Out of all fucking people on the Alt-Kike somehow Cernovitch is an even bigger faggot than the Gay Jew who takes Nigger dick up the ass.
Mike Cernovitch bans Pepe from faggot Deploraball
Other urls found in this thread:
what's the answer to the altright? if it keeps going unopposed it will become unstoppable in its faggotry. sure, Holla Forums won't be tainted by their shit but still. i dont want to live in an altright world.
B-b-b-b-but he's based. He has an ebook that showed me how to be a super alpha male like him.
I'm guessing Hotwheels' lawyer just didn't want there to be a dozen articles about all the evil racist frogs at the deploraball. Looks like we still get articles, but about the lack of it instead.
Surely this Jew will experience the wrath of Kek for offending his Image
I think that the best tactic would be to utterly tear down one of the big alt-light E-celebs rather than focusing on everyone at once. Pick a target and fuck their shit up, it will send a chilling effect through the entire E-celeb scene.
I think that heretic Cernovitch is the best target.
is this that faggot with a retarded lisp?
Do you see how you were all used.
The Jew used you all.
And you said the jew was stupid and could not plan. AHHAHAHAHAH
Kike marries a mudslime whore and breed a super semitic babby. There's a good chance it will come out a homosexual. Mommy's goatfucking genes and Cernobitch's mental illness.
Yes and even the_donald likes Pepe. We have a prime opportunity to fuck his shit up even among the alt-light.
wew lad who could have seen this coming
Why he look like a Neanderthal?
any source on that?
What a fucking faggot
I heard he is selling blue pill suppositories, is this true?
This is the other thing that pisses me off about the TRS debacle. These fucks going full vulture for the remains and managing to be bigger faggots than anyone.
From I remember he sells oral literal blue pills.
Honestly is there any more damage that we can do to TRS? I mean them being led by a possible Kike who's married to a Kike is as bad as it can get. Anyone who stays is a cultist.
We need to refocus on destroying the alt-light, the fucking faggots.
Mike Cernovitch looks like that one faggot from critical role who purposely plays an idiot barbarian.
Do not insult our ancestors like that. Neanderthal is the ancestor species of the white race.
Who set up that fag shit anyways, there was literally only 3 speakers who didn't suck dicks for a living.
holy shit thernovich, milo, alex jones, PJW, are not autright
The most respectable person there is a nigger.
That's how fucking bad it is.
Without doubt, this kike needs to go!
was pepe banned or not?
Yeah, its funny because he likes to act like how much of a big tough guy he is that could get any woman he ever wanted. Yet he's married to a spic and raising another man's child.
Why do we care? He is just an incidental asset to our cause, as long as we stay true to our convictions, there's no reason to cause a stir over this.
They called themselves altright right up until they realized that altright were white nationalists even if they are faggot lovers. Took them a surprisingly long time to realize that.
Thernovich never produced anything of worth he just jumped on the bandwagon to shill his blogposts masquerading as a book.
yes i know
trips demands dox
Michael C Cernovich
Residential Address:
404 7Th Ave, Venice, CA 90291
8 Parremo, Mission Viejo, CA 92692-5120
24562 Sunshine Dr Laguna Niguel CA 92692
Email: [email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
Reported Work Address:
25018 Marguerite Pkwy Ste. A
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
(415) 633-6745
he lives in the mission viejo one.
his wife Shauna Ghofranian
related to nushaw ghofranian
go after everyone in cernovichs family and shaunas family
kek, never seen that one before.
shauna ghofranian youtube
this is a video of her dancing with a dozen muslims
she is related to
Azar Ghofranian real estate agent in irvine ca
nushan ghofranian
bijan ghofranian
sima ghofranian is her mom
Ben Ghofranian
CV Advisors LLC
Siamak Ghofranian
The Boeing Company
nushaw ghofranian
asylum research
Thernovitch must pay. Kek wills it. No shitty e-celeb is bigger than the Frog God. None
Meh he will self destruct on his own, I can't imagine normies not getting tired of his self promoting schtick, then again maybe his target audience is much younger than I. He reminds me of Tucker Max to a large extent. Tucker also had a faggy lisp and tried to teach everybody how to be Alpha(tm)
Hope this bitch loves pizzas. Everyone order every delivery services within a 5 mile radius.
she's in dc
Good, pepe is ours.
sage for lie and click bate.
They banned the Roman solute. I don't know who all these Altkike guys are but do we have to talk about them all the time while IMKamphy sinks redpill threads?
They banned both.
Seems like people went after her already. is giving me a connection error when trying to save some of this.
Linkedin - website updated and now it shits the bed, but an archive already exists.
University of California, Irvine
alumnius. net/university_of_califo-7948-84
yatedo. com/p/Shauna+Ghofranian/normal/8a0e21343c1945ce57ae136b69f7cf3d
intelius. com/people/Shauna-Ghofranian/Mission%20Viejo-CA/0C3HKEWEY0N
were you the guy who avoided talking about jews? You should have stayed on twatter like you said you would
Because old gods aren't known for wrecking shit when you cross them or anything.
RIP in piece Mike.
TRSodomites will defend this.
6 gorillion mindset/book list
goodreads. com/user/show/6366567-shauna-ghofranian
Orange Coast Magazine - she was a sales intern
The State of California vs. Shauna Yaas Ghofranian kek
docketalarm. com/cases/California_State_Fresno_County_Superior_Court/10472DN/The_State_of_California_vs._Shauna_Yaas_Ghofranian/
search.ancestry. com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?gl=34&rank=1&new=1&so=3&MSAV=0&msT=1&gss=ms_f-80&gsfn=Siamak&gsln=Ghofranian
I'll be honest, I sit around thinking I have too much information on the fucking internet, but this is just insane.
Cernovich was behind the attack on TRS rofl
kek says yes
Shows up in spokeo
spokeo. com/Shauna-Ghofranian/California/Mission-Viejo/p40158249305
whitepages. com/name/Shauna-Ghofranian
Her + family links Is she really 29?
myrelatives. com/search/searchpreview.aspx?type=address&q=8/Parremo/Mission%20Viejo/CA
(949) 233-4382
8 Parremo
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
Seriously, how does one put this much fucking information in the first 3 pages of goygle. I'm genuinely amazed this much shit comes up.
i really fucking hate this jew now, and i hated him before this
He will be murdered by leftists. His death will bring about the end of our Communist enemies.
IF he used Pepe you;d say he was busing Pepe, if he does not use Pepe it's still not good. KEK
Checked. Kek's wrath imminent.
the fuck are you trying to say? speak english
The alt-right is just a kosher containment by neocohens, concerned about the untamed right-leaning people who could do their cause serious damage.
Nice work!
Führer dubs!
Trump wins and people start acting like the fucking Nazis are in power and it's time to start purging the less ideologically pure. That time comes later, nimrods.
He's just asking for the curse isn't he? The filthy kike needs to BTFO anyway. Watching KEK work his magic on this twit will be popcorn tier comfy. Can't wait.
He's apparently gearing up for a congressional run so you shouldn't be surprised. All I know of platform so far is that kids with speech impediments are given steroids.
They are not cut from the same quarry as us. The right lite are counterproductive to the direction America must take.
The fuck are you talking about Kamphy? Lay of the weed. You're the one sinking redpills on the Jew.
Take you damage control elsewhere, shills.
If TRS can be destroyed but Alt-Lite and Antifa still exist, there's nothing to gloat about.
I get what you're saying, but I just don't think we're there yet. Once we get closer to our goals then yeah they've gotta go, but for now things are just getting started and having them around deflects a lot of bullshit.
Oh good, he can run along with John Walker Flynt and we can all laugh at their degeneracy together.
I warned you guys about him. You should have fucking noticed it the moment you saw him in the picture with Doucheowitz.
