Hey, Holla Forums, im debating mistermetokur aka interner aristocrat on the topic of black lives matter. Do you want to watch the debate?
Black Lives Matter Debate
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this gon be good
Yeah sure. Post a link.
holy shit, dis gon b gud
who is he?
I'd love to hear his smug ass get rekt in a debate. you better deliver, famrade!
I hope you guys discuss all of the crimes falsely blamed on BLM.
also he may bring up those guys from /k/ being ran out of a protest, he will most likely say it was because they were white. Remind him that 1. there were other white people at the event
2. no one was to have their face covered during the protest
3. they had been there the day before trolling with their faces covered
4. when they showed up again they had their faces covered, the fact that they had their faces covered lead them(the protesters) to believe that they were the white supremacists trolls from the previous day and then they were attacked.
I am ready for defense of kangz.
lol your Twitter is basically a bunch of RTs of anime shit
No wonder people believe those alt-Righters are great at debating and REKTING others, they always go for the easy targets.
You literally can't defend BLM, they support looting. Mektour will use this against you and I'm afraid most people agree with him…
is that bad or something?
It's not bad if you're a opprotunist criminal who wants to steal something from your local business owner, lol.
Also I forgot to ask: are you defending the national organization, or the #hashtag/general sentiment that pigs need to be held more accountable for their actions?
I'm always down with stealing from porky what's rightfully ours ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ordinary people won't agree with you so this is pretty much a losing argument to have in a debate. MisterMetkour can just use this against him, BLM leaders have said some very dumb shit.
t. guy with banksy graffiti as his facebook cover photo
t. edgy antifa kid
Lmao my facebook is far more boring than you guys imagine it to be. Though I never expected people on this board of all places to get butthurt about looting. I get that it doesn't really do anything as far as strategy goes, but it's not unjustified either.
I don't defend but I also don't condemn people looting Walmart, but fucking with the local small businesses is literally one of the worst PR strategies you can have and, in a general, a pretty shitty thing to do, since you may ruin that business and fuck with local entrepreneurship.
And no, struggling computer hardware store owners are not "member of the bourgeoisie, so it's ok".
he's a real WE WUZ black nationalist who used to post here
if it's who i think it is then I have faith in him, he's pretty smart
if it's Jagos I don't think he was ever actually a real WE WUZ
There are blacks, and there are niggers: BLM is a movement of niggers, by niggers, and for niggers.
tbh the only legitimate criticism is that they're not really careful with who they choose to turn into a martyr.
you'll have a hard time blaming this on BLM. most of the time it's just the people that live there and in surrounding neighborhoods that shout BLM and other slogans
you're not even trying to blend in
Im not a pacifist or a critique of violence. Im using the frantz fanon arguments on the liberatory power of violence.
And yes i know his fanbase will get butthurt and deny said argument, but fuck it.
Metokur said its an informal debate so.
Im going to try to get metokur to get an answer on that. Aka set up the debate terms and definitions beforehand to prevent goalpost movements
Their central organization openly praises such behavior, and their official events openly associate with those engaged in such behavior. If you choose to instead define BLM as a loose phenomenon, its links to such behavior are even more damning.
BLM is idpol garbage used primarily as a PR front by organized crime. Much like the BPP or CoI in their heyday, any legitimate points that appear in their public agenda are coincidental and superficial.
That's basically a backlash against the "politics of respectability" which older black movements tried to focus on and use as their shield. #BLM basically threw out that sentiment as they saw it as restrictive where blacks have to be angels, etc.
Hence the "choosing questionable people as people to defend"
Im expecting metokur to make an argument about soros funding things more.
The central organization has made statements in black on black crime, criticized revolutionaries (i.e. the ppl who shot cops) and i dunno what aligned organizations or groips which engage in looting have to deal with BLM.
Anyone have the tweet metokur said in BLM where he challenged ppl to a debate ? I cant find ir nos
God this is gonna be so much cancer
i dont think they should choose angels, people like Alton Sterling weren't angels yet his killing was not justified because of his death.
I'm referring to people like that guy that got shot in Milwaukee.
Why are you defending a bunch of liberal idpol you dense fuck.
he's not that far off. Gangs will use whatever cover they can get.
You better do your fucking research, you fucking faggot. And DON'T ever say "that's a fair point" or any bullshit. Tear this retard a new asshole.
Alt righters retweet anime shit, so what? Lel someone made a joke about me following anitwitter and loli accounts or somesuch
The "base" is pretty socialist (also, check out the purge the central org did recently, and the new demands). Theres some strong national identity among people who join in some blm protests.
unless they purged the dumbfuck intersectional feminists who started this whole shit show I'm not interested
Are you even prepping for this debate?
