Tucker Carlson Asks Lindsay Graham Why He’s Not Mad at Israeli Interference in US Policy
Tucker Carlson Asks Lindsay Graham Why He’s Not Mad at Israeli Interference in US Policy
Tucker what are you doing? Are you /ourguy/?
Love the fact that there's actually a guy on Fox News who's defending Assad.
Finally made it through this whole video. Graham needs to die.
Is this nigger retarded?
Someone explain American Iranophobia to me
New fuck
Bro, Tucker is the one that keeps posting Tucker videos on Holla Forums. Tucker is /ourguy/.
Zionist don't worship Jesus, they worship the tribe.
Tucker seems like a really cool guy. This is a strange video, filmed by a strange guy (who died recently and once rused CNN as a fake Jew), but Tucker seems very nice in person.
At what point did Tucker ask about Israeli interference? I must have missed it because I was too busy dreaming of strangling that zionist kike-lover Graham. Fuck that guy.
He looks surprisingly young for his age too.
He said they spied on us, paid money to change our politicians views.
Tucker just keeps getting better and better.
Why can't SC get rid of Graham? He's a total chicken hawk faggot
Grahamnesty brings home fat gov contacts. He goes and some SC towns go tits up
I think he has the lowest approval rating in the senate among Republicans. He's pretty much finished. He was already sub 50% last time but they didn't run anybody with competence against him in the primary. Now after the Presidential election debacle he's really really unpopular to the point where he would even be vulnerable to a Democrat. I expect him to retire because he is a long shot in the next primary.
It is the belief that if Iran gets nuclear weapons, they will either use/sell them to terrorists. Russia has nukes and isn't using them.
AZ here, can't get rid of McCain or Flake. They have really fucked my state, and the blue hairs in Sun City won't stop voting them in.
Hoping that Trump influences some real people to run and win.
Az is fucked as long as McCain represents us. I don't know who voted for him. He's just a piece of psychotic flotsam taking orders from other people.
Recall McCain!!!
Netanyahu, Trump's decades-long friend.
The same reason they all keep getting re-elected even with 10% approval ratings. Every decade they get together and gerrymander districts through "non- partisan" committees. reps and dems trade them like pokemon cards and go out of their way to make the independent vote irrelevant by making sure they are always under represented. Almost the exact technique they use to make polls come out in their favor.
Holy fuck. I am done calling Tucker controlled opposition now.
With that comment, Graham confirms that it has nothing to do with bullies and freedom and everything to do with Israel's interests.
The only halfway credible explanation is that if Iran gets nukes they'll be a nuclear Arms race in the region and then dumb sandniggers will nuke eachother.
Dubs confirm future Middle East parking lot.
claims to be Christian, denies Christ.
what the fuck?
I watched half the video and Graham is right for once. No country should get a pass on interfering in American political affairs. Not Israel. Not Russia. Not China. Nobody.
Something, something, no Rothchild central banks, something something
This guy is a shill trying to get us to support his (((rich mans war))) on Russia.
Tucker gave him the right questions and he exposed him selves as hypocrite.
Why do we care about Russia and Georgia, this idiot spy game costs me money at the end of the year.
Downsize govt
No more rich man wars, poor man pays
That shouldn't work in a senate election. The reason Graham keeps getting reelected in deep red SC is because its an open primary state. The dems vote in the rep primary because they know they haven't got even the slightest chance of getting a dem elected. And so we're stuck with that shitbag Graham once the general rolls around.
We wuz Greeks plus (((the tribe's))) influence. The most sold book in Iran is mein Kampf so naturally the Jews are afraid. After the Turk supreme leader dies in 2 years they'll be right to be afraid.
This faggot needs the boot in the next election. Meme it.
That faggot's definitely consumed his share of 'dogs' and 'pepperoni pizza'
Shabbos goy = blackmailed goy
Holy fuck, he finally did it?
i've been shitposting at this twerp for weeks about this shit.
Good on ya Cucker.
Hah, Graham's response was basically "well the Russians didnt pay us".
Someone needed to say it. All this "Russian influence" hysteria by the MSM when Saudi Arabia and Israel have openly funded groups that donate/bribe every politician and meaningful figure in the goddamned USA.
Oh yeah, he's a spirit-cooker, all right.
Jew influence, hostage crisis, and more hostage crisis. In the end, Iran tends to shit on US regularly. Whether US deserves it or not is another issue but most causal observers see this and think "these fuckers hate us" which goes in line with the message jews are putting out there about them.
I watched C-SPAN for hours today, and I didn't see Lindsay Graham once. I don't think he was there. I think he was trying to avoid Barron.
American Iranophobia is jewish string pulling.
I think Barron was trying to avoid him
Fucking degenerate howard stern "celeb"
SC here. They keep voting for him because he has an R next to his name on the ballot. That's all it takes. In the last primary about a dozen people ran against him, and split the vote.
You can't cuck the Tuck.
Looks like you found sorros's fuck buddy.
This is why Congress needs to term limits.
These old bastards that accused Assad of being a dictator based on his time in power are fucking hypocrites.
Some of the old bastards have been in power in Congress for 30, 40 and possibly 50 fucking years.
Sounds like the Jeb! primary strategy. too bad Trump turned it around on them and used it against them
Lindsay Graham should be executed on the White House lawn.