Mike Enoch Infographic aimed at TRS users

We can use this to combat TRS shills, this should be posted on twitter and Disqus.

It has all the meaty info they haven't been exposed to. This is why they defend Mike Enoch, they don't know the truth about him yet.

Pastebin of the text used to create the image:

Props to all the anons that helped put this together over the last 12 hours.

We all are shitty at paint so not only is all the text being dropped here, but also all the images used will follow this post. So feel free to make your own better versions.

This is soft on some points intentionally. I was a regular poster here and there, so I know what will keep them reading better than most.

Hope this helps them make the right move and drop his ass.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow, PNG is shitty. Here is a much better JPG.

Dropping the images now.




Good job user. Greatly appreciated.

I was lurking and shitposting their thread in cuckchan, if only you posted this earlier…

I hope you can post it somewhere, I don't have a twitter or a Disqus or anything. We need to get it to TRS people.

Guess I'll post it there too. Won't bother to post the images or the pastebin though.

Good shit m8

For those who want to mine some TRS salt


kek i wonder if they got a few of this from when his wife was working at jimpact , i bet they would be useful now

kek wish that was included.

Judaism confirmed for the Dark Side of the Force, corrupting the body and face as more money is acquired.

Pretty damn good, user.

My only issue is that there are some really good text-only arguments that Holla Forumsacks that could be inserted, such as pic-related. And there should be a section dedicated to addressing this "purity spiraling" bullshit. No jews and no racemixing are integral to white nationalism, saying that's purity spiraling is ridiculous.


If i had enough autism i would definetly spam that image to seventh son on twitter just to fuck with him

They will inevitably make more REEE threads because of their autism and still going through DABDA. We can still get this to TRS.

There's one right now.


I agree, the purity spiraling angle is retarded. Also them trying to push it like the main concern is a "conspiracy". Not really. Let me add a little something on that…

Also added a first link to the pastebin, so you only have to copy one link to get at all the sources.

Fixed a typo.

let me jimpact this thread

Good start OP but could use some updating. The things you don't know about have been discussed and proven.

All at their limit new fag.


Kike Enoch's wife did diversity training at DREXEL UNIVERSITY, home of the white genocide for Christmas professors.

Please provide me links to the proof, or even leads. I have poured through all the threads and can't find legit sources on them.

And what items specifically are you referring to, if you don't mind? It is easy to update but I want to make sure I have good sources.

Nigger brother is confirmed via nigger brothers myspace photo captions. He's probably a gaynigger too.

Mike Enoch: The Man With The Empty Eyes

Excellent, but gonna need archive links to add it as confirmed. Otherwise faggots could claim the text is shopped.


He looks mentally handicapped.

The lads on the Daily Traditionalist put it best.
"What would Mike Enoch think of Mike Peinovich?"

I do. I'm glad it happened. Faggot.

Bump for TRS chumps.

That's some tip top kikery right there, I still love his original albums, he's a rare case where the kikes kiked a kike.

Use gimp nigga, that is embarassing work


Tear the shills a new one.


Oh, are you an "ideas guy"? Tell me more about how you put zero effort into OC and you exceed your calorie count for the day by 4pm faggot.

I'll wait. Let's see the fix.

Nothing else is really going on bitch. When the inauguration starts and Soros-paid commies are burning shit to the ground you can complain about too many Enoch topics.

anyone else heard their bullshit excuse shoah yet?

These cuckchan idiots still think we are enemies,we shouldn't have helped these fuckers when they came here crying about fishbein ctr guy.
https :// boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/107678171

Nope, not yet. It is actually "rebel yell", probably damage control since nobody who doesn't know to look there will find it.
Most of their listeners have no idea.

Kikey imo.


It's pure unadulterated cucking. 2 hours of dogshit, Mike admits in a really roundabout kikey way that he's a jew, doesn't apologize for a goddamn thing. TRS is ogre for any of their audience with a shred of dignity or integrity. It's now officially a fucking civic nationalist outfit. From "Alt-Right" to "Alt-Lite" literally overnight. Absolutely fucking pathetic.

oh, I know, I'm listening to it now. I was just wondering if it was worth listening to. So, far, it sounds very forced and rambling, which could be nerves and it could be distraction. Also, its very clear that they believe the normalfag media is going to be listening. They've literally done more "explaining-away" of the "offensive" parts of the Shoah than their own treachery

Damn bro you're mad.

Just take the constructive criticism.

to be fair, that is pretty terrible. sometimes MSPaint shitty shoops are actually funny, either despite or bc they suck, but that is not an example. GIMP is pretty simple to use for basic shoops like that. You should check it out.

If you want me to fix it, then post the originals and I'll shoop it together in like 3 seconds

We need a new Kike Eunuch thread, fucking antifa edgecucks

post it.

so far 50:30(ish) Kike Hamhock claims he lost his job, but the way he is talking, he seems to talk like his marriage isn't going anywhere.

The previous few minutes, he seems to be excusing himself by saying "I'm not a leader, I never was a leader, please don't look at me that way" and says something like "look, I know I wouldn't make it into many ppls version of the white ethnostate, but if I can just produce content and host a podcasts, that's all I want to do – i don't want to lead" – I understand what he is saying, but you can't really have it both ways. Any sort of being "on stage" is leadership whether you like it or not. In Christian communities, even if you just play in the "praise band," if you are caught coming out of a bar its a no-go. If you're a regular member, they might just talk to you and see how often you drink and discourage it and all that.

are you going to do it, bc if not, then I'll do it. What official number are we on now?

Nvm, overlooked the new thread because it did not follow basic fucking conventions.
That one is the 22nd

oh thx

Not sure if it's been posted here yet, but he admitted to being part Jewish on Rebel Yell today. At about 1:20:00 and then again a couple minutes later.

And people used to listen to what this guy said about important things

Less self-awareness than fucking leftists… oh wait… they do not have a segregated Holla Forums there.

Jesus fucking Christ.

100% nordic phenotype

We're never gonna let you forget it.

Stop, we surrender.

Nope. Not done. Not gonna stop.

kill yourselves


              DON'T FORGET



Full TRS shilling saga



kek, remember they were 2 pool parties away from making a white ethno-state.

You misspelled sagay.

If a

You're welcome for indulging your pathetic little internet power fantasies :^)

I've been posting some of this pics on halfchan and the TRS shills keep claiming they are photo shopped.

muh movement
muh podcast

Obvious libertardian meme.

muh anonymouse
muh board

muh movement

hows it like being a teenager?

What's it like being in a cult?

This song goes out to TRS

Wait, he admitted that he is a Jew, too?

Nah, purity spiraling is a real thing, but it's reserved for divisive retards who say nonsense "Irish aren't white" or "Brown haired people should be gassed". NOT something as extreme as having a jew wife.

Yeah, this isn't even some high degree of purity. Just basic standards.

don't forget he all but admitted to being a jew himself on the newest interview.

Does this sum it up pretty well?

Antifa is on our side.

t. TRSkike

Nobody is on our side.

I am on my side

No, but this does. Don't start shit you can't finish next time.

Antifas are in space?

