Bittersweet Candy Bowl thread
Lucy continues to burn bridges with everyone while the creator laughs at the misery she creates.
Bittersweet Candy Bowl thread
Lucy continues to burn bridges with everyone while the creator laughs at the misery she creates.
Lucy is the most accurate representation of an actual female I have ever seen in a comic.
Someone's always crying in this comic. I can't be doin' with all this melodrama.
This comic is like a perpetual train wreck of cringe and facepalm, it's the perfect Holla Forums comic. The best part is that some people around here unironically like it. And I mean like literally, not "laugh at" like, but "like" like.
Is this a call for help?
Never heard of it.
I read it like 4 years ago and started out liking it, but by the end I was completely numb to the melodrama and never wanted to see it again. It's only in my life when an user makes a thread here.
What's the story?
What's her final goal? Die alone?
crashing that relationship… with no survivors
niggums I aint reading dis shit
summate it
Why are we still having threads about furry melodrama? Keep this shit in the LOL thread
perpetual drama caused by people acting out instead of talking situations out as if they had a semblance of maturity
Fucking stupid high school animal melodrama. There is no real story, only loosely related events that are connected by shitty attempts to get you to care about characters with little to no reframing qualities. Not to mention the self inserts and the holier than thou mentalities of some of the characters.
It you still care and want to know, keep reading.
It boils down to following the friendship of two cats, Mike and Lucy, who have known each other for their whole life. They each have a bunch of baggage and slowly start to hate each other and all of their extended friend group as events pass. Such events include the likes of: going to the school dance, getting almost raped in an alleyway, going to a fair, falling in a stream, and tons of bullshit misunderstanding overly dramatic horse shit.
The big event is that eventually Mike grows a pair of balls and tells Lucy that he hates her and has only stuck around because he was a pussy beta who couldn't tell a girl no and let her hit him whenever she decided she wanted to act like a tsuntsun (because that bitch ain't got no Dere in her).
Beyond that, it's all petty one upmanship, relationship drama, and Lucy dropping out or transferring schools because she feels bullied. Then Mike gets blamed for that and everyone hates him.
No idea what happens after that. Never read any of the stuff posted in the last 4 years.
Let it never be said BCB isnt realistic.
Please tell me she jumps.
I haven't even read the comic properly and I want her to jump.
did she die?
I wish.
Wasn't the name of this comic from them going to a bar and one of them was almost drugged and raped with a bowl of candy?
It keeps getting worse
What the fuck is even happening anymore
To continue, after that the perspective shifts from Mike to Paulo. which is a bit more interesting. It mostly consists of him trying to man up and make a relationship with people but fails and ends up as a FWB with some other girl. He refuses to get serious with the FWB even though she indicates she wouldn't mind because of Lucy. He feels like he missed out on a chance with her and decided to hold out. This part of the comic is more tolerable because despite Paulo being indecisive and immature the melodrama feels less forced.
(it's to be noted that the main reason why Mike and Lucy never ended up together is because Mike decided that rather than going after a girl he's bound to see for a long time, that he'd rather pine over a girl he knew from kindergarden and reject everyone else. IIRC he has only seen her in person for about 10 minutes. since she moved out.)
That shit isn't dead?
Do people have not developed tasted in the past years?
Australian "Andrew Dobson" Suitcase is a bumbling, foreverial asshurt retard…
Taeshi is a dysfunctional wreck.
Is there truly no alternative to the fans? Is the world in its entirety that devoid of succor?
Is this story so riveting that it must be followed forever?
I have no idea whats happening in this comic, but i'm interested. Can someone provide context for me on whats going on?
Where is the transition? Is there a missing page that wasn't posted?
A pleb is born every minute.
You asked for it.
I thought it was strange. Just as strange that she fucked with his head and he continues to be a little bitch, enough so that he lets her hit him for not wanting to go to a party.
Everyone is an asshole.
The end.
I mean this is straight up abuse going on. Either she should've pushed him to go or done the we can't be together thing, not both.
Why is anyone even friends with this person?
Everyone is friends with her.
oh look it's yashy
Lucy is a nigger.
Nigger nigger nigger
It is.