Canadian Media Cover-up

Syrian Refugee School Sex Assault

Video was too big to mirror, sorry.

Other urls found in this thread:

The (((CBC))) didn't report on this therefore it didn't happen. :^)


If this happened when I was in highschool, we would have gotten rid of the entire community. "One of the Syrians molested X" "He also got off with it and was only suspended for 1 week"

He comes back after that 1 week and him, and all his friends would get their heads stomped into the fucking pavement.

Not even. It would have erupted into a brawl on the dance floor.

Isnt that racial discrimination which is punishable by law?

Yes. It was.

Then again, the CBC is the Canadian government.. so who gets punished? Who is going to make it happen, Trudeau? Good luck.


On a somewhat related note, here are some more anti-white, anti-Trump propaganda from the tax payer funded CBC.

Make sure you show your disgust by down voting this garbage.



That's okay. I was watching this earlier.
Here is the article.
The original article has documents.
http:// exclusive_syrian_refugee_school_sex_attack

Alright I think our first goal to reclaim this great land of syrup is to defund the CBC. It's a fucking anti-white, biased,propaganda machine funded by the government. If we can get it privatized rather than publicly funded, it should affect them pretty hard, no?

Here are the documents. I tried archiving. But that didn't work out so well. So I apologize.





Goldy is hot asf!

How much longer, Holla Forums? How much longer?


Not soon enough.


What is that guys name?

I am going to my city hall this Monday, and am going to be more active in politics starting next week. Wish me luck Canada.

Your family will probably disown you in your eulogy after the communists throw you off a cliff and sweep it under the rug, but we will remember the user soldier.

all those deleted comments

wew lad

Thanks for uploading, user.

Jesus fucking christ this shit makes me angry, though.

Protip for every other user that's about to crush their mouse in anger watching this: Use the anger to fuel you while you lift.

I don't think you know how pathetic the left Marxist really is. They have nothing to hide behind. My family is for it. So keep you defeatist attitude for the trenches, where you will scream for your mom before you die.
Have a nice day.


What can you even do?

Pics like this were made by Marxists to divide our cause.
You may not fully agree with skins and some might be degenerates but they're still with us.