Remember the drug dealers Obongo pardoned?
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Fuck's sake, king nigger pardons actual cartel members and nobody on this board bothers to pay attention.
We have their names and faces, they won't survive long in Trumpmerica
Obongo, the gift that keeps giving.
Can this be reversed? Or do we first have to establish that he was an illegitimate president?
They're probably back in Mexico already.
Well, we just have to make sure Donald hears about it.
It was 5 sentences in give him a break…
requested a sticky
I agree, anime shit is the cancer that's killing Holla Forums.
Oo boy, they should have stayed in prison. They were safer there.
Alright, alright.
MOE shit is the cancer that's killing Holla Forums
I report it as spam since that's what it actually is while trying to masquerade as some kind of brilliant tactic.
Have a bump.
Eroshit is killing 2d, moe is pretty much our ideal. Faggot.
Payback to his Chicago crime backers
How can this possibly be?
The only guess I have for this is that their drug operation was somehow important to the CIA
let's find out more
They wouldn't be officially pardoned if they didn't work with official channels.
Whatever is the least obnoxious, I know it won't die, just keep that shit to a minimum. I'm sick of people constantly avatarfagging and thinking they're some sort of sekrit club.
Raw Autism. You're no better than horsefuckers or any other identity similar to it. Of course, you're too mentally retarded to possibly listen, let alone comprehend how embarrassing you are.
Go tell that to a berserk fan, faggot.
I can tell you're not from here TRS-kun
Obama is a traitor, pure and simple. And that's not being crass or exaggerating. He's simply a traitor. No more and no less.
The only mystery is why the fuck nobody seems to care to even demand an explanation, let alone put an end to it.
(((Media))) and (((academia))) turning everybody into zombies that can only complain without actually doing anything because they have democracy, not to mention everyone has the important task of going to sleep just to wake up early in the morning and go to work.
why is this being slid so bad?
is it because it's just about the last nail in the coffin of obama's legacy?
That too. They both are. Struggling, masculine men and cute, chaste girls who know how to bake.
Being a communist negro, bastard son of another communist negro, who became president only because he was a negro, is already a pretty bad legacy.
Didnt obama release or plan to release a marxist terrorist too? I remember reading about that just a day or two ago
but I mean the legacy that normies will notice. releasing 4 cartel heads is something even retarded normies will look at and go, "that fucking nigger"
I think Trump should carry on Obama's plan to release them. And when they get out, plan a surprise party for them where we have our special guests play pin the bullet on el asno.
No they won't. If they actually knew a damn thing about cartels they would all support a giant mote with alligators along the border.
nein, it's more like
baaaaaw-feels moeshit is killing everything.
Moe used to be associated with wacky nonsense like Nichijou and Azumanga
Now it's just a bunch of waifuless weebs crying along with their perpetually bawling and-in-inner-turmoil waifus.
Got jaq'd by fanboys instead of being made by classically trained surrealists and cubists.
The whole bawling waifu thing used to be separate, I forget what the genre's called but there's a genre of manga/VNs that's basically "sadfeels harem shit" that's adored by the female japanese audience (ala Shuffle!). Current moeshit's like a fusion of that with Azu because it'll pick up both audiences at once even if you can't write for shit. Don't have to be a heeb to fall for the 'corporate cutout culture' meme sadly.
And once this shit starts there's an unending quality slide as the original audience vacates the premises.
Recent animoo Doin' it RITE: Girls und Panzer, Solty Rei (all the serious stuff is family related not boy/girlfriend related or thinking you're ugly/not special enough)
Doin' it RONG: Gunslinger Girls, Strike Witches, EVA
this is why everyone's clichés now, you don't need to think to "write" a cliché, you just change the name and hair colour of some previous rando bitch.
vidya arguably gets this worse since you can get away with wasting a lot of time on fanservice in animoo, but on vidya you're stuck with these plot-essential idiot blabbermouths for 40-some hours
It's like how everyone thinks 20s art is shit because it spawned in the next-gen these self-important anal-sniffing "modern artists" and lost all meaning.
No, surrealism, expressionism, and its related forms suck because we let (((them))) take it away from the Germans.
