying to emulate debaters like Kike Shapiro is good and well but hammer of the patriot is more expedient preparation.
Thank you.
This book is *insane*.
Never heard of this but reading it now and it's gold
If you want an audio version of help, look up the 'Hammercast' on soundcloud. https:// The guy who wrote Hammer of the Patriots ( see ) runs it. Debate tactics in audio form. Newer ones do dry run arguments against "liberals" (one of the hosts acting as the liberal using real liberal arguments). Listen to them while in the car while on your way to work or something.
Beware of semantic word games. Shifting definitions, goalpost shifting, etc. Point this out whenever you notice it. It makes you look strong and him slimy.
Troll tactic: bring up how forced diversity is the same as genocide as both shift the populace of a society. One acts directly through the state and the other acts through secondary actors but both alter the demographics of a country in a planned way. However, you are dealing with a dindu so he will probably not understand this but will redpill the fuck out of any open minded audience members. Going full white genocide is not a good idea though as many people will interpret that as a tinfoil-tier idea, despite what we here all know. Use with caution.
As a side tactic: bring up the history of Quebec vs. Anglo Canada as an argument against why diversity (Franco/Anglo) leads to conflict. This is a good tactic if he tries to get you on the race angle (which he will inevitably try to do). If 2 white peoples with historic/near-geographic connections cannot get along, how does he expect many peoples from many regions of the world with radically different moral and ethical differences to get along. Ask him to justify this. Press him hard on this. His lack of an answer will be most telling. Research Quebec history as necessary. Even a brief skim will give you the bullet points to bring back to the central point of diversity not working.
Remember: Diversity + Proximity = Conflict
Still investigating that crown a large Mike Nifong who had that father tried for 'twitter harassment' to pad her career, her father is a big (((political))) type and they keep trying to delay it.
This here is the real 'canadien' flag.
Look up this guys story, CBC barely covered him and no one knows his name.Ask the nog what he thinks about the case or something and when he says he doesnt know who it is, say that proves your point, and ask him if he knows Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.
This shitstain drugged, raped, video taped, blackmailed and forced prostituted out over 20 underage white girls in Montreal last year.
Also be sure to bring up that it happens regularly in both eastern and western Canada. I think Ive heard several examples from Halifax, a couple from NB and 1-2 from edmonton.
Syrians molesting 14 year old girls on school grounds, getting a week suspension and no criminal charges, after the cops pressure the victim not to ruin the syrians life, and say they need to accept the cultural differences etc etc.
Foreign exchange students raping people in Quebec for example.
Look up the actual statistics for how white Canada was decades ago, I read something that we were 97% white in the 70s but I could be off. By 2060, we will have 100 million people and with a sub 2.0 replacement rate, that will be ~65 million non whites. Thats a genocide.
RAGE bump.
Diversity isn't our strength. There are plenty of studies which support this view. See video:
O'Leary shill thread.
Muuuh CBC
(((Bell))) and (((Rogers))) have the money and control Internet access.
Found something funny, anons. Pics related: both the black "journalist" who made 'Trump Effect' (Asha Tomlinson) and the black activist who was featured (Jesse Lipscombe) only date whites!
Actually, Lipscombe is married to a white woman, and Tomlinson loves white boys and appears to be single (lots of pics on her facebook of drunkenly grubbing white cucks at bars).
They sure must love their race.
What the fuck are you talking about, faggot? Nothing ITT supports O'Leary.
Don't downplay the CBC's reach. Their radio and television coverage is nationwide and their influence extends into the USA as well. While whining about Russia, the CBC was actively working against Trump with cartoonishly slanted propaganda disguised as news reporting, especially on the radio.
He is going to try to trip you up about the concept of Making Canada Great Again. Tell him we want to accelerate into the new era of space industry, exploration and unimagined wealth and human golden age, and we can't do it while beholden to globalist values that demand we accommodate the (Muslim) blowback from US and NATO adventures Canada tagged along with and just accept it as though there aren't trails that follow right back to the (((government))). Just the fact that these refugees exist is evidence that some forms of diversity(Dual Israelis citizens in govt starting wars) have harmful outcomes. Don't go this direction unless you've read Walt & Mearschiemer and thoroughly understand the role of PNAC in the Bush Administration war planning and AIPAC in the political system. It might be hard to debate without committing a thought crime but probably can be done.
what the actual fuck.
I'm not a fan of (((The Rebel Media))) but this deserves your attention.
They already found him, pic related.
1000 shekels goes a long way in Canada you know.
Note the cucked language used by that Twitter account: "can't punch a woman and get away with it".
How about you can't punch anyone and get away with it, vaginafaggot?
They're bretty based tbh.
It's a children's game, where the first one who laughs, loses.