At least they ain't man love fantasies.

t chimpire kike

Antifa are fucking retards who only attack retards that post dumb shit on normiebook and get them fired because they called a race riot stupid.

Antifa aren't even capable of digging or doxxing correctly, most of the time they get the wrong house or phone number

WHy the fuck are all of these namefags "leaders of the alt-right?" And why do they call us alt-right? Alt right needs to fucking die. They're just in this for the publicity.

I'm glad TRS is fucked now, but what about that Spencer guy?

You may laugh at this shill but they know what they are doing. Look at this shit

like the guy said, he maybe sort-of admitted to it in a roundabout way. to me, the most damning thing is this: youtube.com/watch?v=CEF2yfQg9w4

a jewish liberal writing a poem about going full fash and popping cucks in the oven? before i heard this, i might buy the excuses about him marrying her before he was redpilled or whatever, but i think this really proves it was all bullshit.

but for what purpose? cucks like ramzpaul or gavin mcinnes would say it's to give all white nationalists a bad name, by associating them with nazis, but i think the nazi stuff on their site is mostly just edgy humor, like you see on Holla Forums all the time, and this place (and trs, and other sites they accuse of this, like the daily stormer) have still been very successful at redpilling people, so i don't really buy that shit.


its not. Enoch is coming back on and they are closing ranks. DS even came out in support. They say that getting doxed is only going to make them redouble their efforts to steal goyish shekels, and Enoch believes he's going to become a media mogul. I shit you not

where was the post in the link supposedly from? /baph/?

this proves it was an act. had they been completely separate, then Mike could have denied he knew about the worst of her activities and claimed she didn't know about the worst of his activities, and just said you know they tried not to talk politics with each other or something. But this proves that they were both in on it and it was an act. Anyone who has listened to TDS knew there was a lot of acting going on, but i think most of us took seriously their "Echo-Free Entertainment" claim so fuck it whatever


This TRS stuff is really disgusting, not because "OMG He's married to a JEW! A JEW!!!!" That doesn't fucking matter, plenty of people in the NSDAP had some Semitic roots and still did great work.

The disgusting thing is how the JIDF shills, the antifa phonies and the commies are using this ( very effectively ) to wedge out a great content creator in the Alt-right. Couldn't it be more obvious? This is classic divide and conquer stuff people!! I guess you'll probably say I'm a shill too, but it really doesn't matter. Just so long as you reach these conclusions on your own, and not based on hearsay and group think.

Who the hell knows? They've been doing blatant "lol antifachan rocks XD" type posts in several threads and then posting the screencaps on 4chan. They even had an "anti antifa" general up and tried to direct people to raid here. Fortunately is was trolled hard and then the mods shut it down as per usual. I am certain that if these faggots can get a platform the first thing they are going to do is try to raid us.

Sven made the point that Mike doesn't have anything else. He lost his family, his wife, and his job. So he doesn't really have anything else to do now that he's doxed. Same with Sven.

So really if people wanted to get them to stop you should have blackmailed him with doxing or something. That probably would have worked tbh.

Non-white here. How does it feel knowing no major white nationalist movement is a serious threat to the establishment?

You're weak and pathetic. You want to get rid of non-whites but can't even get rid of them in your own movement.(countingdownto.com/countdown/inauguration-of-president-trump-countdown-clock)

pick one TRSodomite.

Enoch is a dime a dozen. He's a college dropout whose only education is being a Mises.org sperg. He has a voice (and face and physique) for radio, I'll give him that, but that's it. He's a fat fucking degenerate slob living it up in Jew York with his ubermarxist turbojew wife, and he deserves to be jettisoned from anything affiliate with white nationalism. If he wants to be a dildo-sucking faggot with Milo and McInnes, then let him. If he creates such great content, then that shouldn't be a problem, right?

They already said their forums are down indefinitely. Apparently not just the users, but a bunch of their mods were in open revolt. Bulby has gone so dark apparently not even Sven or Musonius has talked to him. I think things might be far worse in TRStown than they are letting on.

what sven has to do is the right thing. ie. tell kike hamhock to take a hike. Sven is doing just fine. I heard his business is still popping off and all that. Mike is fucked because he fucked himself. He should go get a job at Walmart for awhile and keep his head down. Or, if he really wants to create content, go suck up to Milo and all the other Alt-kike jews. fuck him

also, don't you love it how faggots like this are using the Hillary Clinton "Russian Hacker" argument? Guise, it doesn't matter that she's a corrupt murder who would sell you out to the Chinese in an instant - the real point here is that the Russians released the info and first woman president, rite guise?!?!?!?!?

How many times did TRS tease the Dems for this? Well, nevermind, we've already established that the TRS leadership are hypocritical LARPers

I thought all this doxxing shit was just retarded witch-hunting until Kike Enoch. It's stupid too, I've been on 8/pol/ since nov 2014. Don't know why I haven't learned it by now.


Good thing I never signed up for their honeypot forums.

according to the media the WN just put a literally Hitler in the white house, or haven't you heard?

Can TRS kikes admit they aren't a movement? Muh 6000,000 listeners. Fags plz. D list youtube celebrities get more views in hours than these kikes do in an entire day.

Does that include downloads? Does that include downloads from TRSs zencast publication?

Hate to break it to you, but most that listened to that probably did what I did which was look for the latest TDS on the TRS website and DL it from there through Zencast. And, by I'd hate to break it to you, I mean I literally do. I was excited at first that no one was interested. But, who knows

Rebell Yell is on soundcloud you kike. Anyone on the TRS website can open it and click it especially considering that it's surrounding all their kike drama so you'd think there would be more listeners.


its posted on TDS zencast as well you fucking dipshit. So, you can go to thekikestuff.jizz, go to Radio Shows, go to The Daily Shoah, then download from a direct link to Zencast

Thank you OP. After learning that you are a fag and listening to Enoch's interview I'm convinced. Back to Israel OP.

remember to send him shekels for the attorney's fee pool party retard

TRS is our greatest enemy goyim. Remember the six million shekels.

if Enoch's interview didn't make you puke in your mouth and want to kill him, then you are a retard and you deserve to get your shekels stolen by that fat fuck larper and his degenerate kike wife

Fuck Enoch. It would be one thing is he came out and explained himself and apologized, but he just danced around all the issues while trying to get sympathy because his life was ruined (his own fault in the first place). Hope he chokes

I think you mean vid related

hear, hear user. I have immortalized your succinct knock-out punch in a screencap to honor your analysis. I wish the 504ums were still open so Holla Forums could see what's going on in there. It sounded like most of the userbase wanted Enoch to go get fucked. I cannot for the life of me understand why he thought this would help. In fact, for much of the podcast, it sounded like he was actually appealing to the MSM not his users.

At this rate, Michael "doxedbyantifanowaNEET" Peinovich will self-deliver within a few years.

Serves him right, he fucked a kike.

dude, NEETs usually gain 80lbs+ within 6 months of NEETdom. At his size, he'll probably have a coronary within a few months

That 4th pic. You can see it. He's trying to hide it but the shame is killing him. He knew it was fucked up but didn't know how to save himself from it.

