Today is RMS' birthday.
May Holla Forums wish him a happy 65th!
Today is RMS' birthday.
May Holla Forums wish him a happy 65th!
We made him a picture for his birthday one year. I refuse to work on another for him until GNU HURD is production quality, though. Lazy old parrotfucker.
Daily reminder that Hurd is not a priority project given that GNU Linux-Libre is a real thing.
just stick to Genode OS for your autistic microkernel needs
that's almost 70 with his impressive physical fitness level who is going to replace him to save GNU
RMS quit the green party, join the cybernetic gang.
Gang gang
Happy birthday to GNU
Happy birthday to GNU
Happy birthday Richard Stallman
Happy birthday to GAAAANOOOOOOO
If anyone is gonna email RMS get a for the luls
get that shit on
(sadly google captcha required)
That image is cringy.
Free software does not have anything to do with communism.
May he lives another 65 to kick proprietary bitches ass...happy birthday GNU/Stallman
h-happy birthday RMS
Anyone have a pic of him when he broke his arm in Finland?
What will happen when RMS dies?
He will meet thy his God
happy b-day rms-sama!
A lot of people will parrot the line
The free software movement will continue on without him because he is not the free software movement by himself. He is the father who started the movement to teach people about the importance of freedom in computing. There are many people now who deeply understand this message and will continue to preach it long after Stallman is gone.
meanwhile linus is going to get immediatly replaced with a CIA plant.
I don't really believe that's going to happen. His current Linux lieutenants know who he his and how he would lead the Linux team. They'll most probably act in the future with the same leadership as he acts today.
we recompile him
Happy birthday :3
He is injured, so who cares
Happy birthday RMS! :)
Show me a doctor who says it's okay to eat toe fungus.
Should we buy him some proprietary software?
Show me a doctor who says it's not okay to eat toe fungus.
I'm not glad he's alive, but I'm glad he's dead soon.
RMS is the Jesus of technology.
checks out
Also known as semitic religions. And polite sage.
I thought GuixSD uses Hurd?
It can but it's not a priority.
I've left guix since they introduced a coc (in guile) a few months ago.
I was unable to find anything about guile having a CoC. Can you please share some links about it?
Sorry I meant guix
The CoC is a derivative from the Contributor Covenant aka the most vile of coc in existence.
The guile community is a lot related to guix tho.
RMS is an atheist.
Our light in the darkness. Happy birthday.
Please know your subject before saying tings like that RMS impeached god a long time ago and is a atheist.
Of course it doesn't. Neither does it has anything to do with ayncrap or nutsac cringe.
==cringe== is a overused word nowadays that is more or less meaningless.
I was just refering to RMS's political alignment being with the greens and that it is fairly close to commie libsoc ideology than any other. Nothing about free software.
RIP in piece ;_;
good night sweet prince
I disagree. How many people you know who refuse to use any closed software? rms is the only person who lives like he preaches. I use GNAA/loonix daily but still use closed source software for vidya and phone. Most people will compromise, rms never will.
he also refuses to use any source-available software that's non-free.
I don't use any nonfree software on my desktop. Over spring break I will be setting up my laptop to run on only free software.
I guess one day I'll have to smash my phone with a sledgehammer and then I'll be fully liberated.
Ignoring the operating system I do not run any nonfree software on my phone
Post your RARE Stallmans.
happy birthday tinfoilfag
I know several people on the Trisquel and Debian forums, plus some FSF guys who only use FOSS.
Personally I use only FOSS (even libreboot) on my desktop and laptops. The only exception being a PDP-8 and some 80s/90s PCs with proprietary BIOSes, but I differ from Stallman in that I can tolerate proprietary firmware if it's pre-botnet.
rms uses non-free software all the time. In ATMs, in the avionics for the jets he flies in, in the cars he drives or rides in. He even uses other people's phones and computers that run proprietary software. He realizes this, of course, and even addressed it (rationalized it away, I'd say) on his website.
It's important to realize that Richard does whatever he wants, and he is a really smart guy. If he wants to do something, he'll do it, and he'll find a way to rationalize it. For example, he likes to save money by using those savings cards that they have at grocery stores. But he doesn't like being tracked by using them, so he refuses to get one. He has no problem using other people's savings cards, though. If you asked him about it, he'd come up with some rationalization about how it's actually fighting the system, because his use of the card messes with their tracking the card's owner, even though their systems are obviously sophisticated enough to disregard his anomalous use.
The free software movement was never about you, or me, or anyone but rms. It was about recruiting people to create software for him so he'd never run into software that he couldn't modify again, like that printer driver in the 1970s that started his obsession. In spite of his severe autism, he realized that "write software for me for free" was not going to convince a lot of people, so he created GNU, the GPL, and the FSF in order to achieve his personal desires. The fact that other people have also benefited is just a side effect.
It's funny, in old age he has an aura of respectability. When you see him as a young man like that, you're more inclined to write him off.
Happy birthday!
No, he doesn't.
keep yourself safe, amigo
Is Richard Stallman-sama one of the few good Jews, like Jesus, Marx, Bobby Fischer and Stanley Kubrick?
There are no good Jews.
Just take a look at his political opinions outside of technology.
I think his autism defends us from jewing the FSF. If instead of him it was some non-autist in charge with and just as lefty he'd turn the FSF into Mozilla and bleed money into niggerfication projects.
BSD cuck detected.
I think it's a bad argument.
I agree with that but I'm concerned about some of the FSF members RMS has always been the voice of the movement, see for example what happened with Francis Rowe, discussions stopped after RMS posted on the email list.
So I agree that RMS is not the free software movement but A LOT of people just follow him without thinking and that's not good for the movement so I'm worried about how it's going to shape itself afterwords when I see the "social justice" people in it and around it I'm not enthusiastic.
Stop the shitposting.
Happy Birthday RMS!
Happy birthday Richard.
RMS is fanatic who doesnt understand cohesion in operating systems
how would I join the realtime online shitposting?
like, sending questions, etc.
Stallman's freedom is only relevant to the machines that he owns. My freedom is only relevant to the machines I own. If I go to bank and operate their ATM, their use of Windows has no effect on my freedom or my computing. If I fly in a jet and find that their in-flight entertainment system relies on Netflix, I don't actually own the jet so running Netflix has no effect of my freedom. If I borrow a friend's credit card, I am not being tracked under my name when I use it, it generates activity under my friend's name.
The free software movement has always been all about the users of the computers they own and the software they choose to install on their own computers. What other people choose for their own selves normally does not affect my freedom.
Can't even go on it via tor.
What is cohesion in operating systems? If you say the Unix philosophy, your opinion is invalid.
idk I suppose that it uses some function that tor deactivates for security reasons.
I'm getting:
scripts probably
but you can watch the video with mpv
Maybe Jews aren't a hivemind and there are good and bad ones.
BSD fags can't comprehend that someone might want to help the community at large. They all think they're going to be the ones taking advantage of free code, but it is always they who get cucked in the end. Truly a metaphor for America, where even the poor believe themselves to be temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
Links/tl;dr on that?
Libreboot dev blamed GNU for fireing some tranny because being tranny and left GNU
Stallman posted on mailing list that the gender wasn't an issue.
Turns out Libreboot Dev had mental problems, said sorry and went back to GNU
This is now a shoop chain
lol that is based as fuck RMS is the new face of Realtek Semiconductor
I prefer the GIMP.
Yes, my modification to the image was made with GIMP.
And this was unironically made with mspaint.
Happy Birthday, you magnificent bastard!