Niggerlovers of Tinder

Niggerlovers of Tinder

I wonder how many got dicked with AIDS. Aryans with great genes as well for the most part. Truly sickening.

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Humanitarians of Tinder? People from Tinder are now virtue signalling about being "humanitarians"? Fucking seriously?

Disgusting, and that girl is gorgeous and should be spending her energy on building a family with a white man. On the bright side, at least she is satisfying her "negro outreach" by working with children instead of fucking random niggers (assuming of course she's not).


These huminatarian girl workers are usually not coalburners. They subconsciously see all niggers as subhumans who they have to help with every little thing and that definitely doesn't make them wet. Add to that how most Africans actually are very religious and muh dick casual sex is usually not tolerated, believe it or not. They'd have to marry one of the niggers to burn the coal.

I know this because I actually worked a summer in an African country and where I was there were plenty of all these holier-than-thou spoiled white women doing humanitarian work and we interacted a lot with them through our job.

the egos on these cunts

(Those digits tho…)

Where is this magical place? Because that AIDS epidemic came from somewhere, friend, and when I was in Africa, sex was pretty much the only form of free entertainment available.

(Yes, our staff was informed that drilling oil was verboten, if only for the potential complications of an HIV infection or worse, pregnancy)

multiple wives and husbands with a very loosely adhered to legal system for marriage and frequent rape though

Kek yeah
vid related tbh

Those that actually do go out and help them in Africa do it simply to help and less to virtue signal.
If you see some post about it on kikebook or similar it's mostly to raise awarness of the shit that happens down thaere and that you can go and actually help if you wish to do so.
Those that write the whole fucking time about it without moving a finger to actually do something about it are the ones you should despise.

Most of these are from Belgium, Flanders to be specific.
Probably Ghent.


Except rape, gang rape and ritual rape.

They can do it themselves, stop cutting their aid for not allowing faggot degeneracy and africa will develop.


I just can't help it.



Those are just virtue signalers.
I've got many of them on FB. They take that one picture with a nog and forget about it.
But just 1 that is a major coal burner.

Fuck off Schlomo, take your cuckshit back to >>>/4cuck/


user you are fucking lying or perhaps your perception was fucked up by being a "foreign worker" in the summer they acted differently towards you. I have been living in Africa for over 27 years and that has too be the most ignorant statement about Africa I have ever read.


Checking those trips

That's a swedecuck, what a shame, she is a real beauty. feelsbadman

Nevermind she's Dutch or South African since the guys Tinder is dutch too.

ilse, nah mane, dat be a flemish or dutchie, eitha way mane, she gettin dicked
peace out bix nood


It's always the blond ones as well, what the fuck?


The whiter the genes the more exploitable the philantrophy

Do you hate sand niggers or do you just co-opt their terms?

You are Dutch ya moron

The audacity


Well Africa is fucking massive. I guess South Africa is different due to being (((progressive))) to overthrow the white man. I was in West Africa.

My Aunt is one of them. Literally went to Nigeria to help those chimplets.

I wish they'd adopt afrikaans children instead

here, different id. Was in Mali, not Suidafrika, so I'm pretty surprised still.

We hate everything, even each other it's really shitty.

Well shit thanks for telling me. Will let the fam know


Been across this Godforsaken continent. Furthest away I ever went was Kenya, they know when you are a foreigner and a amabulu. They are on their best behavior in front of you guys for the gibs, they talk about Christianity a lot and have very flamboyant rituals and shit but when you work with them in their normal environment they revert back.

Mali niggers are top tier when I comes too niggers though.

What about all the stories I hear of sex tourism in Africa? Of 40 year-old landwhales going to Africa and having threesomes with the locals? Or working at refugee centers and sleeping with the refugees for easy sex?

Or is it just a matter of how attractive the humanitarian worker is?

At least they're all gonna die from AIDs and I guess other diseases

It must shows you how noble the White man is

is this cracker really throwing up a "blood" gang sign?

Nice quads
by interacting a lot, I'm assuming you actually meant you gave them a good dicking ?

It looks like a dyke.

