Intel uses Jews to manipulate AMD stock prices?
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This might be Intel’s biggest PR blunder in a while. Anybody who thinks Intel wasn’t behind this is a brainlet.
What is this supposed to mean? We shouldn't trust them because they do the same thing as everyone else?
Can you stop samefagging as post something actually substantial
Don't bother, the average IQ of this place has NEVER been in the triple digits. Take it from someone who's been here since the exodus in 2014. Everything is either proprietary, a botnet, doesn't agree with a particular ideology, spies on you.etc
This board was NEVER about technology, do not let the board name fool you. Blame Richard Stallman and the FSF, the kings of politicizing software.
I've been here since 2014's GG exodus and I'm sure Holla Forums has gotten progressively worse, but I could be wrong
Oh it definitely has gotten worse. But it was never particularly good either. I'm sure the resident Amerimutt shitposter here is the same exact Spic who wouldn't stop shitposting about Trump here during the elections either. Then there was MikeeUSA shitting this place up. Something about technology attracts some legit mentally ill people for some reason. And this entire board is self-evident
check em
Stop trying to derail the thread. The topic is Intel’s failure to poison AMD’s well by using a group of literal IDF Jews.
This might be the most pathetic Intel maneuver ever, and I think the SEC will probably take notice.
CNBC has already said they will make no more reports on this AMD issue and even the Redditors at ycombinator have flagged this as bullshit.
I bet a diversity hire at Intel was the one who hatched this plan.
Maybe he canbe Bibi’s pen pal when they both go to prison. Didn’t Cryin’ Brian sell a bunch of Intels stock while the Sepctre and Meltdown bulbs were known but under embargo?
Why not double down at this point...
What evidence do you have this is Intel's fault? What evidence do you these are "literal IDF Jews" as opposed to "Jews"?
He doesn't have any. This is the dedicated dubs thread check em
Viceroy Research have been caught manipulating stocks as well
Fuckers are doing this for money
IDF Jews proofs right here Moishe and Chaim...
Doesnt need to be Intel even, they could be doing this on their own
Obviously funded research and negative marketing against a competitor.
Good to know about the hardware errata but the hype behind it is cancer, intel or amd or other marketing fag should removed himself.
Because it isn't ?
The people who politicized software are sjws the exact same people who suck BSD/MIT licenses.
Your evidence to support the hypothesis that Intel is trying to fuck with AMD is an independent security research firm?
Do you think AMD were the ones who discovered Meltdown just to fuck with Intel? Is your cognitive bias so fucked that everything is some corporate warfare?
You are everything wrong with this place. And you probably know it too. checked btw
You have such a shallow image pool, why don’t you go back to the sassy cats?
>>>Holla Forums14480664
OP is some retard from Holla Forums who's been shilling for video game consoles by gaslighting PC users. Likely a shill paid by Sony
Please hide this thread and move along
This is the most obvious and logical solution
Christ what a faggot
Don't bother arguing with the retard. Logic isn't his strong suit. If anyone of you ever end up the parent of a retard, please for the sake of all of us, don't let him near a computer.
AMD is also an Israeli company as well for the record.
"CTS-Labs has given AMD 24 hours to respond to its report, which is substantially short of the standard 90 day period for security disclosures. No official reason was given by CTS Labs for the shorted period provided."
Go away
Shills fake selfshaming is the worst.
Go away
Truly the discovery of a life time. The smoking gun. We couldn't have done it without you OP
The whitepaper is hosted on
Opening the site by itself shows a xml access denied error. Just beautiful.
/g/turd miss your shitposts.
I've never said you couldn't. No one posted it so I'm pointing it out.
Holla Forums misses your shitposts
Oh wait no they don't
You damn sure are pretty autistic.
You are incapable of producing a thread without inciting a shitstorm. Go away
Is Intel finished?
Where is the shitstorm you speak of? What makes you think I'm OP?
What does Intel have to do with any of this
Go away
Trying pretty hard my dude, keep up the good work.
It takes seconds to create these posts. It took some effort on the OPs part to produce this retarded and useless thread
In what way is it useless?
I know you aren't this retarded. Go away
yes, and nothing was done about it, just like the kike equifax ceo's sold a bunch of their stock before the public release that everyone in the united states had their social's and everything else leaked, which was kept quiet for a year.
It's a shame this thread isn't actually about Intel
I really don't understand why you'd continue to post in a "useless" thread.
go away
no u
What’ll Intel do next? Pork chops and Donald Ducks at AMD HQ?
Wow, could Intel get any more desperate? Bump.
Wait, so nigh all of those supposed vulnerabilities affect just the PSP botnet processor? How is that supposed to be a bad thing? We get another way to BTFO botnetware and onerous DRM.
Nobody knows if they're even real yet, the Israeli Defense Forces Division 8200 troopers behind this stunt haven't released any PoC and their white paper is a giant mess which reads like a press release.
the analysis looks like bullshit
The whole thing was obviously ginned by by Jewtel to try to screw over AMD, because AMD is killing them in the datacenter market and has been since Ryzen came out.
