Esoteric Afterparty and Comfy Riot Edition

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I'll take it.



Trump is the Muad'Dib

You know, I didn't like these NEWS PLUS banners/footers before, but they've been pretty nice and informative.

Praise St. Mattis and woe unto his enemies.

Now that the big guy's ass is in the office, I can finally relax and enjoy the fruits of all of our labor

I'll be here for another hour or so if anyone wants to discuss GATE and/or the recent worldline shifts.

Our labor towards securing of the existence of our race and the future of our people never ends, friend. We can celebrate for now but do not become complacent in any way and take advantage of the opportunity a trump presidency will grant us in every way possible. We should try to get republicans to repeal hart celler in the next 4 years.

I'm declaring a thread theme.

postin comfy

Reminder that our current President has such massive balls that he got out of the fucking limo during the parade.

yes, friend, but for now let's enjoy ourselves in peace for once

I think Trump must be an adrenaline junky.


I'm just too comfy to leave

I see Astrology in the OP here anons, please comment in my Astrology thread,
Thank you.

Trump was never in any real danger.

Ex GATE student. I was in the original threads.What's up my fellow pseudo-mkultra nigger?


Thanks user. I keep telling myself eveyday not to stop and I dont plane to, its just I feel like no progress is ever made.

Your right that everyone has their own truths and I see what you mean. But I am extremely proactive. I have never been one to sit back and let life run its course, though that does depend on the circumstances. I have always been that person that would step up. You know if Trump didn't run for president right now, I actually was planning on running for president myself.


It hurts to be this happy. I know that from this moment on, every step forward is going to be just as tough as the ones that brought me here. But I am so fucking glad that I somehow made it here.

Go to the woods user.

another gate student here
briefly looked into the gate thing but never dug too far. don't want to get too into it right now but a quick rundown will be cool t. please spoonfeed me

Pellegri is my waifu. I always had a weakness for the crazy ones.

Negative ghostrider.

Just another kid who was too smart for his own good who grew up near an airforce base and doesn't remember shit about the classes

You stumble on anything good since then? I stopped following after thread #5

Damn that comfy son

Anyone got any other OC made from today's events? These are the ones I have saved.

You'll make it because we'll all take that next step with you just like every step before. Even if you don't make it we'll always remember you even if we don't know you.

Stop with the mindfuck.

me too user. truly.

I'm trying to explain this feeling to my gf but she's just looking at me like she got more than she bargained for.

The road to the stars will be slick with the blood of kikes.

Her E.S. is pretty fucking dank.

well fuck you too clipboard image

I know with Trump being inaugurated in the wonderful ceremony today that it's easy to focus on the positive, but let's focus on the negative right now.
just imagine the terror and the sheer dread that's going through leftist's minds

Wait, GATE turned out to be some pseudo-mkultra shit?

tl;dr some kike created a "gifted students" program which was really designed to identify and ruin/co-opt people with the capacity for intelligence, leadership, and resistance against NWO. A very disproportionate number of 8/pol/ posters were involved in GATE in one way or another but managed to break the conditioning enough to make it here. A lot of us have been at war with kikes, CIA niggers, and NWO since they tried to target us with a psyop as early as elementary school, but we will not let their faggotry defeat us. Praise Kek.

I know Trump becoming president is surprising but we can't forget all the those things that transpired and the things that have been revealed in recently alone. That all the "crazy" conspiracy theories all turned out to be true from the occult practices of the elite, alphabet agencies spending millions on paranormal supernatural things which in their own words from CIA documents are "real", the nature of extreme corruption that exists in the political establishment, globalist cartoon villain agenda all confirmed to be fact, secret shadow governments and organisations controlling the world leaders of some the most powerful, wealthiest, and influential nations such as the events in South Korea, leaks and documents released by intelligence agencies around the world confirming extraterrestrials are supposedly real, six gorillion isn't real, a bunch of other things I'm missing I'm sure but my god. The world should be in flames right now but I guess all the liquid truth drowning the world isn't flammable. The question is, what happens next?

Does Trump have all the corpse parts?

Damn son, really?
Someone find this unfortunate nigger the GATE archives. I'm too lazy to spoonfeed tonight.

Some anons like were discussing the idea of a possible alternate reality where Hillary won. I don't have any definite proof, but I think the idea of parallel universes is nonsense. Some people claim that dimension hopping is possible, but what they are usually describing is the law of attraction which is very basic /fringe/ material. What I find much more likely is the idea that when something significant happens, it alters the timeline/worldline accordingly. The past and present as we know it are overwritten to reflect the new reality. The key then is where the Mandela effect comes in. Were we truly from a different universe? I believe the answer is no. We remember the worldline as it was before the shift. All of us who remember share an ability similar enough to call it Reading Steiner. The question I am looking into is how one comes across this power. The true answer is sure to be more specific, but what I have found is that remembering the first shift is related to GATE, and remembering the second is related to Kek. In my investigation I am finding that 'Reading Steiner' very well might be a 'god' given gift. Happy to elaborate if anyone has questions or is curious.

I'm comfy too friend.

Not much, just enjoying the wild ride. Can't wait for the year of the fire monkey to start, then we are sure to see some shit that makes all this seem like peanuts.

I remember seeing GATE shit, but I didnt realize it was that. Thought it was like space larping or something.


drinking laphriog myself and loving everything about right now

I had an interesting GATE related experience when I was around 8 years old. I never really realized it until after those gate threads. It was weird, It felt like that before that moment I was sleep walking and afterwards it was like I was awake. I had this visualization of an umbrella being removed from covering my face.

Nah shit got spooky tbh.

Gate 1
Gate 2
Gate 3
Gate 4
Gate 5

The Xenogears reboot is XBX, which they've since abandoned to go back to the XB:C timeline, but this time with giant monsters.

It was/is LARPing. That doesn't mean it's note true, or doesn't contain any truth.


Here are the gate archives.

thanks user. that's basically what I gathered from it. Shadilay

I don't have any definite proof, but I think the idea of parallel universes is nonsense.

Quantum mechanics would prove otherwise, once you get to the subatomic level (which determines the macroscopic reality by rippling outwards), uncertainty becomes a thing and the future and universe is determined by the wave function collapse. There are most certainly an infinite number of alternate timelines based on our current understanding of physics and QM. Multiverse is real, alternate timelines are real, and our current timeline is bretty good.

GATE was an accelerating learning program for smart kids that also ended up irrevocably tainted by true geniuses. They tried to teach me orbital mechanics in 5th or 6th grade, and it was tied to counseling sessions in a dark, wood-paneled room that I don't much remember. Like all true innocents, I was innocently immune to whatever mind control/influence techniques might have been on order. A couple things are weird about it, in the end. One, that they found so many Holla Forumsacks in advance. We need to figure out how they did that. Two, it all ended up tied in to Tavistock, which is an ominous name in behavioral research and by extension mind control.

did anyone get one of those MAGA/Bureau of memetic ops coins yet? i hope its not a honeypot

A lot of /fringe/ fags infested the GATE digging threads with astral projection and supernatural space nonsense but the digging into GATE itself was incredibly productive and enlightening, it has more to do with malicious social engineering which has affected most /po/acks than supernatural spooky nonsense.

Wizards, teach me your favorite spell.

thanks m8,
I moved to a country house of my family and here I have 4 dogs (2 of them are from a shelter).


To be fair, astral projection and lucid dreaming and the like are shit you're going to run into eventually if you go on a hard dig in the direction that behavioral research leads you. There is something fucky going on in our world. I don't necessarily believe in nuts and bolts UFO spacecraft, but too many respectable people report too many weird experiences for me to discount in good faith. Who less than a Holla Forumsack is up to the challenge of trying to figure out what the fuck is going on? I mean, we wipe our asses with the CIA nowadays, it's about time we were confronted with an intellectual challenge that was more our speed.

In a relational model, parallels and absolute are meaningless constructs, because reality would only be described by the relational information of all systems and observers that intersect with each other. Read up on relational quantum mechanics, it's interesting stuff.

That would also mean observer A could be in an entirely different reality to observer B as long as no relational information is shared between them at any point in space-time.

pic related

On the contrary, GATE fuckery could be an explanation as to WHY so many of us grew up to be /fringe/fags

I brushed GATE lightly in my youth.
Actually, I was never targeted. My brother was. He went to a few meetings about it, but we moved, and kept moving to a new house every year or so after, around the same time due to family breaking apart, so he never got to go into the program proper.
I bring all this up because I turned up here, memeing a NatSoc FutureFash world, while he became a schizo pinko druggie who dated a nigger. But we both got into greenpill shit when we were younger, which gave me fundamental ideas on magic, and what it actually is: memes.
Any ideas why it turned out this way GATErs?

Occultic;Nine honestly had some of the best science writing in fiction I've seen. The theories all made sense. Steins;Gate was mostly waifus if not entirely since the whole CERN never got resolved and the whole plot was really save one waifu and get with another.

Now on alternate reality, the fact that everything exists in their own time or movement might be good enough. It just happens we're turned into the Trump channel [/spoiler]and there's no escape, leftycucks[/spoiler].

Nigger, I'm about to teach you ALL of my favorite spells:

See you in three years.

user, I'm going to have to disagree with that.

I have always viewed reality as one where anything is possible, disregarding the fundamentals law of reality. Other then the laws, the only other limitation is other entities effecting you and your own dedication and knowledge.

I've already read 1-5 from Atkinson. I'm looking forward to becoming a learned meme wizard.

Please leave us out of this

say ! as loud as you can, and try to go nowhere really really fast

Orbit is when you throw yourself at the ground so hard you miss.

hitting the ground is just when you miss the air

I have never heard of GATE before, but I am an user that likes to study the occult, religions, philosophy, metaphysics, etc. It seems that GATE has something to do with these things. What exactly is GATE? I understand if you don't want to spoonfeed me.