It does deflect bullshit. I am concerned about people being led astray, as they are with Molynjew.
here are redpill threads
now fuck off
What am I trying to damage control, user?
It's a bummer he's such a faggot. I used to really like his blog years ago, before he got involved in all his political bullshit.
The 6 Gorillion Mindset
how many times must this lesson be taught?
whatever happened to loren? I remember he went on a jew rant and then his acc got suspended
if you ever needed any more evidence that the alt-right is pozzed.
>alt-cucks, being controlled opposition, must obey their kosher masters
For fucks sake. They really can't see this? Are they fucking blind? Just how goddamn naive can you get?
well i guess now will have to edit this image
Brah…. are they angering kek on purpose? This is beyond retarded. Do they honesly believe there wont be backlash?
All in due time faggot.
We must remember that most people are not leaders, but followers. They must have their idols shown to them for who they really are, and then crushed. Sure the sheep will be disillusioned at first, but ultimately in the end; a new leader will rise. A true leader whom they can trust.
Cernokike gets it next, this lisping faggot needs to loose all his shekels and suck dicks under a bridge to survive. Does Holla Forums have what it takes to bring him down or is kike-Enoch our limit? Destroy Cernovitch by the end of February, the challenge is made.
Haven't heard from him since he was banned off Twitter for going on a tirade about how every Palestinian man, woman, and child needed to be raped and killed.
Did one of the Trump kids show up? I heard rumors that it was possible and then not showing up might be a condemnation of this faggotry.
Hell Trump himself and Don Jr. post Pepe on Twitter and this fuck bans him?
4chan keeps the focus away from Holla Forums and the AltRight keeps the focus away from Holla Forums. No one who knows about niggers, chinks, kikes & spics takes the AltRight seriously, meanwhile normies scream Nazi at faggots like Milo. Isn't that a good thing?
When we push them to reveal their power levels they're revealed as kike-loving neoconservatives.
I don't think we've got to do anything differently, they've fucked up tremendously since November 8th.
Should've done the sulfuric acid thing tbh
tits or gtfo
Aside from the whole "white race going extinct" thing, I'm pretty satisfied with the current status quo.
Just a bunch of containment noise. Individual threads are the only way people learn. Holla Forums being the "bitch about msm happenings" is not worth anyone's time. I can find this shit on twitter. I just can't post "nigger"
How does talking about sulfuric acid indicate that that user is a woman?
It's just kikes exerting dominance over naive goyim by forcing them to do as they're told for no good reason, rather "your jewish master (ADL) commands it" therefore abandon pepe. The kikes steering the alt-cucks get off on control.
If jewish puppet masters of the alt-right can get pepe fanatics to abandon pepe it asserts/proves their dominance over the naive goyim.
Why not go /baph/ on him?
digits confirm, Kek will curse him
kike is dead, lads
I'm a lot more comfortable with our future now that Trump won - I don't think he'll fix everything… but he won the majority of whites who live near niggers.
Whites are becoming racially conscious again. We'll never stop winning, now.
I figure they will eventually , but the whole TRS shitstorm has them stretched on time. His time will come though.
i was thinkng the same, they fucked by banning pepe.
how can a guy who published an ebook called LISP MINDSET be this cucked?
Is that the sequel to Harambe Mindset?
Sheriff clark is a good man, i respect hi a lot. If we could pick someone to rule over africa id choose him
Not to dampen the beginning of an exciting time, but there will be a multitude of charlatans seeking to capitalize. False prophets galore.
I've seen the sanitized shit you people have, and the point is you don't duplicate threads. If you don't like it, don't come here.
read, nigger
"Another thing that won't be allowed in the building – images of Pepe the Frog,"
it's like poison, a bitch move
between kike eunuch and Cern✡bitch there has been some amazing OC
Oops forgot youtube embed
Yes it teaches how to have a fit body but retain the high lisp that differentiates you from the plebs
is that new?
You guys do realize he's the one driving the wedge inside TRS, right? Mike and him were probably together on this since the beginning. Him taking the bluepill is a symbolic gesture basicaly sayng "haha look dumb fucks, ill choose to be a traitor so i can live in luxury with the kikes". He's that fucktard in the first Matrix movie that chose the bluepill so he could keep eating stakes instead of helping humanity.
Fuck Mike Cernobitch, and fuck Mike Enoch, fuck all Kikes Mikes.
So we're now in the shoes of Pat Buchanan, will have to wait another 30 years until the real Hitler shows up
Larry is living my fantasy.
literally who is this guy again? he just came out of nowhere and as far as i know he's never done anything
make it so
okay, who's the one at the beginning that TRS is next to? also, I love how /baph/ is just sitting there jaw-dropped. hahahaha that's literally how it went down, too
I only noticed a few days ago, just remembered I should change it so it doesn't continue to spread
Iron March.
that is allegedly the owner of iron march
where is the full version?
No it doesn't. It proves that the altright are go along, get along cucked faggots. Doesn't matter who it is. Their willing pawns for anything. You could say race traitors or faggots. They suck it all up. It's brain Cancer from that fucking Libertarian bullshit they all rode in on.
oh that's right, some mestizo runs it. fml. honestly the Right is almost as fucked up as the Left
they are, user. Mike admitted that thermobitch and he sit on super-sekret private boards together and whatnot. Why does no one listen to me???
I don't see how that is the case
I called her and told her we know and that pepe and kek are extremely displeased
If we use the words very loosely. Really, the third way has always been a better solution.
woooooaaaaaah. hold it there lad. I thought Milo-Thermobitch-McInnes all claimed they weren't alt-right? and if you combine that with the facts here:
Jesus Christ is was a division of labor infiltration job from the beginning. fuck me
Taken rectally am sure.
and now I called her with her with mikes number
Precisely user. That is precisely the point. He latches onto whatever movement is gaining steam, milks it for all it's worth in shekels then takes credit for any accomplishment and moves on.
Honestly the worst thing he has done lately was take credit for the BLM kidnapping gaining steam. This kike even had the audacity to claim HE was the one who brought it to light and HE made the media cover it and then he has the nerve to ask for money because of it. "Yeah, I was the one revealed this pack of negros, so please give me money."
He had fuck all to do with it picking up traction. It went viral on FB and people flipped out and this kike uses it to make money.
Article is here, but the screen caps are all you need to see honestly.
and now im prank calling mikes number with her number!!!!
Why would anyone trust this slimey kike?
From the moment I first saw him I knew something was fucked.
He's popping literal "blue pills" which are his own sekret formulation of stimulants. No wonder he's losing his gord
yeah, well…I'm just saying man the leadership here is whacked
nuts. this is why I advocate total disengagement and something resembling the Benedict Option. The whole shitcan is going up in flames: save yourself yourn
Well since we've settled on shifting the overton window rather than revolution, we're going to see some faggotry before we achieve a white state. First we'll be a cuckservative world, then we'll be an aut-right world, and then if we just keep pushing we'll eventually reach a Holla Forums world.
JUST in case no one has seen this fucking comedic gem right here, witness the evidence of Kike Thernobitch starting a thread on halfchan and samefagging
The narcissism and self promotion is fucking off the charts, lads.
he even married an ugly street shitter, he is a failure of a man and the fact that he's faced so little resistance from the tribe more or less proves he's always been controlled op.
Wife's email was/is catw0man56 at
If you want to know something hilarious, I know who leaked him the Viktor Pinchuk story. I'm genuinely surprised he hasn't gone off the deep end shilling his beef with Fox simply by having that information. Possibly because it's over his head, because he blatantly ignored one of the more important parts of the initial information dump.
some of you faggots are ok, don't go to deploraball tomorrow
RWDS When?
he would be the best choice because he would kill 85-90% of the population
he married her because she or her daddy is rich. something like ground level facebook shares, lots of money. and yet he still can't stop being a kike and trying to wring shekels out of everyone he meets.