Intel is completely finished, the blocked Qualcomm deal is the first really obvious nail in their coffin.
Yes, because sysadmins make decisions based on unproven exploits and stock price, and Intel care about a 2% decrease in AMD's share price
yeah it's fucking nothing.
in our great modern days it's totally not a surprise that one can rewrite "BIOS" from OS level. (((they))) had allowed it long time ago for (((convenience))).
I still remember the times when it was simply not possible to brick the hardware from OS, though.
Sorry, your IQ is officially too low to post on this board
Sticking your Jewish head in the sand and screaming that reality isn't real isn't stopping AMD from eating Intel's Jewish lunch, kike.
Sorry, your IQ is officially too low to post on this board
I use AMD opterons and Intel Core 2 Duo machines, because I only run Libreboot. Please, fuck off with your "shill! kike! shit"
And now we've lived to see a time when a simple rm -rf / --no-preserve-root often does the trick.
That doesn't brick the hardware, retard. You could always execute commands like that.
Uuuuh, where is the lie tho?
Why am I not suprised to see Red Hat on the list?
Yes, an independent third party with no ties to either group has exposed (((Intel's))) wrongdoings.
It’s typical glow in the dark blackpills. They hate it when people take steps to improve their computer security so they push the narrative that nothing you can do will be at all effective.
We all know that security threats range from script kiddies to the NSA (who will even illegally spy on the President) and some are easily protected against, while some aren’t.
he probably meant stuff like
cp /dev/urandom /dev/nvram
(or /dev/something_else, etc…)
simply "removing" files won't do shit.
Don't forget using hardware level backdoors to put CP on yoru machine.
It’s a good thing Israel and China has all the keys to those backdoors as well as the NSA.
CFO of CTS Labs is Yaron Luk-Zilberman,
founder and principal of Ninewells Capital Management, a NY based hedge fund.
Poisoning one well is impressive, poisoning nine is a mitzvah.
It does, since EFI variables necessary to boot can be mapped as files under the root namespace
With EFI, removing some "files" can be enough.
Meanwhile, i'm going to upgrade to Ryzen+ next April or May, because moar coarz and fuck Jewtel :^)
If only DDR4 was cheaper..
Oh Maury, for shame.
This. You just have to look at my Rust threads. Tons of anti Rust shills that can't program but try to argue that Rust sucks.
Stop trying to derail the thread, this is about Intel’s horrific failure to use the JIDF to lie about based AMD.
We’ll find out soon when the SEC files charges.
Please be leavings Intel alone sahibs, and our wonderful Jewish friends. By the power of Ganesha believe us, AMD has flawed.
Fucking hell. These kikes glow in the daylight, not just in the dark...
Israel has mandatory military service. No shit they were all in the IDF.
Everyone shoots videos on green screen. It's pretty standard
I see Intel's low hiring standards also applies to shills in this thread, as well as kikes trying to drive down AMD's stock price with lies.
After reading this thread, it's obvious Intel had a hand in this. No sane person would shill for Intel like some of the (((anons))) in this thread.
Even the HN fags are calling BS on this.
Oh Chaim, for shame.
Imagine how dumb the guys who thought they’d short AMD must’ve feeling right now.
AMD also has an R&D facility in Israel
Useless mods wont delete a blatant shitposting thread smh
They're just pretending.
CIA Nigger detected who's got his brain in a neuroblinder.
Please OP, retards might actually think you're being serious and one-up you to "fit in"
Poe's Law can be a real bitch sometimes lad
"Israel's Secret Weapon - The Talpiot Program"
Khazar milkers :^)
תמחק את זה
Spread this image around. Enlighten the masses.
Hahaha your funny meme lowered my defenses and then I believed what you typed!
Holy shit how will Intel ever recover?
everyone should start sending gore to that pr address
wow cool some conspiracy video, good evidence
Of course they're all ex-mil.
Move along, nothing to see here, just some IDF people with a fake IT company spreading fake news.
Or better yet, vore and guro.
Don't know where I saved my guro
They're probably into it.
It’s funny you Intel shills sure seem to love your evidence yet don’t complain about a distinct lack of evidence for the supposed vulnerabilities released today.
Really makes you think.
They're vampires, user. They don't glow in the daylight, they sparkle in the daylight.
hahah good work gang! we did it Holla Forums!
>AMD chips have ((("vulnerabilities"))) goy! Better not buy 2000 series Ryzen chips next month!
Ruh roh!
You wouldn't seriously lie on the internet now would you?
Fuck nevermind I'm retarded. But I'm still skeptical
Who would do that user?
You tell me, considering your die-hard LARPing on an anonymous imageboard
Nice try Schlomo
So literally all Holla Forums that you can buy as a consumer is backdoor-ed ultimately by the Ashkenazim master race. Good to know.
it's G-d goy
smells like bullshit
Wow so that means that this isn’t fake news ginned up by Intel and delivered through a deniable intermediary in a country without extradition?
Well obviously it is because you say so, (((AMD))) shill
Whatever you say, (((AMD)))
I’m glad you’re coping user. Also, thanks for bumping the thread.
