We haven't had one in awhile.
Holla Forums webm thread: revenge edition
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate to break it to you summer user, but the first webm isn't Holla Forums related. Hopefully the janitor won't delete the thread but be warned next time.
Nigger get real.
For Independence Day, Jack Kirby reading Captain America's origin.
I have a webm request. Few years ago, Eric Powell posted a video on youtube satirizing situation that big two created in American comics. He took it down due to fanboy outrage. Does anyone happen to have a copy? I could not find it anywhere online and lost webm of it that I had.
You mean Creator's Front for Diversity in Comics? You'd better see if you can find it, because I can't find shit.
It's like it appear in a brief flash in 2011 and then disappeared from the internet entirely.
You're a retard desperately trying to stroke his own elitist ego by ridiculing the OP despite his webm clearly being Holla Forums related and your webms not even vaguely brushing Holla Forums relevance.
You are probably also waiting to get into a battle over semantics.
Stan Lee is an overrated piece of garbage, but you have to admit there's something funny about listening to an old man that just doesn't give a shit anymore.
That cyber 8?
reminder that cyber 8 jumped to vid.me because the shitube kikes kept banning him for the kevin video
Remember Wing Commander?
Hey I know its summer and all, but kid you can post more than one webm per post.
Spoiler this.
48 dubs confirm. It's why Dawkins is funny.
Hey user. There's a skeleton inside of you right now.
or alternatively,
>ywn rock Toph
Yeah that was the one. I have been trying to find it for a few good months now, but got nothing. At thins point I suspect that the copy I made and then lost was the only one. Oh well.
Maybe he does it because of poor internet? If he really was new, I think he'd be uploading soundless webms.
How perverse.
Good times
Is that a BDSM joke?
Damn, Wing Commander was hardcore.
Did they make another one, or did I just miss the beginning? Either way it was just another "muh human oppressin' animals 'n shit" kids film, and overall meh.
If he did he wouldn't be spamming the thread so fast plus, if you can't fill one post with four at least fill it with two and not be a summer faggot. I checked a couple of these and it is possible.
I wasn't around in the thread long enough to see him post all that.
For some reason the second one didn't post.
Whats the name of the song for the first webm?
That was terrible
Kid I know its summer but this isn't Holla Forums related at all. Dumbass
holy fuck is that 64fps?
Nah, its just a well animated western cartoon.
You don't know what you're missing. The movie is pretty unfinished, but its beautiful to watch.
There's also two versions of the film. One is the original "recobbled cut" and the other is the 1995 musical version with a classic Disney-esque flare.
I still fapped though.
Puns… too… much…
Man the franchise really went to shit after the first series. And the Omniverse has him end up with the furry ffs.
I think that's the idea.
And to think only a couple years later she's kicking herself for being an idiot and not believing him.
The season 4 ones were just straight up bad. I can only assume that the episodes themselves are also bad?
Excellent tastes.
I wish they'd released a standalone version of this
You mean there wasn't a soundtrack?
If I remember correctly, there was a soundtrack, but terror time wasn't on it. However, I might have remembered wrong.
Well, that's when they start leaning a bit on the fact that it's likely going to be the last season.
I really need to rewatch Swat Katz one of these days.
It defiantly very 90's looking back on it, but in my opinion it still holds up.
Jesus, what's with all the single webm posts? What is this halfchan or something?
There's a size limit you know.
There are better ways to fit in buddy.
Either you're the world's shittiest video compressor or you're just wasting the post limit because you're just to lazy to check.
That's some serious autism you got there m8. I was uploading videos in bundles, but now I'll just upload them 1 at a time just to see you get rustled some more.
Time to see how this turned out
Playing devils advocate, the first two posts below it were 368.77 KB and 5.29 MB, while the webm's he's posts (image included) equaled around 8.28281MB. The Vidya Madness Ren you posted is 9mb and most of the webm's in the thread are below 4mb, this post here is a great example.
He isn't wrong, in a technical sense
(368.77 KB)
(5.29 MB)
(10.49 KB + 311.81 KB + 7.96 MB) = 8.28281MB
Here, I'll post a 7.28 MB with a 3.27 MB. Effectively seeing how these newer posts
are similar in size you could've easily placed both together and not waste bump limit.
Not Holla Forums
sage for off topic
Do you have Car of Tomorrow?
You do know webm limit was raised to 12 right?
Not sure but I do have more like it.
First time I've needed some context in a while.
it's from Mike Tyson Mysteries
Shit forgot about this one.