Those niggers are the reason I can never post via PIA. Fuck those kikes.

*is a kike

That's the worst part. We pissed off forum users cannot even express our opinions. The forum is down. Disqus is locked. Whatever we could post had to be (((approved))). The only thing that you see is people sucking mike's cock.

Isn't getting away from that kind of shit a lot of the reason people left fagbook and the like? Funny how they seem to be resorting to the exact same tactics of the leftists. Almost like its being run by the same (((people.)))

sure you can. start a spam campaign in all the inboxes of the remaining TRS podcasts. if they haven't explicitly given you their emails, they sure as fuck has mail on soundcloud


We have to destroy this fucking kike. He needs to crawl in a hole and die and never show his fucking ugly faggot face ever again. What can we do?

We just did nigger.

this. also see:

nope. enoch is back and he claims he's going to turn TRS into a media empire and that he's going to be the leading intellect of the alt-right. i shit you not

We now know Mike says lots of things that aren't true.

I don't even believe that he is separated from his wife or that his family disowned him.

no, everyone says Mike is back and he's going to live off of donation shekels and be the "idea man" for the TRS/alt-right. He thinks he is giving a "concession" by giving up any technical "leadership" position. the fact heeb is literally that fucking deluded

And now you know why people use imageboards.
Lurk moar. Also, don't listen to the shoah from now on. If they don't intend to listen to your voices, refuse to listen to theirs.


I got a sick feeling in my stomach when months ago Enoch basically said "Jews did not do 9/11, that is a retarded conspiracy theory" and went full bin laden diddit. Knew something was afoot then. Lo and behold this occurs.

https ://radio.therightstuff.biz/2017/01/19/farewell/

Kulturkampf and Darwin Digest are Leaving. I wonder who else will follow. TRS just turned into civic nationalism in overnight

apparently all the Sourthernors want Rebel Yell to leave as well.

PNGs are also more dangerous than JPEGs, considering that you can hide archives into it more easily.
But on orthodox situations it's obvious which one is better.

That might be the case, but RY cucked HARD for Kike Enoch less than 24 hours ago, I think they are staying on TRS

what, the based jew post or the shitty interview?

i cant believe that the dear leader of the TRSodomites ended up being the first lolcow of 2017,

I was referring to the interview

well, he also almost explicitly admitted he was playing both sides. Some user said they sent Musonius an email insisting that even 8/pol/ really trusted him like an hour before they suddenly announced Musonius was doing the interview. I wonder if that had anything to do with it. If it did, Musonius really fucked that up. I'm sure the user didn't mean for him to therefore cuck and go down with a sinking ship

btw, take a good look at Enoch's eyes. With Jews, the cliche is the nose, but the eyes are the better tell.

Ashkenazim almost always have conspicuous almond-shaped, central Asian oriental eyes. If you don't believe it, go find some pictures of David Frum or Bill Kristol and check out the eyes.

dude, user, you are really late on that. I've posted that in almost every of the 6 gorillion threads

also, someone use this pic and start the new thread. Calling it the "It's all falling apart" edition

Sorry I missed it then haven't been in every discussion

>The information was revealed after another neo-Nazi group, known as Baphomet, reportedly took offence as result of a radio argument over whether members should even speak to Jews. Baphomet published information about a number of individuals involved with TRS, including Peinovich.

thanks for the head up on

some TRanShills were even on here trying to coopt it by calling them "slav slits" which is absolutely absurd

lol, baphomet did it, and they are a neonazi group. what's interesting about this is how quickly after TRS started blaming this on 8/pol/, how quickly the media dropped the fact that it was first published on antifa websites and started naming 8/pol/ directly.

I can see Enoch's nose growing

well, can you link to an antifa website that had the dox before Holla Forums?

Kulturkampf is actually pretty good because it just about philosophy. Good to see they had enough sense to leave the sinking ship.

It was on medium (since removed) and 4/pol/ before it was here.


maybe someone has the archive somewhere. but does it matter? anons literally called the media repeatedly to tell them that damn "jewish star" thing that Trump retweeted was on twitter first and gave them links and everything, but they just kept publishing the same lies. they don't care. like they'd publish anything bad about their kike friends over at anitfa. c'mon now

Thanks. I actually thought it appeared here first.

(((Media Empire)))
Holy shit, he really is a Jew, isn't he?

You might find those kind of eyes in East Baltics, buy not most Slavs. Slavs usually have normal round eyes.

So why is it such a big deal that TRS mods are dating or friends with nonwhites while Holla Forums mods


Where are the Enoch sympathizers gathering? Everywhere I try visiting (cuckchan, daily stormer) are all 99% against Enoch with only a handful of flailing damage control shills.

I want to start dumping good posts and graphics, but everyone I try going is totally on our side anyway.

And please don't just say their normie faceberg groups. I'm not signing up for kikebook for this shit.

I'm one. Dump away.

absolutely not. one user said that he even emailed Enoch and told him that his opsec was leaky in order to warn him. the only thing I have heard that has any credibility whatsoever is that maybe /baph/ doxed Bulbasaur bc he was being a shitbird and daring them to, which to me i mean if you wave your dick at /baph/ you're fucking retarded. they doxed the fucking FBI. jesus christ

People don't think of the mods as our leaders, and people don't listen to a radio show for 4 hours a week by the mods where they pretend to be hardcore white nationalists

he admired to being part Jewish on Musonius Rufus podcast. Near the end of the podcast it goes from being appologetics to "If you want me to be the leader of the Alt-right I will happaly be the leader" and "people really seem to enthusiastically support the Idea of me being the leader of the Alt-Right". He even at one point claims the left wing doesn't get anything accomplished because they are constantly "purrity spiraling", yet the "left" Jews has been running the world for at least the entier 20th centery.


I thought TRanShills had basically taken over 4cuck and that Anglin cucked on the Enoch Question?

Guy sounds like a fag who won't take responsibility for his fuckup.

I have twitter but it's full 1488 as of late, so will probably get banned soon.


That's because a lot of the pics of this TRS shitshow are shopped.

lolno, I just got back from like 3-4 consecutive threads on the Enoch Question on cuckchan. There's like one ausfag (probably their autistic intern) defending them and that's basically it.

Everyone else is either typing out solid counterarguments that dismantle TRS/enoch from head to toe, or bullyciding them with JIMPACTED memes

I tried to make a twitter sockpuppet, but as soon as I followed 2 people I got banned for breaking the terms of service. Not really sure how they caught me before I even made a post. That is some advanced kikery.

last time I listened to a TDS they bragged about ~80k across all their platforms average. Molyjew gets ten times their viewership to shout 'not an argument' at callers

Did your account name include any "naughty words?"

Almost everything was archived, faggot.

you forgot:
this is how retarded enoch is. i've saved that interview so i can show people later how much of a bastard that fucker is. he will be eternally shunned. he doesn't seem to realize that Mr Implicit, Grindr Greg and all the rest are going to dump him if he doesn't recover… and he won't recover. Not from this.