ALL of your images have the SAME filename format
Jesus Christ man how could you de-anonymize yourself this easily? This thread is almost entirely samefagging. Christ OP what a fucking failure. Where are these filenames even from?
The jews love the "I know you are but what am I" tactics.
Try searching the blockchain for the bit fields, you might be pleasantly surprised...
So will they actually release their PoC’s tomorrow or will they instead go to ground and quickly change their names?
this place is not reddit
So it's fucking nothing? lol.
This was just stock manipulation, they're already gone.
will they have legal consequences for that?
Easy don't use tor and have the ability to post images.
Not with this SEC.
fucking destroyed
I'll post this in this tread too just in case
oh yeah
I think the article at 1:10 was made in that context
Israel doesn't extradite its citizens.
Why doesn’t the US just snatch Israelis we want? We do it in other places.
because the jews control the banks, every major corporation and 3/4 of the politicians
We need ID's. Now.
Gee, I don't know. You tell me.
I don't think you can get drafted into Intelligence Corps, user.
(((Viceroy Research)))
It's two faggot Australian Jews and a British Jew.
where are the russian chickens?
Makes me want to buy AMD processors.
Jokes aside. What's the current state of RISC-V?
Experimental, needs-a-sma-connector-to-have-ram-tier experimental
There's a board out now which could be useful but it currently doesn't support any video connectors. They will have a shield for it soon which will take a PCI card though.
get with the times
arstechnica is also cucked now:
That's the sifive board, right?
What mountain have you been living under for the past decade?
All the world's a stage user.
Yeah it looks great, my project budget is torn between the SiFive board and the GreenArrays Forth dev board. I have to consult the stars.
The sifive board is littered with sma connectors for core system components, look closer.
Huh. Interesting.
OK I looked, it looks like none of those SMA's are for things we'd call core components, you have "procmon," three clock outs, and four ram monitoring ports. Very strange that they'd be SMA connectors though. Seems like the thing is set up for reference output, maybe geared toward lab applications?
It'd be interesting to see what the clock stability is on the board.
under your logic, I've just proven that intel also owns
also nice samefagging
maybe you can give me another example of such extreme cucking on a.t.
I could miss something, I'm not really obsessed with reading every news article.
I left over five years ago because the journalism got to an abysmal level, I can't give you any specific example
I asked about a very specific thing (being cucked)
Why? Isn't poor journalistic practices enough to disregard a news source?
Bloomberg was reporting on this and still is as if it's real.
I can't believe people pay $2500 a month for their cucky terminals.
This is a statement not a question?
So CTS Labs still hasn't published their vulnerabilities?
Yesterday they were going to and today, nothing.
oy, vat a surprise indeed
Yeah but what a lame plot, who the fuck came up with this?
They're losing it.
Nowdays you are much more likely to see real physical interiors in John Doe's youtube video than in any """official materials""". Most big budget video materials are just talking heads on a greenscreen backdrop later swapped for a CGI backdrop.
Another proof that 2D vision is pathetic. There's an infinite number of aliasing and collisions when trying to represent a portion of 3D space in a 2D area "image". It's pretty much the same concept as why you'd be inclined to think that two files which have the same MD5 were the same files (while in reality they can be completely different). It's also why our brains are fooled to associate some flat arrangements of lines and colors with some 3D objects even if it's just flat arrangements of lines and colors.
Open it with a player which supports h.264 high profile
Settle down autismo
What are the requirements (CPU/GPU/OS/driver/browser version etc.) for it to be supported in the browser?
It's true though. Also, what you """see""" isn't the real physical shit you expect it to be, it's just a projection of a flawed, subjective and restricted glimpse of it that exists in your brain. Same is true for all the other senses - just flawed projections of approximations.
This is total bullshit. Literally who uses CGI green screens in their videos? What precedence is there for a vulnerability researcher to try to puff their image up and imply they're located in some enormous open floor plan office space?
It's not standard practice, it's literally what the fuck. If this is common practice show a few other security companies with their green screened interview videos, please. You won't, you can't, now kindly just go back to Reddit.
This is a glow-in-the-dark tier damage control operation, hence they do it like it's done on television these days.
No idea, maybe your browser doesn't support proprietary codecs
Looks like the SEC has launched an investigation into this now.
Now who could possibly be hiding behind this domain?
[email protected]
This is so blatant. What did they think they were going to get away with?
Bump, so it seems CTS labs won't be showing their vulnerabilities, "it's a secret!"
I'll explain whats happening here
Insider Trading. some Jews bought Put options on AMD (a contract to sell stock at a specific price) AMD's share price increase means those options were purchased cheaply
so some Jews decided to drop the share price by creating a panic about vulnerabilities.
Then they can either sell the contracts for a profit or exercise the options themselves if they own AMD stock.
Please link to materials which support this assertion, because literally nobody ever uses CGI backdrops of office interiors and datacenters. Literally nobody.
Is that the Realtek crab logo behind him?
what is the meme here
Why should I buy Intel-anything? Or, rather, why should I buy anything arm/x86?
I posted a pic of Spurdo as the Realtek logo for shits and giggles, and then happened.