He'th thuch a lithpy little faggot.
Good job faggot, you just told the media that a cartoon frog actually IS a racist.
I'm not organised, haven't found it yet. If anyone else has it, would appreciate.
Anyone know if phalanx had boards?
top kek
where's the music from?
True Jew, in that case. He has some odd obsession with cheap apartment life.
Neanderthals represent like 2-3 percent max of our genome. Calm the fuck down.
Cernovitch will regret this.
To encourage them, and encourage everyone else to demean and slander them and conflate them with us, thus driving more and more people to adopt unapologetic racist views.
Here I'll break down the process for you
There is absolutely nothing which more effectively shifts the overton window to the right than clueless morons on the left calling people racist.
Post some audio faggot. We can all use a good KEK.
He's less of a man than a post-op tranny.
He's one of those extremely rare examples of a respectable and well spoken nigger.
Too bad he's a nigger.
Cant record numbers are in commiefornia. Prank dial wont let me.
Pinchuk is the Ukrainian jew, right? I sorta remember that, but can't recall all the details.
What was it that he ignored?
Yup. He's a cunt.
You had one job, OP
But he isn't, not completely. He's too civilized, respectable, well spoken to be a nigger, and his facial features show some obvious mix in his ancestry.
For every one of him, however, there are legitimately 30,000 actually, 110% crime-all-the-time niggers. It must suck to be Clarke, honestly; you're not white, you're not fully black, and yet you see the black community go full on fucking savage retards every day of your life.
It's pronounced Kike Thernobitch. Also, protip, if you really want to get under his skin all you have to do is taunt him on twitter or anywhere else about his book Mandrill Mindframe. Rumor has it that the video where he was talking about Kike Eunuch ("i know one of the 'leaders' of the alt-right having a jewish wife") was caused as a meltdown in response to people making fun of his book and calling him a kike.
On an unrelated note, please enjoy pic related from OPs archive link.
What he wrote about:
He paid attention to that part, but entirely missed:
>Bullshit related:
He completely ignored the "this is a massive globalist cabal, and a Democrat """""Pollster""""" is paid to shill for/with them" chunk of the puzzle.
I'm personally mad about it, since the story was so watered down afterwards. Sure introducing people to the FARA database is good, but nobody ever fucking explained how this actually plays out.
Nobody else at any other news sites really listened, so he was the most convenient, but ended up ruining half the story.
What's the right mental state to approach an issue of this caliber?
i like this new meme. i dont even need to use photoshop for this, just paint
Great phony ball Cernobitch.
Funny you should ask fellow ananymouse!
I have just happened to finish publishing my book that answers every nuance of that question you have, and more!
Feel free to pick it up and get into full-on BONOBO BRAINFRAME, now for only a mere 39.99 shekels on! Use offer code semite for 1% off!!!
I think she said no one has the balls to show their face supporting Trump
No. He is a (((subversive))) lil shit who needs to be purged.
They don't know how to win. Kek will teach them!
Reminder that Jews are polictically homeless after this previous election due to the old right being dead and the left now being exclusively for non whites. They will do anything they can to try to co-opt the "altright" and make it as kosher as possible.
Does this kike even know that "New Right" is already a thing and that it's basically a homosexual version of fascism?
Ah okay. Thanks, user, I remember that now.
Yeah, Cernovich really isn't all that intelligent, which is the main reason why I think it's plausible that he's not actually jewish, maybe just a mischling or other mutt, just mainly an opportunist. If you look at all the things he's done, it's really just all put together by other people then he adds his GORILLA MINDSET branding to it.
Really, of all the e-celebs, I would probably cheer the loudest at Cerno's downfall.
Unfortunately this PR cucking concern trolling tactic still works on a lot of people. I still see people seriously saying "natsoc is universally revoked and nobody will listen to you with it." But evidence shows otherwise. Daily Stormer gets more page views than any of the tone police sites like Amren, and they have swastikas on everything.
*universally reviled
generally speaking, when you're dealing with shill posts, it's usually only one or two red flags that let you identify the shill. Sometimes it's zero, but the overall tone and feel of the post signals good probability it's a shill.
Mike is so fucking far up his own ass he wouldn't fit in on Holla Forums even if he lurked for 5 years. That screencap alone shows over two dozen massive red flags that just scream to anyone who's used a chan for more than three weeks exactly who the poster is.
It gives me a sweet sense of glee knowing that Holla Forums will always BTFO cernobitch, and that faggot would never be able to post here without outing himself if he tried.
if you didn't notice the drama that blew up between him and baked alaska (who was the guy who actually orchestrated the Deploraball, it was his idea, I don't know how cernobitch kiked it away from him), our self-help kikester here is trying as hard as fucking possible to turn any white nationalist part of the alt-right, alt-lite, whatever into the same neo-cohen shit that's been going on for decades.
He's a barnacle on a relatively new boat, and aside from purusing personal fame and fortune from it, he's desperately attempting to turn it into a "young, cool, hip" version of the GOP, basically. In other words a kike being a kike.
Praise Kek. May his wrath rest upon this Jew. Shadilay.
I agree, honestly. I can't think of anyone at this point who is worse than him. Maybe Milo, but at least he was capable of standing up at a podium when talking about SJWs. Thernovich just sits around bitching at his wife while going nuts on Twitter.
Fuck that's one disgusting picture.
Well he is tight with a bunch of kikes, and there were the rumors that guys like him and that ginger Chuck Johnson were paid by Jared Kushner to purge the alt right of all antisemitism.
I don't think anyone had the 10k to pay to "network" in Spencer's Phaglanx. I think Spencer was probably calling some of the shots behind Thermo and Enoch, tho. Who knows
wtf I love thinking like a gorilla now!
lol, he's fatter than me. he just does a bunch of incline bench to make himself seem /fit/ in those videos. what a faggot
Yeah, going the Alex Jones route and hawking penis pills now.
There are people on Holla Forums that think sig heiling in public before we even seize power is a good idea… let that sink in.
The Nazi party used the heil so different members could recognize each other, communicate praise of a common goal, and organize. We recognize each other and communicate our common goal through memes online, we don't need the sig heil.
As for organizing…. we don't have to even do that in the age of the internet, because organization is already taken care of for us.
We don't need secret handshakes or salutes or gang signs, stop being moronic and exposing yourself prematurely to the Jewish apparatus CURRENTLY IN POWER which seeks to exterminate us.
Read any of his posts he writes. Twitter, his blog, the screencap above of him making a thread on halfchan, all that. He makes spelling errors out the ass. Far more than would be acceptable at an 8th grade level. This is the dude who 'went to law school' and kept telling gamergate "im a lawfag i'll help you guize!1!" when he didn't even pass the Bar.
Unless he uses spellcheck on something, he makes a grievous spelling mistake every thirty or so words. The faggot is a dunce.
I've done actual homework on lifting and dieting, thanks to having become a /fit/izen a few years back. That image is abhorrent. Those fucking proportions are all off. Either this fucking retard goes to the gym and ONLY benches, or even worse he's just pinning roids and not even correctly at that.
Look at his fucking neck. He has no traps, no lats, the guy hasn't squat or deadlifted a single time in his fucking life.
I agree with this.
certainly stay away from the BLM protests
All traps, shoulders, and gut bro. It's how you get in the baboon brainstate
Evidently there are people still defending Mike "The Kike" Enoch for being a literal jew.
So obviously fanboyism outweighs intelligence in these situations.
Seconded. Don't prematurely sieg and sperg out. I know we're close, but revealing our full power-level IRL right now is just going to be spun around against us. Keep moving forward and slowly inching that red-pill up society's ass.