I am sorry for your brother, it sucks that GATE kikes had to ruin him, they tried similar tactics with me through drugging, stasi-esque nonsense, etc. but it only fucked me up temporarily and made me stronger in the long run. It turned out this way because Rockefeller kikes who funded Tavistock and GATE had their project backfire on them to produce a thule society of proper memetic warfare NatSocs. GATE is both a blessing and a curse for many of us, it helped a lot of us accept the redpill and engage in full memetic warfare, but it also destroyed many of us. Regardless, we need to fight for our future and our people, family, race, and nation. Instead of getting butthurt over GATE we should use it as a model of what a few psychology fags with good funding can accomplish for the 14 words.


The way I understand it is that parallel universes exist infinitely as possibilities, but remain 'inactive' until we are forced to switch into one by a significant enough event. Think of our consciousness as a collective like a train. There are many tracks we can switch to, but the train is only on one at a time.

I've tried to get anons to look into gate again, this time with a more learned /fringe/ take on things now that we have effectively learned how to use magic to a semi-practical extent. There is more there to be discovered, and there is still downtime before happenings get heated again. As much as TRS needed to be removed as an influence, it makes me sad that we used that downtime to have to reveal them instead of digging deeper into more esoteric political institutions. It is what it is though.

Astral projection is as real as lucid dreaming. It's just a little more difficult, and offtopic from GATE of course. I believe GATE was not only to stifle political dissidents, but also magically inclined individuals. There is a lot of overlap though.

I will user, it sounds interesting. Modern physics tends to discount alot of what is covered in metaphyics, which is why I tend to avoid it for the most part. (That and the liberal bias)

The intent was to capture what some would call memetic potential I believe. Basically, learn what makes us able to influence reality on a Chinese cartoon image board. GATE really was a program ahead of it's time, which is what makes it so interesting.

A lot of SG is disinfo, but there are some concepts that make explaining my theories easier.

The only limitation is your own awareness of reality. Knowledge is power, the more you understand of the true nature of the world, the easier it is to influence. Holla Forums learning thoughtforming was the notable shift in the potential of this board. It's funny to think that if Holla Forums didn't try to meme a disease to kill niggers in Africa we might be living in Hillary's America. Crazy times for sure.


I've done my share of lithospheric braking in order to achieve hydrostatic orbit.


i'm basically a more powerful version of Allister Crowley


i've done a wee bit of transcendental baking and from that i have absorbed the essence of the dough

Parallel universes are quite sensible. All possible universes exist at the level of the Akashic Record, the complete set of all data points. Interaction with the Akashic Record allows for all sorts of things ranging from pulling knowledge from an alternate world to influencing the flow of the world to match some counterpart. Many paranormal encounters are likely just subconscious interactions which result in archetypal manifestations.

I wonder how Trump will deal with the CIA and other seedier aspects of the government.

I also wonder how exactly he'll eradicate radical islamic terrorism without getting us into another war in the middle east. Part of me thinks the Saudis or Israel might get fucked up somehow, but I'm not sure.

Also, where do we go next? Who do we focus on next other than Trump? At any rate, let us praise Kek! Shadilay, brothers!

/comfy/ thread, just don't put that link in the next one.

Wouldn't want that user with volume at max and headphones going full deaf r-right?

Honestly, at this point, I am totally confident in how much ass we're kicking. We don't even have to codetalk. Our little group is impossible for outsiders to understand even when it's entirely out in the open. We have pranked everyone at this point. We are God's secret intelligence agency.

It was less loud/obnoxious when it was live, sorry about that user.

The 2020 election shouldn't be between Trump and a Democrat. It should be between Trump and an actual Nazi. In 2020, Trump should win. In 2024, the NatSoc candidate should win.

currently wearing a Hawaiian shirt, with arcane scribblings written on my arms. Playing jazz for your soul on the Japanese bamboo flute while bleeding from my mouth.

I would agree with you but, I cant because everything I have experience feels so real.

I would have probably been in GATE if it was not for my parents being fanatical christens and decided to homeschool me.

I need some mirrored shades to wear when I shitpost from now on.

Oh, it was actually good? I skipped that one last season. It's put back on my backlog, now, thanks.

Would we be more the psyops special forces?

time for MKEKULTRA

It's sad to think about how there's probably many people that think similar to us and are saying 'something is going on in the world that I don't like' but they have no knowledge of chans or Holla Forums

The fact that (((they))) are able to target us so precisely for their psyops is spooky, it means they recognize how much of a threat we are to their schemes but at the same time they understand us and can put a competent effort towards ruining us.

The fuck you think has been happening the last two years?


Does anyone else remember 2007 as being a really strange year for them and then 2008 being really shitty? Like I can honestly trace being here back to 2007 and the thing I did back then.

Remember the good old days even before the primaries when we meme'd Mattis for SecDef because he was the most absurd(ly qualified) candidate we could think of that just barely seemed possible? Moreso hoping for at best a man in his mold than expecting it.

Strange now how it almost seems tame. Yes, we all know he has some major good goy stains, but nobody even remotely qualified comes remotely close to him

Shame about no role for Michael Schuerer (however it's spelled), though, assuming he'd expect one. Maybe Trump will use Pompeo to crash the CIA administration staff with no survivors then rebuild with based Mike second term.

Yet we found one another in spite of everything. Heil Hitler.

that's just project frogtichoke, it's different

We have certainly advanced quickly in a short time, but our work is not nearly done. There will certainly be more major happenings in the coming chink new year, it wouldn't hurt to develop and refine our knowledge/skills both physical and metaphysical. In order to create the future that Holla Forums desires we need to have more power than just repeating numbers. I believe Kek to be an entity that allows order through chaos. Kek has given us the chaos, it is up to us to shape that chaos into something we approve of, not just more neocon democracy-spreading wars for Israel.

*trace my coming here

I was an /x/phile during the first stages of Ebola-chan posting. It was remarkable how fast Holla Forumsacks caught on, and I still consider her the first child between our boards.
I later became a Holla Forumsack when /x/ finally died (again), and shared my knowledge with you guys.

There are many, many millions of such people, friend. Most people at occupy wall street could have been routed into productive action against the (((Fed))) and natsoc if we had beaten the kikes to the punch in social engineering and meme warfare. The fact that there are millions of people who recognize the problems of our world and country but are not able or willing to articulate it is good news, each and every one of them are NatSoc meme wizards waiting to happen and proof that we are more powerful than any of our enemies want to acknowledge.

I cant help but think sometimes that we are all dead Wehrmacht soldiers that refuse to be defeated and still fight on.

please someone meme a /x/ revival

I wish /x/ was still alive. Is there some other board I should look at that's similar (and not /fringe/)

Apparently one of the times he got out was right in front of a huge group of protestors too, just to grin and shitlord all over them. Think I heard it on Tucker Carlson.


2007 was likely when the first 'worldline shift' occured. It is marked by a rapid shift toward the left-wing insanity that we are just now pushing back against. IIRC many anons refer to 2007 as "the worst year ever". Take out of that what you will, someone other than me would be better suited to describe the relevant mundane events of 2007.

We are /x/

The beginning of the awakening.
The initiated are machinating it all.

Some very close ones to me died around that time. I was also getting more politically active. I hit a low in my life. I asked myself two questions.
How is ragequitting a game "winning" ?
Then I asked myself, if this is the worst that I can bear, then what is the best I can endure?

I don't think you can truly rise until you have felt your hands on the rocky depths and pushed back against every cruel torture this life has shown us. Because dying in the mud is not fitting.



Who wants to be finished?




Call it whatever you will. There was a major phase shift that year, the embers were hot but there fire was not started yet.

If you could edit out the cucky "prejudice" line at the end with his declaration of America first, that's a fucking 10/10 webm. Saved regardless.

I often wonder if .gov has some kind of reincarnation-o-scope or something, and realized that NatSoc heroes were about to respawn in a big way. They tried so hard to keep us from finding ourselves again. But we were so fucking determined that we slashed through all the institutions that were set against us.

I know what you mean. I mainly go to fringechan though and the atmosphere just feels off to me. The knowledge is nice though.

2001 was my worst year ever same with a ton of people but 2007 ranks 2nd with 2013 as 3rd. All years where major shifts happened.

It's amazing. We did it, but what's next? What is the next realistic thing we all want? Colonize space? Chant Deus Vult and oust the Muslims? Make the west white gain.

An insanely dangerous idea if taken too far. To be able to influence relational information would mean breaching this reality to other incompatible ones. Even worse, there is one scenario I envisioned where a single moment, all relational information converges on a single point, resulting an immediate paradox that annihilates reality into infinite chaos. All just ideal speculation though.

Truth, it's kind of hard to keep all the happening in our heads. But when the hell were government documents confirmed ayy lmaos and the holocaust never happened revealed in 2016? Never heard of this.

Do you still doubt?

All 3 of the above are one and the same.

Waifus in space seems like a good start tbh

No we have to secure America and Europe first, then take over the planet. After that we go to the stars. This war is far from over.


Various groups have been fucking with the flow of the world for tens of thousands of years, if not longer.

Such a device isn't even necessary, the same wills which opposed us in previous eras arise in time with the cycles as well.

All out cultural warfare.

War never ends. Peacetime is preparation for the next campaign not the attempt at a lasting peace.


Whenever I think about Ebola-Chan I always get nostalgic. I can't stop thinking about how crazy things have been ever since then. You could say all of chan culture was leading up to Holla Forums's never-ending search for truth, that later boiled into using metaphyics for political gain. I once decried this time period as one that was useless to be born into, but my opinion has done a complete 180. Truly we are living in a period that could be referred to later down the line as "history".

It's a good feel.

I don't want Holla Forums to stagnate. It's too late to turn back now, I want to see what comes next.

2007 was when the pressure really started building, and the 2016/2017 election is the spark that is about to lead to some crazy shit. We might look back next year and think that Trump's election was a minor event compared to what 2017 was.