Just look at the mutual endorsements of major gangs, and feelgood stories pushed to the news about them as "pillars of the community". This is the 1970s cancer all over again.
"Just look at the mutual endorsements of major gangs, and feelgood stories pushed to the news about them as "pillars of the community". This is the 1970s cancer all over again."
you mean like the one with BLM having a cookout with the cops? the official BLM organization denounced the people that hosted the cookout.
Not an argument.
You don't have to respond to not arguments with arguments, kiddo.
There's a lot of good common sense policy solutions here that you should be sure to point out, relating to police reform.
You should also make the argument that cops shouldn't have any racial bias whatsoever. Metokur will probably say some shit like, "blacks do 100% of the crime man, how can you blame cops for doing their jobs?"
Let that retard know that he's literally arguing for racial profiling if he says that. Also let him know that, BLM isn't about letting people get away with crime, it's about protecting innocent or non violent lives. I think I read somewhere that over 100 blacks were killed last year over being stopped for non-violent crimes.
tbh he'll probably say 'well what's wrong with that, if black people are .0000003% of the population but commit 100000000000000000% of the crimes in the USA then why is racial profiling bad?????'
You don't have an argument, you're just throwing shit at the wall that to feel smart. Newsflash, making Fox News tier generalizations without citing anything whatsoever, makes you look dumb as shit. Kys.
this guy's probably right
You gotta make it clear just how spooky and collectivist that thinking is.
How exactly IS racial profiling bad if niggers are committing vastly disproportionate amounts of crime?
Because if blacks are not to judged on their individual merits then why do we even keep up the pretense of an individualistic/meritocratic society
I hope you're still here. Read this just in-case you two start arguing about affirmative action
The problem is, profiling DOES work. An extreme example is security on Israel's EL AL airline, they do one lengthy security screening session every several months and put 99% of people on a "clean" list, in exchange, there is essentially no security process when you show up for a flight, and their incident record is impeccable.
The only legitimate criticism of profiling is a moral one.
Poor blacks do commit more crime than other poor demographics though, and also under-perform intellectually compared to other poor demographics
At this point, why?
petit-bourgs were the main support base for fascism, they can also get away with abusing their employees more easily
Because racial profiling is not logical for individual cases. If you work by some bullshit statistic that blacks will probably try to kill you, then you're just making an excuse to be a lazy trigger happy little bitch instead of doing your job. And it's this shitty logic that's lead to 100s of dead nonviolent blacks.
Racial profiling is retarded, each case is 100x different.
I'd hate to say it, but I don't think it's going to happen unless he makes a ton of caveats first.
BLM has become idpol cancer and there are legitimate issues with it.
I say this as someone who experienced it first hand. The one I went to wouldn't let people speak if they had light skin, even if they were black.
If you stop a black person, chances are he's not looking to get himself or you killed. Cops need to be better trained instead of relying on racist beliefs to defend them in court, as they've been doing.
Have you ever been to a black poor neighborhood before?
Not to mention that you're giving cover to shitty cops if it's a black person who was killed. This entire narrative is just cover for shitty cops perpetuated by whites who couldn't care less about blacks. God forbid we do something to get blacks out of perpetual poverty or hold stupid cops accountable.
Have you ever been to a black poor neighborhood before?
Make a point, or admit you're retarded. The facts are there, cops kill hundreds of non-violent people. If you don't argue for more smart policing, then I have no choice but to conclude you're either really stupid or really racist.
Also because they're subhuman compared to Asians by their own standards.
fucking newfag
Lel, now you're impersonating me.
Go back to Holla Forums, bitch.
fucking newfag
Not only are you a deeply triggering and problematic bigot but you're also a woman hater.
[citation needed]
The actual amount of wrongful deaths via police are tiny, especially when it comes to blacks.
In fact, they did a study recently that showed police are actually about 3.4% more likely to use lethal force now because of their adoption of body cameras. Why do you think that is?
The other pretty hilarious aspect to this whole BLM nonsense is black on black crime, even when you only look at only one very bad example (Chicago). There were over 100 blacks shot by other blacks in less than a week earlier this month. 24 of the 100 were killed. Less than a week. Did anybody give a shit? BLM? No, of course not.
So far this year over 2,500 people have been shot in Chicago, most of them black. How many 'wrongful police shootings' have occurred in the same timespan, nationwide? How does it compare to that number from a SINGLE city?
but you know all crime is caused by some kind of material or social poverty and that the main reason police exist is to keep the poverty there
Their 'one focus' is a trumped up sham, a corporate media supported lie.