Of course not. Nigger women just don't do it for me. Plus by the time I had been there for a while I was so extremely disgusted with Africans and their entire culture of laziness, entitledness, sloppiness and overall fucking awfulness that I wanted as little to do with them as possible.

user surely meant the white women doing humanitarian work.

I bet you she's German. Why do the German's and the Swede's love niggers so much? Even before the Kikes and SJW's took over the media in open sight, it was always the fucking Germans to push for niggers. This is not based on the internet but shit that my friends and I see on a daily basis. See a blonde girl with gorilla, oh right, she's German. It's so fucking bad that we don't even guess. They are all fucking Germans.

Which country was it? I disagree with you based on the fact that these holier than though women would be looking after their own if they really were what you say. I'm assuming you're a mixture and were not black enough to their liking or that you're telling the truth and were fortunate to be a part of the 1%.

Nothing cures aids like having sex with white women or babies.

Amen broer. But they are brainwashed. They are part of the reason South Africa is the way it is. They have caused it and their pandering to a majority that will never be content is their futile attempt at trying to assimilate a colorblind world. These are the true racists of our societies.

So all you have to do is go on a holiday to Africa, take some pictures of yourself 'helping' them and you're a humanitarian? I'm more and more okay with the whole civilization just going up in flames, we're like a parody of the worst aspects of ourselves. Narcissistic to the point of retardation, but with a societal urge to appear altruistic.

you have AIDS

Yeah, usually the "humanitarians" are Christcucks too, so not really all about promiscuous sex.

'Travellers' are the worst people in the history of a shitty species. In my country(UK), one of the main sources of these cunts, there are adverts running from travel agents with the tag line 'travel yourself interesting' And a good 50% of middle and upper class kids believe it's that simple.

It's the same reason they will spend time or money at an animal shelter but walk past a homeless white guy without batting an eye. It's because they see the white guy as human, therefore responsible for his own situation. They see niggers as animals who need to be coddled and are never responsible for themselves.

These genes can't be that great if white women invite their invaders and while their men are getting cucked 24/7 and love it.

Seriously, these women are worse than the ones with rapefugee signs!


It's the same as any product. People have replaced having skills or some personality with buying junk and passively "experiencing" shit.

The irony of course being that these economically priviliged kids are taught to absolutely hate their countries poor, especially if they're poor and white. The attitude that pervades is that poor whites got themselves into that situation, whereas 'we' made the Africans poor.

Nice bait. I'll still eat it. It's not true. These dumb whores are not only coalburning but perform an active act of genocide on their own people by chosing to help incompatible, degenerate and inferior ethnicities.

It's called Telescopic Altruism.

Picture related is a volunteer helper at a refugee center in germoney. The coal is being burned in metric tons. This is just one of thousands of examples taken from goyim book. Some of them are borderline porn pics being posted by these whores sucking shitskin and nigger dick.

Now imagine those flying overbroad. They're going on a dick sucking rampage. If they have a cuck husband, they will also return with 3 nigglets for adoption.

I've never disliked a person more from seeing a single picture of them. Nogs should be more offended at what that shitcunt is doing than me calling them nogs.

Modern men are facing their own crisis. But the collapse of masculinity, especially among Whites (and the Japanese), is of a different character than what’s happening to Western women. While masculinity is fading (or being deliberately driven out), certain inherent characteristics of femininity are being skewed and exaggerated to the point they are becoming dominant and destructive. Weak men are essentially becoming women in psychological temperament and outlook, and women themselves are becoming caricatures of irrationality and hysteria, especially when it comes to morality and “pathological altruism.”

Pathological Altruism is defined as a sincere attempt to help others that instead harms others or oneself. Writing on the phenomenon, Jared Taylor observes some people believe Pathological Altruism is the result of an “excessively female brain.”

As Taylor notes, the male equivalent on the other side of the spectrum is autism, far more common in men than women.

Yet the strength of culture is reflected in the way it can incorporate and even take advantage of “dysfunctional” impulses. Just as autists can make huge contributions to human society (but shouldn’t necessarily be running the show), we see case after case of women displaying what we might call “pathological altruism” but having it funneled into productive ends. You can’t save everyone, and people who want to save everyone drive themselves insane. But you can make productive use of these people.

