Has anyone in Marvel canon ever asked Steve Rogers why he kept following FDR after February 19th 1942...

Has anyone in Marvel canon ever asked Steve Rogers why he kept following FDR after February 19th 1942? Knowing Marvel they would have handled it in the most retarded way possible, but I'm genuinely curious if they ever went there.

1) It was war
2) Nobody gave a shit then. It was only years later that anybody actually cared

Nonburger here, had to look up what happened on that date. The Wikipedia page has some interesting inconvenient truths…

Yes, February 19, 1942.
RIP my Aussie ancestors who died to the savage Japs because the US were acting all tough and doing shit all in practice.


He probably didn't know. Most people don't find out about that kind of thing until later, if ever. Most Americans today probably don't know.

Because the war propaganda during that time was effective, not to mention the patriotic fervor with the black and white mentality of us versus them. But don't worry, (((Marvel))) retconned his full support to somewhat tactic support after WW2, remember that scene in Cap'N America Civil War with Stark talking about WW2?

Ironically only Goebbels were accused of doing propaganda after the war while britbongs and (((murricans))) were in full meme mode all the time. While on the other hand Goebbels didn't even meme that much comparatively, despite literally having Minister of Propaganda as his title.

Why did Steve Rogers keep following FDR after he had Huey Long fucking murdered?

Fuck off Holla Forums

But fam I JUST want to wine wit you gaiz tbh!

If he was like any other solider at the time, he probably wouldn't give a shit. They were at war.

Has anyone in Marvel canon ever asked Steve Rogers why he kept following FDR after December 7, 1941? Knowing Marvel they would have handled it in the most retarded way possible, but I'm genuinely curious if they ever went there.

why did steve rogers keep following the US after they nuked a bunch of civilians

I thought he was frozen in ice at the time?

Because they were non-surrendering nips. And he was frozen.

Japan Dindu Nuffin.

Japan surrendered before the nukes were dropped. Uncle Sam just didn't give a fuck and bombed the shit out of them anyway because they were terrified of the communists coming to fuck their shit up.

The sad thing is I can't tell if you're being facetious with that statement or if you genuinely believe it due to being exposed to historical revisionism at some point in your life and being gullible enough to believe it.

I think the more sadder thing is that you still believe burgerland military propaganda.

Hell, nowadays most people accept the bombings as pointless.

Technically, he is right. America wanted unconditional surrender but Japan wanted to surrender with certain conditions. That and the whole rivalry with the Soviets is true.

The Japanese did not surrender. When threatened with the nuke they responded with 'mokusatsu' which can either mean 'no comment' or to 'ignore with silent contempt'. Either way they did not actually surrender, user is an idiot.

Doublehitler is right, even the Yasukuni Shrine museum says they wanted to keep fighting, I thino the meeting was actually 50/50 and the Emperor had to make the casting vote, and even then, a few officers attempted a coup, or at least to steal the record with the surrender speech on it, overnight.

They would have fought to the last man. It's actually lucky for them that they got nuked because if for any reason the US couldn't deploy the nukes, they would have invaded Japan in what would have been Operation Olympic. It would have extended the war at least another two years and Truman had asked Stalin for help in exchange for territorial gain. If they invaded Japan the country would have been cut in half similar to what happened to Germany or Korea.

Hello leftypol. Have you admitted the Holodomor happened yet?

The Japs were still chimpingout on the mainland when the atom bomb dropped. The longer it took to make them surrender, the more rampaging they could do. Or are we pretending Nanking never happened?

I feel like people forget that the Japanese were part of the Axis and committed a lot of nazi-tier war crimes.

Hello leftypol. Have you admitted the Holodomor happened yet?

The Jap government was cut between factions that pursued different policies. Complete with looking into cutting a deal woth the Soviets. Hirohito never officially declared they were surrendering until after the nukings.

