Zizekian studies video series

What's up comrades, so I'm making a short video series introducing the concepts zizek bases his philosophy on. I'm working on the first episode, about lacan Rn and I'll show you guys a teaser in a month or so.

This video series won't be another opinionstube retard talking into a camera, I plan to make it informative and fun to watch. If you've seen the kapitalism 101 video series, that's the video style it'll be.

I feel zizek is growing in popularity and a lot of the anger projected at him is a result of people misinterpreting him, so I thought making a video series like this would be good.

These are the concepts I'm going to focus on:

Lacan: Subject/other, big other, real and symbolic
Freud: Ego/superego
Marx: Class struggle, diamat
Hegel: Dialectics
Kant: Idk (tbh I haven't read any Kant yet)
Misc concepts: Radicalism, universalism, ideology

Any suggestions, questions, or comments?

Remember I'm not focusing on what zizek actually says, just what philosophical framework he derives what he says from

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As in the Zizekian Studies on youtube?

His whole "ideology mein gott" has much in common with Althusser's works.

Good luck, user. Doing gods work


Fuck I forgot about althusser, yeah I'll focus on him. I've only read one of his works thus far

I'm not associated with that yt channel, maybe I should call it something like zizekianism 101

What is that smile? Is it a smile of joy, of mockery,? Or is it the smile of someone about to stab you to death with a scalpel?

Are you going to make a basic Lacan video or one about post structuralism with it?
What books of Zizek are you using for this video series?

This is actually a verry good idea if you know your shit.

Zizek is kinda wierd about post structuralism tbh. He doesn't really take butler or derrida seriously, and I've scarely seen him use any focault

I'm not really using any of his books per say but I've read about half of what he wrote. Like I said this is less about his idea and more a way for people to understand his ideas.

I'd say I know my shit but full disclosure, I'm not formally educated at all (no college) so my education may have a few holes in it, but I will try my best.

Doesn't sound very promisinng

He's next on my list. I'm very strong in lacan, Hegel, and Marx but Kant I've only read for secondary sources as of yet.

Yeah tbh mate, not being well read about the subject you touch can cause alot of misinformation and simplification. You get verry water down below wiki tier shit like all alt-right video's and Muke/Left Libertarian rants. But ah most people who actually want to know the hard stuff dont watch video's but read second hand literature and then go to the source material.

I wanne make a video series too on anarcho-individualism but the more i read the more i realise i know nothing and this keeps going and going and going. The last thing you want if you want to educated others is give them half baked garbage.

Please share what you have read and activily studied ed-san, i am curiouse.

Ey nix, why not make a video on Stirner (or just some chapter of his book) to see how it goes? If you enjoy it, if you like the end result, maybe you would pick up more interest about it.

Who knows, honestly. You should do it, no one knows everything about everything - the wise position is to accept that and develop your knowledge, much like Plato's dialectics.

Sure thing fam

Lacan: All of his lectures, three separate books which are an overview of lacan (one of which written by zizek), and a clinician's guide to lacan

Freud: Beyond the pleasure principle, The ego and the I'd, civ and it's discontents

Marx: The manifesto, capital volumes 1&2, the kapitalism 101 video series

Hegel: 2 separate overviews of Hegel, Phenom of spirit, and science of logic (currently reading)

Althusser: On The Reproduction Of Capitalism

Kant:an introduction to Kant

Zizek: First as tragedy, in defense of lost causes, welcome to the desert of the real, less than nothing, and the sublime object of ideology. Plus nearly all his lectures on youtube

So I know I'm not PhD tier or anything, but I know I'm more than capable of doing this

Žižek is my favourite critical theorist living today, but the more I delve into his writing the more I find that his ideas can become so overdeveloped as to make them opaque, or his arguments are buttressed by discursive, tangential examples. Going back into his films is now all the more troubling for me because while his voice and gestures tickle me, as paired with the paradoxical dimensions of the concepts he elaborates on, his impatience to say something insightful with the span of time he has in the film-medium prevents me from grasping substantial, memorable content. I wouldn't call him incoherent, but there is a certain weight to the kinds of "wagers" he makes towards his audience that I just can seem to penetrate.

It will take months untill i even am at the begin of my Stirner studies, im now doing a complete re-reading making advanched notes on each chapther in full detail. If i am done (most likely in 2/3 months) i will start with connecting and mapping out the subjects that stirner talked about and bring in the connections of what parts critized specific people (Like Bauer) and then dive a little deeper with the dynamics of the fixed idea and then go deeper in the ego. It will take a long time cause youknow i do it for myself and not others and the video serie thing is more of an attempt to make educational mp3's so that people who are to busy in life to read are able to atleast listing to some theory on the subjects i am interested in. And there is also no representation of post left/individualist anarchism on the internet as its mostly neglected by internet anarchists and more busy in real life in the theory around the bay area while the practical people in Mexico, Italy and Greece are doing their own thing while sill producing high quallity theory.

I'm not n1x btw, he is my friend and fellow gave me post left aids and anarcho-nihilist ass cancer. I am actually working with him on a project on digitalizing an Anarcho-nihilist book so we can post it on anarchist library for people to read. The book is called Blessed is the Flame, an introduction to concetration camp resistance and anarcho-nihilism by Serafinski.

You can check my notes here btw.

Aren't you going to die from cancer in a few months?


Well thats mutch more higher knowledge than your average youtube drone. If you make a good script and think good on how you format everything and what langauge you use then you will be set! Also references, quotes and examples are important.

You should also focus on Zizek's thoughts on words like totalitarianism.

Why would they lie? I cried myself to sleep that night…

What the FUCK are you doing?

per kill your salf

a smile of someone paid to put on costumes and take 100's of stock photos daily

Fuck Zizek and his goddam Schellingian Lacanian trainwreck of theory.