any burger lurking ? whats your plane for this disaster ? are you packing your stuff ? or just moving innawoods ?
Mfw Americans will have to chose between a psycho bitch and a fool
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I thought leftypol was above that "if we elected x, it will be the end of the world!" mentality.
Whopper here reporting in.
Just going to ride it out. Only thing that concerns me is if Trump is elected, it will for sure embolden even more the Alt-Right, even though the vast majority of his supporters more than likely find them revolting. If they go public, my prediction is that a lot of Americans will turn on them once they find out ALL of what they believe.
If Hillary is elected, expect more bourgeoisie feminism bullshit and dead brown kids.
Kill me fam tbh.
Stop being over dramatic.
Whatever happens I'll have to try and stick it out.
I really should get a gun.
son, don't under estimate the severity of the situation.
a guy like Trump will definitely alienate and divide the population, i'm not even talking about the diplomatic disaster that this moron will cause because he can't refrain himself from saying stupid shit.
Hillary on the other hand will most likely set the whole ME on fire which will definitely lead to a direct conflict with Russia.
both hate each other guts.
as usual Europe will get more culturally enriched from it
I'm personally hoping for Trump to win just so I can see the Republican party cave in on itself.
Top fucking kek, are you srs right now fam
the price to pay seems too much
Yeah, but is that worth more then the historic amount of Holla Forums-alt right butthurt if he loses?
Do it now. If Hillary wins there will be another panic and prices will skyrocket.
This. Congress holds a hundred times more power, yet most people can't even name their House Rep.
Holla Forums is pretty divided on trump right now it seems, if he loses one side is just going to
Nope, they'll just say the Jews rigged the election.
famrade pls. hillary is bourgeois as fuck, but she's too cold and calculating to do anything as president to really fuck up her legacy. my prediction is that historians will end up placing her in the upper-middle of the good presidents scale.
whereas I don't think it's possible for trump to not end up in the bottom five.
Trump is a fool but it could have been much worse. Both him and Pence (pictured here at the groundbreaking of the Indiana Gateway Project) support rail and transit infrastructure investment, which the rest of the GOP (especially Rubio, Cruz and Kaisch) are against. Kaisch himself killed Ohio High Speed Rail. And, most importantly, Jeb lost. The absolute worst case scenario would have been Jeb vs Hilary. Fuck, twenty years ago people predicted that would happen. Thank fucking god we avoided it.
At the end of it I'll probably end up voting for Trump because I loathe what the Clintons have done to the Democratic party. Any attempts to fix the party must begin by exorcising their influence. If Hilary wins, the Democrats will hand the GOP a Supermajority right before the 2020 Census, which for non-Americans means a permanent GOP government (Census statistics is how legislative districting is determined). It's not a good situation, but it's salvageable. I look forward to saying "I told you so" to my parents in six months and then rebuilding the Democratic base in time for the 2018 midterms.
Bush vs Clinton would have been the butt of all comedian's jokes through to 2020. Yurotards would be laughing on /int/ right now if it was Bush vs Clinton.
Neither would be even close and whether or not you think either will is a good judge of your knowledge of US history and your political bias.
literally why
because stein has probably no chance of winning
If Hilary wins, she will be remembered like James Buchanan was: impotent and unable to govern. Make no mistake, she would absolutely give the GOP a Supermajority as the Dem base would continue to erode. Even with Obama' star power, 2010 was a shitshow and it would only get worse under Hilary. The GOP would then be given unrestricted power to modify the government however they wanted; including much more aggressive persecution of immigrants, a national voter ID, a national Right-To-Work law, and a supreme court that is elected directly by the Senate without Presidential nominations (and one with 13, not 9 justices). In effect they would completely destroy America's remaining Unions and make it difficult for darkies to vote thus sealing them into perpetual power. Then in 2020 Cruz wins and the real fun starts.
Alternatively, Trump would end up going down like Reagan or Nixon: controversial but not "the worst" by any stretch. The GOP would be unable to obtain a supermajority under him (at least not past 2018) so their power would be effectively checked and we'd get a moderately centrist government building The Wall™. This is especially true considering that Trump's trade policies would allow American Labor to rebuild itself, and reestablish control over the Democratic Party.
Because Hilary must loose. She's an existential threat to the left's cause.
Look, I don't like Trump. He's a filthy porky and a charlatan but at the very least if/when bad shit happens he will take the blame and not liberals. The Democrats have already lost most of the Rust Belt, if they can't take back Ohio and Pennsylvania then they will not be able to have any say in the national government. We need to focus on rebuilding America's working class and a Hilary Presidency would make that impossible.
