Why does large tech companies treat their consumers like nigger cattle Holla Forums? All I ever want is for them to respect me as a consumer, that's all. Why is that so hard for them to understand.
Why does large tech companies treat their consumers like nigger cattle Holla Forums...
If 99% of all the customers behaves like nigger cattle then the 1% left won't be considered.
Why would they have to respect you? You are NOT the customer. You are the PRODUCT. You "literally" are cattle to them.
I wish to live somewhere where no nigger-cattle are allowed.
I would also treat my customers like cattle if I were in any position to do so. The average population is just so fucking stupid it would be a waste not to exploit them.
Natural selection at work
Ever heard of old say, what goes around comes around? If you keep abusing the power you have, soon you'll realized that all that power you had will be used against you.
Nah, bad people always win. I am sure I could get away with everything by bribing everyone through my journey.
Because normalfags don't care how they're treated as long as they have their bread and circuses, user.
You'll get outjewed by a bigger jew than you.
You'd need to go back as far as the Pentium III and Windows 2000 days. After that came the Netburst megahurtz housfires and XP fisher price theme, and it all went down from there.
With global markets your physical location is irrelevant.
Because you're a narcissist who thinks companies need to tailor their products to your personal autism
fuck off tard
That bigger jew wont stop existing just because you stop jewing. Might as well get your shekels when you can.
OP probably thinks he is Facebook or Google's 'customer'. People that naive do not deserve respect.
At the rate software design is going, you'll be begging for the return of XP fisher price theme.
Most consumers behave like niggercattle and therefore we get the brunt end of their retardation.
I said it went all down from there, so obviously XP was much better conceptually than what we ended up with (not to mention, you could just enable classic theme anyway). Win2k was pretty much the last Windows where you as a user could have the impression you are being taken seriously and not treated like a retard by default.
Problem is that the minority who is not retarded takes collateral damage when everything available to them is designed with retards in mind, you are only exempt if you are actually filthy fucking rich so you can afford custom-made high-quality luxury things for everything and don't ever need to rely on anything that's generic and mass-produced.
Economies of scale and the race to the bottom have taken much of the profit out of technology, so selling your data has become the new hot thing in the last decade or so.
Thing is, there are still plenty of ways to stay off the nigger cattle plantation. Run a Free OS, use email hosted on some decent platform, stop pretending you need a phone, block ads and surf over Tor and you’ve starved the beast pretty well. If you can set people up with such a setup you multiply the effects.
The timeline is ripe for conversion away from social media like Facebook, too - that mean old Drumpf is going to keep stealing all the data no matter what so people might as well stop using it altogether. This argument will work on the soyim.