Here you go leafanons, take this spicy meme. It's all we'll need to prevent this crypto-Jew from becoming PM. Yes, he the quote is real.
Praise kek!
Here you go leafanons, take this spicy meme. It's all we'll need to prevent this crypto-Jew from becoming PM. Yes, he the quote is real.
Praise kek!
Webm of source.
How does that skeleton still have it's hair?
I'm not sure who actually likes this guy. Even the cucks think he's a fake.
Canada is doomed.
She needs to lift a bit and eat some sammiches amirite?
More like he is dog whistling that homosexuals are as degenerate as goat fuckers.
Them titties though.
And to think shills we're trying to sell him as the Canadian Trump….LMAO
I know, right? He is clearly a crypto-Jew, one of the easiest to spot I have ever seen. Just look at those beady eyes.
Basically this. He seems like the definition of a controlled opposition, meant to derail the more nationalistic candidates. The closest one to Trump's policies I think is some woman, which would give male feminist Cuckdeau all kinds of problems since she would probably use that against him to an amusing degree.
Kelly Leitch. I wonder if Trudeau would let her win because he is more feminist than he is globalist.
It would be fun to see what would happen if he ran against her, assuming she too is not controlled. In the end, I want to see some fireworks and Trudeau slapped around.
Controlled or not, her "conservative" policies are almost as left as Trudeau's. The immigration will never stop.
WGFD tbh famalam
Wyoming Game and Fish Department represent.
I appear to be permanently banned from cuckchan. If someone would be so kind as to cross-post this meme, blessings of kek be upon thee.
is he still better than cucktin tredalalala?
nah nevermind, I'm watching the full version of this interview and while I would love to have the man as a partner in business, politically he's a no go. evidently he doesn't understand the wall. even though being a man basing decisions of economics should make it a foregone conclusion.
canada doesn't build walls because america has always been canada's first line of defense.
- Jewish
- pro-bestiality / animal marriage
- pro-gay
- pro forced euthanization of the elderly (what the FUCK?)
No really, what the fuck? Look at his words here (@0:34):
"We MUST have it in Canada. It is a compassionate way for families to make peace with elders, a way of respect for them, and out of their own wishes if they don't want to suffer."
So the suicide would only be with the elder's consent if they wish to avoid suffering, but it seems to be implied it could be done for: reasons that are not to avoid suffering, and/or not with the elder's consent.
What the actual fuck.
yeah fuck this guy
who do i vote for
then again our ecomony and money stuff is fucked but i mean, i dont want muslims and stoners fucking my dog
user, canadian politics is such a clusterfuck that there are literally not even remotely good candidates so you have to take anything even remotely not Trudeau or Harper or those other guys.
Voting is pointless, how new are you?
Max Bernier
He's the guy we should all vote for.
He's the one that would be the more able to harmonize our tax and economy to Trump's reformed America. As a Libertarian, mild libertarian let's say, he's radical enough for Canada but still relatively mild and competent to make things work.
Depends, what kind of doggo does he have?
Only the freest.
"Conservatives" obsessed with the economy, seeing how Tredeau fucked up our Dollar. 50-60 middle aged white men.
Source: My dad.
They can bitch at each other all they want, they're both going into the >>>/oven/. I much prefer Max "Defund the CBC and fire everybody in Ottawa" Bernier.
or JUST Remove all the leafs - this "country" is fucked.
Levant is still using The Shekel Media to agitate the goyim against the Muslims, ISIS, Israel's bullshit in the middle East. They have been putting out good videos exposing anti-white racism, though, and even one about Canada printing its own money.
Shouldn't all countries do that?
The excuse for the fed to exist in USA is that if a country prints its own money it becomes zimbabwe dollars, yet inflation is still happening at a terrible rate despite no nationalized currency.
You realize that the reason the Jews declared war on Germany was because Hitler booted out the Jewish banks and printed the Deutschmark?
That excuse is a lie. Usury is a Jewish invention they have used to enslave the goyim for millennia.
I know but thats a heavy redpill for everyone that isn't initiated. How do I relay that argument to them without having to reveal everything about Hitler?
Oh I see, here's an easy way actually. Explain to them that 100% of the federal income tax they pay, goes to paying THE INTEREST on Canada's "deficit" (AKA the money borrowed from international Jewry). That always pisses them off. Explain to them that we've been swindled into borrowing money when we could have just made our own, and in fact that is what we used to do.
Instead of the money going to government it goes to pay interest.
The money was printed, but then loaned to the government.
The government itself could have printed it, and then there would be no interest.
Who are the organizations printing it and how do they have that power and to collect interest for it? Doesn't add up.
This is fucking retarded, nonhumans dont have personhood. As for bestiality it should be only your buisness what you do with your property. You want fuck it with - go for it.