Nope, I make sure my sockpuppets look like real people, sometimes I even fake supporting evidence for background of the person I am creating. Which makes it all the more impressive that they caught me so quick.

Let us thank the Der Ewige Normalfag for this even being a possibility.

That and Daily Shoah doesn't actually reach out to new people. No one goes to TRS that's not already redpilled. Some normie isn't just going to start listening to a couple fags LARP about gassing jews for 3 weeks.

They get redpilled on Holla Forums. And then TRS leeches off a tiny sliver of Holla Forums's userbase for shekels. That's it.

And even then, it's totally irrelevant how popular he is. He is a race-mixer. Race mixers can't be allowed in a white nationalism movement. End of discussion.

Not just a race-mixer, the worst kind of race-mixer.

It reminds me of that Bernie Sanders interview from after the Chicago riots, where Bernie says Trump is to blame for the alleged actions of his fans, but in the very next sentence says that he is not responsible for the actions of bernie supporters

There are so many lies that they trip over each other. Each sentence they utter contradicts the last.

How about how Enoch talked about how he understands and doesn't hate anyone that disowns him, and then in the next breath talks about how he shut down the TRS forums because there were too many people criticizing him?

This point really needs to be emphasized. I think there's a large group of people that STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND that jews are a race. They still don't understand that this is no just as bad as if he married a nigress. Actually worse, since the mulatto baby that would result is too fucking stupid to subvert white people and too brown to infiltrate white organizations.

Jews literally cluster genetically with Italians.

delet this

on cuckchan? curious

ah, now there's the cuckchan i remember from all those years ago. XDDD

Do they still fag on VPNs over there? its such bullshit. I haven't been back in basically 2 years bc of that

before they got shoah from soundcloud, they only had 15k. And, they even admitted that "probably half" of their downloads were Zencast fucking up. Some (retarded) anons were even reporting DLing the Shoah like 5 or 6 times before it worked. I think the whole thing is a sham from top to bottom

molyjew is why I never tried to start a podcast show. i realized i could never be that vainglorious and autistic – i knew that i had no fucking clue what your average youtuber was looking for bc quite frankly I can't stand to watch him for more than 2 or 3 minutes, except for maybe one of his short comments on a current event. i… i just don't get it.

Do you think 8/pol/ would help me crowdfund for an anti-TRS, anti-poz podcast or would everyone just call me an eceleb. I'm basically NEEThomeless right now so I have nothing else to do. Maybe I could start a website and get some shekels. With this whole TRS thing, I'm thinking if I don't do it some fucking jew will so I feel like I should do it

Grab some caps pls

They're gene thieves. They mix just enough with the local population to not be immediately identifiable but easily known to each other. Look at Ashkenazi vs Sephardic. Both clearly jews but both semi distinct from each other.

That's a good way to get fooled


No they don't.



Have to admit, there wasn't a whole lot of contrition.

wew lad, saved

Really like that disqus comment on the fatherland. Shame it will never get posted because they locked their comments down because they were too butthurt to deal with criticism. They saw people actually weren't toeing the #StandWithEnoch line and deleted the forums, swiftly followed by the disqus comments.

Which is even more hilarious because the TRS faggots regularly joke and brag about getting websites to take down their comments sections through trolling.

Yeah, funny stuff. The guy in screencap #2 points out the same thing.

Thank god, I knew I could count on these guys. At least there are SOME people with integrity

I lost all respect for Rebel Yell today. I expected them to hold Enoch's feet to the fire. Instead all they did was cuck and defend him and didn't even ask any of the important questions or point out any of the important discrepancies.

Oh, and then there's the part where TRS works like Scientology. All the proles are told some bullshit about them being totally serious white nationalists. then if you get big enough you become an Operating Thetan and you gain access to the inner circle and learn the true secrets, such as Enoch being married to a marxist kike. But by that point you're already in too deep and you have no choice but to toe the line because you're already a part of it.

Musonius knew the entire time.

𝕥rips confirm that
and to never trust a Jew

That's because I actually am guy in screencap #2 and several others

Fuck people like morrakiu who say anons can't be content creators. especially when 99% of memes, users, raids, operations, and everything else come from Holla Forums


People here aren't just going to throw money at a project they haven't seen. If you want to make something, start small scale and put it on youtube or something. If it isn't crap, you'll get an audience. If people like what you do, then they'll give money; not beforehand.

The real loss in all of this for me is The Fatherland. I don't know where else I'm going to find a podcast where a bunch of dudes get together, crack open beers, rant a little bit about niggers and then talk about how great family life is. I'm not going to listen to these lying scum, but I don't think there's a good replacement.

Maybe make some friends?

this. period.

oh yeah
lol, what a fat faggot. Oh, and…
it should be clear now that everything that man says is a lie

lmao this nigger

What a loser.

Wow… even Ghost from True Capitalist Radio got in on kicking Mike Enoch over all of this:


my only friends are leftists who don't want kids because "the world is too overpopulated"

It's pretty funny. I'll admit that I was a regular TDS listener. I got long fucking commutes and they were a good way to pass the drives.

When all this came out, I instantly knew he had to go, but I was still pissed that the facade was gone and the truth exposed and the podcast I liked was going ot go to shit. But the funny thing now is that I don't even care. I am no longer sad about the end of the Daily Shoah. I can't even listen to Sven and Mike talk without making faces in disgust as I listen to their lies and disingenuous bullshit. I wasn't even able to put up with the entire interview from today or the show from yesterday.

Pandora's box is a bitch.

Figured I'd shill my summary here

tbh that sounds exactly like how shitty marriages look these days. They think they're "being adults" or something by "compromising" no matter the extremes… people seek "what works" and compartmentalize everything so these contradictions coexist. People are fucking weird now man. People will tolerate just about anything to avoid loneliness. Not only is this fucked up arrangement believable, but it exposes EXACTLY what pol called out a long time ago. We interpreted the inconsistency as controlled opposition, when really what we were looking at was shitty figurehead neckbeard leadership. That he is a fat fuck should be enough of a character flaw to disqualify him, and these character flaws manifested themselved in ways pol perceived long ago already. We fucking nailed it… iow. Stay sharp!

Ghost is a faggot. He would sell his mother for a few shekels.

Why would anyone defend him anyway? Clearly it was a scam meant to pigeonhole Holla Forumsacks into some nonsense "kill everyone" nigger-tier ideology. Or so I believe, I don't exactly listen to podcasts seeing as I'm not a faggot. Seriously though, why are all these idiots so fucking ugly? I should be a bit more thankful of my good genetics, maybe I ought to put them to use.

I have the same feel, fam. I didn't want to believe TRS was this shit but for the past 2 months they've really been pissing me off. I wanted to keep liking them but every fucking week it was another thing.

Warning: gay ass link

I considered making a webm, but it really wasn't worth it.

Your summary doesn't take into account the large numbers of non-channers we had supporting the raid.

Listening to it right now, ~25 mins in and they haven't mentioned it once yet. Really disappointing to see so many cuck for Enoch.
At least Kulturkampf and Darwin Digest had the stones to leave, I liked their stuff.