I am familiar with the 2007 and 2016 worldline shifts, but you could just be referring to culture shifts as well.

I'm not too worried about that. Paradoxes are like climate change. They might exist, but it's unlikely humans can influence/cause them by accident. Forces currently ranked higher than us play that game.

Sorry I should have clarified, the first one I remember.

This thread is the only reason /fringe/ does to justify it's existence

There, now you never have to go back again, you're welcome.

Also, shoutout to my niggers at /bmw/

I'll never forget you guys

I don't remember much of what the climate was like in 2007 because I had my own shit going on at 13. That was the year of my first real heartbreak.

Which was absolutely nothing compared to the ongoing one from the tail end of 2015.

Worldline shifts don't agree with me at all.

It's funny that Holla Forums has always been the better metaphysics board than /fringe/ or fringechan. Both of the latter are useful for archiving texts though, I agree.

Also remember that we must write and document history ourselves, so that the kike history is never spread as gospel again.

This pic makes me comfy

a step into a chain of major events
rememeber the year of the fire rooster means no fucking around

How does one into politics? I want to serve my people for their greater interest while fucking over as many marxists and shitskins as I can.

Is this still a gondola bread? I made some very rare OC, plz save for posterity.



Could you make your question more clear?
If you want to run for government office then it is a different game than "playing at politics" otherwise known as influencing the hearts and minds of the people.

It struck me a short time ago how much it mattered that Trump chose to talk about going to space during his inauguration speech. I was memeing WE IMPERIUM NOW with everyone else at the time, but it's not just a meme: we really are going to space and will be a galactic superpower. One thing I've noticed is that Trump will always tell you what he's going to do before he does it.

Well how do I do the former? I'm pretty good at the ladder.


is that a dance move or something

Mac tonight theme from Trump's inauguration


I know user. I was also hoping he would mention traveling to the stars.

photo sauce?

God I fucking love that song. Great game.

Kek. Autocorrect is a fucking nigger.

meh, sorry, should have just googled

There was a speech just before the election in which he declared that it was time for NASA to move beyond low-orbit satellite surveillance and to explore outer space. In other words, no more wasting time looking for a justification to build a climate change theory on.

Pic related was my favourite moment of the day. The Trump's looked like bosses taking over a cucked town and country.

Checked and heil'ed



What happens next?
Well, whatever you see fit, user. Never forget that this world and all of its things are yours.




The former is as simple as getting at least one other person to start fundraising for you and helping you campaign yourself into a future larger office. Run for the most local politics you can first.

/x/ was a special kind of board. It was one that had no protection from mods and was constantly raided. Holla Forums and constant influxes of chuuni middle schoolers during Summer would kill it every couple of years. Yet, it kept reviving, always in a more grotesque form than it was before. It was like an undead board, and we dedicated /x/philes were her necromancers. You could say current Holla Forums is the latest resurrection, /x/philes having had to bond her soul to another board in order for her to survive after the latest death. Her memes have now permeated through the internet, and yet she no longer exists. She's now a ghost haunting the internet, exacting revenge on those who betrayed her through her host.
Who knows? Maybe /x/-tan will revive in her full glory again somewhere after her revenge is complete.
I like to see the guy carrying /x/-tan here as Holla Forums.



The future of history is memetics. Anyone can ban a history book when they are in power, but the key is to tap into the human collective unconscious. The kikes know this, which is why they created a society receptive to ideas that only resonate on an emotional level. We can never convince a marxist to change their ways with the relevant facts, but we can change national/world culture to be something that inherently rejects destructive ideology. In layman's, we have to make our side cool, and their side lame. This is no longer a war of facts, although it is incredibly important that we are aware of all of them, it is a war of memes for lack of a better term.

Can't wait, got 2 boxes of popcorn ready for it.

It seems like this image was both made just yesterday, and a long long time ago. Thanks user.

For lack of a better term, you could consider this year a convergence of sorts. It would explain all the nonstop-synchronicities we are noting.

It was always the most interesting. There was and still is no place like Holla Forums. I feel like we are the only real force in this whole war of ideas, it seems like our enemy doesn't even come close to the understanding we have. Best not to underestimate them though.

Eh. I live in a diverse major city.

God bless the internet

I wonder if that is amplified when groups of people converse together. Sometimes a thought will enter my mind, and then somehow I'll stumble on a post discussing the very same thing. A lot of strange synchronicity at play.

Just nuke Melbourne.


I remember this thread, I think I forgot to F properly.


More like Australia's Johannesburg. Seriously the shit I hear going on there make it seem like it's South Africa now.

He had too. Otherwise the communist would have called him a coward and implied that gun laws were making us unsafe.

Photos like that strike me with disbelief that their reich was defeated.

I have this unusual urge in wanting to recreate the Thule society now.

Yeah, I think you are right.

Incidentally after spending hours hunting this down and converting it……I love this woman and song…. oh the flicker in middle is a fragment of "Mac tonight" footage I cut up & used (in case some of the tin hats think is a subliminal) I will have to fix that later…. I thought I had that layer hidden.

it's always a scary time after you've dodged a bullet

They were attacked on two sides, one which had absolutely no compunction about sacrificing millions of people at a time to achieve their goals.

I remember WWA talking about that in one of his books. The basic idea is that in a collective consciousness such as a website or classroom ideas exist together in a mental space. Think of it like a metaphysical brain. Neurons are firing off everywhere, and sometimes a connection is made and an idea surfaces. Usually when that happens the thought 'you' had was never your own at all! If you meditate on the sound of silence you can experience this firsthand. Try to silence your inner voice and you will find all sorts of thoughts invade your mind. They could have 'latched on' to you because you listened to a radio station, or a tv show and inadvertently connected to a mental collective. Think of it like radio, if you tune into a station you will hear everything that is being broadcast on that wavelength.

How many times did he do it? Scrolling through the feed gave me the impression he did it more than once, or else spent a good amount of time walking.

Damn nigga… all bars used to be like that.

We are the Thule Society user, didn't you already know that?

how about connemara?

Donald Trump…. did make anime real….

Holy shit.


next you're going to call lain anime


I think It was more then that though. I think that they really weren't given enough time to develop themselves and where not prepared for the full onslaught of the kikes. I dont think Adolf was expecting them to attack so soon.

Memes resonating in facts that provoke emotion trump emotional resonance.

We got a masculine, over achieving, high energy workaholic as President hows it feel?

This made me realize just how much I hated that fucking whatever its name was nigger.

The most local politics are far below scale of mayor.
I'm sure you have many working class who you can protect and empower.

someone needs to fix that bindrune

There are no coincidences.

Prayer / Group Consciousness / Meme Magic , or the quantum theory and tested results of how simple human observation of particles can (and will) determine their state. Multiply that by thousands or millions and wala.

Christians pray, and thus use Group Consciousness, but since their god is essentially a giant meme, nothing usually comes about. A group of 5-6,000 Holla Forumslacks shitposting (which is the same as prayer, memes being easily transmitted ideas) using our living resurrected god Kek/et can do shit like crash planes, influence the POTUS to quote Bane and other happenings.

I would wager around 1/4th of the regulars here don't really think Kek is /actually/ a real thing, but all I can say is that you will find out the deeper you go into the esoteric rabbit hole. Religions don't just exist for population pacification. Out of them all, there is at least one (1) religion or following that utilizes these meme magic techniques in various ways. If Judaism also manages to utilize meme magic is another story.


2007-2008 were pretty shitty

so was 2013

I'm so tired.

Hpmh. I guess I just don't know where to start. Should I just go down to my local GOP office or what?

We're not done yet.

You have that backwards Satan. Holla Forums's meme magic works because it is so versatile and based entirely on coincidences. We've essentially managed to weaponize confirmation bias.

Ya I once had something like that happen to me with a friend of mine. We just got back from a trip and it was super cold out. Once we got inside the one though that went through my mind was snug as a bug in a rug, and the next moment he said that those exact words. I also think that this is the bases for telepathy.

Yes, 2007 was both a truly horrible and important year for me. It served as a major catalyst for my mental transformation.

that is one excellent shoop

I still haven't eaten but I don't want to go.


I know. Death better come for me in my sleep, because otherwise, I'm going to put up a Hell of a fight.

I hope you find the time to study the history of runes and how language and text before the advent of the mass production of printing machines was varied and no such thing as standard really existed.

I never really relisted that until now actually. I still think that we are in the early stages of development, but is rapidly growing.


2013 was fucking bleak. How many of us even dared to hope for a fraction of these happenings back then?

Fedora memes are so low energy. I almost want to shove a pile of redbooks at them but I know if it isn't written by a modern fedora they won't read any of them.

Friendly reminder that Tom Hardy is 5'8". You don't have to be tall to be a Big Guy.

The secret behind all his energy is Melania.

bretty fucking good m8.

Grab something to eat and prepare yourself for the next round. Keep your memes ready for tactical deployment at all times.

You could, if you think the two party system, or playing someone else's game is how Trump arrived here.

Pretty much my life fell apart as did many of the peoples around me,

I remember everyone was losing their jobs, GF BF were bailing on everyone, family dying all over the place.

It was the worst year on record for just about everyone I know.


I read it more as he did it multiple times expressly to rub in that they can't just JFK him (too many dead-mans switches, too many sleeper memes that would cause the people to kill the deep state for it). Felt like he was doing it to really drive that point home. I bet they were sitting there watching it on TV and thinking to themselves 'that bastard'.

So glad I didn't off myself in '13 or '14. Persevered to witness all of this glory.

memetic understanding requires mathematic capabilities
There are no coincidences.

I'm a pastor and I agree. I stopped believing in the kikeman a while ago but I don't disregard the power of unified commitment. Look at Grant Morrison's Invisibles. I'm no longer a christian but I can still use them.

Hell give me a word to slip into a sermon or a phrase and I'll post it tomorrow (sunday)


It was the same for me.