He just took roids for a while "as an experiment." He probably hasnt kept up and lost all his gains. Or that pic is before the roids. Either way it's hilarious.
The fool has no idea what is in store for a turncoat like him.
Stop being a cuck in denial. She's an attention whore that rode the Clinton bandwagon and now is dickridin Trump.
KEK. Those bluepills do wonders eh? (((Gorilla Mind))) Trademark. No refunds
A lot more told him to fuck off. Most of their forum from what I've heard. Just the diehard eceleb fanboys are left.
wow trs srs d&d strawman alt-kike faggot scum! how dare you say such things!
No I agree, but I mean you would think that considering the history of Jews infiltrating white/european movements and making them go left and cuck on race issues (e.g. the Kristol family) people would reject a jew leading a white movement.
I'll give him this, if Mike did invent the parenthesis meme he did some good for white nationalism, but after learning the stuff we have learned about him and his wife there is no way he could be a legitimate leader in a white movement.
Yeah, he can't really be trusted. Especially since he has continued to lie even after being caught and act like it was no big deal and he dindu nuffin. The people who donated to him after that are retards.
No user, turncoat implies traitor, which implies one of us. He was never one of us, and even if he could possibly be one, he never intended to be anyway.
wew lad, sloots gonna sloot.
There's a big difference between 'muh PR' and being stupid about something. The guy is right, but he neglects to mention that it doesn't matter. The Deploraball is obviously not WN, it's obviously compromised with shit people such as MILO and Kike Thernobitch heading things, and even if it was white nationalist in nature, its open public nature means the kikes have known about it for a while and are keeping an eye on it.
Even if this event was 100% white meat certified non-kosher, I'd still view attending it as a liability.
oh I'm sure his "alt-right" baboon brainstate involves lots of traps
Holy shit, I haven't watch Cernovich much, except what gets posted here…. but I can't tell now he really is a subversive kike.
They like to make fun of you to your face, and they love to lower you to the level of animals because that is how they see you.
So that kike is literally making you repeat to yourself, subconscious "gorilla mindset" over and over, in a mantra of sorts, manifesting yourself to the level of the animal kingdom.
No, the sieg heil is to keep infiltrators and kikes away from our ranks.
Also. What was with hoe the rest of the death panel acted like it was no big deal?
I listened to their latest podcast because TRS was what convinced me to read the Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald. So I gave them the benefit of the doubt.
But they acted like Mike made no big mistake in hanging on to his jew wife or being a jew himself. The Morrakiu goes after 8ch, and I'm like:
I agree we shouldn't just randomly doxx people for no reason but if their Jewish I want to know. I am a white man who wants to advocate for my race and I don't want to be led by a Jew. They have jewish organizations, I want a white leader for my people.
It's all so hypocritical and I just hope TRS loses all of its base.
She deleted those tweets but bitch didn't know about archiving. Now she just tells "LOL I was a radical lefty but I like totally changed so it's okay to give me moneyz and attention now you goys."
If she thinks alt-light isn't profitable enough for her she'll return to lefties telling about her experiences with terrifying nazi racists.
It has nothing to do with PR, it has to do with survival. We don't need PR at this point, we need camouflage.
And you think infiltrators and kikes can't sig heil, retard? I'm not so sure YOU aren't a jew, saying something so obviously false.
Apostasy is punishable by death.
Does he really think that people won't be even more inclined to bring some pepes with them now?
I honestly thought he was smarter than this. Dude needs to chill with the roids.
now, this is what Holla Forums should be doing. creating a hashtag about sneaking pepe's into deploraball. I mean, FUCK, the name was stolen from Pepe OC ffs!!!
Of course this faggot would not only check his own twitter stats, but fucking POST his own stats, ON twitter, so everyone can see how great he is. I bet he checks that shit three times a day. Fucking hell the narcissism of this overcompensating moron is astounding.
I first noticed the guy when GG was just getting off the ground. I pegged him as an opportunist then, but this was long before I had a fully working J-dar. There were things he wrote that made me suspicious. Then, much later, I had a functioning J-dar and I watched an interview with him. The INSTANT he opened his fucking mouth, my soul filled with hatred. It was just an immediate, gut instinct reaction. I knew very little about him, and I still do, but I instantly could tell he was a disgusting little rat. None of what he's doing now surprises me in the least, I was fully expecting for this shit to happen. As soon as you see how he acts and speaks, you just withdraw in disgust naturally.
Next they will be advocating that we can't be using WN symbols. I believe the roman salute signifies that we aren't asking for anything when we greet each other since our palms are extended down, not cusped upwards like we are begging like a Jew. PR cucks like him need to fuck off. Face it, the media is going to call us evilnazisthatwantokill6millionjews no matter what we do, so destroying part of our identity is not going to help.
Of all the things he's done, this is by far the worst.
He's finished.
He always talks and has a look on his face of disdain and disgust. Like talking to goyim is disgusting.
make it so
How did he ever get started. (((Milo))) latched on to Gamergate and went from their and now plays it alt-lite becaus ehe can't be alt-right (Because gay jew).
But where did Thernowitch even come from? What the hell is his background?
What am I supposed to be seeing here? Kikes being asshurt; thinking they be kangz and shiieet. Zero fucks given. filtered.
All these people are the same. Nothing but whores. Thernovich is just Anita Sarkeesian with a different niche. It's obvious that Thernovich went to the same sort of internet marketing thing as Anita, he uses all the same methods. He just chose to latch on to different trends like manosphere and "alt right" while she latched to feminism.
I guess "gorilla mindset" refers to pounding down diabetes juice and cucking out
Well, that lisp…
Where do they all come from?
hint. they all belong in an oven
Take your roids brah, do you even yiff?
He's married to an Armenian too. Probably her cousin.
He started with a PUA blog called "Danger and Play" which he promoted on the roosh forums. Apparently his 6 Gorollion Mindset is mostly just posts from his blog formatted into an ebook.
GG caused a lot of butthurt to a point where goons accused it of hosting cp, HW needed legal help and that's when Cernovic showed up.
And iirc it was promoted by Matt Forget on his original blog inmalafide.
Matt Forney
he's married to a street shitter. Look at the names of the rest of her fam.
haha, yeah, there were probably lots of shots and behinds involved…
is there any fucking way for a white man to make a decent living these days anymore?
If you described national socialism to a typical Aryan they would sit there nodding their head in agreement. That's because National Socialism, with it's duality of individual liberty and social responsibility is something that "just works" with white people. National Socialism rejects degeneracy and exploitation, it relies on a strong moral standard, there isn't much room for kikery. However since white people from a young age have been trained to hate ebil nazis, as soon as the word national socialism is uttered they become defensive and run back to their kike masters begging to be good goys and to live their lives in servitude to debt.
People like Cernovich are always exposed because they always follow the same pattern. They come along acting so "based" but they later on get "concerned with fringe elements" and thus do their part to divide any pro white movement. A good analogy is to think of people like Cernovich as a sponge that soaks up wayward goyim and wrings them out into the bucket of globalism.
How new are you? Loren was Kike's business partner, he directed/edited "Silenced" and "American Milo". Everyone knows that. Unless…
Cernovich also latched on to GG, but as a lawfag. He also snuggled up to firetires. I don't recall any legal action he actually took part in, but he was involved in some responses/threats. Mostly he was a just twitter hero, bravely tweeting.
Don't worry I know there will be spergs riled up spouting pepe memes and doing nazi salutes while wearing their Trump hats and saying gas the jews. This will inevitably happen.
If the hive mind here had any sense it would turn Micky Mouse into the mascot of Holla Forums. That would make Disney super mad, and show the media as being even more fools once they try to say that Micky Mouse is not a hate symbol.
The funniest thing about Milo he's as much Jewish as those white pasty "I'm like 1/255 Navaho so that means I'm Native."