He can fuck right off, most TRS content is just repackaged stuff from Holla Forums and other sites.

I'm sorry, which raid? Would you mind elaborating? iirc we've never counter-raided TRS because all their shit is locked behind invites.

Are all the Merchant Minutes gone from youtube?

Doxing I guess, if you wanna be pedantic. Whatever you wanna call it, when this shit between Holla Forums and TRS kicked into high gear, we had a lot of obvious foreigners pushing it while antifa was giggling about it on twitter.

TRS seems convinced that anyone against Kike Enoch on the forums is an 'antifachan' shill. That's the narrative from the higher ups to justify the shutting down of all comment sections at least.

Ghost is a faggot. He would sell his mother for a few shekels.

which one?

That's nothing really. At about 1-20, the conversation implies strongly that Enoch is partial hebe, and that they should be let in if they can offer something. That's nutz.

Does he mean a distant ancestor, or that he's actually half-hebe. They seem to avoid this.



Found an explanation

All the "leaders" of the ((( alt-right ))) circled the wagons to protect Mike Eunoch. This is gamergate all over again. pol is not ((( alt-right ))) and the ((( alt-right ))) really needs their shit kicked in. Antifa and the shills can't beat 14/88.

Ghost thinks everything revolves around money. He probably wishes he was Jewish like Trump does.

No. Normal people with normal marriages might have a few disagreements here and there about the toilet seat or the wife's friends. They are not completely and 100% diametrically opposed opposites.

And even then, you want to accept that they're both such cucks that they deal wtih each other anyway? Fine. Why was the marxist kike jewess willing to record a christmas song about gassing jews?

I've noticed that but it doesn't seem like we responded to it so it's not necessary to include, the dox was something we threatened and we added another when they let two days and a shoah go by without any address of our issues
We dox'd two and then laughed about ANTIFA doxing one, CERTAIN CHARACTERS have been shilling to dox Jazzhands but I don't think the board wants to

It's really getting to me. They can't comprehend that people could genuinely dislike them, all on their own - they'll read my summary and then come to the conclusion that it was all IronMarch telling us to call Richard a faggot and thats how this got started, therefore it's not their fault. The lack of personal responsibility is disgusting for supposed honorable white men.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I want a new fun current events shitposting podcast, otherwise they might as well enjoy a pool of 20 listeners and their >tfw too intelligent massive brains.

I was talking to this user and he said he sent a message to Musonius about some stuff, but one of the big things was he wanted Musonius to know that people trusted him. I think he said even 8/pol/. But, I think that was more in the context of encouraging him to start his own website with KK, TDD, etc. Anyway, user said it was like an hour, for sure no more than two, before Sven posted that Musonius would be hosting the interview. I hope Musonius didn't just make a bad mistake.

To be fair, he didn't seem really "into" it. I mean, you can call that cucking, but you can also call that not helping. Of course, that all depends on where Musonius goes from here. If he stays with TRS its going to be difficult to look at him the same way anymore. If he tried to jump on board with KK, then you know he's okay… also that means he's not a total retard

did he ever really admit to this? I'm still not sure what to think about that. Did Musonius ever go to NY? tbh, I'm surprised that everyone that met him in person didn't realize something was up just by looking at him

true. i wanted to do some other stuff, too, as well, but nm about that… so, what sort of microphone do you have to get to sound alright? I don't want to show my face - what should I do? just podcast or like do pictures and shit?

no offense user, but the real loss is for the older, single crowd. there are lots of podcasts where christians sit around and talk about jeebus and their kids. there are very few that are non-christian and right-wing as well. enoch needs to hang

the "Enoch is a great intellectual" line is so fucking deluded. he's twice the size and half the intellect of molyjew coincidentally the same amount jewish, tho and that's a lot coming from me since I can't stand that autist

the pig even has a relatively "cuter" wife lol

I disagree. It seemed to me the shills were a major kicker in this whole shitstorm. Not that these TRS leaders weren't fags that deserved to be exposed, but they weren't the only ones getting doxed. And regardless of how justified it seems to us, our enemies are quite jolly about the infighting as you can see on their public subs on reddit like /r/fullcommunism or socialism.

maybe redpill your friends about demographic replacement and IQ? make sure to point out that democracy cannot exist with an average IQ around 90 or below and that's where we are heading

Actually from what I've seen it seems like
a) a honeypot to collect info on bad goyim
b) a shekel mill for d'nations
c) controlled opposition to water down the righteous anger that drives us to push change.
Or a combo of the three. From all the shilling going on here, and the attempted manufactured consensus of 'antifachan' as a label I would assume the goal is to subvert/discredit/demoralize Holla Forums. They (the deep state) are possibly the only ones who recognize us as a powerful actor in shaping the convergence of this new timeline we have been blessed with. Think of Holla Forums as the magic lantern. The cutout inside the lantern represents our unfailing and uncompromising ideals. If the cutout becomes distorted, the image cast on the wall (the future nation/world we are pushing for) becomes even more distorted, as the image is magnified. While it doesn't seem like this wave of shilling is having much effect, remember to always stay vigilant against subversion of our ideals. Control the memes, and the world is ours brothers. Shadilay.

We have many powerful enemies that oppose what we do here, of that there can be no doubt.

I'm embarrassed to admit I've been a listener of TDS over the past 18 months. I really thought the "Kike Enoch" stuff was all a meme. I'm still not sold he himself is a jew, but the evidence I've seen in other threads that he's part jew (along with the way he said it without saying it in the interview with RY today) is pretty damning.

I honestly don't know what to believe yet, but I'm now convinced most of TRS's higher ups and content producers are completely full of shit.

Most of what was discovered in the dox was forgivable. The guy can't help he comes from such an ovenable family, and even marrying the jewess when you're still a blue pilled normie could be overlooked.

There's a few things that I can't get past in all of this (and I can admit to myself I'm experiencing a certain amount of cognitive dissonance, bc I convinced myself these guys were real and I got caught up in the cult of personality aspect…sad, I know):

-there's no way his wife could be aware of what he was espousing on air without it being a big joke between the two of them. If somebody can walk me through an alternative scenario, I'm all ears

-I became intimately involved with TRS's activist efforts throughout the election cycle (flyering, fake student union stuff, etc.). The 504um was full of activists. But today Mike gets on air and feeds everybody the line that 'TRS doesn't want to be political activists…we never intended to function that way…we just want to make edgy podcasts, haha'. It all reeks of bullshit.

I wanted to feel bad for Sven, but it's hard to. It's clear he's complicit in Mike's lies at this point. He told me via PM the day after the dox broke that "this is all my fault…I should've told him to delete the youtube channel…I knew it was there, but I forgot about it". But Mike tells his listeners (and trusted inner circle members over skype call at 4 am) that he knew nothing about his wife being into the tranny stuff.

So let's pause a second…how does Sven know the youtube channel exists and feel bad for not reminding them to take it down, but Mike was totally clueless as to what his own wife (that he shares a small apartment with) is doing at night?

The quiet on FB and everywhere else is eerie. There are a lot of guys who are starting to wake up to the fact this was all a giant fucking ruse, and they're very, very pissed off.