Read my earlier posts in this thread, was your similar?

In 2013 I had already started raising the fire. I knew the pain was worth the glory.

Answer me, user!
The Reich of the Undefeated of the West!

Hmph. If he co-opted it why couldn't I or even we? He fucking baneposted in real time today, he gave it back to us, the people. It's a lead I 'spose.

Who the hell is this guy and why did they all shake his hand?

Correct, if you hone this ability you can find an 'unused' station/wavelength to communicate on.

More like, we are slowly remembering who we are. I expect next year will keeps pace, if not surpass our growth in the last year.

Different year, but same. I couldn't be happier to be alive to witness history in the making. And all on a Mongolian child-modeling enthusiast forum of all places!

It's not a mindfuck. It's the literal truth.

I stumbled in 2013 but there was already something about the horror of reality that suggested something else in the near future.

forgot to drop trip, sorry. I'll go kill myself.

why cut it out? the entire speech was trump shitting on obama in the politest way possible.

i feel like we could potentially have the world at the tip of our fingers.

Dubs decides what the pastor says in front of 100+ people (^:

My word: Hitler

I feel like I've been there with all of you through this, but.. The Russian hacker thing killed any last hope in humanity I had.

I was already considering suicide..

The road ahead is long… and you can't forget a single thing. I don't think I'm healthy enough to survive and I don't think I could do myself justice or the white race justice if I killed myself in KY current state.

I would have to pretend to be lefty and then suicide.. rock and a hard place on the suicide question. I'd do more harm, I think, killing myself. Could be wishful thinking, maybe I am not that important.

We do. The Illuminati are routed, and the Jewish Oversoul has been eaten by Kek. This battle nearly fucking killed me. I've been sick as fuck with no actual illness for about a week, and the psychic pressure almost popped my fucking ear drums twice.

That is Bob Dole you dumbfuck

Anyone else see the God Emperor's changes to the Oval Office?

Well user, what would see happen if you woke up one day and you were some illerminaty mofo that could reform the world before breakfast?

You're aware that a virus could go inert and mutate at any time during this stage before reactivating again?

Yea. 2013 nearly actually killed me. I honestly only just REALLY recovered from it. (different user)


I'ma going to bed, but you have my saber.


Now when do we meme the comeback of the Third Reich? Or Prussia? Hitler? NSDAP?

Sorry, I'm a bit tired but what do Runes have to do with what I said here:

Memes/ideas = mindover matter when enough people digest them and believe in them with strong feelings either way it makes them real.

"Made in the imagine & likeness of God" seems to ring true in a limited sort of way.

I need a good women like her I wonder if women from Slovenia are still great?

Yup :^)

Go for it,



Someone close to me died then, too.
It was the year I got fed up with my mom's shit and decided to go homeless with my dad. I worked myself to the point I am now from there.

Dont do it user, we need all the wizards we can get.


The left and right puppet parties are only useful until they are no longer useful.

No, user. We go to space first, set up our stations, and send nukes from orbit.

Oh if anyone has suggestions for changes or whatever post them… I think I will upload this to kiketube although idk about copyright I think I'm good by claiming fair use.

user if you kill yourself you might lose your wizard powers in your next incarnation and nothing is worth that…

dirty cunt shitnigger fag lord boba fett

No niggers?

Dude, the russian hacker thing is hilarious.
What the fuck else were they supposed to tell the public?

Damn it, you should have at least gotten me to the part where I can say "Look, the West is burning red!" That's the phrase that made me make that terrible shoop in the first place.

Meh. I like the Kristos mythos. Every indo-european religion has and emphasis on rebirth/resurrection and eternal life. It's promised to the those of white blood as far as I'm concerned.

The word should most surely be Shadilay.

I wish I were a girl, because if I were, I'd happily throw myself into being a toilet for user relief. I can't make any sense of my feels anymore.

recreating the NSDAP would preferably happen after Trumps time as president. I just dont seem him as the person that would do it.

I understand.

We need you. Now. More than ever. Every one of Us is with You. You are with each of Us. You can not leave. So stay.

Kinda funny, I thought trips might be disabled entirely on Holla Forums. Haven't seen one in at least a year.

Just look at it like this, the majority of the population are programmed golems taught to believe everything they hear from (((chosen))) sources. Of course they buy the Russian Hacker narrative. Fear not though user, those golems wield no power of their own. You might even get to crush some of them depending on how the next year plays out! Don't discount all of humanity though user. I hate humans, but I love humanity! Alone most people are not worth bothering with, but they create the conditions for greatness, and for the impossible to happen. Holla Forums is proof that there are still people out there who have that something inside of them that makes a human. Don't despair, strengthen your resolve to do what must be done to drag the race to glory!

fucking outcorrect i meant

Are you a Kentucky user? I'm in Kentucky as well. What's got you down, brother?

This is still so surreal to me. All of our lulz and rage, all of our creativity and devotion, all for this man. And he pulled through. He pulled though for every single one of us. It would be so romantic if this was the end of our stories, the end of our journeys. God and Kek bless you all.

It's not just the curtains lad

The jews are a virus made of viruses. Let that sink in.

what did you do to me Holla Forums. i came here for videogame and i end up enlisted, in fighting the kike for the white race and worshipping a frog god.

Either way, as long as the kikes are exterminated.

No, I meant "my".

I don't yet have anything else to say

What a fucking waste. If your going to an-hero at least try to beat the high score, faggot.

That's why I'm still preaching, Shadilay seems to be a good word.

Runes can be used to focus and channel your energy.



Hard times make strong men, you are part of this fight whether you like it or not now user. Try to enjoy the ride and remember, you're here forever.

You should look into the Baldr myth. Connect people to their roots.


Every meaning in a coincidence. Co-incidence.

And do you now understand your immutable value?
Not the value to us. Or the value you are seen us. Do you understand the value that is You?

Protip: View Höðr as the Roman legion and that Loki as the kikes.

I see the shills are switching tactics.

Thank you.




Not to get too new age, but there is an obvious difference in energy when shills arrive in a thread to derive the discussion. Even if they emulate chan posting styles, you can tell something is just not quite right. Funny enough, that's how I felt when I heard about TRS. Saw their site, and left after 5 seconds, it was just 'off'.

I ended up staying awake longer than I should have, and the drowsiness is really starting to kick in now. I pretty much discussed what I felt I needed to for the time being. I look forward to seeing what the Year of the Fire Monkey has in store. Praise Kek for this brave new world that has been bestowed upon us all. Shadilay brothers, and godspeed!

I wouldn't know where to start. Close your eyes and tel me if you see it being better.

I mean, you might not be wrong. I am as good as the lowest I sympathize with

no see, I don't think it's wrong, i just think it looks bad

Tell me about it. Of all the stupid shit, it was gamergate that led me here. No turning back.

Nigger, you're IN a videogame

Do not end yourself user. The future is yours.

I agree, it's that feeling you get that tells you that someone is not from around here. There are alarm bells that go off from just text and formatting, but there is likely more to it than just that. That something you described makes us immune to the most harmful effects of shilling, and it has made us stand the test of time against all who would seek to subvert or destroy us.

sounds like you got the jew in your mind

I just wanted to share some sexytimes and have a little fun. Why did shit have to get so brutal?

Don't forget that we memed the music Trump played as he declared victory. If you recall, it was featured prominently in one of those CantStumpTheTrump videos.


Way too much contrast.

kek wills it

anons i've been wondering. kek seems to operate based on the desire of chaos, and is generally known to be given coherence via repeating digits. what i want to know is, how would we go about trying to receive kek's blessing outside of image boards? doubles and trips and so seem to be vital to gaining his power. would rolling dice do it?

You can't fake lulz

(20) seems like a good number, so I'm headed out for real. Take care everyone, and enjoy yourselves on the first full day in Trump's America!

Nothing was done to you. You have opened your eyes.

The world is ours.

Will do user. Sleep snug, smug.

This is just the beginning, we aren't anywhere near done crushing the cucks and fixing white people.

There's one way to find out.

Heute die welt, morgens das sonnensystem.


They do not know if and why.

2017 is year of the Fire Rooster.


heute die welt, wieleicht auch die turkei

Well, off for the nightly wander about and then to bed. Good luck on your journeys, lads.

I am checking this fantastic post.

Airforce one music?
The 90's movie with (((Harrison Ford)))?

Hmm I might make a compilation when I wake up later.

ah you caught my mistake :-)
now go eat at Mcdonalds! lol

you were always my most treasured user, i want you to know that

Intuition is a hell of a drug.
It is that level above the conscious that vibrates energy from your consciousness.

The other stuff is nice, though.

I understand.

checked for the awesome song that i didn't know more comfyness and how do you fukken know that i like sailor song ffs

i accepted that fact until my death and beyond

was the lingering remnant of it that guided me here in the end but i feel like there is more to it.

G'night fam. Tomorrow, the world.

I do like that Trump had the MLK bust moved out of the white house right on day one, and replace with Churchill. Yes, I know Churchill fucked up attacking Hitler, this is important for the greater symbolism.

We're Gods chosen people.

It was brutal before you became aware of the depths of it.

Shit user, is that a frame from the Amazing Bulk intro?

Why the fuck do I know that pic is pony shit?

Isn't intuition basically instinct?


Yeah I know, just too tired to proofread posts I guess. RIP

Even if a legion of Africans came over and started systematically killing white people, these liberals would refuse to say white people must group together and defend themselves, in fear of "racism" rising again - despite the racism against against them. They would let themselves die. As long as the person killing them lied about it being that they were racist.

Non-whites cannot lie, to them. There are no liars, to them. The only evil (not lying) is an honest and upfront proclamation of racial identity.

I've noticed more dubs and trips in real life on store receipts, bank transactions, clocks, exercise machines, and anywhere else I encounter numbers. I kept seeing trips today every time I looked at a clock while watching inauguration coverage (1:11, 2:22, etc.)