Fucking HW sure knows how to choose people.
Outrage merchants are all the same they need SJWs and libshits just as much as they need them to keep their business going.
partly true, only she was a Bernout. Makes sense since she is a woman and ruled by emotion, but as a woman would jumped ship to the alpha male. You know her ilk, probably useful in some way, but not to be trusted.
may the countermemeing commence. He brought this on himself.
It's ordained. Meme squad's activate!
Why Holla Forums is acting so dumb and stupid in the last weeks? Are democrats shills pretending to be nazi white nationalist in dumb way here to use your own stupidity against Trump for their propaganda?
You are being played by democrats, and looks at the comments in videos from youtube, in twitter and other accounts
Democrats are using the same bot than Tay from Microsoft
If you weren't dumb low IQ you would start using the word "democrats" instead of the word "jew" since it's the plain truth.
You can see the word Jew being used in GTA, sometimes in the media in pejorative way but you can't see nobody in mainstream games, media or news saying anything against Democrats
You need to level up your game and start using the word who could bringe more progress for yourselves that is use the word "democrats"
This will redpill more people than make yourselves look bad in the way who democrats wanted.
Look at every excuse who some neonazi try to turn a picture or something of Trump in the dream of democrats narrative and propaganda.
Don't be dumb, don't be brainwashed, sometimes i think we are filled of democrats false flags and maybe few useful idiots played by them
Look at how you aren't helping in nothing with the irrational stupidity of the last weeks
Look at in comment sections democrats using more bots, the Video of CNN wanting to kill trump had thousands of views and dislikes, but you are seeing more democrats bots like Tay of Microsoft giving irrational answers and trying to defend the joke CNN like their lives is on this, and this is not real, nobody would give a shit for any media worse, garbage like CNN
You are being manipulated by democrats, false flags of democrats and their bots
Around the time he was helpng HW he had a YT livestream QnA and people were asking about him being a lawyer. He said he referred cases and took a percentage, didn't do the lawyering himself. WEnt on to brag about making 30K in a month just from referrals. Has anyone found out if he passed the bar?
What about Donald Duck
I mean that actually makes more sense
I just want all these faggot ass e-celebs to fuck off and die already. I'm so fucking sick of this shit. These e-drama degeneracy threads just make me want to cave in faces.
sometimes i think about how hilarious and great it would be if every jew in the world immediately got teleported to israel, and every non-jew was immediately teleported out. No foreign aid whatsoever. There fucking "country" would collapse instantly. You'd have nothing but marketers, bankers, economists, educators, all these fucking careers that don't PRODUCE anything of actual worth. It'd be one giant circus of people trying to move goods that aren't there and sell things to people who are trying to sell other things to other people. All they know how to do is fucking finagle with money and shift things around. As such it's no surprise that cernobitch is doing as little as he can to get as much self promotion as possible. He might think he works hard, but what the fuck does he do? sit on his ass and type shit. Tweets all day. He doesn't accomplish anything.
The most he's "done" is this deploraball thing, and he's not actually the one who did any of the groundwork for it.
There is one very simple, undeniable, immovable, unstoppable rule to prevent any kind of co-opting or subversion at the very core: NO JEWS. As long as that is never compromised on, the outer edges of your organization may get subverted in small pieces, but the core will remain fast.
Hello Kike Thernobitch. Welcome to Holla Forums, now go fucking gas yourself.
Looks like Thernobitch's shill brigade has arrived
Sheriff David "dance the hempen Jigaboo" Clark
Sheriff David "Hang 'em High on the Zimbabwei" Clark
Sheriff David "If you break the law, I'll smash your Jaw" Clark
Sheriff David "lynch rioters, looters and drive by shooters" Clark
reported for TRanShill
yet you all sucked his dick when he doxed mike enoch
really makes me think
Don't fall for democrats manipulation, seems that you are working against Trump and your behavior looks like democrats false flags and people who are following them.
You don't understand that the cancer are democrats? Or the democrat will shill to change this narrative? And you will make everything to democrats use against Trump while you aren't helping with these behavior? I'm talking about the future of people, good live, you are really wanting to work for democrats?
The democrats will be angry because I'm using the word "democrats" and will start shill for democrats in disguise?
What do you mean
Do you mean CtR
There are Jews in the Republican Party as well, as well as those who are neutral, shit gets played by both sides, even if Trump changed the game
The way they name the Jew in the media is in an endearing way, and the Media doesn't name Bill Kristol either so what is your point
reads like a Flip wrote it
And you will make everything to democrats try to use against Trump or the democrats create a false flag pretending to be Holla Forums to be used against Trump
Cernokike is a Democrat. Why else would he ban our beloved Pepe just like Hillary did.
This is what I mean. Defending a literal kike with a kike whore wife. I would absolutely delight in feeling your face structure give under my foot.
I'll take "things that never happened" for 500
Holla Forums never had anything positive to say about the guy, the best opinion ever expressed here was a lukewarm "who is this guy, i don't care." The only people who ever had a good opinion of him were the bluepilled idiots in gamergate at the start, and only some of them at that. I was bluepilled back then and I knew some shit was up, this is not a master manipulator or man of nuance at all.
That's how you know it probably is actually Mike, kek
Jesus, man. English, motherfucker, do you speak it?
Is this what a lisp looks like on the internet?
Ghoul doxed Mike though
Mike, this is the worst shilling I have ever seen on this board. No one is falling for this. We know it's you. You make the TRShills look like the fucking CIA. News Flash: If Hillary was actually trying to kill you, you'd be dead and the Saudis don't own the media.
Are you seriously wanting to press your luck here after what happened to TRS after they were caught shilling?
reported for Mike Enoch
I don't think he did. I think that antifa got the dox for TRS, Mike specifically, from cernovich, then they pretended to be TRS and shat up this board. Everyone got pissed, then antifa pretended to be Holla Forums threatening to dox is "TRS" didn't stop. That's how they did the dox.
Crediting the dox to Ghoul was just part of the false flag. It might be true, but we don't have anything to confirm it other than antifa's dox announcement saying "thanks ghoul!" which is an obvious attempt at painting a target on an enemy.
I agree my fellow goys. Our time and resources is best spent infighting with celebrity nobodies on the internet while the left are organizing a fight back against everything we've achieved.
Posts like this, and the anons that agree with them, are more indicative of us being shilled by antifa than anything else. I can't be the only one noticing this continuing D&Cing over fucking nobodies while the left ramps up their defences can I?
she was whatever the fuck was hip with millenials
bitch was out for cash, acting like a typical camwhore sticking her tits everywhere
she just got a better offer from Sputnik and saw that alt-light faggots are full of gullible cucks
she'll whore herself out as much as possible and runaway with the money
Lol no. Mike went to law school but never passed the bar. I'll red pill you all on Thernovith tomorrow.
I'd beat on your face with the hilt of a knife until the bones crack.
Just bait M8. Your posts were incomplete. Thx for the info.
Milo didn't show as well as Filterman and I believe Bill Mitchell was also no-show.
You wouldn't do shit. You are a fat skinhead larper on the internet, lmao.
you should read this classic article called "The Jacksonian Persuasion" Fun Fact: the first use of the term "neocon" by Irving Kristol was him ripping off the name of that article in his essay called "The NeoConservative Persuasion" Clearly the former article is much better
user, jews run the Democrat Party. All of their rhetoric is Jewish in origin. Go read the Holla Forums required reading and only then are you allowed to post again
Hell is forever!
Well There is more evidence of Ghoul doing it than Cernovich
In that Ghoul is closer to Mike and has done shady shit in the pass, like lie about himself and his group being veterans
Cernovich isn't smart enough to be able to dox Mike even if Mike had shit OPSEC
And then I'd drive the blade into your eye socket.