KK and DD were the best shows on TRS.

DD especially was like distilled redpills on all the important topics like race, faggotry, jews in academia, whatever. You listen to their podcasts and you become a master debater who can shoot down any kike who tries to argue against you

listen to the interview. He gives a full disclosure and admits he knew.

TRS leadership seems to be comprised almost entirely of faggots, liars, and traitors, but I still don't think we should disregard the value of their podcasts.

This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here:
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.

We shill our podcasts because we can
For the good of "the movement"
Except the ones who are doxxed
But there's no sense crying over every mistake
You just keep on shilling till you marry a kike
And the Daily Shoahs get done
To control the opposition
For the alt-righters who marry a kike


Should we do everything based on what our enemies don't like? Just because our enemies see us as one movement doesn't mean we are one. Just because our enemies are happy doesn't mean we somehow lose.

Can somebody explain to me why these faggots think this place is full of Antifa?

If you're going to attempt leadership in any form you've got to live it. All of this trail left online… these pictures and associations… surely he knew it would be found? Sure he understood his situation… and how it would be viewed once his identity was inevitably revealed. If you're not a model of what you preach you either can't be a leader… or must air the dirty laundry from day one. You have to be the one to put it out there… there is just no way to recover from a failed attempt to conceal relevant facts. He could have easily spun the situation as something like, "as basically a dark haired 'white' nigger who is married to a jewess, and whose parents fucked niggers, I'm uniquely in a motivated position to salvage for you what has been lost for me… my blood heritage." Okay different spin… and this would have turned many off, but it would have innoculated him and TRS from this.

The only appropriate style of leadership is living it and owning it (e.g. Trump).

Kek they were terrible at creating a fake consensus i mean part of them really though that /fullpol/ was the same as cuckchan Holla Forums and even claimed that 75% of their userbase were from Holla Forums meanwhile at the same time they cried about how dox is out of limits and how any imageboards could go that "far". honestly it was comical

Mike is playing both sides, as Jews do. I enjoyed TDS as well. But he's all bullshit. There is no logical explanation for any of it other than that it is all bullshit. Everyone knew his wife was a faghag, Grindr Greg admitted that most of the inner circle knew. This reeks as larping for getting money from genuine white nationalists. Possibly an datamining scheme, but that hasn't been verified.
Forget them. It sucks, but more will replace them. Genuine Holla Forumsacks will take their place

Took you niggers long enough to realize this shit.

Apparently two different TRS cultures formed, the forum was the containment zone for serious WNs, while on the facebook everything was very jokey and there were many gays, jews, non-whites, etc.

The higherups only used the facebook and completely ignored the forum, missing many danger signs as a result.

Too bad, it was a good forum.

But I now realize Holla Forums was right

someone screencap this

I completely agree. I even knew that Enoch was still secretly a libertarian and Sven probably was, too. I mean, no one is completely pure in their minds; people are always discovering new ideas. But, boy had I no idea how bad it was. At first, I desperately wanted to believe that somehow no one knew, but its increasingly coming out that this is not the case. the whole thing was a lie

Is it no surprise that Enoch's first real meetup with "right-wingers" was with the (((NRx))) crowd?

go back where you came from

they're literally in a butt-plugging NRx cult together, like Masons style

the ramble a lot especially at first, but if you're looking for it to get better, don't hold your breath. In fact, I'd get yourself a drink bc it gets worse

there was no raid you dipshit. antifa doxed Enoch, then Holla Forums decided to do some digging. I've been here the whole time

I don't think we should pick our actions on the sole basis of what our enemies would like to see us do, but it's still a valuable metric to take into consideration. Sometimes taking the right action will seem pleasing to your enemies, but generally speaking if they're happy about what you're doing, you'd better be damn sure about it.

Holla Forums was saying for a year now that there was something shady about TRS and Enoch especially
Then he gets doxed and it turns out we were 100% right.

Therefore, obviously, it was all our fault that he built his "movement" on a jew-infused foundation of sand that came crumbling down.

what did he mean by this? who?

Same here, and there was definitely a horde of foreigner present when this shit began.

faggot even after this you still think we are part of some weird alt-right coalition

No it was about gassing everyone on the Left EXCEPT jews. even cuckservatives were listed, but not neocons or jews. interesting, right?

I stopped caring about the jazzhands dox since he and his cohost deleted their twitter and seem to have no intention to go back to TRS. I still think the two of them knew mike was a jew and didn't tell anyone.
t. guy who doxed ghoul's gay moms, bulba's house, and sven's house

Laughed hard at that cop-out episode they put out today.

The accusation that TRS was just "LARP"ing (hate this awful lingo tbh) is largely unanswered. Looking at vid related I think the angle that this was just raceplay between a dysfunctional fetishized marriage holds a lot of weight to me.

They're done and if fat fuck breathy libertarian Enoch thinks people won't forget this and won't keep pressing TRS on this, they're delusional. It's not just that the dude has a kike wife it's that you can never take any of this seriously or trust any of the people who kept this secret ever again. They were already not funny and struggling to find a purpose.

Good riddance.

They do that to make you forget that the whole purpose of the interview was to fill in the details from the horse's mouth. Let Mike Enoch stall for time talking for 20 minutes about minimalism and then another 30 minutes on jewish subversion and a culture of critique summary, you know, just to make sure you stupid goyim know he's totally on your side :^)

Holla Forums was and never will be a part of the alt-right. The alt-right is a manufactured label meant to control and weaken what we do here because what can be named can be controlled. That said, what we were doing here and what TRS was doing had similar ends.

Nice Reddit Spacing

"Italian" Mobsters were kikes, nice meme

then you are probably not from here, every time something like this happens there are people falseflagging or taking credit , normally is only Holla Forums, Holla Forums and the autists from drybones chan, i will give you that they were other people this time like chimpire but in no way this is unusual to anybody from here

Also worth remembering: Enoch himself started the Roman salutes at Dickie's last gay NPI bathhouse meet-up. Really makes me think.

Isn't it weird how Ironmarch and TRS both have roots as fetish communities?


this. Holla Forums has been pretty measured. some faggots have been screaming to dox morrakiu and jazzhands/halberstram and there has been stiff resistance. as soon as I mentioned that Rebel Yell was based, a bunch of anons admitted to liking a number of the podcasts. the idea that the Holla Forums userbase is behind this is absolutely absurd. And, the trsodomites WILL LOSE THIS BATTLE, so the better back the fuck off

yeah dude we totally would have pissed off antifa by embracing the jew Enoch and his jew fucking ways.

then you dont know what this board is about

antifa is TRS' boogeyman, TRS does lots of facebook and university based operations both of which are antifa heavy. You'll notice that in the last month antifa gets thrown around here a lot which it never used to (unless in a thread about a protest or riot or some such thing), it seems to me a clear mark of an influx of TRS faggots onto Holla Forums

we liked him before we knew he covered for jew enoch for a year. Listen to the fucking podcast you dumb faggot

TRS sealed its fate when they backed down on the whole "Mike is leaving" thing.
They no longer have any credibility. They can bury their heads in the sand and pretend things can return to normal, but they won't. Everyone is going to get sick of the disingenuous bullshit. The only people left will be Enoch's own "inner-circlejerk"


Reminds me of when Pussy got whacked in the Sopranos. Motherfucker got caught being a snitch, but kept pretending that everything would be totally fine up until the moment they gunned him down.

sleeping with marxist jew women is the last implicit stand of white identity. Expecting people not to racemix or suck cock is far too extreme a sentiment to have. Nobody could possibly meet such unrealistic standards, and you should stop purity spiraling.