Deconscructing the lies and the illusions of the synagogue of Satan will make KeK materialize in that destructive energy. Then if you are pure of heart Order based on Justice will be channeled through you.

see that's the thing though, wouldn't that basically be just cheating? on an image board, you can't control the reply rate unless it's one that moves so slowly, like a niche board. this explains why Holla Forums is the epicenter of chaos, it's constantly getting used with gets happening nonstop. with dice, you can fuck around with your hand to make it land in a certain direction. we need to find something with the speed and intensity of Holla Forums, but with greater mobility and not requiring something that tethers you down, like an internet connection.

Art style. Its always drawn that way.

i know but ==CANT== tell you (((here)))

Always looking for new gondolas. Thanks user.

Have and don't worry, subtle working on it.

Now this I haven't. Okay will do

Discard the attention whores and focus your mind.

now it's just fun

hmph. so something that deals with numbers, but can't be pre-determined.

how about shuffling a deck of cards? though it would require the person shuffling and rolling to keep their integrity, i suppose the same would do with dice.

if not here, then where?

The single most amazing thing about this is that Bob Dole isn't dead yet.


Im curious so I would suggest retroshare.

Sure just like knowledge is basically power. Different forms.

We choose KeK


It's an image signifying the transformation.

ok here then

not all doubles and trips are created equals


Yeah. I lost it when Trump walked out to that.



This psychic war is really cutting into my gains.

Gather your energy.

thats what i thought… not here cant type… this fucking place…

what do you mean. you said here, so i was expecting you to type it here, now you're just replying to yourself like a madman.

Not so much, actually. I know that I have potential in a lot of things, but not so much intrinsic value. I only know that I want to survive. I want to live.
I'm that user from last thread who lost his girl and sometimes can't move at all from the depression. I realized something the other day. If I didn't take care of myself, I would realistically starve myself to death out of kindness. See, I've learned to love myself. So, despite my conscious thoughts spouting quotes and memes trying to motivate, I know I can't get up and take care of myself because of my love for myself. After all, wouldn't it be kinder to myself to waste away and die?
I will always take care of myself like a woman does for her man. If that man has no motivation, it would be kinder for the woman to let him rot away in bed, even if it makes her sad to do so. Thus, a man needs his goals, dreams, and motivations so he doesn't have to see his woman suffer watching her husband fade away. That's the relationship I have with myself. I hope that makes sense. Vid related.
I get up and take care of myself because if I didn't, I would actually die. Maybe somewhere in my heart I know my value, and that's why I want to live.

i know i sound/look crazy…

there is realtime interdiction going on


still its the only place to reach (((YOU)))

is it me or does she look a bit like a frog? might be going on a stretch here. but there is a green background.


anytime you post anything (((important)))
the A.I. catches it

For what fucking purpose?

Isn't this what tarot is at its most bare bones? Drawing cards and believing that the cards you drew came to you for reasons that weren't random?

This is important, if one has rejected or has no mother, they must cope by becoming their own - and by doing so, they lose the objectivity of another person being their mothers. They end up arguing with a demon of their psyche which cannot ever be satisfied.


This accentuates how valuable you are.

No. Read your own words above.

Consider this ironically posted image that captures your existence in mere words.

No, at it's most bare bones, the tatot is a pictorial representation of all the separate parts of the hermetic tree of life.

That miss cleo bixnood voodoo shit people put on the cards came later

Where do you suggest we talk then?

i think so, but anytime i've dabbled in it, i just looked at the artwork and didn't give a flying fuck about the context. also, went to the eastern state penitentiary at halloween back in 2015, and there was a tarot reading there, and after getting a quick explanation on how the cards worked, i watched the girl flip them and noticed that she fucked with them to be in my favor. so yeah, that shit is no good.

your wildest dreams

bretty gud : D : DD

I just don't see what it would accomplish.

You imply that anything is truly random.
Even cosmic background radiation is ordered.

First American Galactic Empire soon.
We'll build a Trump Tower on every planet we conquer.

thanks for reminding me user

i don't see why he can't mention it here, it's not like there are spies in this thread. every libcuck in existence is trying to sleep, figuring out how their lives will play out now that they're the political joke, and i doubt the kikes are at work, seeing as how trump has made himself appear to be their puppet, they wouldn't have a need to come here.

A.I. motherfucker… do you speak it?

yeah but only if you make it that way

That music brings me back to childhood. That music is magical.

Fuck 'em.
Let 'em read my shit, who cares?

artificial intelligence? i'm not catching your drift here m8, you're gonna have to put the spoon in my mouth.

you referring to those red and blue systems?

Your anime addiction saddens me and I wish you luck.

the A.I.
its on interdiction mode

anything important (read: tagged, flagged)
won't get through

how about you put it into a pastebin and paste the link here

do you really think they can't filter out child pron in real time?

when was the last tiem?

oh I see ?

Most of you have probably seen these old Trump interviews, but they're just amazing to watch today, now that he's the EOTUS.



thank you evryone we fucking did it. I'm drunk so forgive me

Im not to familiar with their operation since I have never really dealt with it so im not sure how to help, if I can at all.

Surveillance is only acceptable when the motives of the surveillors match those of those being surveilled.

Otherwise, it is akin to spying on the enemy. Is Five Eyes aligned with your interests, or not? Would you allow a Jew to peer on your thoughts, posts, purchases, plans?

the interwebs.. its over brothers.

fuck off

Not you again. You'd have all of Holla Forums put themselves in a metal box and never to outside to reproduce just so you can fight your Rothschild AI. I already argued that your paranoid shit is accomplishing the goal of the AI by your attempting to respond to it. It's like trying to fight against a monotheistic God. And you'll accuse accuse me of being a protector of it, like women with their internalized misogyny.

user, who's to say what it gobbles up isn't a Trojan horse?

fuck, i just want his knowledge.

exactly my point you see there is no escape

you can't even prove to yourself right now youre not a solipsist robot hologram from the past.



anons, i think i've come up with a possible solution.

a RNG program. it's only limited by the range of numbers you decide, so basically you choose if you only want to roll doubles, or trips and so on. i think so long as the range is at least 1,000 it should be fairly impossible to gain an upper hand in any way.

i don't have the means to perform extraction, or i'd have done it already.

cant generate anything random in 2017 unless you code that CPU yourself and never sleep

Preaching on Moses, So I'll include:

I considered "The sinner cries when he strikes you" but any will do

I'm the user that wanted to do a read through the Talmud but got super drunk and got embarassed, I'd do it again if you accept me back. I was in crisis of losing my faith and accepting the real gods.

well then rolling dice is the only option, so long as i keep my integrity.

So you need more means?

Ya, no. RNG can be manipulated with your mind.


Reminds me that I would love a Holla Forums BO or someone making a Greasemonkey script to add the function of extra numerical properties on each post, like instead of just a post number ending in (xxxxx) one could add a rune generator to the header that is randomized, or some other esoteric addition to make posts more kek-worthy.


I leave a comfy thread for a few hours to make some food and it devolves into the a.i. thing

never change Holla Forums

night everyone. Its been a pretty great day here.

Here here this would be fucking boss


It exists, apparently. Whenever you mention a certain psyker research project that rhymes with COCK, shills flood in.


/x/ is dead


I like those digits

I don't remember any specific programs, but I do remember being on some medical table somewhere at least once that my parents never knew about. I also remember them pushing tranny shit back in the 90s, before everyone else saw any of that garbage.

Gee, what an exceptionally well thought out plan.

Do you mean instagram?
what's a facebook some old people site?

my 13 year old says this, HINT HINT HINT

Imagine how fucking goony and cool that kid is going to be



so yu see ?

Thanks, guys.

Read Phaedo.

I was given a bullshit test in middle school where the proctors were reluctant to tell me what it was before finally telling me it was an "IQ test," except it wasn't. It was clearly bullshit and I could tell even at the time that you can't measure intelligence with a written test like that.

Later I got a letter from naval intelligence asking me to come to DC. I ignored it.


cant you see what is happening?

ask and you shall receive



so its hooked now

This is the cycle of life, the white man seems to hit a peak with his accomplishments every 30 years or so, 1985, 2016, 1955, 1925, etc. and at the end of this cycle is a depth of misery and spiritual destitution followed by a renewal. Prepare yourselves for how shitty 2035 is going to be, but enjoy the opportunities we have created for now and take advantage of them. Never lose faith or courage, brothers, shadilay.

I knew you were a special little snowflake. By the way, if you think posting like this (replying to yourself, total incoherence) is helping, I just called (((them))) and apparently the AI isn't impressed.

Good night.

tbh the thread was fairly decent before you showed up.

Pastor and former Christian and former Zionist here. So I have a 5 laws of shitposting aka fighting for white rights

1) They will mock you so mock them "Racism is the radical notion that race has difference" "Judaism and Christianity are totally the same, that's why they suck off babies. No seriously look it up~!" etc etc etc

2) Use their own arguments. "ALL LIFE MATTERS - What about abortions, then show them the stats" "BLACK LIVES MATTER - except those taken BY blacks"

will cause some WW to suffer but will ultimately redpill or rather "FEMINISM IS ISLAM" works too

4)religious approaches, point out talmudic principles then contradict them with paul. I did this when I first went on Holla Forums and started to accept """dumb neo nazis"""" then go for Talmudic Jews, make sure not to say jew but "TALMUDIC" jews so it creates an "other", then start intermixing it in your sermons so "jews say X, christians say Y but let's investigate that" again I am a full kekest not a christfag but I am turning my congro slowly. all my elders in my church are no longer "christian"

5) Be funny. Humor is what weaves jews in. BE FUNNY.

Holy shit what a webm


This. I have noticed that humor and casual communication helps so much in getting your point across.

I honestly treat sermons like stand up at this point

I love you all and I made this for you.

Holy fuck, are you converting your church to kekkism?

slowly, all my elders are, well 4/6.