It's like watching a child with a wooden sword try and storm a thousand foot tall fortress made of steel.
you aren't. I'm in here because it's fun. However, the board is absolutely in a shit state right now, has been for a few weeks. Any mentioning of anything mods don't like gets you banned with super shitty excuses. The real Holla Forums old guard know what's going on, but without a change in moderation nothing can happen outside of migration.
The Plural isn't Goys
You're a faggot. We need to clean house. These kikes are subverting our hard work to cleanse this nation and save the White race. They're turning the truth about the kikes into a kike friendly movement.
If you think we're wrong just remember a prominent figure was revealed to be married to a kikess who loved trannies. Now this loyal lispy faggot is telling everything it's not the Jews it's Democrats!
Now, which is more evidence?
wrong again. Enoch admitted to sitting on super-sekret boards with thermobitch, noting that he knew him well
see above retard. he already knew everything about him. they knew each other personally
I thought this exact thing
Then I'd urinate on the mush pit you called a face.
TRanShills think it is. that's the way they talk
I don't know. Cernovich was the one who made a video weeks in advance about how "one of the leaders of the alt right has a jewish wife." He obviously knew about Mike and his kikess. Maybe Ghoul is the one who did it, I don't know, I don't have enough information on the stuff. I am sure about one thing, though; we have actual antifa, goons, and other types on this board right now, shilling everywhere. It's been that way for a couple weeks at least. Try to keep your eyes peeled for subversion, because my instinct tells me that the whole TRS vs Holla Forums fight we just had was a part of the subversion.
we don't have a house to clean, other than this board. and it does need cleaning at the highest levels Mike's not in our house. Enoch is far more of a threat of subversion than cernovich is, because few people are stupid enough to not see exactly what kind of person cernovich is. However, there are still some TRS fags trying to stick by Enoch's side. How, I cannot fucking fathom, but I know it's true.
If he doesn't want Pepe then he can't have Sofi either.
release thousands of live frogs into their building
Its both, we need to ostracize infiltrators and expose them, but we should not target the communities as a whole, only the subversives.
No more brother wars.
What else do you need? He's been an opportunistic kike from day one, and is in the same category as Gay Greek Jew, trying to make a living off a movement that is trying ot save civilization. The fact that he's been chummy with Enoch prior to all this and then stabbed him in the back (kikes will stomp all over each other in a race to get away from the ovens) and now this, proves how much of an unprincipled piece of shit he is
Him and his ilk need to be purged altogether, alongside with the "alt-right" label that is dragging all the pozz into our spectrum. We aren't an alternative approach to traditional right, we are THE RIGHT, as it always was prior to 1945 and forever will be. If you don't accept 14 words as the fundamental creed, you are the enemy.
Remember, there is no such thing as a good Jew, and there is no such thing ans an "honorary huwite". Degens and false friends need to go first to clear our paths.
He could easily fund it
holy shit, those fucking teeth. wew.
there's something off about it that doesn't make sense to me. I'm fairly convinced antifa were the ones who posed as both sides in order to dox TRS. The thing is, why would they dox Enoch if he was already so massively compromised? The only thing I can think of is that antifa simply didn't know. They tried to do damage to TRS, but wound up doing white nationalism a favor. It also seems to have helped polarize TRS's base, from the screengrabs I've seen, because it looks torn between "no jews allowed" and "some jews are okay."
The one thing that seems relatively unforgivable to me was the obvious antifa attempt at continuing the doxing train right after this all blew up. Obvious shill posts that were barely trying to hide it, kept popping up saying shit like "okay now let's dox X! and Y after that!" and anyone who said we shouldn't do that was basically shouted down.
We do need to out infiltrators and subversives, but it needs to actually be done by one of us who knows it's an infiltrator or subversive. Otherwise you're going to have collateral damage of white nationalists being doxed and attacked by antifa. Outing Kike Eunuch was a plus, but we can't just dox any and every namefag WN that appears.
newfag pls. stop being a faggot. ur over in the other thread fagging like a homo there as well
Fucking cucks.
Wasn't he against censorship?
that's a strawman. There are always shills here, that's fucking obvious. Ever since the TRS drama started, the point was that the shill numbers increased by 400%. If you didn't know that, you're either blind or running damage control. It's clear to anyone who's been here for longer than a couple months.
The only time I haven't seen shills here was the calm after the storm, when Trump one the presidency. CTR was running maximum damage control for so long it was irritating, and yet the two weeks following the election, shills were like tumbleweeds in the desert. Other than one or two here or there, total silence.
Also, this is the only thread I've posted in, on Holla Forums, for the past three days.
the jew is always for or against whatever benefits him most. right now kike cernovich is running damage control in an attempt to increase the appeal of "his" alt-right to a wider audience, thereby granting him more potential shekels.
TRS were not Holla Forumss bruver as soon as they were shilling and talking shit
No. This faggot TRS narrative needs to end. TRS has their heads stuck almost as far up their own asses as teh full/pol/ mods. Its just with mods, its kind of expected / par for the course. This was all about tiny dicks and big egos. Just face it.
That's why you never allow individuals seeking leadership positions to be leaders, and always force those attempting to avoid leadership into leadership positions. Anyone who has ever dealt in a successful organization knows that.
first of all, most of that is probably TRS. second, you don't seem to understand how things work here, faggot. As soon as something like this goes down, any craft user sees a great opportunity to troll and starts switching proxies and saying absurd shit on both sides of the ball. I did that a few times myself, tho mostly I tried to create some sanity – recently anyway. Outsiders are fairly easy to spot, and there have been quite a few of them, but again that's nothing new. As far as I can tell, most of the outsiders have had no effect. If you go over to some of the goon/lefty boards, what they're laughing about the most is how LITTLE they've done and how PARANOID Holla Forums has become. Literally faggots like you are the ones they're laughing about. In fact, my guess is you're one of them, because from what I've seen their strategy is simply to spread paranoia and confusion, not get Holla Forums to do this or that specific thing
This tbh fam. He's planning on running for Congressman. He thinks cleaning up his image will win him office in California. Once he's in office he'll be another politician fucking people over for bribes and power.
Good post.
If I had a face like her I wouldn't use that phrasing.
Kek doesn't fuck around it seems.
I'm not gonna defend that kike but -vitch is a completely common southern Slavic suffix. It's only in Russia and Poland where this suffix indicates kikery because in those countries it replaced typical kike patronymics (ben Abram became Abramovitch etc).
Sounds like eastern european kike surename
Is that an MDE sketch? Sure as fuck looks like one.
Then you're delusional. This board is far worse off today than it was two years ago. It wasn't perfect, but it was a far cry better than it is now. At least we can agree that the mods are awful, but even the mods themselves say that shit, and throw around "power corrupts" like it's an excuse to be a shitty mod. They have gotten worse over time as well – two of them in particular – which is a large part of why the board is worse off.
so you're telling me that Holla Forums's paranoia is stupid and how we're getting laughed at for it, and then you accuse me of being a suspected shill. I don't suppose you want to read that sentence a couple more times.
additionally, Holla Forums is and has always been paranoid, and for GOOD REASON. Holla Forums owes its very existence to its paranoia. How the fuck can you sit there and say "lolol this board always has shills!" and then say shit like "our enemies laugh at us for being paranoid!" Guess you didn't think that through too hard. It doesn't always protect the board, but it still remains extremely effective. Yes, you have the collateral damage of some genuine anons turning on each other and calling each other shills simply because they don't like what they're reading, but claiming that "spreading paranoia" here is a bad thing tells me YOU'RE the fucking newfag. Along with that "lel always take opportunity to troll, all real anons do that, tep kok!" which is pretty suspect.