I've been here and similar places a very long time, user. Long enough to notice that many of the posters that showed up at the beginning of this affair pretending to be anons obviously weren't.

I never said that, faggot. Fuck Enoch.

If you think Holla Forums is part of the alt-right, it is you who is mistaken.

This page has since been removed.

Because it's easier than realizing one's actions caused thousands to hate them.

We were, we gave them more warnings than we could count

I used to hold that view because ANTIFA doxed Ghoul, and this place encouraging doxing teh Bulbs, Sven, Enoch and the FTN guys seemed to help more the left than our side. But after the (((wife))) bombshell, Holla Forums was right indeed.

You're now on your way to enlightenment.

The left and the right punched at the same time and anytime someone punches TRS from the right they scream purity spiraling.

user, its a cult. are you an atheist, a nihilist or even an agnostic? have you ever tried to tell someone religious, and not just religious, but like a Jehovas Witness, have you ever tried to tell them you think their book is stupid? They'll call you a Devil Worshipper, a heritic, an ANYTHING bc they cannot understand that maybe you're just skeptical. Maybe you don't live every moment of your life for some cult or dogma. that's TRS. its a political cult. they take advantage of young men. that's it

You can't just take the face value of what Holla Forums believes to be truth given how easy it is to false-flag here to manufacture a false consensus using only a handful of proxies.

no faggot TRS was trying to pretend they had a political movement going on and were some headquarters of the alt-right, Holla Forums does not want and is not a fucking political movement or a headquarters and has zero fucking interest in anything but the truth gas yourself fucking lolberg

the IM accusations came out of nowhere and it was only a thing TRS guys used since they had a bitch fight over on their forums I guess. antifa accusations came out of nowhere and before then had never really been used on Holla Forums since we never do anything that would put anyone at risk from them. antifachan came out of nowhere and I've noticed that every TRS exile post I see on any site (reddit, facebook, dailystormer, here) they are almost 100% consistent in using it as if it was a planned thing.

But remember no punching right.

trying to push that manufactured consensus is how they got caught in the first place. these fools didn't realize their is a genuine ethos, customs and culture. That there is more to this then pepe memes. The funniest part was an user mocking trsodomites came up with the term "antifachan" because the label they were trying to push didn't even have a clever ring to it. Some actually thought people on Holla Forums where actually being subverted by leftist shills when we where forged in the forged in the fire and born from the chaos.

wait you're not kidding. TRS is fucking dogshit lol

I was defending the FtN goys, but if they really are faggots like people were saying they deserve it.

how long have you been here, you clearly dont fucking belong

oh yeah, they'd have been so fucking devastated if we had let their jew-plant, kike enoch stay. that would have really showed antifa. the best way to beat the jews is to let them run your organization!
t. retards like you


The KK/DD guys put up a very polite explanation saying they're leaving, and the TRS jews won't even allow that. Oy vey, can't allow people to see the cracks in the facade! Shut down the forum! Shut down the disqus comments! Shut down the Kulturkampf page! G-d forbid these goyim know that most people aren't taking our side except those in the inner-circkejerk!

I wish kulturkampf and darwin digest all the best. They were actual quality shows. Coincidentally, neither was part of the inner circle.

Leave that shit behind in the TRS forums. Here on Holla Forums we don't take kindly to "ironically" calling yourself subhuman cattle

Someone with an account bump this with the new information. That is absolutely outrageous they would take down their post.

If you want to do other stuff, get a wordpress or something as well. You can always branch out and get your own site or domain once you've established an audience and can consistently create content.

As for microphone, I use a Snowball microphone with a pop filter. Pretty good quality. Will run you about $50 or so.

No need to get fancy as of yet, just put something out there. You'll improve as you go along.

t. chimpire kike

You faggots love to accuse people of shit they never said, even when they made it clear that they don't hold those views you're accusing them of. Do you even know how IDs work?

KK/DD were bowing out gracefully too. They could've totally put up a scathing indictment of Enoch and the TRS faggots, but they help their tongue cordially.

They were boring as fuck shows people who don't like to read listen to in order to obtain distilled information. Zero cultural force behind those shows.

Last time I checked, the FtN hosts didn't know about Enoch's (((secret))), rumor is that Jazzhands was FUCKING ANGRY over it and his co-host Patrick Bateman hasn't said anything AFAIK.

Yeah sounds like you are pretty fed up with Holla Forums. I'd suggest going to another site to whine like a faggot. Also you're welcome for having us dox TRS like the jew sympathizers they are.

And about pics of whatnot. You could go the gay route that the skeptics on yt do and make a faggy little avatar that is there the whole time. I personally prefer video clips or relevant article clips or pics to go along with your voice over. You have both audio and video at your disposal, take advantage of it.

They really did take it down. Not only have they closed their forums and disqus. Now they're deleting pages.
This is just getting pathetic.

That's not at all what I said or what I meant or even implied you shill faggot.

I was disappointed too having known that Musonius knew. I guess we'll see if he'll still play pattycake with TRS after this. At least they added another show with Grindr Greg where they can shit on Christianity for not being tolerant enough to sodomites.

Not only do they not have credibility but I'm not willing to tolerate even the smallest level of their bullshit. I sat through that whole shitfest today and the pretend "back to normal" shit at the end of the interview was extremely hollow and uncomfortable feeling. That feeling will define TRS for as long as the url resolves.

Agreed, purge the cringe lingo. "Fash" and "Fashy" need to fucking go.

I had to link to a three-minute clip in the last ten minutes of a three-hour show. I don't see a better way to do that.

Why is Weev highlighted? He's a shill himself…

A strong mark for their character if true. Hopefully they come back and drop the TRS baggage someday.

If, but TBH nobody has ever had a problem with them from what I can see before this episode. Not to be a fag here but I don't think it's worth ruining their lives to find out - if /baph/oles want to check them out, I'd at least request that they only release the dox if Jazz and Mcfeels actually are faggots.

But I'm admittedly biased because I liked FTN more than TDS. I don't speak for Holla Forums, just one user.

If that's why they up and disappeared I have a lot more respect for them now. I'd like some confirmation on this if possible from other anons.


it wasn't controlled opposition and it probably wasn't a honeypot, user. it was just some faggot larpy lolbergtards who thought they could get some shekels. that is all. don't go all nuts on this. i could be wrong, but i would have told you a long time ago that they weren't real WN and that I suspected at least one of them was a jew (NY libertarians who were into NRx and imageboard? c'mon. how could you not know)

release it and bring the whole thing down. release that fucking PM. release it and put TRS out of its misery for good. I beg you user. do the right thing

I wonder how much money they were actually making.

