White privilege?

It was never privilege, it was earned through teaching, parenthood, family values, intelligence, blood, sweat and tears, etc.

Prove to me that whites endured anything less or even the same as any other race. We suffered more than any other race in history, countless millions upon millions dead just to create peace. We saved countless millions of non-white lives out of love and respect that they would try to learn from our values so they could in turn save themselves.

But 'all white people should die' is what I hear.

I'm glad my Grandfather died at 89 never once using the internet, as I loved him, if he saw what is happening in the world now he would cry that his brothers in arms died for worse than nothing.

In this thread we post work that white people actually do.

Other urls found in this thread:


Careful now, wouldn't want Whitie having White Pride all of a sudden! They'll be next be having marches demanding for Whites to feel empowered! :^)

Fuck yeah man! This is a part of the "not my fault" mentality. When nothing is your fault you remove the need to work hard to improve yourself. I am fine with this. There will be a melting pot of all races but you can be damn sure that there will be whites that wont mix and they will be called sir or boss. They will be the ruling elite as they are now because they dont make excuses.

FWIW Anything fucky happens to Trump Im volunteering all of my time to the death camps. I will take extra joy in the slow deaths of the white race traitors




they have enough money to fuck though


“Check your privilege” is a meme that’s gained traction on college campuses and other venues where privileged people tend to gather. Loosely translated, it means “Shut up.”

More specifically, it means that your attitudes, habits, values—and hence any idea you may express—are caused by the unearned privileges you enjoy based on your demographic classification. So, your mission—whether or not you choose to accept it—is to engage in self-criticism instead of conversation.

Confused? Privilege theorists are here to help. They explain that privileges—whether material, social, or professional—come from being male, healthy, prosperous, safe, white-skinned, heterosexual, non-gender-dysphoric, or any number of things that cause you to experience the world in a different way than somebody who comes from a different category in today’s social matrix. If you’re still confused, you can consult this chart to keep score.

Oh, one other thing. Even if you score low on privilege, you are still guilty (even more so) if you’ve “assimilated” into a culture that values the attitudes or habits associated with privilege. This means you need to further check your behavior and your language. Indeed, David Marcus explained in a recent Federalist essay how quickly privilege theory is infecting our language. Ironically, when we deem the speech of some more equal than the speech of others, the result is social inequality.

In any event, privilege theorists today most strongly classify privilege with something they call “whiteness.” Your helpful campus diversity specialists define whiteness as an ideology. This means that if you are labeled white, you possess privileges connected with “an ideology based on beliefs, values, behaviors, habits, and attitudes, which result in the unequal distribution of power and privilege based on skin color.”

But there is a remedy for such guilt. It involves attending re-education camps, which seem to be popping up like mushrooms today on college campuses. It’s even popped up inside the U.S. Marines: since surveys have found many Marines oppose the new policy of putting men and women into the same combat units, all must now attend “prejudice training.” From Portland Community College’s educational project aimed at telling students that their very existence as white-skinned actually causes racial inequality to University of Vermont sending “white” students off to a re-education retreat, self-criticism is the order of the day.

Yeah, bu i bet no whitey got a big anaconda do- oh wait, they got muh dik tooo…hmmmm

her armpit looks like a vagina.

The woman in this picture has an armpit that does not look like a vagina.


Whatever "White Privilege" was, it doesn't exist anymore.



People like this are proof that humanism is the sickest religion on the planet.

Bump for OP.

i didn't know what that was so i looked it up. why do they have so many words for communism?

Because Communists try to flip their identity ever couple of decades, and yet the same result is always present.

I don't think there's a lower form of life than the Single Mother

apart from a single mother that has inner strength, a strong family and true friends (not facebook 'friends') willing to all help keep her strong for herself and her children. I'm sorry yr mother was a crack whore.

I do not blame you, and she is part of the problem, I assume you were brought up by a broken woman. Well I can't change that. I can promise you a path forward if you are willing to accept us?

Just ask.



well now.


There is no white privilege. People trusting you because you don't come from an inherently criminal and untrustworthy race is not a "privilege." Getting priority college admission and scholarship offers for being a nigger is privilege.

So, black privilege exists, since they have legal privileges granted to them over whites. Blacks are disadvantaged because they are subhuman criminal retards and everyone naturally hates them, but that doesn't make whites "privileged."

The colour of privilege is always green.

It's quite amusing watching all of the women who still think I'm a beta cuck crawl out of the woodwork lately.

Being born with brains and looks is a privilege, no? We have better upbringing for the same reason: we're smart enough to know it matters and compassionate enough to spend the effort.

Whites are privileged over niggers the same way humans are privileged over monkeys. It's just how it is. Short of genocide it will always be like this.