I didn't come to this point easily, and I'm only here because of Hilary.
Also I'm going to bitch about this.
Ohio is situated between three of America's largest metro areas: Chicago, Washington DC, and New York City. Which means we got two big train lines that run through us both of which are ideal for High Speed Rail (ie, electric trains going faster than 125 mph). In 2008, thanks to Obama, Ohio got money to develop both corridors. In 2010 newly elected Governor John Kaisch returned the money, because he thought it was going to be a waste. To say I don't like him is an understatement, he has put America back at least ten fucking years and Ohio back twenty. All the money went to California, who is on track to have America's second HSR corridor (and the only one to top 200 mph) by 2030.
It also pisses me off that the fucking south will get more rail improvements than us (up to about 110-125 mph as funding permits) by 2020 and beyond. If they wanted full HSR all they'd have to do is electrify the track from DC to Atlanta which is totally feasible (even Newt Gringrich and most of southern dixiecrats support HSR and Amtrak). America's toilet will have more modern infrastructure than us because of what Kaisch did.
Honestly Trump is the one of the few, if not only, candidate (out of primary candidates as well) that truly represent the people. And unlike Clinton, he promises to reduce the neverending imperialistic wars America has been fighting and to put that money into infrastructure development instead.
I don't like the things he's said and the things he's done, but if you try to look past all that and instead focus on what he would do as President, it seems like he would be pretty decent.
I feel the same way.
Don't feel good about Trump at all, but I flat-out loathe Clinton. The Democratic party needs to lose. It needs to be completely torn down and rebuilt.
I can't fucking believe how much worse they've become than the Republicans.
For me it's just Hilary. I could probably rationalize any other candidate (including Kaisch or Biden). Hell, before the primaries I probably would have voted for Debbie Shultz herself. But Hilary is just a bridge too far given that she does not want to fucking fix America's trade policies even if it means the death of her party.
It's revolting. I absolutely hate that I'm in this position. But on the bright side, it'll all be over in six months.
She's in her own bubble surrounded by toadies and sycophants. You just need to look at how tone-deaf her campaign has been re:Sanders, Wasserman-Schultz, etc. It'll be blunder after blunder justified by the MSM (which is practically a subsidiary of the Clinton Foundation) with "Well, maybe the American people are wrong?"
Daily reminder if you hate the clintons to vote for green party and not trump
That doesn't mean you have to vote for trump
And the best part is those 2 outward facades have nothing to do with whatever interests they truly represent or the impact of the decision at hand.
So democracy is reduced to a blind, misinformed, uninformed choice , a wad to be blown at the finale of months of spectacle.
How the fuck does one even respond to ideology this extreme?
If the republicans had their way we would all be living without healthcare, rotting infrastructure and massive debt because "muh gubbermint", and probably no minimum wage.
You do know that Republicans don't agree with each other right?
Ironically Trump supports all of the examples you've mentioned.
I would be more worried about what happens when Trump wins and dosen't do what he said he was going to. The population will keep voting for farther right candidates until someone stops third-world immigration and "political correctness" aka bourgeois liberalism.
are you for real ?!.
Trup said everything and its opposite, what makes you think he'll hold to that ?
The GOP is the only reason Amtrak still exists. Even the most extreme legislators don't advocate for abolishing it, as 47 states have Amtrak lines in them that provide transportation for their rural districts. And the more rural (and hardcore Republican) the district, the greater reliance on Amtrak. This is also why Amtrak's focus isn't on intercity (ie express) services, and almost all their trains can be classified as "local stop". It's designed to service rural Republican districts, not provide Democratic cities with reliable transport.
And even amongst this specific issue, there's a huge amount of debate. The most extreme Republicans want the Northeast Corridor (formerly Penn Central) privatized, while people like Newt Gringrich want direct investment in it (like we do with the Interstate freeway system).
We can hope can't we…
not him but Trump is clearly an isolationist. His "solution" to ISIS is to pull out of the middle east, pull up the drawbridge and building a massive wall. Being the accelerationist I am, I welcome this as it would mean total chaos for the EU which relies on the US for security.
You have to get into Trump's head, which is pretty easy considering there's a plethora of interviews he's done about politics long before his presidential run.
Pay attention to his wording, what he says, what he doesn't say, and especially important, the context that he's saying it in, especially when compared to other candidates.