The nips got the artwork removed of (((their))) context and influence and got the right idea, though.
That must have taken an incredible amount of creativity
not surprising, they're the paramilitary wing of the DNC
They made a nice donation to his the nigger's retirement plan.
Bump again to fight the slide.
Wrong again, but goon derailment aside, how the fuck did we miss that?
Bump. If this isn't enough for you to loathe the nigger. Seething hatred at this point. Can't say I'm surprised though, he's still in his fantasy world. Just a few more hours, and we're back to reality. Tomorrow is going to be great, pray for his safety. Will it to be.
Got your tough boy points yet?
I know niggers can't really be considered cucks the same way chimpanzees can't be considered cucks, but Obama is a cuck.
Are the fat fucks and manlets who love Berserk supposed to be intimidating?
it pisses me off to no end when i tell people the wall will stop most of the drugs coming into this country and they say "WELL THEY'LL JUST FIND ANOTHER WAY." sure, they will try to find another way but it's going to be absurdly expensive and a lot more difficult. right now we just have huge unguarded and unpatrolled stretches of open desert where they just drive right in.
if drug dealers have to resort to planes and submarines and other goofy shit, it's going to be much less profitable to bring drugs into this country (especially if we ramp up patrol and interdict most of it)
if a president commutes a sentence, can the next one nullify that if they aren't released yet? or is there some rule about a president's pardoning abilities being not undo-able?
Never did I once go there, but keep trying autist, your utter incompetence brings me moderate amusement. You have no argument, nor substance.
It seems Obama isn't the first to pardon so many and such kind of criminals, so it makes me wonder just why in the everloving fuck would any president do this shit?
I'd bet on Berserk's fat fucks and manlets over k-on's DYEL audience.
Do they fucking understand that if the cartels try to kill trump, that we would gain legitimate cause to invade mexico?!
the shills on this board
Nigger president and Mexican mafia run America under Jewish world Oligarchy
This is being slid because the same fucking cartels declared war on trump for the wall, because the wall ends their moneyflow. Remember, CIA gave the cartels the means to exist, and the cia is talking shit on trump, so fuck them.
He decided otherwise. Funny thing is this is an excellent opening to fuck him up even more. Trump can pardon him and he dies in a few months anyway big whoop, and kicks Obama and the DNC in the nuts even harder.
This fucker is really big-name, the Berners would not forget if he were released before his death. There would be absolutely no bringing them back for a generation. Complete stop n' frisk blank check for a whole term. Guaranteed minimum 3 mil votes in 2020 that would offset the obviously-coming commiefornia cheating at least.
It's not like these were the modern-day feds or an average officer like Mumia killed anyway, this was back in the day when feds were as dirty and untrustworthy as the rest of the 'soups, planting evidence on everyone, bribing witnesses, jury tampering, etc. I figure contrasting pardoning this guy, who had even cops saying nothing seemed right about the case, with Obama pardoning legitimate fucking drug cartel leaders with who knows how many murders on their heads will make even his pardoning spree remembered in a poor light. It's really too bad nobody around has a direct line to the top yet, it would make Obama look as bad as when Putin decided against expelling the diplomats. Pardoning this one old ill injun will basically give the adoration of Bernouts for at least one term, and Steiners for life, unlike Assange who's been trashed by the DNC enough for normies to turn on him, this old coot's still an untouchable libtard hero. Fuck, this would be an insane political upset if he's pardoned at any time by Trump. It's a 100% unassailable political boon.
There's only about 40k left of his tribe too, so unlike freeing some rando groid addict, of which Obama has done like a thousand of and each emboldening the millions of rioters in BLM more, there's like no literal lasting downside. lpdoc.blogspot.com
it'd drop all sorts of immense ass-damage on the spooks, the MSM who have been yelling for his release since the 1980s, Obama, for passing up such an easy opportunity, and the Clintons, which you could also use to mention how Bill pardoned (((Marc Rich))) instead of the ol' injun when the opportunity came up prisoncensorship.info
I can't believe Obama would've been so stupid as to reject it while passing out pardons like candy on Halloween, the fuck even. This is an unheard of level of incompetence.