I agreed. I don't care what people do in their own house as long as they keep their private life PRIVATE, and not act like the LGB degenerates who feel the need to inform everyone about their sexual perversions and even promote it as something good.
I have the perfect political party for you.
faggots can consent, kids and animals can't.
Thanks for the input, Libertarian.
You are welcome. I'm not libertarian btw
Isnt it the international bank of settlements who jews us? Who funds the federal government if not taxpayers? Must be the returns on their exceptional investment portfolio. 25,000 shares in Syrian Refugees my good man, it is destined to be a winner.
fucking mememagic man
Fuck off, you D&C cockguzzler.
Satan is the base nature of man.
i believe satan is just the result of the material body making you want to gain material wealth and fear losing the material possessions, and thus rules over earth symbolically through these fears and desires.
6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general. 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.
Its obvious what he is, controlled opposition to hand Trudeau another 4 years. Hes a slimeball and he has zero base.
So close to saying "control" but danced away because it makes him sound like he wants to "control" the country as an end goal, just so hes the guy in power.
Fucking leaves.
Congrats, you're an honorary fucking leaf.
You have to go back.
any thoughts on James Sears?
The guy seems to know his shit.
Sears is pretty good fro what I know. He really, really hates the Jews.
My leaf conservative buddies already wrote this guy off after he said he was anti gun.
He's not a true conservative and reeks of controlled opposition.
I went to Canada a couple of times in 2014. It was weird as shit being in Canada during a snowy white winter, but then all the people I saw were as dark as my fucking coffee. Toronto's a colony split between Pakistan and Jamaica.
We should look into options beyond Bernier and Leitch.
Blaney is pretty much explicitly copying Trump`s campaign, including using the slogan Canada First. Worth a look.
Scheer has support from some relatively good people, but he`s pHarper-like on immigration and multi-cult, ie cucked but still better than Trudeau. Probably more viable than Blaney.
What`s good about Bernier?
Yeah keep going you cucks.
Keep complaining about how a certain candidate isn't fitting what you want perfectly.
That's how Trudeau got elected. Surely Cucknada can last a few more years under him you stupid fucks.
Every time American politics gets more based Canadian politics get more retarded.
you got me, I'm an #O'learymissile now
Getting my CPC card just to vote for the man
You're gonna need Canadian Trump if you wanna beat Canadian Obama.
Trudeau Foundation is being investigated for fraud, and Cuckdeau himself for taking bribes from the communist Chinese.
In America, a Democrat president would never actually go down for that. You sound fairly optimistic.
I know Kevin's a wishy-washy kike, but nothing would make me happier than to see Weedman's legacy get the Obama treatment. I think it'd be a net gain. If you think the Mad Max guy has a better shot at winning then you should back him. But that should take priority. Whoever can beat King Faggot.
This needs to be highlighted for every leaf here who wants to vote in the Conservative leadership race:
https:// donate
Here is the link; membership for one year is 15 dollars; membership lists aren't checked, shared, or public in any meaningful form, but if you don't want to attach a credit card to your donation you can donate with one of those gift card Visas/Mastercards.
There was a thread floating around here that had three candidates picked out that sounded good, but the ones that I remember are Bernier and Leitch. We should also consider options beyond those, just in case. We have until May to pick one. The amount of people that are actually registered with a federal party at all are incredibly small, enough anons could come in and actually sway things in our favour.
I need to research Bernier, I don't know anything about him yet. I will meme the appropriate candidate at the appropriate time. I've chosen to meme O'Leary to death because I genuinely believe he would fuck us over and that he's controlled opposition.
I think the Jews must hate this meme, my twitter account (verified with phone number and everything) is completely shadow banned after tweeting the O'Leary goat meme a few times. Not a single one of my tweets shows up in a search anymore, no users can see my replies to the tweets etc.
I tested this by using a different VPN, logged out, as well as in Tor-Browser. All of my tweets are ghosted, gone, totally shadow banned. Again, this was on a confirmed with cell number and email address Twitter account.
He is just trying to get the muslim vote
We need to meme this on Twitter RIGHT NOW! Kevin O'Leary is trending on Twitter in Canada right now because he hit the interview circuit today and got a ton of press. There are tons of normies calling him 'GOD EMPEROR O'LEARY', even fucking frog posters.
I can't even post anything on Twitter, it seems every account I make from my IPs is shadow banned automatically. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Have you forgotten who controls the memes?
I don't trust this guy one bit. He looks like the ultimate personification of der ewige Jude.
Then again I'm not a leaf, thank god for that. I don't know what I would do if were a leaf, I'd probably stick with Trudeau just to piss people off for a little longer until someone useful shows up.
fucking shill
not an argument
Mad Max is Andrew Jackson reincarnated.