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Right after invoking "pepe" by referring to him as a "mascot" he gets punched in the face by the vengeful god

Right after invoking "pepe" by referring to him as a "mascot" he gets punched in the face by the vengeful god.

This is proof that only through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior will we have salvation.

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Fuck, I knew the frog was trouble.

He should have listened to Kek, now he feels his wrath in the form of an fat autistic commie fist.

What did kek mean by this

the punch was the work of moloch

Kek didn't protect Dicky because Dicky claimed Kek was only a mascot.

And because Dicky is a sodomite.

It's proof the Kek hates fags.

Kek does not protect sodomites. This is just proof that Kek disavows the faggot Spencer.

Exactly, TRS and 'alt-right' and thedonald all are the types of people who think Kek is just a funny meme. Little do they know, but perhaps it is for the best. Shadilay