Shit, she sure told us!

Story time us, please. That's incredible if true.
Also, don't forget to post your shit here later.

Good luck!
Also you dont happen to have a youtube channel your going to post the video on? Or where are you going to post it?


meant for

Well, what do you want to know?
My story or converting the elders?
Seriously happy to share

Shadilay brother

No sadly, but actually I am working on a
My idea, on the is to make it as a "So, god exists…..but what god is it?" in the vidyas

Just posting these for your levity.

hope you know its probably baal from the goetia ?… think twice maybe?

It's a comfy thread, and I'd love to have a nice, comfy read.

Just you fucking try, you piece of shit.

Daily reminder that goetia baal =/= Phoenician Ba'al.

Listened to the first second and shut it off. Instant bad vibes. Plz tell me no one in this thread is dumb enough to listen to this fucker's dark meme spell.

say these words out louds


link to video?
Anyways, its going to be hard to divert from the only one god paradigm.
As a side note, I also was once a christian.

ya its weird how once he left the thread went back to normal. people started posting again.

Leftists always resort to sex.

I guess they are sexually frustrated due to being effeminate, beta males, or mentally ill (jews/fags/communists).

that is the correct reaction my brother

audio file weight 3.33MB
audio is 2:22 min

song is backward then reverses… stop at 1:11

20 sec of it then jumped ship how much am i fucked? shit was atrocious

Yeah sure, okay so

soooo let's have fun.

Looking for it, give me a bit

you have to go back

Hey humble actress here, I was wondering something:

What are the Top 5 characters you hate.
Without reason, without rhyme, someone you just HATE.

Please no "HEH HILLARY" or "LOL DRUMPF" but rather movie or tv characters and explain why. I need this for study.

this is me in bible college

its Yahshua

There are quite a few similiar stories to yours, Theology PhDs who go full kek priest.

Are you the female?

Fuck drunk as shit this as Holla Forums bait.
Anyway enjoy the rest of my gay channel:

Which actress would that be? Gonna need some form of identification if you want any of us believing you if you're famous.

2008 was the recession and obama, of course it was shitty

Spent a few hours making this one boys

Kek. Demonology is fun. I never got around to summoning any, but I was about to before I swore off magic. Only recently have I picked it back up in light of current events.
I've been around possessions, and that shit is intense.
Tell me more of your journey about kicking "yeshua" and abrahamic religions.

lel sorry my partner chooses not to associate. I'd love to post her but she refuses it

You probably shouldn't dox yourself, m8

Every time I try to sleep, all I can hear is the sound of marching bands playing. Insane.

meh, I've been a Holla Forumsack since 2006 and will hold upon this

just fuck off, this isn't Holla Forums or thread related anyway

>>>Holla Forums

in my head I should add, not in real life. It's from prolonged exposure over the course of the day.

lel sue me for picking a channel I like :^) I'm up in queensland whoever did the casts is fuuucked



Do you think he'll notice them?

Some new e;r



I remember being in a GATE program, there were always a few things that seemed off to me. Did anyone else's gifted program have a period where the blinds to the classroom would be closed? I also remember paper being put across the door for a lockdown drill and being left there for months afterwards. Actually holy shit now that I'm thinking about it, I just remembered something about having weird 1 on 1 conferences in a dimly lit room with a teacher. Did the GATE classes focus on different subjects? I remember mine was almost entirely centered around writing, theater and poetry. I never paid too much attention during class though, my teacher hated me.


Stop making me want to rewatch Boko no Hero faggot

GATE too and it was bullshit.
one girl went full heroin,
one girl went full >>>/machinecult/
the rest acts…17? 14? whatever it was.

I dont know if summoning a demon is a good idea. They are pretty crafty beings and would probably fuck you over the first chance they get. Also just make sure your convictions are clear.

Well good luck spreading the truth
if you ever want to chat about esoteric stuff I subscribed to your channel as bob anderson. Its the only stuff that fascinates me anymore, nothing else has any value to me anymore

I remember a few weird things, most people I knew from there ended up super liberal and were accepted into really prestigious colleges

Anonymous 2017

shit accidentally replied to myself.

But seriously, did your guys' gate classes split you into groups based around different topics? At one point I remember us staging a play/mock trial of the prince from sleeping beauty and convicting him of assault.
I only remember because I got a toy sword for being the prince

Reminder that witches will be among the first to hang.

cant wait for these guys to remember the MKULTRA jungle rape…

black magic is

CNN keep saying that "tens of thousands" are getting ready to demonstrate against Trump. They really want it to be true.

God I hope not. I must have missed the GATE threads though, I'm remembering a lot of stuff that seems kind of off now. They taught me about black holes and thermodynamics in elementary school.
Fuck, did I get MKULTRA'd?

Here are the GATE archives.

LIVE: ‘Freedom for Europe’ congress - speeches by Petry, Le Pen, Wilders and Salvini

which country are you in?

99.9% of my biblical college ended liberal aka /christian/

IF what I remember was gate

then I don't remember almost anything about it.

Burgerland. I live in a city close to an airforce base

I'm kidding, of course you were LOL


listened to """dangerous""" shit.

I had a similar experience. Though I was shown those cards used to test ESP, even played with them while the person casually observed me. Memory is too unreliable though because I was barely over kindergarten age. Strange part was that, I wasn't told or given instructions to enter this small room, I just wandered in there willingly out of curiosity (no-one was in the classroom at the time). Never could make sense of that.

So, Ir's been around 2k mins, so what shall be said


if it looks like MKULTRA, it's probably MKULTRA

Like a legtt wtf, I don't remember saying this shit at all

this was me a year ago, but send me a message fam

The ether(or maybe Kek) clearly just spoke through you.
You have a gift.


Okay so, Preist will present this:
Will Include:
Shadilay to greet everyone,
Will include dunkaccino (Holla Forums)
Will say "Kek, the frog" give me wriggle room m8
dubs decies the PHRASE I include

"The memes seem to deem the themes."

Oh well.

I'll use this too, seriously whatever is funniest I'll use.

Here;s a prior interview of mine:

Cults were not something considered "bad" in ancient times. Cults developed around a community and a deity. Yes, 8/pol/ is a cult whether it wants to be or not. Gets and its language and the attribution of miracles to a chaos deity makes it a cult.
Sorry I meant this

Also any Holla Forumsack who wishes to know who I interview or who I am, feel free. I love you all but fugg /christian/

It is the best christian denomination.
Thanks, I'll enjoy this.


Checked, my dude.

anyone archived the other ones?

Inauguration Thread #1: Dubs and Soros Dies Today Edition:

Inauguration Thread #2: SOROS DIED IN THE LAST ONE!!!

Inauguration Thread #2.1: The Boys Are Back In Town Edition

Inauguration Thread #3: The Fire Rises Edition

Inauguration Thread #4: ONLY MINUTES LEFT Edition

Inauguration Thread #4.1: We Did It, Holla Forums Edition

Inauguration Thread #5 GOODBYE NIGGER EDITION

Inauguration Thread #6: Big Guy Edition

Inauguration Thread #7: Madman Edition

Inauguration Thread #8: Farmer Tractors Edition

Inauguration Thread #8.1: Big Guy Barron Edition

Inauguration Thread #9: Moonman and Shrek Edition

Innaguration Thread #10: Victory Edition

Innaguration Thread #10.1: Continued TWEET Campaign CONFIRMED Edition

How the fuck did this go unchecked??

saved and checked


Hold the fuck up, you're telling me those government stiffs that came to my bumfuck rural housing were trying to get me in some psyops shit, thank whatever is out there I flat out refused to go

The SS agent on the First Lady's left.


Under-rated post

any videos of protestors getting wrecked yet?

more like


Oh shit, freestyle battle live on stage!

don't be a faggot

Is Tay an egregore now?

Lovely thread, many feels. So many posts ITT and the last are identical to my life and my experience here. I too have lost much the past year and thought I'd rather be gone but I stayed because I would miss this place and YOU. I love you all.

Welp, just came back from speaking with my mom, which I try to avoid whenever I can without because she's retty much a factory issue bluepill boomer narcissist.

I tried to interrogate her about how I got into GATE and what the fuck happened in it, since like the rest of you, my memories about it are completely jacked.

Fruitless effort, sad to say. She's kept getting sidetracked and flooding me with baby pics and shit (this is why I never bring up childhood shit with her, she always goes on this insufferable nostalgia trance and can't focus on the conversation at hand).

The only useful information I got was that she used to be buttbuddies with a lot of the school faculty when I was little, and they (((strongly suggested))) to her that I be enrolled in the program and what a waste of my potential it would be if I wasn't.

Which gave me a laugh considering how broken my adult life has been, even without shit like drugs and what not.

Every time I tired to focus on the details she would change the subject to some school play I was in or some loli I had a crush on. So either she's in on it (doubtful)or even more of a ditz than I thought(likely).

So no breakthroughs, but let it serve as a warning to all my friends here to not impregnate a stupid woman, or she'll serve your kids up to Moloch worshiping government spooks.

Ok drunk non-burger here. This is the inauguration thread, perhaps you could make a new GATE thread if you want. I mean, I came here for the hype but the whole thread is offtopic. Can't you just focus on high energy? The world is celebrating the victory of Trump as it is a victory of nationalism but you focus on a small thing in the US which isn't relevant to the new POTUS at all

This was the comfy after hours thread when it started. We let our hair down and got informal. Shit got weird. Don't fight it.

Well, whatever. I just remember election night being more memetically satisfying. I guess the best times are yet to come.

For American voters, congratulations for taking part in making your country great again. Nationalism is on the rise and this is only the beginning - here the media and politicans still believe they can do whatever they want while the people are boiling in rage. Their time will come, and I hope that real progress will happen here in europe too. I'm happy to say that at least in my home country things are different compared to for example, sweden, germany, etc… The media is a laughing stock for anyone who has a brain, but they are still free to shill with tax money. Gas them all





Thanks lad

Thanks I would have missed it



Did he just agreed with the reports about his speech from yesterday that said it was a Bane speech?