Sigmound Freud's nephew moved to America and created the field of Public Relations. This had wide reaching effects on advertising almost immediately, before him advertising was rare and generally had to do with what the product claimed to do, afterwards it was everywhere and switched from advertising about the supposed benefits of the product, to making you think you need it to have sex, or be free, or survive, harking back to his uncle's theories. Notably in his time women were not supposed to smoke, so he handed out a bunch of cigarettes to suffragettes, and got the New York Times to run an article calling the cigarettes "Torches of Freedom", soon thereafter tobacco sales doubled. It took a while but politicians soon wised up to this and stopped talking about policy and begun making TV advertisements with little girls dying from nuclear war and "there's a bear in the woods".
This is why you think the way you do. Obamacare is Newt Gingrich's healthcare plan and Mitt Romney put it's predecessor into action in Massachusetts, if the Republicans were in charge we'd have the same shit. The Democrats have done nothing to address our infrastructure problems despite promises, and both the Democrats and Republicans seek to increase the amount of debt we're in, Obama moved heaven and Earth to get housing prices back up and was hailed for it, meanwhile he did nothing but talk about "infrastructure banks",
There is no difference between Democrats and Republicans, both program their people to think the other party will make them die because that's the best way to get support. Get the spooks out of your head and realize both are your enemies.
This is why Trump could be bad. He says he's against accelerating the crumbling of the American Empire, and says he supports a lot of populist policies that would help people out a little bit. No one likes Hillary and I feel she has a good shot of being the last President. On the other hand he's in the same billionaires club that she is in so I doubt he will behave any differently, and blame congress for his failings like Obama does.
i do, he's an opportunist an a populist, he has no political line or vision, this is all about himself and his ego.
you're acting as if the US is in the ME for the fun of it, you can't be this naive, are you a Holla Forumstard or something ?
He's against the crumbling of America, and has quite clearly expressed his desire to crumble the Empire part of the American Empire in order to do so. If you believe in accelerating the downfall of the entirety of America even at the cost of the rest of the world, then yes, Clinton is the candidate to go with.
The billionaires club is disingenuous, they are part of different billionaires club. Trump already has money and is simply using his resources to help mold his vision of the world. Meanwhile Clinton doesn't have money and will sell out the country and the world for personal gain.
and also America
The US was/is involved in the ME due to the Petroldollar created by Nixon. This was a good enough arrangement during the Cold War, and good enough for the 90s/00s boom years, but the price crash wrought by the global economy stalling will cause the oil industry to turn on itself. American oil companies already succeeded in killing America's coal industry, they sure as shit are not going to let some sandniggers lick them through price dumping. OPEC and the Saudis won't cut production, they got too greedy and already signed their death warrant.
It's all money, and the US oil industry is going bankrupt at the moment and wants blood. Republicans in Alaska, South Dakota, Texas, etc all want a tariff to protect jobs in their districts. Nixon's arrangement is burning to the ground as the middle east in which the arrangement was made ceases to exist. Democrats, except Hilary, are only too happy to provide.
I can't see how Hillary would be worse than any other president we've had since Jimmy Carter.
Seems like she'll just be a retread of Obama.
She'd hand the GOP Congress, just like Carter did. This was how Reagan was able to get away with firing the air traffic controllers, beginning the regression from unionism that will eventually destroy it.
Certainly not in 2016.
Maybe in the 2018 offyear election, but congress is already Republican-dominated.
are you an unironic accelerationist?
No, when it comes to foreign affairs, Clinton is the complete opposite of Obama. She is a war hawk through and through and Obama purposefully kept her out of the loop so she wouldn't interfere as much.
Im nigga poor - i need money to buy weapons, a generator, etc. Fam im fucked.
Im supporting trump because ACCELERATONISM bby
They're both pretty hawkish, it's only a difference of degree. And if the various books about the "Obama-Clinton" feud are anything to go by him keeping her out of the loop had more to do with the fallout of the 2008 election than any actual policy difference
why not vote with your bullets? cast 2 votes, cast 20!
I don't think so. I think if he's elected (unlikely), it'll lose steam. Most of the edgy contrarians will lose interest.
It's a shame then that S█████ is abandoning his progressive candidates. Get ready for more Neoliberal garbage.
And Obama.
If does if you want to prevent Clinton from winning
Did Obama promise the same
Why do you think he's a moron, honest question because I don't see how you wouldn't have to be highly intelligent in order to have had such a good business record and beaten 17 other candidates for the Rep nomination?
Or is this just more moral signaling?