FFS how can he stand to call himself a politician and pass up something like this
"Hey Obama, free this old warwhooper and we forgive the dronings and try and pretend you had a good legacy!"
"Naaaah, my writing hand is feeling pretty stiff. I think these Morenos are the last I'll be able to do, yep. Boy, it sure sucks for him I was too pussy to use heavier weights, huh?"
hell, could even do some sorta conditional pardon, like "you go free but your family can't sue, legal expenses and nothing else" and put him out with a bag full of quarters.
After finishing with undoing all Obama's executive orders, I'd make that the very next thing to sign.
I mean if you just jewgle up the guy's name, and look at all the international orgs this would placate immediately…
Trade one Injun for disarming all of BLM or punting at least half of Commiefornia's illegals unchallenged? Fuckin' ayyyy. Take that in a second.
Besides which a lot of that case always reminded me of the shit they pulled when forging charges on WNs like the NatAll and Pierce, Butler, and Steele. Oldfags probably remember those.
also random funny thing I just looked up, despite their tribe/activist org being socialist as fuck…..
them red men went
hell I'd say do it just so they would spend the next 20 years slapping those Minneapolis virtue signalers down over no democrat bothering to pardon him, but a "racist republican nazi sexist" did.
That's the only rational explanation for this I can think of.
Fucking Obama.
Because they're all fucking traitors who are working for their owners, not America or Americans.
Serious question, why does the President even have the power to pardon people?
muh turkeys
The presidential power to pardon was derived from the royal English Prerogative of Kings.
In the Federalist papers Hamilton argues that "humanity and good policy" require that "the benign prerogative of pardoning" was necessary to mitigate the harsh justice of the criminal code. The pardon power would provide for "exceptions in favor of unfortunate guilt."
The anti-Federalists, including Samuel Adams and Thomas Jefferson, were against its addition citing examples of royal abuses of the pardon power in Europe, and warned that the same would happen in the new republic.
lol only if they're playing Griffith.
Seems to be some kinna rule only manly menz properly /fit/ can be gatsu. Also the occasional horrifyingly beastly woman. I'll spare you that one.
I'm confident these dumb beaners will revert right back to their old ways and will be arrested in the U.S. or otherwise liquidated.
Why can't he execute them instead of pardoning them? I fail to see the benefits for USA by pardoning the murderous drug lords.
user they were guilty of DRUG crimes which is a code word whites use for institutionalized racism. They didndu anything wrong and honestly I'm ashamed of Holla Forums for falling for this meme
There's more to it, it starts off reasonable then ends up completely off the wall, would recommend giving it a look.
Obviously this is a deliberate action to further hamper Trump in some way. I can imagine these Cartel leaders causing an incident to sabotage Trump as part of the deal in getting pardon. CIA is definitely up to something.
No not that one, he pardoned that puerto rican terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera
REEEE, get your own city names you cunts.
That likely falls under the 7th Amendment, not allowing courts to reexamine a court case at a later date. But that's just a guess.
Kek wills it.
How is Obama still free?
If this shit does not have a proper explanation then we need to turn vigilante now and arouse the local police and anyone we know in the army.
This shit stops NOW.
Why the fuck is the politically incorrect forum the only place that seems to give a fuck?
Like the above peeps said, druuuugs mah man, drugs!
seriously, they haven't stopped since Mena, I reckon they only realised they should never use domestics
gotta start with Gary Webb and go from there!
that's the (((elites'))) interest, but the real moneymaking is in keeping the narcotic flow going.
The Morenos were probably unlucky CIA contacts that got sent before a non-compromised judge.
They literally threatened exactly this last week.
Should be some fun times ahead.
CBS: Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman arrives in U.S. after extradition
Reuters: Trump to visit CIA headquarters on Saturday: transition official
So they're delivering his head to him on a platter after he tried to say he'd assassinate Trump eh?
is it possible for the US to declare a state of war between the USA and the cartels, and if so can we have every US citizen the is a member or aids the cartel be sentenced to death?