It's real. It's all fucking real. We actually did it - the past year and a half actually happened.

Damn son he's covertly calling the CIA evil to their faces for their support of ISIS.



Running war with media, most dishonest people in the world.



lol, the nigger statue




Seriously how is there anyone in the world who doesn't love this man?


There's a Columnbine joke here, but I can't find it.



Hopefully there will be some heads rolling at the CIA today.


I was thinking suicide by two shots to the back of the head before stuffing themselves in a duffel bag and throwing themselves into the Potomac.

he still in "election mode", the speech was like that of a rally, i find it actually good that he didn't changed at all.

Trump should be merciful, give them the cyanide capsules and say we can do this the easy way or the hard way.


I need help
Im looking for the real story of this decision by Trump but I can't seem to find an unbiased source. I'm currently trying to build counter arguments against the liberals in my area.



You are forgetting something really important. All those infinite timelines share the possibility in the same universe. You can't go back in time, as in the process of reversing the wave function, but you can work in the present to reshape the future.
In other words, we will never go back to the Third Reich, but we can work towards a Forth one. There are absolutely certainty in the future, thus (((they))) have absolutely no chance of stopping that future, until the future comes and reveals where we at.

might clarify, they have no absolute certainty of stopping the future from happening, a future which we also are influencing.


Same issue here for me

Doesn't this mean it was some bill introduced by some dumb shit that never passed?

What does this mean?

Since this is a comfy thread:


It just started

Ah fuck I mean last year

So far was probably seeing people at school cry because Trump was getting elected.

Dick Spencer getting cold clocked for taking the name of Kek in vain.

I loved that he says something along the lines of "our mascot" and is immediately punched. Kek is perfect.

Mine would be people he in Ozland crying over it….when we JUST had a local election that nobody gave a shit about. It made me realise how little people actually pay attention

Brexit was breddy gud, but Election Night was the single most enjoyable moment of 2016 for me.

Holy shit Barron is tall.

Barron has been confirmed as drinking with the Ents.

The memetic energy released that night made the ZimZam trial look like a slide thread about pony's in comparison.

it was probably one of the best nights of my life.
already embeded


You are half correct. You probably already know this but time as a concept does not exist. Time is just an extremely limited view on how reality works. Since humans are incapable of seeing past our linear existence and that everything has a natural life cycle, we claim that this is the effect of time. So you are correct in stating that we can not GO back in time to the Third Reich. And I would agree with you that we as a society will never become THE Third Reich. But you are wrong in stating that the Third Reich can not be experienced. See reality is infinite so everything that has existed, exists, and will exist is happening all at once. If you know how to, you could go and experience the Third Reich, but as a society, we could never go BACK TO the Third Reich because in the general populaces mind, it already happened. Then again, who is to say that we cant reform the Third Reich in the future.

That's the webm I wanted to post but my copy was posted elsewhere.

It is the perfect encapsulation for how hype that night was. I sincerely feel bad for any anons who weren't able to be a part of it.

Here's some OC I made to commemorate how fast pol was moving.

We can only move in one direction through the (physical) dimension we call time because the chemical processes that govern our matter tend exclusively toward greater entropy. Antimatter tends toward lesser entropy, which is why if we’re ever going to build a time machine, it’ll be powered by an antimatter reaction.


But user, we're the Ents.

come on, virtually any time these things are brought up it's just kike scientism. antimatter is made up science to patch holes in broken theories.

Heisenberg wasn’t a jew and he proved the physical reality of the fundamental tenet of quantum mechanics that proves it’s not made up. Go fuck yourself. You’re just not smart enough to comprehend the topics, so stop whining about them.

Yes we are user, yes we are

A part of an idea has been proven to work in a certain way, while the explanation around it is bogus. You are being selectively rational about your untested beliefs.

I hear Heisenberg mixed his daughter with a dog, would you trust him?

truly one of the best nights of my life, and on a malay watercolor board no less.

love you guys

No one is contesting this.
Get fucking wrecked.

I remember that morning telling my Dad the "polls look fine" and him denying it saying CNN said otherwise.

He now listens to me over the news.

I'm redpilling him hard.

Your wrong, we only move in one direction is because of our 3D existence which is due to low vibration of our mind and soul. Also because in our 3D state its extremely hard to view anything other then a linear existence, which is why I want to ascend to a 4D state. Entropy only effect you if you let it, it is a cleaning mechanism for souls that refuse to learn new things so they die and reincarnate into a new body to learn anew. Again, time does not exist.

Are you saying we move in 1D?

Great job user! Wish I could say the same. The only one remotely redpilled in my immediate family is my mom which is kind of weird to be honest.


You're incredibly obnoxious. It's not the first time I've seen a STEM-warrior here have a meltdown when he realizes his handful of proofs do not merit the vast and universe-defining explanations that are gleefully constructed with them.

Same here. I'm quite good at talking with people about politics. Reserved around groups of people but very outspoken and poignant to the point of no denying what I say.

Hell I've even gotten him to agree to me paraphrasing George Rockwell. I mean when you present these ideas neutrally without connotation to normies, most normal people will agree unless they have a narrative of their own.

The way I've done it is with really really simple questions "Of course a religion that has is focused on family would promote nepotism, I mean you'd hire me right?" then move to "Well don't you think a lot of issues could be solved if we stopped debating pointless things like gender etc?"

That's the key really, pretend to be neutral and just pretend it's common knowledge

"Everyone knows about treblinka being false" etc

I meant linear. Its kind of hard for me to describe. I know what I mean, I just cant quit explain it. I will try and write something up.

The French language has constantly been tied to meme magic. I don't know what it is about it, but it's great.

White House press secretary to speak soon. Not sure what it's about. Probably nothing too exciting but here's a link anyways.

Enough of your /x/-tier mysticism bullshit, okay; the physical nature of some of your statements is correct, and that’s all we need.

No, we can only move in one direction along the 4th physical axis (we call it time).

Watch this.

Read a fucking book, dipshit.

Now now let's not use Holla Forums arguments like read a book


Thanks this video is breedy guud

No, you really are incredibly fucking obnoxious and every bit the STEM warrior who will only argue based on his own circular proofs and definitions. You still don't even understand my original point that whatever legitimate phenomena you may observe, your explanations are incomplete to the point that your predicitions are garbage. May your kike science take you slightly further down the dead end it's already at.

What do you think antimatter means?


What's wrong with STEM?

Poor lad, but you should really go get some experience before preaching about reality.

Does anyone else feel like we're back in the glorious 80s?


Ehhhh. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm greenpilled as fuck, but I don't expect astral projection to build a better smartphone antenna, I expect that to come from mathfags and materials sciencefags. Right tool for the right job is how I see it.

Antimatter =/= dark matter, user. Dark matter is the stuff we have never proven to be real but believe in anyway to patch up kike theories, antimatter is matter made up of particles with opposite charges and which we've actually fucking made and observed. And the other two things you mentioned weren't even in the post you quoted.

This is Henry James Pollack with People On-Line news, about to enter Portland Oregon in 2 hours to survey some of the paid (and salty) protesters (for you.)
Are there any questions you'd like me to pose to them?
I'm making a list now!

Ask them if they feel in charge

Ask them what they think of Israel, press them that Trump defended it.

Why? Because whatever Trump likes they hate.

We can make the left hate kikes in "protest"

STEM students are ironically very dogmatic. Not like those who have experience in STEM fields as they've had time to relate their knowledge to the world around them, STEM students become arrogant in the Dunning-Kruger sense that they've gained some understanding but exactly zero context, and don't realize how much about their beliefs could change yet. Arguing with a STEM student immediately reverts to demands of proof once the opposite party puts forward an original thought or idea that doesn't fit into the context of what can be extrapolated from what they already know.

Checked for good luck and safe streaming, glad to see you back!

I'd argue that's the same for all students but I'm inclined to agree with you. I have a very liberal leftist friend…who is a statistics major. It boggles the mind

oshit. You should know I consider you a model fucking user. You grab a name for exactly as long as it's useful and then disappear back into the hivemind when you're done.

Ask them if they want America to be rich again. I'll bet they won't be able to give you an unqualified yes and I'll bet they go on a rant about MUH 1% instead.

Not with that attitude lad.

Actually there are several ways you could use astral projection to accomplish that goal. You could obtain the knowledge directly from the Akashic Record, you could find a capable individual and alter his life in order to have someone do it for you, you could shift yourself to an incarnation where that is already a reality. etc. etc.

Even true geniuses like Tesla acknowledged the importance of the superspectrum. STEMfags that get high and mighty about materialistic reality are children and therefore must be chastised as such.

Don't forget your Luger, James.

What I mean by linear is that we as Humans are bound by the natural cycles of life. The structure of reality to put it simply goes like this: matter

Did Tesla really? Anywhere I can read up on that?

I think I speak for all of us when I ask: how are the native amphibians of Cuba doing these days?
This is a hard time for frogs.


So how come the wise symbols of Kek have horizontal pupils, while every manner of evil is depicted as having vertical pupils?

Eleutherodactylus zeus (common name: Zeus' robber frog) is a species of frog in the Eleutherodactylidae family. It is endemic to western Cuba and known from the Sierra de los Organos and the Sierra del Rosario, in the Pinar del Río and Artemisa provinces. Its natural habitats are rock crevices and caves in mesic broadleaf forests in limestone areas. It is threatened by habitat loss and disturbance associated with tourism.

