Why did leftypol support a social democrat so much?

why did leftypol support a social democrat so much?


it's a meme you dip

le slick entryism

And honestly he's more of a left-populist than a socdem. At least socdems pretend to hate capitalism and not just muh Wall Street billionaires.

Because muh overton window.

As someone who lives in a social democratic country: No. They don't even pretend.

Because it was the only thing even vaguely approaching a large-scale anti-capitalist movement since Occupy.

*In America

I was thinking more of the Second International social democrats, but fair enough

This. Nobody in their right minds thought that B████ was even remotely communist, but getting better labor laws, for instance, would have helped the real commie organizers.

because some of us understand you have to make the best of what you have

because he is actually an evolutionary socialist, and has studied marx and other radical left thinkers
he obviously can't say that in America, so he called himself a democratic socialist to make socialist not a dirty word
leftypol is just salty because he got cheated out of winning

In what way is it anti capitalist? All his policies are aimed to prevent revolution and keep the poor happy with capitalism

Yeah, edgy teenagers can't get it through their thick skulls that you can be a socialist and support reforms too.

These shitheads have never stared death in the face or homeless because they didn't have capital so it super fucking easy for them to flippantly dismiss reformism as anti-revolutionary

so he's lying when he says he is a democrat(capitalist)?

this is conspiracy level shit

or that you can't be a socialist when everything you advocate for is socdem

reform delays revolution. people only revolt when they run out of bread

this is a fucking stupid position, people need to be made class conscious, and that can't happen for most through lectures on marx and bakunin. they come to appreciate leftist ideas when they're introduced to it through popular politics

And what have you done to promote the revolution today?

FUCK YOU YOU STARVE. Good thing you're just a lazy shithead and don't actually talk to normies about needing to starve first before capitalism can be over thrown.

people get to class consciousness when they experience exploited by the bourgeoisie, not when capitalism is sugar coated and they are led on to believe that with help from the state they can be rich someday too

Everyone is exploited by the bourgeoisie, but few are class conscious. Guess why.

This is why you can't get laid user.

EBT cards,

its called the people's stick

FOUND THE Holla ForumsYP! Seriously go take this "muh human nature" shit to pol


i haven't even said anything about evolution

but if you want to deny evolution you can find friends over at /christian/

I was fishing for "because few people in America know that there's a viable alternative to the current system", but you do you. Most people when you talk to them are pretty critical of the system, but unless you present them a viable solution they're either gonna meekly accept it or drink the right-wing Kool-Aid.

few are class conscious because they have optimism that they too can be bourgeois with a little help

What you mean is evolutionary psychology. The field every sociopathic pseudo intellectual abuses to make their genocidal theories not look crazy.

Back to pol with ya, next you'll be talking about race realism.


He had the potential to prove to the proletariat that they can achieve huge changes in the system through solidarity.

off to >>>/liberalpol/ with ya

they are the only class that can abolish themselves

he called himself a demsoc, never said democratic capitalist?

and how hard is it to believe a commie wouldn't outright say "I'm a commie" when running for office in america
nationalized education and healthcare are socialist positions, he was definitely advocating nationalized higher education and would advocate nationalizing healthcare if it were viable politically

And why do they think that? Because they think the current system is the only way things can work. They're indoctrinated with the belief that the reason you're poor is that you're not good enough.

How do you change that? By starting a wider movement which is critical system, which shines a light on the real culprits, and which provides a solution to the problems of the system.

Moving the Overton Window.

He had an message that broke with the reigning neoliberal narrative.

There was also the slick entryist maymay, but that's completely discredited now.

Also, it was fun to meme him as some sort of hardcore commie.

countered all your crazy crypto fascists points. You're the one crying mate.


but you didn't. you cried pol when you ran out of talking points

and the solution that he is advocating for is reform not revolution

Uh but I did. You talk about EBT cards, human nature and things not being shitty enough to achieve class consciousness.

Animals are giving more consideration when people try to change their behavior.

Poverty is violence, if you want inflict poverty onto people you're either a Holla Forumsyp or just a sociopathic shithead.

There's no class conscious because people are over worked, don't have time to explore alternatives to capitalism, and porky complete ownership of the media makes sure they don't see any.

YOU brought up human nature not I.

you're twisting words now

absolutely not true. there was more class consciousness before the 8 hour day and people who do not work do not have any idea about class consciousness

Because a revolution is never going to happen or at leasts not in any of our lifetimes but by then the US coastline will be underwater

doesn't a berne presidency make sure a revolution doesn't happen

Nah you're just trying to hide behind this bullshit veneer of pragmatism.

Man up and just say inflicting more suffering and violence through poverty is the price poor proles (but probably not yourself) have to pay.

Then cry to Holla Forums why no listens to your inherently violent ideology.

the doublespeak here is hilarious

It could excite people for the future and when it didnf work, people get radicalized

also you got triggered over ebt cards

Because before you go full accelerationism you need to create a movement against it as to no go full facist accelerationism.


Overton window.

Right, because the average person will totally go with a socialist revolution without having actually, you know, been in a socialist movement. Because the average person will totally choose to work towards the ideals of a man who died over a century ago over actually directly improving their daily life. Because the only thing the left should do ever is advocate for a complete revolution rather than work towards any concrete goals.

I'll accept reformism over nothing every day.

lol his speeches were literally a social democratic platform turned into bullet points. Just listing off left-social-democratic domestic solution one by one.

Populism isn't mutually exclusive to social democracy.

