Are there any Holla Forums recommended channels? Midnight's Edge is a good one since they avoid being e-celebs, drama and they report on the objective facts rather than play some obnoxious gimmick. But I wonder are there any others worth subscribing to?
Are there any Holla Forums recommended channels? Midnight's Edge is a good one since they avoid being e-celebs...
I want Reddit to leave.
Their only factual content is one that relates to Sony leaks. Reminder is mostly just speculations and dubious rumors.
As far as others go, captainkrisitian has some decent videos, particularily one about Watchmen. Half of his stuff is decent, but other half is trash.
Diversity and Comics does quick reviews of comics and can be informative from time to time. He is an old-school capefag, which leads to him being too soft towards big two. He is also surprisingly cheerful considering shit comics he usually reviews.
(((Prove you didn't just come here in the last week, newfag.)))
The Sony leaks were the best thing that happened to them, because they took the time to read it and just regurgitated it in youtube form. They got their big boost from talking about Ghostbusters being a trainwreck.. and also talking about the Josh Trankwreck for Fant4stic, but even then, they were eating cuckchan's tablescraps.
Also, the weird eastern-European guy who does most of their videos (and really shouldn't) is pretty much an SJW who whines about sexism and misogyny when he gets the chance.
I tried watching this guy a few days ago. His videos are 20 minutes long and many of them consist of him holding a camera with one hand while he reads a comic on a table. He takes too long to make a point and then doesn't bother to do any video editing or basic production.
He is actually much worse… He is a Scandinavian.
Who the fuck let them have the internet?
A snow nigger discussing the inner workings of Hollywood. What a disgusting revelation.
Yeah Diversity in Comics kind of rambles on a lot even though I agree with a lot of his points. Its funny watching him here since most of his opinions line up with a lot of you guys. Except for Spiderman renew your vows where he talked about the most recent issue saying it was leading up to a divorce which I don't think it would. That and he has a vid up saying Riri Williams should be a villain.
He's not the worst thing on youtube, but his presentation style needs a lot of work. First step is getting a fucking tripod.
That said, after water his stuff, I realized how much I appreciate Holla Forums as a format to find out about shit going on in comics. People here talk about the happenings, about the stuff being said by current authors and artists. They read through the shit and sometimes come back with a gem. They storytime the really bad ones and then we have some amazing conversations of not only why they are bad, but also every way in which they failed to push their agenda and tell a coherent story. If someone could do Holla Forums in youtube form, they'd be God-Tier.. but they can't so I'm sticking around here.
This isn't Reddit you fag.
This is the kind of dude that pays for the comics he hates and therefore supports this cancer.
Okay when he ever did complain about sexism when the thing that launched him to fame was covering the Feigbusters' fiasco, which every SJW in existence tried to salvage the movie as best as they could?
What a dumbass.
Well, he is still an oldschool capefag after what happened 90s, and people like that are usually beyond hope. He should switch from mainstream Marvel and DC to Astrocity if he wants a cape comic that is worth the money. At least most of the SJW trash he buys comes from the clearance racks or buy X get 1 free.
I think it was towards the wrap up of the Feigbuster's fiasco, if I recall correctly. He essentially talked about the sexism and harassment as if it were a real thing and not a grossly exaggerated and fabricated narrative, as RLM showed by simply looking at the numbers.
He only buys those bullshit riddled comics for his review videos to warn actual comic book fans not to buy them.
Dude is Norwegian, so that is expected. They will either be leftwing or far-leftwing. To be fair, he wasn't being on your face about it and he did acknowledge that German women are being raped by Muslim invaders in that vid. I did roll my eyes when the vid was showing things that persecute women today included wage gap, catcalling, etc. I suppose this makes him a liberal in the same vein as Max Landis.
That is really unnecessary. Someone should try to convince him to use pirate sites like readcomics where you don't even need to download cbr files along with all shit malware like you did in the past. If he started using these pages from the comics, the quality of his vids would improve massively and he wouldn't need to feed the cancer.
Landis is a guy whose insight I trust more than rumor mill youtube channels. He's a guy who has been involved with damned near every step of getting a movie made and released. He's also deep in the belly of the beast, so being a full on 1488'ing Redpilled white nationalist is out of the question.
However, he's not far off. He's one podcast or interview away from being mentally rattled and having his perception of reality corrected, and then he'll realize that all these cancerous people he's been making nice with, all the ideological tip-toeing and apologetics he's been forced to offer for speaking against them is pure faggotry of the worst kind. And then he'll be excommunicated from the Church of Tolerance and Equality and probably do interviews with Dave Rubin and Joe Rogan
…So despite all our misgivings, Diversity & Comics is still the best comics YouTuber?
I mean I have the same problems with him that some of you guys do, but I'm not really seeing anyone better out there.
I've been thinking of starting my own Youtube for comics for fucking ever, but I don't give a shit about CURRENT YEAR American comics, so it would probably be filled with overenthusiastic ravings about British, Japanese or even North Korean comics that are older than the average user of this site*'s parents*, and thus Razorfist on Comics mk2.
Landis is a traditional leftist, if anything. He is willing and able to point out faults in things around him and doesn't blame it on goobergater/MRA/whites.
One of the few Hollywood-clique people I wouldn't march off to the wall instantly.
Seriously, comics aren't like movies or video games. You read them within 10 minutes and that's it. They don't need a 20 minutes review to go alongside them.
well good luck with that.
He likes Fant4stic. That should tell you all about his shit taste.
Who is that hand holding demon?
They'll rewrite history itself just to justify their own lies and backwards ideology. This is ridiculous and a perfect example of why this movie should fail. But it's almost already made it's money back on domestic sales. I fucking hate this world.
Emma Frost.