Will the Soviet Union ever return?

Will the Soviet Union ever return?

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No, if it does it'll be called something else.

It still boggles my mind that a modern superpower vanished just like that

i heard that if you put a hammer and sickle under your pillow the USSR will come and bring you and your fellow workers the means of production

Remember that Lenin lived, lives and will live.

no the current communist party of russia is full of dengists right now


Usually the greatest threat to superpowers and the people of the superpower themselves. This is what happened to the USSR and will also be the reason why the US falls too when it does.


yes it is inevitable


also pls gib back GDR


Why would you be an idiotic Tankie fantasizing about the return of a bloody dictator?


Isn't the difference between modern CPRF and Putin's gimps like between bonapartists and orleanists? like, they're basically the same but with different bells and whistles.

they're not "true ML" and social conservative faggots but still "far left" economically that'd nationalize the whole fucking industry

I hope not, it had many mistakes.

sadly no

compared to todays russia a huge progress but fuck me, this is bad

It didn't vanish any more than Germany did.

Russia is in a very similar situation as Weimar Germany.

hooooly shit

No, but a socialist Russia certainly isn't out of the question.

there are no comrades left in man

it will appear unexpectedly like the russian revolution in 1917 if it ever did probably.