You're not clever. It's a dog whistle to dehumanize poor people, particularly poor black people.

Back to pol please.

yes see every socialist revolution ever.


breads and circuses keep people happy so they don't do revolution

Hey dipshit saying increasing poverty is suffering comes from some sort of critical analysis and not your own perverse sense of entitlement to revenge from people you imagine slighted you is what I'm calling you out on.

You're like a psycho brat that wonders why he has no friends when all he talks about is violence and death.

That's because it's truly pragmatic. Get relief now, while raising class conciouss to strike at the root later. Also since your so historically illiterate you keep pushing this idea that reformism doesn't weaken porky's power.

reformism is just the bourgeoisie buying off the working class so they don't get violent

anarchists are ultraleftist in phraseology, reactionary in action
it has always been that way, nothing suprising there

I never thought he was going to bring about any real revolutionary action or socialism or what-have-you. Still, he was quite impressive in tapping into the massive political and economic unrest of the American people. He was also impressive in re-introducing something as left-wing as social democracy and self-identifying as "socialist" back into the American political discourse without being absolutely crucified. He did quite a bit, pedagogically, for the youngest generation today. I agree with Zizek, however. He shouldn't have endorsed Hillary and should have simply gone absent, and mark the entire looney election between Trump and Hillary with his felt absence. He only reinforced liberal 'lesser evilism'.

That is about the extent to which I "supported" B████.


Catalonia only happened because of decades work spreading the movement, and then only when a civil war happened.
The Russian Revolution also happened after the same. Furthermore, Lenin didn't win the support he got because he convinced everyone of socialism, he did it by promising them peace, after the entire country had been crippled by war.
The fact of the matter is that conditions today are not even close to being bad enough for any kind of socialist revolution to happen, and if they are it won't be a socialist revolution, since the left has been shit at spreading the movement. If you want peoples' support, you're gonna have to show them how it will improve their lives. They aren't gonna accept your idea of a revolution, because unlike Catalonia or Russia people are actually relatively safe in their position, even if that position is shit. You're gonna have to propose a reform, a safe way to go from one system to another, or at the very least have some form of short-term goal.

If you don't want that, you can just wait for the revolution.

According to you a revolution should start in Venezuela rn

Point me to an instance during the campaign trail where he talked about how capitalism was the problem and/or the whole system needed to be replaced

Because you all bought into the delusion he was somehow as delusional and idealistic as the majority of this board's userbase is.

Which is why you all will be voting third party knowing full well that allows the greater of two evils Donald Trump to succeed more easily than if say, the votes were funneled into empowering a lesser of two evils, Hillary Clinton. The fact is B████ ██████ did not want to support her but did so because of the very reasoning you just gave of making the best of what you had. What should he have done -promoted a third party with himself at the helm which in the process lets Donald Trump win and make the Democrats look even weaker, thus solidifying a 4-year reign of far-right policies and propaganda as the new mainstream?

You can all take solace in knowing you never really supported B████ ██████. You all support your extremist ideologies. B████ ██████ just happened to mildly embrace a few tidbits of them such as universal healthcare and a significantly higher minimum wage. So, you all decided to walk behind him since he was your guys' best bet. However, Holla Forums disregarded the fact he isn't a self-absorbed delusional idealist and was simply making the best of the policies and culture he had to work with in the United States. And obviously, no matter how any of you spin it, if he had gone third party, the entire left wing would've become weaker under the inevitable term of Trump which would follow. Why do you all run from this fact? Fear? Ignorance? Hate? Or perhaps a combination of the three in which you all allowed your own hate of the 'normie' left wingers to blind you from common sense and thus you all now fearfully rally behind any 3rd-party schlub who remotely resembles a generic stereotype of extremist lefty politics. This board as a general whole does not care about the person. Holla Forums is devoted to extremist ideologies and completely ignores the people who wield them. For this reason I say go saunter over to Jill Stein and vote for your logical and moral deathbeds if this is really the kind of supporters you all want to be. But just know you were never real supporters of B████ ██████ and you aren't real supporters of Jill Stein. You're just supporters of leftist extremism.

Because self-proclaimed "leftists" are the descendants of Social Democracy, never fully breaking from it. The loyal opposition.

Which is why the term "left-wing of capital" is totally appropriate.


are you for real

It's really simple, actually. He pushed the status quo to the left. I was not expecting socialism to be enacted in his lifetime, only that preparations be made for it. But I do know he's a socialist personally.

The people who opposed him are mostly children – edgy ultra-leftist with the most radical flavour of the month holier-than-you position that allows them to bitch about anything and be condescending useless faggots. Local leftcom, capable of talking only by espousing word salads from Bordiga diaries, is a good example of this group.
Now, the adults used Barnie for memeing, organizing, radicalizing Sandals' supporters and moving overton window further to the left.




Posting on leftypol

They dont want to realize that we are fucked and embrace the void.

Anything to twist Terminator Tilly's titties.

Wow, Correct The Record can even find this dump? I'm kinna impressed, since they have ignored all the actually useful lefty sites for the most part. (or simply started up/brought in a counter news site like LatinoUSA)

…..I wonder if that's why we got so many of those on the rebound after DNC.
There was a slow trickle since Iowa but then the dam burst.

maximum chek

See? This is why we need gulags! BO! You know what to do!

He talked about it a lot in his stump speeches until the debate with HillBilly. She got a roaring cheer from the audience after referring to her father who was a small business owner.