The Catholic nun laboring away for the poor and unfortunate in various charitable institutions and hospitals is an example of how an emotional addiction to altruism, sublimated under discipline, can be transformed into the basis of organizations that help people. Today, however, this impulse is less funneled into direct charitable or humanitarian endeavors than into political activism. We see an especially destructive form of this in our discussion of immigration.

Many women (and men for that matter) don’t so much want to help people as they want to be seen helping people (hence, Humanitarians of Tinder). But the people who truly frighten me are those who actually mean it. They are political Cat Ladies.

A real Cat Lady isn’t an old feminist (her grey hair dyed pink) sitting at home with her cats: it’s a mentally unstable women who “rescues” animals she can’t care for. Again, Taylor:

The Cat Lady doesn’t actually help of the creatures she claims she loves. She also destroys her own life. But because of the emotional satisfaction she receives from these “rescues” and the deep psychological needs that are fulfilled, she can’t stop herself.

This particular form psychosis came to mind when watching Ann Coulter’s remarkable interview with the openly anti-White (and needless to say, White skinned and blue eyed) Jorge Ramos to promote her new book Adios America. The highlight came when a mujer gorda, an illegal immigrant and member of the Parasite Class, waddled to the microphone and demanded to give Coulter a hug as a symbol of “my humanity and yours.” Like a character from Akira, Coulter was able to avoid being absorbed into the bulbous mass of flesh, but the “undocumented activist,” like so many of those “living in the shadows,” immediately hit the interview circuit to be praised about how courageous she is for repeating establishment talking points.

One can only the imagine the reaction if a man demanded to give a female liberal pundit a hug as a symbol of shared humanity–he’d probably be charged with rape on the spot. Yet the invader’s clumsy attempt at emotional blackmail was portrayed as a great triumph for the pro-Amnesty cause, even though her very presence on national television shows illegals face no danger from immigration law enforcement.

Even though most of the "refugees" are men, I have yet to see a white man take one of the women.

Indeed, Ramos stubbornly refused to answer the question posted by Coulter about whether there is any limit to how many Mexicans are expected to be admitted by the United States. Ramos, after initially letting slip he thought 30 million illegals were in America before retreating back to the more palatable figure of 11 million, essentially admitted there should be no limits. He did recycle the traditional claim the only reason Mexicans are in the country is “economics,” implying that immigration will continue as long as Mexico remains economically inferior to the United States. And as that inferiority is likely to last forever (or at least until America is actually transformed into just another extension of Mexico), America is obligated to accept unlimited numbers of migrants for all time.

The rationale behind this is pure Cat Lady morality. Because the average individual’s life is “better” in America or Europe than in the Third World, it follows that all people must be allowed to enter the country. This is the justification behind the “rescue missions” being launched by smug Cat Ladies to bring African boat people to Europe, even though these “migrants” tend to be males of military age rather than helpless women and children. Similarly, because all White Americans arrived in the Western Hemisphere from Europe at some point, as Alan Colmes lectured Peter Brimelow, limits on immigration are unfair.

The logical conclusion is for America as a legal entity to simply abolish any concept of citizenship and allow both unlimited immigration and voting by illegals. And a majority of Democrats and a significant number of Republicans actually believe this, with almost a full third of likely U.S. voters agreeing illegals should vote as long as they pay taxes. (They don’t, at least not anything close to what Americans pay, although illegals still get “refunds” even if they don’t pay.)

The assumption here is that the prosperity and high quality of life in White nations can be sustained forever, even if the actual population of those countries is completely replaced. And it’s not that the “new Americans” are simply interchangeable with Europeans or European-Americans, they are actually superior as they will redeem the West’s history of racism and exclusion.

The cynical motivations behind all of this, from the corporate desire for cheap labor, the Left’s need for welfare dependent votes, the economic motivations for Christian “refugee” groups that are actually for-profit businesses, and the sneering contempt for Whites by organized Jewish groups are all part of this. But we should not underestimate the degree to which many Europeans and European-Americans really believe this and take pleasure from the dispossession of their own people. Self-hatred is obviously part of it, but a greater motivation seems to be the pleasure people derive from “helping” Third World unfortunates who are perceived as lacking agency. And it doesn’t seem like a coincidence that the unhinged women leading so many of these egalitarian crusades lack children of their own, instead transferring their empathy to moral mascots they only have to talk to when they are slumming it.

