Anti-edgy is codeword for pro-establishment/pro-status quo

Anti-edgy is codeword for pro-establishment/pro-status quo.

Why shouldnt we just kill all the religiouse people for their definite reactionary religiouse beleaves?

I agree, religious people should be killed

There can be no room for religion in a socialist/communist society

The emancipatory potential of Christianity involves the apocalyptic insight that Christ's death on the cross reveals God's impotence, and the absolute death of "His" beyond.

So, sure it's cool to be an atheist and all, but to be truly anti-theist as you try your hardest to be, you have to go through Christianity.

Thinking before you post would help senpai.

Jokes aside realizing that Jesus the carpenter got nailed to a piece of food for death sentence is pretty post-ironic. Post jesus truelly is nihilistic as fuck.

I grew out of this shit when I was like 15, come on. Religion is really not the main spook facing the world today, even if it was right to kill the vast majority of people for their socially constructed beliefs

TL;DR - if you want to get rid of religion, get rid of the conditions that produce religion

Nietzsche is the insolvent man's Hegel.

Anyway, I really admire Christianity because of how much it's structured like a tragic relationship to one's own metaphysical creativity. The Bible always hits me in the feels…

Literally terminally spooked

No, you just don't know how to read. I bet if you ever read classical Latin literature with its polytheism you'd sperg out and go like "fucking irrational" all the time. Fucking uncultured fedoras.


I really like the Christian mythology with the fallen Angel perspective and seeing the totalitarian nature of God and the strugle of the people on dealing with this thing. Its like a novel where the writer is god and the charrachters are trying to deal with the writer.

Nice bair fam but needs more sauce.


You ever read any John Milton? Hes gotta lotta that stuffs…

Nope i havent, i have read Chesterton who also gives a funky interpitation on christianity in some kind of enjoyment of the fantasy way.

Forgot Pic, verry important on this verry seriouse vangaurdist website for the coming revolution.

Is that a girl or a boy?

better a fedora than a public school twat any day pal

Hmn…Žižek has an interesting sort of reading into GKC's "perverse" theology: God only gave the law to generate sin, so that he afterwards could assert himself as an omnipotent God with the power to absolve man from this sin. It's really eerie actually…

What do you want them to be, huh?

Anti theism is status quo.

A girl, preferably.

Authority justifies itself by assuming the orginal state of its subject to be evil and this declaring itself the protected of people from people.
God is the state, God is the Leviathan!