I'm going to sleep now, i expect to see a scathingly brilliant retort by you in the morning:^)
Wrong, southern suffixes are -jic or -ic, which are nothing like -vitch. Only kikes used/use those and all Slavs always could tell them apart because of it. Also, the first part of the surname (which means black), would not be a common adjective to form a surname out of, unless you did an unusual trade or it was related to your appearance (black was always a go-to colour for Jews)
Topp Weeeeeew
muh sides.
I hope you're fucking rusing. I hope he's not seriously considering doing that. Then again, if he did, /baph/ would have a fucking field day.
That faggot thinks that his "leadership" of the "alt-right" is what got Trump elected, does he think the same machine will not tear him the fuck apart if he tries to run for public office?
shill harder TRSodomite. there's a difference between Holla Forums paranoia "fuck of JIDF" and the paranoia I'm talking about "omg, guise we has trayturrs in r ranks we muss rut dem oot!" that's fucking retarded. Holla Forums doesn't talk like that. you're a dipshit. and at any rate, you're missing my point. the point is all that those faggots are doing is laughing at the paranoia - and no that doesn't mean I'm suggesting changing anything. Holla Forums changes for no one. At any rate, remember, these are the faggots that spam "cumskin" everywhere then take screencaps and call it le epin troll. fuck them.
yeah, Holla Forums is shit compared to two years ago, but that's how things go, and has nothing to do, obviously, with what has transpired over the last month. i've given up complaining about that. I gave up complaining about that in like March of last year, user. Just chill. If you don't like it, just take a break. I do that from time to time; I'll probably do it again starting within the next couple days, as this is turning into a huge steaming pile of faggotry. neither side will listen to reason, and that's pretty much all I have to offer. therefore, I'm not needed/wanted here. I'm cool with that. I'll come back later
i suggest you do the same
It's from @TV_KWA. You should check out his YouTube account.
what does molymeme sees in this faggot
I told you faggots back during GG that Cernovitch was an invader. Who let him become important? TRSodomites?
The fall of the aut-right continues.
Cuck harder faggots.
Nothing jewy about these names.
I wasn't talking specifically about Cernovich but about the general suffix. Cernovich himself admitted he's a kike so that's a pointless debate.
What did I say about that? Can you read? -ic is fine, -VITCH is NOT. They are different.
No, you brought it up and have no leg to stand on after being told you are wrong.
Don't try subvert our Jewdars.
I'll never understand what Holla Forums sees in the lying failed actor.
-vitch is just an anglicized version of -vić
I was discussing the suffix, nigger. I know that Cernovich is a jew he said it outright on twitter.
Not always and you don't anglicize surnames nowadays either. Historically, these were always heebs, and they always did everything to make room for themselves in any society.
No, you were making an argument about it, trying to dilute the point about it being a heeby name. Drop it already, you aren't bringing up any arguments.
It's simply funny to see him make slow logical leaps towards the right as he realizes that his libcuck ideas lead to natsoc if you follow them through and have to deal with nogs that don't even comprehend the principles he tries to enact.
lolberg ideas
I think the cuck wrote a book or something.
that's it, my bad.
Kek giveth, Kek taketh away. They've chosen their own demise entirely out of their own free will. Well, we all know what happens to those who go against the frog god…
The only damn thing I was saying is that having the surname ending in -ovitch or -ović doesn't make you a jew because it's common among Balkan Slavs, which is correct.
The -itch form doesn't exist anywhere in Europe if it's not anglicized. German kikes use -itz, Polish ones -icz, Russian ones -ич. So it absolutely is anglicized, probably from some kike who immigrated a long time ago.
You faggots are short fucking sighted. If he comes out all 1488, then the msm have their boogeyman and the narrative about the right being Nazis come true.
Think fucking strategically you catastrophic morons. You don't redpill Normie's by throwing them in the deep end. You get them to wade in by themselves.
just stop.
The Alt-Reich
**Thank you antifa
Its the same reason the US millitary switches from blacked bombings to target smart missles.
Taking out political enemies with targeted doxing attacks (metaphorically speaking, hi FBI) is key, but you don't want more than one brother in the wreckage. They rest should be considered polacks in training.
Remember, we were all once normies.
Whites are already a minority of young children we don't have time to pussyfoot around with people that push "equality" bullshit.
Even politicians in Trump's cabinet have more balls than this.
Im pretty sure his wife is Persian and the child is his.
She's also rich as fuck which probably why he married her in the first place. If they divorce he'll make her join the JUSTice league just like his first wife.
Not how it works, user. With one yuge exception.
Kek really hates jews. I don't think we meme'd this. Kek must be just that old enough to see the kikes crawl out of the sand and into other civilization's wallets.
kill yourself altcuck
I'd say getting screwed out of a six figure divorce settlement and having to pay alimony as a fucking woman qualifies for the JUSTice league.
Is it just me or has Kek already cursed these people? Now that the election is over they are self-destructing as fast as they can shove their heads up their own assholes.
Don't be silly user, Kek is the bringer of peace.
Perfect, spread this as far and wide as possible, it will ruin is alt kike shekel and controlled op scheme.
We make Cernokike into a pepe and his mystery meat central american spic wife into Wojack and Poo Poo Pee Pee that shit up.
Attack his wife
Attack her son.
Spread memes
Give his books shit reviews
Just keep fucking with him.
Change your avatars and go "CERNOVICH POSTING" by calling all niggers subhumans and that you learned it in the Gorilla Mindset.
Make up stories that "Gorilla Mindset" is about how niggers think and how only beady eyed lawyers with brown wives can save America.
Yeth, thath him.
Once the time of the righteous arrives, him and his ilk will be removed.
because torposters can't post images
You don't belong here, Cernobitch. You are cancer to our movement.
You can have "Alt Right," we're Alt Reich now!
Is this picture is shopped? Who in their right mind would take a picture with this creep?
Also, who is the creep on the left in the first picture?
Stupid Khazar. The ancestors of the white race are the Cro Magnon.
Cernovich and his ilk don't represent what the alt-right is. It is hardly a representation of what made Trump popular in the first place.
He, like McInnes and Southern, saw a trend and will ride it until they've squeezed every inch of popularity and profit out of unsuspecting individuals pockets.
But since they've been vetted by the uninformed and the ((MSM)), look forward to him and his brood becoming a central voice piece for the remainder of Trump's administration.
jesus fucking christ
The Daily Stormer is just retarded clickbait for low IQ teenagers. I bet you're a fan of Weev too, Anglin's butt buddy. I can upload the clip if you don't believe he claims nuclear bombs don't exist. Which by the way is the same shit Sinead and the Renegaydes used to say when they were making their threads here a few months ago.
I caught some videos and pictures of this ball, what a load of faggotry
Post the highlights
You also don't belong.
What did TRS take off Bronze March?
I might not like Richard Spencer but this reads of opportunists trying to push out the nonkosher conservatives.
Richard Spencer not allowed in the Deploraball
I've never even heard of this guy before this thread. Not sure if bringing thernovits down would get him, coattails of coattails, or if he deserves special ruination.
They want to retain control of both wings of their controlled op.
/thread/ : A bunch of bitter wallflowers getting cucked of an invitation.
I'm here with my qt and having a great time! Weebs, furries and stormfags are banned, remember we want to have a good time.
We don't care about Trump. After the inauguration we should all shift against him and criticize him from a natsoc position.
I don't care about weev or Anglin. The point was that swastikas and natsoc works. Amren concern trolling doesn't work, unless your goal is to keep white nationalism stuck in a black hole forever and never get anywhere.
What did Dicky do to engender such hate from the alt-kike? Most of his antics have seemed awfully kosher.
sage for unrelated question
That's just stupid. Will damage him
kek will punish this gorilla
makth pewfect thenth to me goyth
>A woman approached him (Spencer) and told him that he was a disgrace to the party, not a part of the party, and that he was an embarrassment. He responded by saying to the woman, “you don’t have ideology or a goal.”