One of the oldest YLYL if you would.
jej, very cute desu. The only disturbing thing to me about that video is knowing how the Liberals use the aboriginals as virtue signaling currency, while openly fucking them over at every turn.
Guess what?
The question IS:
You need more than that. You need to know the context. The Quebecois were never Republicans and they are the unbroken line from the Ancient Regieme to now. They are monarchist… French monarchist.
The Pequists are a bunch of marxists. There are a lot of quiet separatists, my anglo ass included.
This is usually a university phenomenon. Quebecois women are notoriously red pilled when it comes to sex, booze, and drug rapists.
I've actually turned on the CBC for the fuck of it and they are constantly running pro-Hillary PR fluff pieces that re-write her as a sympathetic victim that had the mean FBI ganging up on her.
Terrible meanie scandals that are just nasty rumors!
This is a reoccurring probably I've noticed for britcucks and leafs etc… They tend to get the runoff water from the septic pipe ass-end of our media.
So when they're "informed" they usually have the stupidest glossy propaganda embedded in their minds, only a few go out of their way to figure out they're reading bullshit.
I'll debate for you if you want. I've redpilled tons of normies on white genocide and converted SJW's to natsoc. The best part is they can't even call me a racist. (I'm not white).
Remember to stay calm and articulate.
Know your shit (go look up the data and stats)
Point out leftist hypocrisy
Make statements in the form of questions
The CBC is the product of Canadian Nationalism. It was originally created to prevent America from controlling Canadian media. To combat the American broadcasting companies, the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission was formed. The CRBC was criticized for being biased towards the Conservatives, and was later dissolved and turned into the CBC by William L. MacKenzie King's Liberal Government.
Notice how this shit is coming primarily from Ontario though. Ontario is its own bag of shit: religiously it has some weird Cult-Christianity that split from the Anglican Church but joined the Anglican Communion. Culturally one might, at first glance say that it's similar to the United States or the Fatherland, but there's something not right about it, something about the air. Ethnically, though there are many whites, the cities are packed with Jamaicans, Hindoos and other trash, not to mention the high amount of Chinese and Pinoys. Ontario is the Lovecraft Country of Canada, and just like the Innsmouth folk, they spread to several cities and provinces around the area. Most importantly: Ontario is the most influenced by American Jewish Propaganda. I say this as someone born in Ontario in one of the minor cities near Toronto.
People seem to forget that Canada as a whole was really conservative. There wasn't a slow sink into liberalism and tyranny like in America, it was a blindingly fast event. My parents generation went from owning ARs and tanks(ettes) seriouslyto being barely allowed to have a semi auto non black rifle pinned at a five round magazine, free speech and common law to imprisonment for misgendering and holocaust skepticism. Our nation was murdered in a single generation and nobody seems to know how. Burgers also don't seem to realize that it was American cultural imperialism and media that destroyed a nearly %100 white conservative nation.
It was certainly faster than most. I'm not all too certain if William MacKenzie King's Liberal Government was where it started to decline or not: certainly he had more care and reverence for Canada than modern Liberals do. Trudeau was definitely where the decline really became evident and apparent though. I'm not too keen on the French, but they had a real fighting passion, they cared about Quebec and fought tooth and nail against Trudeau, but it was a losing fight.
Ezra acting like an greatest ally. I'd almost like the guy if not for the Zionism.
Canada is strong, we collectively denounce you for your recent election, your corruption, and your ongoing failures.
As for an "annex" I say, μολὼν λαβέ.
Our news outlets are just as bad as CNN. The fact that no one cares we don't have free speech here is telling. Also I pray to God that Trudcuck pulls us out of the TPP as well. For fucks sake redeem yourself a little. The thing with Canada is that you can just keep moving north to stay away from the hordes.
The hilariouslyrics sad part is they could help themselves by choosing to self improve.
But we know they won't.
Canada is probably 2% as strong as America
Ya speak your for own shitty end of the province, the north is still overwhelmingly white although Sudbury continues to chase the poz (however slowly)
no hes a schemeing kike who has a hardon for suing anyone he doesnt like for antisemitism
canada isn't a country. canada isn't even first world. we are a loose collection of people that are massively in denial to the point of being too friendly to one another. we are so far removed from anything "real" we can easily trick other countries and people when the see us "canadians" react to world events.
This is what happens when there is no thread against your country.
He actually seems principled on speech. He still wants us in thrall to Israel but believes you should have the right to deny the lolocaust and call him a Kike.
Remember, kid; it's not social engineering and propaganda, it's a "social experiment".
Which is the intellectual way of saying "IT'S JUST A PRANK, BRO! IT'S JUST A PRANK!"
Rebel is okay, but their Zionist biases come through too often for my tastes. At least Lauren Southern is a qt.