Depends on a number of things. Let's say one of these guys ended up pleading guilty to the charges and it was prosecuted by the State of Texas or a smaller level of government than the feds, then the Feds could technically come in and make a federal case out of it I believe as it's two separate jurisdictions. Theoretically it could happen but I doubt it would be very cut and dry and it would be a slow process.
This is assuming they stay in the country or don't get killed by the people that took their place. Unless they have established outside contacts or go into some protection/relocation program I don't see them having high life expectancy.
You raise a good point user, why the fuck would Obama pass up these easy legacy points, unless someone twisted his arm and told him no? There must be some oldfag spooks who really hate this Indian's guts and want him to die in prison.
Can someone honestly explain to me why kind nigger is pardoning hundreds of criminals? Is there a reason? And what reason does he give the people? I know it's probably to further destroy white America but why is anyone tolerating it? Even at face value it's just an awful thing to do.
The reason he gave was literally to reduce bloat in our prisons. He made a twitter post praising himself over it. :^)
That's fucking retarded. Like a sewer overflowing, and you dump human shit into your neighbor's lawn and praise yourself for reducing the stress on your septic tank.
Why not pardon a bunch of white teenagers who get caught with some marijuana? Way less dangerous, by god.
The audacity of this nigger, can't wait for the history books to be rewritten with him as the figurehead of a failed jewish coup, his legacy will be the same as his skin colour, pure shit.
I want to tenderly love beako.
what if the president doing the deed was proven to be an illegitimate president after his term was over? would his word still be law?
Pointless kike lawyering right there.
Did you post that SJW cartoon ironically? I'm too fucking tired to use logic right now.
Steven Universe is the cancerous piece of shit favored by tumblrinas, special snowflakes and then some.
Yes, ironically. I don't know who would ever like that stupid show, or why.
Is King Nigger trying to set Trump up to piss off the cartels?
Likely. Remember, Islamic terrorists were apparently found in france to have used guns supplied from the USA - likely through their *operations* in mexico.
I'm becoming more convinced he's literally a part of the cartel - or just a gullible idiot to allow the intelligence services to do that.
I mean Jesus Christ - "supply weapons to a criminal syndicate to trace where the weapons ended up"
What the fuck were they smoking? Crack?
Lurk more grasshopper
Just a quick question - how are you finding your news sources? Google?
Because Google news has become more and more inadequate as it becomes more and more 1984.
Its almost like Obongo is trying to fuck shit up as much as possible as he shiffles out the door.
Typical nigger.
Just look at this shit.
Digusting. Have a bump. Can Trump reverse these pardons?
It will make it much MORE profitable to bring drugs in. In the scenario of scarceness of any resource price goes up, in the case of banned drugs quality (in this case percentage of smuggled ingredient) also declines.
For example Bongs are Europe’s biggest cocaine users, it is also harder to smuggle cocaine into Britain then most other nations owing to her natural mote. Prices for the raw product are almost twice the cost but the consumer product is nearly the cheapest in the whole of Europe. This is because the quality is very low. So we see, the smuggler makes more money, “quality” declines but demand remains the same.
The wall is just plain common sense and should have been built ages ago, it’s a great but it won’t stop the drug problem it will just mutate it.
I'm memorizing this. All of it. The names, the places, the dates, the events. And then I'm telling everyone I know.
Memorize this. ALL of it. This cannot stay confined to our minds. This is more and more proof that Obama is a chaotic satanist or what ever you want to call it. He is evil and loves this evil kind of shit.
Kek is the cancer killing Holla Forums
Holla Forums was born in the anime… formed by it.
No, no..
MOE is what is killing anime.
Holla Forums is fine
Shouldn't this be forwarded to right/conservative media?
Nope. They are still ass scorched from losing the election, and salting the earth where the remaining wall will be built is their 'final' fart.
because he's a nigger.
George webb has said something about some sinaloa cartel being propped up through that whole fast and furious thing for some kind of "gladio" disruption program
says we're going to start seeing "terrorist attacks" from mexico, goes into talking about the cache of gaddafi's stinger missiles chris stevens got killed over
but I guess the missile thing is all just speculation! we'll see!
Is the secret border war still going on?
