How do we reach post-scarcity?

How do we reach post-scarcity?

Communism then space travel.

We have to organise our resources before we will be able to increase them to the point of near limitless.

By not being able to consume anymore so by ending the human race.

Prepare for everyone to say that we never will, followed by passive aggressive ranting on why the left is dead and why you should give up.

Calling it now.

Through the process of exterminating all organic life.

transhumanism and the singularity


Fucking hell after looking at Nasa's "mars recruitement posters" and reading this I suddenly have a fuckton of motivation for some reason.

There's no such thing as post scarcity. More people are born, old ones live longer, and new inventions that use more resources are invented as new, abundant resources are found.

Personally I kind of have less, considering any future space exploration is likely to be corporate space exploitation

Post-scarcity is just a spook.

I mean that I have more motivation to fight for socialism.

Start by reducing the cost of energy to zero.

Remove artificial scarcity and we're golden.

Read Stirner you big crybaby.

Everything can be a spook if its an idea to strive towards to. Everything can be a spook as our perspection on reality is based on our idea's.
Materialism is a form of Idealism fam.

I don't think so. Space exploration will be the domain of non-profit government organizations until it starts being profitable to shoot hundreds of millions of dollars in to space an leaving it there, or technology becomes so advanced that space mining becomes commercially viable. Can't see that happening in the foreseeable future. Alternatively corporations would have to become so powerful they rival modern superpowers and can explore space as a side venture.
Imho, socialism is more realistic.

Not really

yes it is

Reduce the human population to under half a billion people and maintain it there.

This is what matters, if we have a solution like Nuclear fusion that works then it changes everything

Nuclear fission is already vastly better than any other energy source

This, human extinction is the only way

I figure he was just shitposting.

All spook posting is shitposting.

shitposting is just a spook

We are already there. Modern scarcity is artificial.

So true. Never before in the history of the world has there been poverty because of overabundance.

Killing all of the Tankies would get us halfway there.