Instead of being at 195 replies we could've been at 100
saw the whole thing , she only appears on that scene, also, i only have this webm
she shows up near the beginning at the god meeting too
Would you accept some feels in exchange for the song title in that fourth webm?
I wonder if they ever started working on a sequel to that movie. Spoiled due to fucking Adamai.
Well color me surprised.
I'm the one that encoded these
I love this.
Have some more
literally aired like this on Adult Swim
all 11 minutes of it
Just watch the series, it's well worth it.
Best thing to come out in recent years before Samurai Jack came along.
Got any more?
No, unfortunately
Why cant the nips do anything right?
You mean the frogs, user
I actually convert mine, one at a time because handbrake is a finicky little shit
oh the memories. Its sad because I barely remember anything about Outlaw Star and Tenchi Muyo even though I watched them.
I seriously need to rewatch this series. Didn't this anime had that bunny rabbit alien that could transform into a crystal ship?
those are the 3 I have accessible
Re-watch them man, at least re-watch the first episode of tenchi because its gold all on its own and if you give outlaw star a try you gotta give it a few episodes because the first episode is kinda cringe right at the start but pickes up by midway through the first episode, and the ED is amazing for both seasons, the OP is good too
yes and yes
remember to skip tenchi in tokyo and that Tenchi Muyo! is still ongoing in japan and tenchi universe is a contained TV series
I've been putting off making more webms as you can tell by the 8mb limit from when those were made, but I have the whole first season of Exosquad on .pl/co/
Thanks fam. I'll check em out.
This show deserves so much more credit.
when did we get an influx of newfags?
So should we post 0 webms like you?
If you're going to get pissy about it have five.
Of all the things you could get mad about, it's this?
oh shit I almost forgot, I already webmed the first 7 episodes of tenchi muyo in english and put it on endchan months ago
you sure showed everyone in this thread you sperg
350 MB file size limit
I knew this season would be bad but I didn't know it would be terminal.
we were talking tenchi and I posted lazy links man, quit trying so hard to fit in
Go back to your shithole of a chan and stay there.
found the forum fag
good job not posting a webm again
Something about this screams Megas XLR.
It's not my fault you can't spell for shit, that might be accepted on tumblr but at least it's easier to point out cancer.
You do know why sage exists right?
It probably was, Megas took a lot of inspiration from a lot of things.
I know it doesnt work when you psot images
buddy I know you're new but nobody cares about grammar here
I do and I've been here all summer.
this episode scared the shit of me as a kid
tfw when no cute yandere girl who has a crush on you
shad is a pretty cool guy to be honest
For the recently arrived summer trash, he's an egotistical douche who's art has barely shown any real progression, with a history of being edgy for the sake of it Not saying its a bad thing, but if your entire history on the internet has been around it and your attitude is a reflection of it with a hint of hypocrisy, it tends to cause a problem. He's weak willed especially when he fails to back up his actions, and anyone with memory of him that isnt a year old can tell you he's more full of shit then he lets on. Also his anatomy and coloring methods are horrid along with his habit of imposing his fart fetish on everything.
Hey Reddit.
His Jack genes are showing…
Kubo's such a great movie.
Was this movie actually any good? I kind of want to watch it, seems like fun.
It's a by-the-numbers movie with a predictable plot but the characters are tons of fun and the music is great
Self irony doesn't make the games less shit and feels even more like intentionally selling shit.
Wait, Swiper is a fox? He always looked like a stupid ass weasel to me.
And why is any of that bad? Also, I like the art.
Who gives a shit? It's hot. I give yo that he is a coward.
Thats good for you, to bad every asshole he draws is either a shit stained chocolate vortex or a proto-prolapsed rosebud that's constantly showing the image in smokeGas. The trouble mostly comes from the fact that edgy teens on the internet kisses his ass only knowing him through current actions and not the shit of the past. Like you.
I find piercings and shit hot for personal reasons. Too bad you don't.
I can see why is that a problem but I don't see why it would make him or his art any less likable.
Try again. It's like Mike Inel, they are both hypocrites, but I'd masturbate to their art any day.
god you're such an unbearable forum faggot
this is a webm thread you cunt
Yeah and now its auto saging because you wasted 75% of all the posts posting one webm at a time. These threads used to last weeks, jammed with webms but because you had to be special and post one webm at a time it died a faster death than Questionable Malcontent thread.
I posted 5 times in this thread you screaming retard
Also, nice job at showing your new, by saging a thread that already hit bump limit since post.
will you quit desperately trying to one up people, embarrassing to look at
This is a very passive aggressive thread
You know it's an animated movie and not reality when people in a casting show can actually sing.
I laughed so hard. I can relate.