Today, there’s no pleasure to be found in helping an equal or rallying to a superior; real pleasure is to be found to liberating the agency-free “oppressed,” so long as you don’t have to deal with the messy reality of actually improving their lives. This is also why the immigration issue, unlike transportation or health care, is not a public policy issue so much as a moralistic, sacred cause to Open Borders advocates. The SPLC, for example, is indignantly demanding Coulter be cut off from all access to television and radio.

Most of these “social justice campaigns,” from foreign aid to Africa to cracking down on the police in Baltimore, actually hurt the very people they are designed to help. But that’s beside the point to every wide eyed Cat Lady who fancies herself Daenerys Targaryen. Rising rates of crime in the inner city, the support of corruption in the Third World, or economic collapse in communities welfare programs are supposed to be “helping” don’t register any more than rotting kitty carcasses in the living room bother a crazed woman who has devoted her life to animal “rescue.” And just as the neighbors have to live with consequences of a hoarder’s insanity, so Whites generally have to deal with the crime, economic collapse, and societal disintegration caused by the desire of unstable people to feel good about themselves.

These impulses are eternal and will never fully be removed. It’s not about exterminating those Whites who hate us but reorienting them. A functional society isn’t just the one that’s most “right wing” but one that can incorporate these different motivations and impulses in such a way that everyone can still be a productive and beneficial member of their society.

In our society, we end up with SJWs and their Cat Lady morality destroying their own people in order to feed their mental illness. In a based society with proper leadership, even an excess of a “horizontal” temperament can be put under discipline to help those vulnerable members of the folk who need it.

Western society is so heavily feminized (as even Bill Maher admitted) that redressing the balance and restoring masculine virtue is the first step to imposing any kind of political sanity. But even if that is accomplished, as Richard Spencer has said in the past, you are never going to get rid of “Right” and “Left.” Or as Jack Donovan might put it, the more masculine “Vertical” and more feminine “Horizontal” viewpoint. The necessity isn’t domination, it’s obtaining an Exit by any means necessary and using the opportunity to create a superior system.

After all, what do we have left? The more talk there is about solidarity and universal empathy, the more social trust and actual community is destroyed. When we hear someone babbling about “self-evident” truths like “human rights,” we know we are hearing a sales pitch just as cynical as any attempt to push another high interest credit card. And when you let Cat Ladies who get off on suffering run your country, you don’t end up with a Great Society filled with compassion, but a Great Slum containing only filth and failure, fit only for demolition.

some VERY rare female shitskins are quite attractive, but even then I can't get over their mud eyes and frequent hook noses. Some are racemixed into european looks but I still feel deterred.


Agreed….But I don't think you've seen saffa jews before. They're full blown jews but live in a country controlled by niggers. These fuckers racemix like they're bodybuilders on steroids. It's like a movement or some shit. They even encourage others to do so. Which makes me think that locally the supposed "movement of free love" is not a white thing at all, but rather an insecurity for people such as kikes, a fuckup such as white trash, a loss of traditional values such as the white girl who loses her compass.

Also, despite my points made… You are extremely correct in your view… Which is why it is useful to argue that to people who refuse to think realistically in an environment where evidence has outnumbered beliefs. I do belong to a faith… I understand there are certain caveats to those who are secular and refuse to inspect… but I find a large group of those who see both evidence and falsified belief systems such as "we are one race", etc growing and growing.

I fully blame two factions for the reason South Africa is the way it is.

First Mandela's communist terrorist ANC. Mandela regularly bombed white people, innocent people. They weren't bombing military targets or opressing institutions, nope just on the street bombing places where people would gather. It was to cause a communist revolution in South Africa with equality and the white man's oppression through apartheid broken. The main funding for the ANC came from prominent wealthy jews so that the revolution could take place.