This is a very fair and accurate assessment. I've observed some of this myself firsthand. Though in my experience physics students are the least like this since they've taken courses on the subjects that other STEMfags pretend to understand and have been broken by the courses such that they understand how little they actually know about said subject. That's not to say they don't exhibit the behavior described in this post, but I've seen the more rigid dogmatic behavior come from popsci junkies that try to incorporate physics and the like into their worldview.
t. physicsfag

Ask them: Are you a big guy?
Also this:

Can you expand on this concept? I've been thinking about why people "feel" transgendered, and I've started to think part of it is a misplaced longing for spiritual embodiment less dependent on the meat sack of the physical. What kinds of things are possible in the 4D world, do you think? I've had lucid dreams where I can fly under my own power. I've also had semi-lucid dreams where I huck myself off a skyscraper and noticeably fail to fly and end up crash-slamming back into my body when I hit the pavement.

"Why are you blocking traffic, destroying property and harassing people in the city with the most hillary voters per capita outside of san francisco?"

**I got to the center of everything and found God. And God was you. And then I realized I was you. And then I realized I was God. And the most important bit: I learned the secret of getting back there without drugs. The music. The trance. The memes.

Praise KeK

I love you, user. Thank you. I will remember and I will help.**



I thought Rolfe was an anti-gun shitlib cuck.

I can't remember if it's in Operation Trojan Horse or The Eighth Tower, but John Keel talks about the early radio experiments by Tesla and Marconi wherein they encountered voices in the aether as well as producing effects such as shutting down the function of vehicles at a distance (something that would later become a staple of UFO and other paranormal encounters).

As far as some of the other things about Tesla, I don't know right off where to find them. I've heard over the years that he was a spiritualist and engaged in channeling as part of his research process, as well that he might have been in contact with elements of the shadow government who were interested in his work due to the relationships between consciousness, electromagnetism, and reality. Everything from death rays and wireless power transmission to starting earthquakes and shooting down UFOs (similar claim to that of Wilhelm Reich's activities with orgone).

This right here is a good point

Cheers I'll look them both up

Regarding transgender, it is entirely possible that a female/male entity is tossed into the wrong body during reincarnation, but that only happen when who ever is in charge of reincarnation fucks up. Getting surgery to fix that though is absolutely retarded because it does not fix anything, it only effects the body superficially. But then again, souls are extremely resilient and if I personally was in that situation, I would just live with it and learn new things from a different perspective.
Regarding 4D, matter is less bound together so more complex patterns can form. In 4D you can teleport, telekinesis, invisibility, travel to other dimensions that are in our past, ect. From my understanding, you can do these as 3D, but there are laws in place to prevent this, which can be broken through enough meditation. My knowledge on 4D is limited though because im not 4D.

Apparently transgenders are mentioned in literature about the Kali Yuga and the Buddhist equivalent Dharma Ending Period as defects of the era caused by a break down in the function of incarnation. Essentially, a female will ends up with a male form and vice versa. To be sure, a great number of trannies are just damaged and seeking attention according to something which has become a cultural phenomenon. It's possible that these idiots themselves act as a mechanism for further disrupting incarnation, although trying to look for causation beyond the bounds of causal reality is likely pointless.

I will never







What the hell is going on?

Can confirm, Transgenderism is also a very important part of Kabbalah I wonder why the kikes push it

TruthSeeker is that you?

Any riot streams?

that guy kinda looks like AVGN

I dont follow. What did you mean by this?

I'll look

I was just taking the piss

The Simpsons tried telling us.

Har, that's actually self-evident though. When you mutilate yourself to such an extent you can no longer create children, you're fucking up the proper channels of incarnation.

That's how I regard it as well. There are clearly a lot of issues at work, and a superficial cosmetic change is just a search for instant gratification.


Who notified Holla Forums of my return to the Portland area? I take three steps off my property and a bull-dyke feminist cunt took my camera "For the coming revolution."
Authorities have been notified.
Right wing death squads should be notified

This bit amuses me more than it should.

I've long thought that there is a logic to the schizophrenics. There is always a paradigm.

I have talked to spirits before. Its kinda fun.
>be college student. I know I know

Protect yourself my man

You're overthinking this way, way too much. It's just cultural marxism, individualism, and "you can be whatever you want to be", everybody's-a-winner snowflake culture taken to it's logical conclusion. You think trannies, who spend half of their day every day, think about anything as deep as the connection between dreaming and spirituality? No, they're just sheltered in echo spaces in tumblr and brainwashed. I've seen it happen many, many times. A cute young girl with healthy values enters tumblr, a maximum of two years later they're shaving half of their head, taking testoterone supplements, talking about the patriarcy, talking about memes and anime irl, it's more crippling socially than any amount of (((hollywood))) movies.
You know those creepypastas about demonic websites that cause hauntings to people who visit them? Tumblr is like that, but it turns unsuspecting and vulnerable girls into marxist subhumans who haunt society, instead.

I wish I knew how to counter it or turn them back on the road to God.

KGP youtube channel got taken down on claims of violation/scam or some other bullshit. This is the last video they uploaded that I happened to capture with desktop video (while the channel was getting taken down). Sorry for the split, first time using FFMPEG, pls no bully.

Dump inc.





Implying i didn't? I'm following her (him?) with a phantom 4 drone until the police arrive.


Yes, and you can really see it in those borderline cases. Take Dr. Bronner's soap. He was an edge case, I mean, clearly off the wall rants but great soaps and enough business acumen to turn them into a national product. Is there such a thing as functional schizophrenia? Do we all have it?

I mean, it's become fashionable and that's clearly cultural poison that's being pushed by jews. But I think that for some people there really is a deep-rooted impulse in that direction, and I'm trying to figure out if it's say being incarnated in the "wrong" gendered body as some posters suggest, or if it might be spiritual longing misunderstood as gender identity issues. I mean… I long for Heaven, Valhalla, or whatever the fuck. But that longing can sometimes manifest in destructive ways; I'm not an alcoholic label wise, but I know I drink more booze than is good for me.





Have we put together a compilation yet of the best coverage or anything?

There is an incredibly simple method, so simple that there isn't any way to phrase it without sounding like a chuuni. You have to develop your own potential and become a resonant node for the opposing energy (in this case, the natural order which has become disrupted). That's how you counter anything at the karmic level.

My jewdar is getting rusty, are these all jews? All the xenoestrogens and nu-males look more like jews than any previous generation, I have trouble telling.

Pretty certain the one on the right is.

I think the passive aggressive bernie bro who tells the camera guy he cant ask the crowd any more questions and has to move along is the most disgusting part.

"Racism is literally the suppression of a minority group."

Whites are a global minority. Does that mean we have to be minorities in our own countries too? What if I went to China and started yelling about all the things the Chinese do. Would I be racist if I said the Chinese were never great and that they owed to to me to provide for me? Good lord, someone execute these mental defectives!

Pretty much all we can do, until the day of the RWDS comes. And even then most of these girls just need a good dose of real world terror at the disruption they've caused to civilization; a few artillery strikes within earshot and they'll be back in the kitchen tending to dinner in no time.It's not what I'd call ideal but holy fuck I don't see what else there is to it.

No, none of us have schizophrenia.

And your right, people become transgender due to social pressure.

Sigh, I can relate to this. While I dont care about Valhalla, I just want to ascend from my current 3D state. Pic related is how I feel. I just want out, it feels like a prison at times.


Do you think those guys died? They looked outnumbered and the guy who yelled Abracadabra didn't look like he hit much lel.

I think that was a training exercise.


Training exercise, the AKs have blank firing adapters on them.

Heaven is here. It is all around you. It is always there when you are happy. Heaven exists when you gutlaugh. It is the emotion of falling in love, of being swept away. Heaven is the feeling you get when you see a snow covered mountain. It doesn't get any better than this, but if you feel bad you'll feel your way back to hell.


I don't like modern bitches either, user, but if you get caught up in symbolism and taking it for literal you're chasing illusions and fucking up.

love me some gondolas


Arright an thee aweracles that due scree o'er our capites arr so shrill as the cont of a mayen whoose pic related is symbolic, nowinnit?



Look where you can't see. Open the eyes behind your eyes and go to the place where time stops. There lies the gateway to what you seek. Shadilay my brothers. What a night.

Holla Forums, it's time you learned about the source of you power.

https ://


Thats not actually the source of our power. Or at least its only a partial understanding of how we get our power.

nice work


Reviving the gondola bread. Lack of Morrowind gondola is almost criminal, please accept another OC to remedy this situation.

If you dream it you can achieve it!

Ah, you're welcome user. Sorry it took so long to reply back to you.

The People On Line News Report



I'm now at home eating tendies with a shot of whiskey and that cigar I mentioned.
Will post my friends video of the psycho that tailed me.

Poor quality, but he was slim, maybe 6ft and had semi russian facial features with dark blonde hair.

You n'wah.

Autistic Pride Day isn't until June 18.

Time for you to return to your cuckshed where may you may inhale and asphyxiate yourself within an oil drum of male ejaculate.

At least i went outside :^)


Just watched the speech. High energy
Absolutely victorious.

Did some one say gondola?




File size limits are really annoying, if only they where even 5 or 10 mbs bigger.


Thats because you know in your heart that we're trapped in the belly of the beast.
Rest assured that none of us are alone here, and that we're all going to make it.

Inauguration Thread #1: Dubs and Soros Dies Today Edition:

Inauguration Thread #2: SOROS DIED IN THE LAST ONE!!!

Inauguration Thread #2.1: The Boys Are Back In Town Edition

Inauguration Thread #3: The Fire Rises Edition

Inauguration Thread #4: ONLY MINUTES LEFT Edition

Inauguration Thread #4.1: We Did It, Holla Forums Edition

Inauguration Thread #5 GOODBYE NIGGER EDITION

Inauguration Thread #6: Big Guy Edition

Inauguration Thread #7: Madman Edition

Inauguration Thread #8: Farmer Tractors Edition

Inauguration Thread #8.1: Big Guy Barron Edition

Inauguration Thread #9: Moonman and Shrek Edition

Innaguration Thread #10: Victory Edition

Innaguration Thread #10.1: Continued TWEET Campaign CONFIRMED Edition

welcome to pol