I know you guys are all shitlibs but damn I thought you'd be smarter than BLM supporter-tier retards.
Why does Holla Forums support we wuz jipshuns nationalism? Or any kind of nationalism for that matter?
if you want serious discussions it's best to actually read theory instead of going to communist shitposting boards
my sides
I should come here more often, you guys are comedy gold
you know that is and ought are not the same thing, right? there's a difference between positive and normative
Vaguely, yes i am. The debate is at 8pm tonight. Speaking ofn hat gotta sleep
Don't forget to introduce his head to your boots.
What do you think about police body cameras? I hope they shed more light on how a police officer is handling the situation.
Kill yourself liberal scum mang
This is a great video comrade to use to beat MisterMetokur to the pulp.
Profiling works on 10% of the case.
I'm watching, but you're stuttering a lot.
It's kind of painful to listen to.
scarred nigger cant talk straight
Is this really the best you can do?
Race is a social construct!
How else would they be kangz and shiet?
s-stuttering n-nigger c-can't t-talk p-properly.
Inbred sack of shit can't spell correctly.
I can't believe this is the BEST leftypol can give! LMAO!
Okie doke?
I was adding in the stuttering
LMAO hey Holla Forums this is embarrasing.. Can't believe this is your best! NIGGERS BTFO!
He admitted to Jim being correct.
And purple people aren't really people.
L-l-leftism is g-g-great
B-b-but black people are the heart of the revolution.
you fuckers have zero intellectual honesty
Yeah this is the cream of the crop bro, the best of the best lefties… hahaha
Where are you guys watching?
Post the link pls
s-s-social c-c-construct
L-l-leftism is g-g-g-g-great
"No you weren't"
H-Hm…. dat is a good argument!
kek. Jim is mostly just using verbal and semantic arguments.
Yeah this boy is totally showing jim.
Yeah, everyone knows semantics is a social construct.
Leftypol your top nigger is failing you. Better feed him better arguments…
Holla Forums is this the absolute best you have to offer? I knew you were a bunch of underage retard commies, but I didn't think it was going to be THIS bad
Jim can barely understand what he's saying, so he has to break it down for the nig… SAD!
you gotta do better guys.
He's only winning because of his microphone muh privilege.
This is the poster on the stream with Jim. Trust me i know.
Holla Forums…
wew lad
The stuttering is just sad at this point.
It certainly is, considering how common it is.
His handlers need to type faster hahahahaha
No, he's getting destroyed because he doesn't know how to get around it.
Though now he's making actual arguments instead of just manipulating language.
If you're focusing on words, then you're ignoring the point.
Why do leftists stutter?
God this is like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
Disastrously beautiful!
His point just a second ago boiled down to segregation of all assets to communities. He isn't making actual arguments he is just spouting bs.
they are mentally disabled
50% dealers
50% users
are you fucking kidding me Holla Forums?
He can't even answer whether overpolicing of black neighborhoods is racially motivated.
Why are Holla Forumstards nothing but shitty "Funny Pics" and memes
Because this whole thing is nothing but a bad joke.
This stream speaks for itself, this is a victory lap.
why is the representative of leftypol a stuttering nigger weeb?
Why are Holla Forumstards nothing but stuttering niggers that can't debate?
It's obviously working
Why do Holla Forumsletariats have no arguments?
wew lad
Chosen by…?
I'm not talking about the debate, retard.
That you, Warsie? Great over 9000 joke my dude, very topical and humorous.
he's sounding really nervous
Do you have to ask?
why didn't you tards send whom ever is typing his script?
Nice samefag Warsie
You can't even do that since your memes are fucking garbage.
Here, behold this masterpiece created by the autistic negro publicly humiliating your board right now
Then why the fuck are you in a thread that is clearly discussing the stream?
Leftypol doesn't have ID's so you can samefag all you want, huh?
no refunds
Le I got that le reference
like that could help them
I can see why the Soviet Union always won gold in mental gymnastics during the olympics.
get memed on, kiddo
Even Holla Forums bumplocked the thread about this crap, lol
All memes are shit, sorry bro
Good times.
Tell that to mr >9000 attack helicopter.
How to make a Holla Forums meme:
congratulations, you are now a supreme intellectual AND a comedy genius
It's because you don't even try.
at least I'm hoping you guys aren't trying
This board isn't a hivemind.
Cry harder commie
all memes are shit, now post some gay porn
>had to make a containment board place for like-minded people
Doesn't make sense to be honest fam