Second the US congress that fully backed the ANC after they got rid off some of their communistic roots. The US congress imposed massive sanctions on South Africa, soon Europe joined and South Africa started to crumble a bit economically. It started being worse economically than southern European countries due to the sanctions. Eventually due to both international and internal pressure (civil war) the apartheid regime resigned. After this South Africa slowly fell even farther behind European countries, but the sanctions were lifted yet the country became worse.

White flight happened and the only ones left there are oppresed by the blacks who are now in charge. But the ANC is not really in charge, the one really in charge is the US and its congress.

I was DISGUSTING to see world leaders mourn Mandela. That man and his party is responsible for the current shitfest that is South Africa.


I'm still living here and I agree.
I also blame the (((Whites))) who were so anti-apartheid. I would love to see where the big names who fought it are today. More so, where there family is today. Even the Ruperts, I blame.

But being bitter about a situation out of our control is not healthy. Understanding and knowing truth is useful. Not admitting defeat but surviving, regrouping, being strong in the face of adversity and getting a comfortable life at the same time is still achievable. The risks are high but so is the fact that so many americans think they are on top of the world when their country is clearly going to shit in terms of mindset. I am sure life is so much better that side, but we are both fighting the same enemy and are both a minority in our countries… A literal minority for us and an ideological minority in mindset based off of new age and hedonistic beliefs that are so far off I wonder if there is any hope at all. This is why I keep returning to this compromised place.

Because I know people such as yourself value the truth higher than what public opinion cares to admit. The biggest joke about the US was the SA has nukes and they flew in their own guys, and for 3 solid weeks cemented and sealed all our nuclear stockpiles, including warheads, rocket motors, enriched uranium, etc, etc before giving it over to that famous communist terrorist whose coffin had holes drilled into it so the worms could kots. Funny how PW die veraaier, the great traitor walks around with no noose despite his very own wife being raped and murdered. A slow clap for liberal advances and communist ideals… once again proving that what we once had, was a whole lot better for all, including black and white.

What a waste.

he is probably talking about north and east africa, everything below the sahara is pure aids and diseases

numbers don't lie

would someone post the .webm of that one crudely-drawn and animated satirical mandela video?


Is it possible to pick up random girls without Tinder nowadays?

"Attractive", i've seen immigrants with 60 year old ladies because they give them free shit. It's absolutely fucking disgusting.

You do realise most of us has been living in jewish-influenced societies for over a century? Starting with papers, along with radio and tv. And they have been pushing for the noble savages for decades.


Yes it's possible to pick up random girls on twitter, but why would you do that instead of looking for a wife? Do you want to spend your late teens and 20's looking for as much "muh dick" as possible? Or would you rather get a jump start on your career, paying off a house, and starting a family?

Do you want to be one of these guys who has a Son at 39 and can't keep up with you kid because you're too old when he's a teenager? Furthermore the longer you wait to find a wife the harder it is to get a pure virgin with sub 5% divorce rates. Unless you're mormon or orthodox you're not going to find that easily after 25.

Look I'll admit that from a base level "muh dick" is fun because your biological prerogative is to spread your DNA as far as possible in the same way it's also your biological prerogative to eat as much food as possible to survive periods of famine. But modern life no longer reflects our ancestral needs, we need to be smart and "muh dick" is a losing move.

Buddy they havent developed this entire time, they aren't ever going to develope. They are niggers.

wew, lad. Go fap and report back whether you still find them remotely attractive

Can confirm, Flanders girls are coal burners. Antwerp girls like to be muh dicked

Wtf are you talking about? There are approx. 1.6 million people volunteering internationally every year. And 800,000 - 1.1 million of them are from the US.

is this sinead?

Actually this is more true than most here would like to admit. Women are keenly aware of who's above them and who's below them, and you're either one or the other.

Oh, no I didn't. There was never any real opportunity and I'm not exactly Chad Thundercock.

I'm white mate. I don't really know what you're on about.

nice moobs.

you know Im a edgy fucking WN autist but going to africa as a niggerlover and throwing up stupid section 8 dumbass gangster nigger hand signs in front of little kids who don't have running water and worry about cannibal warlords forcing them into combat is disgusting and makes me want to frag that fucking faggot

Lest we forget.