At this point it's still the major networks who provide the lion's share of coverage. Not much one can do about that but link what they report in the absence of other sources. Everyone knows they are shit.
King Nigger goes full scorched earth
What a fucking nigger
You do know that the investigation into Obama's birth certification concluded it was a forgery, right?
And that the investigation concluded late last year and there was a press conference December 17th, 2016?
If someone were to snipe them as they returned home I don't think the world would care so much.
"Human rights" activists
Here's a reason…
They do it all the time and like to shake the box full of secrets you aren't allowed to see in your face to convince people it's effective. It's obvious that the US controls the cartels, or at least is influential within the sphere of violence.
I'm surprised more DEA or FBI agents don't kill themselves over this shit. They're treated like infants in a daycare.
That's not unheard of. Stacey Koon (former LAPD) was charged and acquitted of Police Brutality
Now user, you're not being racist are you? ;^)
This is why we need RWDS, to take care of obvious corruption in our midst that isn't going to get right on its own without forceful intervention.
You are giving retarded normies way way too much credit for intelligence and common sense.
Every trump supporter I know doesn't care about mobs/cartels. They are generally sociopaths. Nothing will be done about any of this. When I hear people glorifying crime in public, I see Trump supporters hover around them. They don't hate crime, they hate that they arent getting a cut. Movies like Goodfellas that are supposed to be a cautionary tale are jerked off to by every Trump Supporter I know. At some point you fags gotta choose a side. I get it, haha, something bad happened to someone haha so funny everyone point and laugh. At some point somethings gonna fall on you, and you will have nobody to turn to. I've been where you are, but it's time to stop being school boys. Start taking this shit seriously before it's too late.
is that a half-black half-asian chick?
Thanks for the pasta.
I didn't know Hitler liked pasta.
OY BEY sudj hade for er menbally handjobbered.
OObama creating his own army. Favor done favor need repaying. fuckin chimp
Hopefully with Trump now president, the location of these cartels can be released or a few covert FBI agents can spend some time with these cartel fucks.
Can they put them on the OTHER side of the wall?
Not that cuck, but both are great for their own reasons.
DO NOT send this level of faggotry our way
these government agencies work with/extort the cartels
pay attention
The worst thing about this is the FBI destroyed those MG-34s. Fucking animals.
Oh wait nevermind that's in Mexico, they probably just sold them to a different cartel.
How many of them think that banning guns will stop gun crime?
They've been releasing coke dealers for some time, Clinton did the same, cant put my finger on the reasoning specifically
To continue the chokehold and drug dependency of their respective voting bloc. They want to continue allowing the scum to propagate as it means more poverty and more poverty=more voters for the Democrats.
Popularity mostly.
Anti-moe is codeword for anti-White.
Pardon me but literal gay cuck racemixing protagonist overcompensating by being edgy is not exactly what I view as "great". I'll give you that it had some great tits though.
Fucking ridiculous this is distinct proof that illegals are voting. This woman needs to be removed.
Anti-moe is codeword for Make Anime Great Again
Just four of them? Bullshit.
Nope look at the above link there's a list of all of King Nigger's commutations. Seems that it was almost a monthly thing for king nigger to shorten sentences on people who smuggled over 100kg of druggs into the country. Sometimes shortening to almost immediate release.
King nigger has been actively helping out the drugg smugglers lol.
Nope. Some autists proved this wrong. Grill isn't a nigger, too many European facial features.
The CIA has been involved with organized crime and the drug trade since forever.
such upstanding citizens, immigration truly lets the best of the best in!
Its a completely unregulated source of funding for Black Book projects that even Congress isn't supposed to know about. The CIA in its current incarnation depends upon this, which explains Obama's pardons (a pawn to the very end)
prisoner swap
damn he pardended cartel?
Cool, more weed
I think I see a couple of them in the image.
Because we care and are not living in the fairytale world.
Dear mexibros,
I'm sorry our last president is sending back some bad hombres,
and not so sorry our current president is sending back a whole lot more.
Give it your best shot.
seriously though Obama is a sack of shit
Gas yourself, Shlomo. Your D&C tactics don't work on us.
Bumping for interest, I can only hope these foul men are deported first.