She said back “I’m conservative and I’m Jewish, you disgust me. and you’re an embarrassment to what we stand for.” She walked away.
It's not real hate, just muh pr shit to make it look like they're different. The 'leaders' don't like each other because they are competing for attention, but they're all fellow travelers. The normies who latched onto the deplorable thing will now latch onto one group or the other.
I think Enoch is a faggot, but it's very clear that this whole attack on TRS came from Cernovich as retaliation for their shitting on his brand.
Anyone disgusting the kike can't be all that bad.
They need to stop fighting amongst themselves like bitches and start taking real institutional power and crushing Lefties. It should be painful, scary and unprofitable to be a Leftist again. Once you tip that balance, there will be no need to fight bc you'll be expanding so quickly
that's where you're wrong, kiddo
what part of controlled op don't you understand? Why would they crush the left when they talk a big game but their ideas are milquetoast?
the part where everyone you disagree with is a "controlled op." Take that loony shit to Renegayd with all the other flat-earthers. Everything isn't a literal controlled op. They are just marketing faggots trying to push each other out of what they see as a limited market in order to make money as quickly as possible. It's all about consolidation and short-term profits. Its not a controlled op bc its not ideological. Its the opposite of that. It's the incompetence that comes with capitalism (or corporatism or liberalism or whatever your favorite term is), at best. At worst, it is ideological but they are just power-mongers. The Communists used to do this - there was no one that got beaten up more by communists than Social Democrats (with the possible exception of anarchists). Radical groups always see those directly around them as their worst enemies, rather than the real enemy. Its something about how those nutjobs' brains work
Nah, he's cool.
I've been appreciating mike's work since long, long before his current eceleb pursuits back when he was just another guy with helpful advice at rooshvforums.
I'm not one of you fags in that I ain't 1488, but you guys were right about him: this is disappointing at best and a telltale sign of cancerous bowing to the desires of the cathedral at worst.
Fuck him.
It's been a long time now since I read the term "cathedral". I remember when Cernovich started popping up on the manosphere years ago. I guess what made him pivot his blog was his meeting with Victor Pride from Bold and Determined, then he started getting political too gain views.
Even utterly disregarding all the retarded shit he's currently doing, the guy has always been a classic textbook example of a douchebro. The dude is a degenerate and has always been. He's obviously a selfish, opportunistic asshole who's massively concerned about his image and reputation. His self-help book isn't there to actually help anyone, it's so he can get more money and also preach to people, because he's so self absorbed he wants them to listen to all he has to say.
Now, men should be strong. They should be honorable, firm, show good judgment, and have some semblance of strength, both physically and mentally. Mike thinks he exhibits all those qualities, but in reality he mistakes narcissism for strong will, being a selfish retarded dick for mental strength, and cucking to all these neocon concepts as wisdom.
Mike thinks he's a big fish in a small pond, but he's a tiny fish with delusions of grandeur. He's the last person I'd want life advice from.
you're verging on calling other anons conspiracy theorists for disagreeing with you though it's funny because sinead is the clearest case of controlled or utterly insane I can think of. If they act like controlled opposition in every way, whether they literally get marching orders or not is a moot point. Thernovitch is clearly just a marketer who weaseled and got attention, and while implicit boy has a lot of shilling done for him, it's not clear how he got media attention in the first place. It certainly was not from charisma or good ideas. Which leads me to believe he was promoted by his ostensible enemies. Good enough for me to call him controlled op.
None of that has anything to do with
They will never do that, they never intended to do that, and they don't have the capability of doing that. You're barking up the wrong tree.
You better at least be 14
I didn't read the rest bc you're a fucking retard who can't into definitions
uh huh it was all iron ma- no? it was antifa now right? lol. You TRShills are pathetic.
I addressed the point, nigger. " If they act like controlled opposition in every way, whether they literally get marching orders or not is a moot point. "
And if people want to take the conspiratorial route, Phalanx could fit the bill.
wew lad
but that's not what controlled opposition is. its literally controlled not just someone who "in my opinion fucks things up"
Somebody should send him printed pictures of Pepe doing a Roman Salute.
And I said in this case, there is no discernible difference. Are the alt-lite not mostly jewish? Is there anything dickie has done that distinguishes him from controlled op? Is his side not riddled with fags? Whether someone knows he's a puppet or he acts as a puppet because it gets him attention is irrelevant. And short of insider information, we'll never know, so the distinction is not necessary.
Random definition that works for me
Do you really think the alt-right arose organically and outsiders haven't tried to control it? Someone like Trump is hard to control. The people claiming to lead the alt-right and being promoted by the media (I wonder why) would be simple to control, which is why they need exorcised soon. Like kike enoch.
has anyone said what they are supposed to be? Besides literal bluepills, there's no way someone from the 'redpill' community would do that without laughing at the schmucks with every sale.
Fuckin kek at that thernovitch webm. He's completely ripping off of Joe Rogan with that nootropic shit.
I might not be remembering it right, but I thought he said she's a Palestinian.
Unlikely that the child is his, they've only been married a bit over a year. Kid's older than that.
I'm a day late, but this is the full NWO chart:
Forgot the nigger half brother part and the part where his she-kike is also a full blown faghag.
Any other brilliant insights you'd like to share with the rest of us?
Not exactly common to have a child with a woman and then marry her years later. Usually if you have a child out of wedlock the relationship doesn't last if you don't marry quickly.
Back to half Chan with you!
I understand that most of you faggots don't follow any communities outside of Holla Forums, so I'm going to lay this out for you.
The alt-right has hated Cernovitch ever since he banned someone for tweeting about the JQ. They hated Cernovitch even more after he deleted all his tweets about white genocide. The deploraball was nothing more than a bunch of people like Bill Mitchell that never identified as alt-right. Although a few people did show up and called cernobitch a cuck. He got pretty triggered by that from what I heard.
I'm not telling any of you to not attack Cernobtich, please do. He's a race mixing cuck that only talked about white genocide when it was profitable. However, don't think you're attacking the alt-right by going after him.
She's PersianIranian she tweeted that her other language is Farsi.
He did the right thing because otherwise it might hurt his brand.
according to the first podcast of, iranians are part of the alt-right and are thus white
Sauce? Not that I don't believe you, I just don't have time to watch an hour long podcast right now.
sounds like cernobitch needs his daily dose.
So he's still larping that the past 10,000 years haven't happened and whites are still spread from Europe to North Africa and into northern India?
To be clear, he isn't talking about the arab or pajeet conquerors, but the "white" populations of those region are so diluted that they might as well not even exist.
He really needs to get over that, but he wasn't calling all Iranians white like you were implying.
Either way she's a dog. 3/10
The problem is worse, even he's abandoning the Alt-Kike ship. He's trying to pivot to the middle via the civic-nationalist route. Racial-Nationalists need to counter this and fucking organize FAST.
That website also has an Iranian editor.
Whats this feeling that we have? Is this a feeling of wanting to do harm to someone out of moral principle?
One kike on the alt right was snubbed because he attacked us.
But now his dismissal of kek has many of us pondering whether or the first step should be taken by us.
Hello Fbi.
You overdid it, and now you get the backlash.
Not now, btw, but soon.
man what an age we live in, an age where dubs may decide the fate of men. Should we attack him? Should we let it be? So many options, so many potential dubs to get to decide it.
Problem being that it has zero memetic potential you fucking sperg.
Go back to chugging blue capsules filled with air, Mike.
Friendly reminder that Richard Spencer was and remains the good guy.
This guy was, is, and as he gets older with his mixed-race child will continue to be a problem for us. Him and that sniveling crotch Dilbert Guy are both down-low virtue signaling, establishment-acceptance craving cuckolds and bitter MGTOWs
lost it at /baph/