The Japs were still chimpingout on the mainland when the atom bomb dropped. The longer it took to make them surrender, the more rampaging they could do. Or are we pretending Nanking never happened?

Why do you still believe Korean lies?

They're just weebs/cucks/Neomarxists/SJWs who read too much Noam Chomsky and so automatically support whoever's against Whitey/The West/Capital. See the crocodile tears over Castro.


You probably believe in the Holohoax too.

Lay off the cartoon kiddie porn (also called animu).

LOL, faggot. If I was Holla Forums I would be supporting Japan getting the crap bombed out of them.

Yeah. Though I'm guessing you'd push it a lot less if you realized that Central Asian republics were the hardest hit instead of Ukraine.

so they're useful idiots?


Fuckin' yanks.


Literally the Jews fear the samurai

??? Can't find any proof backing that statement so post some or else no one is going to take you seriously.

That makes zero sense.

How retarded are you that you can't understand why people are uncomfortable with deliberately bombing civilians?

They were a nationalist, imperialist state. Everything the leftycucks hate

Gee, I wonder.


It's like you've never actually heard or read any left criticism of the bombing of Japan.

No, because every character in Marvel's response to Cap at any point is somewhere between awe-struck reverence and sucking his cock on the spot. So every time he says some mindless classically liberal drivel, nobody asks him to actually engage with any conflicting point of view.

I had a leftist professor in college that said the japs got all they deserved.
To be fair, I later found out that his mother was a chink and his Grandparents were at Nanking.

If only you had known then, you could have told him how the Rape of Nanking never happened.

Daily reminder that, when not talking about British and American war comics, the left considers Japs White.
I have this French comic / story paper called Je Bouquine, where a Black artist is in a shop, and some kid asks his mother to get Tintin in the Congo, because it had Black characters in it. The guy pipes up with how that comic is about "petits noirs", so the mother asks him what other comics have black characters, and he thinks of all the popular superheroes' traditional versions, and Naruto. Then starts making his own characters, who are just black ripoffs of existing characters.
Have Marvel hired anyone from France lately?

What universe are you living in?

Not that user but he's right. A good majority of the extremely loud annoying leftists do consider japs white. When using the 'blackspoitation' bullshit they often site japanese stuff and general refer to them as 'white'. Maybe some more nuanced or not retarded leftists understand that there's more than one denomination of white. The louder more annoying extremists tend to screech about white people and their racism and site everything from weebshit to other such European stuff with no such separation or distinction.

Just normal racist generalisation, but directed inward this time. Most Indians, islanders, Africans, Australian natives, and Jamaicans would flip right the fuck out at being grouped in together, but to a white bigot they're all "capital B Black". Even within one country, tribal Africans, and pre-colonial Australians and Americans would never refer to themselves as one people. It was the same in pre-Roman Britain and France, or China before the Dragon King. Only a conqueror, from within or without, can create a nation from tribes (Shaka nearly united Africa as Zulus, but went mad before finishing his work).
To a bigot, ignorant of or choosing to ignore anthropology or culture, everything not white is "Black", to a white leftist raised on self-hatred, everything not "Black" is "White".

I've never heard anyone refer to an Asian country or people as "white." And I have hard time believing that kind of thing would fly in any left venue.

Asians, particularly Japanese, are considered 'honorary whites' By Hitler as well as SJWs

damn roos couldn't even kill a couple krauts. back to straya, cunt!

I don't think I've ever heard leftists call (East) Asian people White, but I have heard them propose that they benefit from "White Privilege". They probably don't think it's quite the same thing that, in their view, props up white people, but they view it to be fundamentally similar enough that they haven't come up with an alternative term for it (to my knowledge).

Of course, it's just mental gymnastics to explain away the fact that the theory of White Privilege falls apart when you consider the high IQ, good test scores, low criminality, good jobs, etc. that Asians have even compared to Whites. There's no mechanism to explain a White society playing favorites with Asians over even their own and not with Blacks or Hispanics.