Why are you lying for them dude. You have no idea if they didn't know. What we do know is that according to the Rebel Yell guy people with big enough podcasts are told that Mike has a jew wife and is probably part jew. It is almost unbelievable that thee rebel yell guy would be told this and not FTN the largest podcast they have.

Also image of KK/DG leaving

Yeah dude anyone who doesn't like BASED TRS is a shill. Get going.

I never said that at all, shill faggot. Keep muddying the waters.

i listened to it, but i don't remember him saying he knew… wait, no he said he's known for like 1 year now? is that what I remember?

bc that was Sven's initial reaction. he told all his Lts to start referring to 8/pol/ as antifachan

If FTN weren't told it just makes them more legitimate. Oh well. We'll see if they ever resurface.

kek, this

I have a feeling a lot of it was under the books.

I'm just glad we got this done when we did. I remember a few months ago they read off a sizable donation on the shoah from some old man reccomending that they set up a way to recieve incredibly large donations like an inheritance.

Ever since this came out, knowing that we stopped some old man from being suckered out of his inheritance by a fucking honeypot gives me such a sure-headed righteousness. Makes all my autism worth it.

I agree. If they're just normal White dudes, they haven't done anything to deserve it.

That's what I heard, it was said by someone who claimed to be in their private chat or something. They also said the Fash Britania chick was angry about the revelation. I'd like confirmation too tbh.

Where will KK go? Youtube?

During the "Rebel Shoah" he claims he had no idea that the trs forum was banning partial jews

This was a lie, I specifically remember him discussing this policy in the spring of last year (maybe two) during a segment about a former poster who wrote a piece for Forward about being a jew who agrees with the alt-right

If anyone can find this you could prove he was lying in that interview and therefore still untrustworthy

Unfortunately I don't have time to do it tonight but we need to strike while the iron is still hot

/baph/ is not looking to dox Jazzy

Thanks lads.

Le Circles user was right. You can never trust fucking masons.

why the fuck you faggot are still going on with that stupid meme, nobody is a fucking lolberg ask anybody from >>>/liberty/ if this board is libertarian

They're making their own site with the darwin digest guys.

Send a form 3949-A to the IRS and say you have suspicions they're under-reporting their income.

Doesn't the Rebel Yell guy run some kinda TRS group? It would make more sense that he would know than people who just host a podcast.

I recall that, it was last year.

It may have even been during the summer of 88 series.

nobody here refers to crossposters as "foreigners," user. but, yeah, there was shilling. there always is, though. It was clear the mods were against trs, but it looked to me that they stopped at simply talking mad shit and banning anyone that disagreed. I'm very doubtful that any regular 8/pol/ user doxed TRS. 8/pol/s line is that ecelebs aren't even worth talking about, not that they are good or bad. why would 8/pol/ dox anyone. maybe somebody dropped the dox here, but that's a different story.

checked. this whole post is ripe. okay, assuming you're telling the truth tho, what do you identify as: Holla Forums /baph/ or somewhere else?

well, yeah, and they're trying to "humanize" themselves and show how their beliefs have been "growing" over time and all that bullshit. most of it sounded like they were stroking the MSMs dick with the "we're really libertarians" line, maybe hoping they'd get bored and stop listening










From what I've seen most of TRS wasn't libertarian, though there was a large faction of them there. Also don't pretend there isn't a large group of nationalist libertarians on Holla Forums right now.

I for one would love if the KulturKampf crew commented on current events and debated lefties/civic cucks more often. They are smarter than the all the "le rationalist centrist" jewtube clique queers combined.

You'd be so lucky. No, you're a fucking moron. A nigger tier loser who things funny pictures excuse lying and that somehow, this disgusting slob is on the level of a guy who ovened Jewed 70 years ago. Your head is as fucked as a trannies.

Harold Covington talked about Enoch

This shit is the definition of D&C. You don't try to split a group in half, that's unreliable. Instead you split little bits off it, piece by piece until they're all divided.

99% of the alt-right podcasts have shills in them you gotta find the ones made by legit concerned white people not fucking edgy teens seeing who can the edgiest.

I'd recommend Anything with Mike Delaney in it he ran Trutube before it went down and made the documentary missing links.
He also exposed Alex jones by calling in and bringing up jews Alex then proceeded to swear at him for the first time ever on air
Vid related; youtube.com/watch?v=XcdG93M2EmA
He even puts his skype up for people to contact him and ask him questions.
Gets Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, William Finck and
Sven Longshakes on his shows to talk Aryan CHRISTIAN heritage

Only one who will tell you how race reality fits in with christianity (kikes don't want white nationalists connecting the two)
There are actually christian interpretations that recognize race is quite significant to the word of god.
good podcast to start with;
list of some of his podcasts;

Another I would recommend especially for Aussies is the Oz Racist News report:


Inb4 "Kike on a stick" shills

get your heeb on a branch outta here

Putting your name or personal contact info out there in any capacity is namefag bullshit is a sure sign of subversion.

Our instinct told us they were kikes all along.

You know what that's a good twist on an old meme

I like you

and then "somehow" two jews and a gook whore get caught on camera doing it too. wow, interesting…

wtf are you talking about. That post was about before todays podcast you dipshit chucklefuck


oh god tell me someone archived it

thanks for the advice I was going to manufacture merch, actually

what program do they use to do this. let's make it…. linux. is there a good linux program for this? do they usually just talk and click through a ppt slideshow? I understand the format; I just don't know the best way to get there

yeah, I clicked and saw. my bad

I couldn't find the episode though

I believe they talk about paid agitators at Trump rallies at some point in it and this was also around the time MW did a hangout with Sargon the nig but I'm not sure if it was the same show

If I had to guess a month I'd say March because I know I was on spring break when I listened to it

fuck off. you said earlier in this thread that you "desperately" didn't want this to be true. lurk for 2 more years newfag because you're obviously from that shitty TRS site that anybody with half a brain never concerned themselves with.

this is obviously a honeypot/datamine/shekel grab operation. now fuck off.

screencap of it here


this. it was more bc of his organizing, is the way I understood it. but, still, idk about FtN…

oh no he got around my inb4

lol srs though you not gonna learn anything if you stay in your echochamber and don't listen to Christian white nationalists?


Found it on google cache then I archived it.

this. actually, if TRS would just quite agonizing and spin off whoever is dissenting and just move on, over all "the movement" whatever that means would actually be stronger

Great minds think alike

After we find out he(?) and his wife are Jews, it really puts a whole new spin on the "goy" thing. They get all of their listeners to self-identity as goys and then rub their hands while cashing in their d'nations.

The interview was shit. He literally avoided talking about it.


They're not mutually exclusive things dude. I was on /n/ and /i/ back in the day. IMO I'm just constantly surprised it takes people to wake up and see how the world really is. Then again I hated minorities and jews in elementary school since I got to live in a city that bused in the poor kids and was close to a jew neighborhood. Not sure why the fuck it took most of the people here till their 20's to wake up to the world.

First 15 minutes or so.

okay, I'm not going to talk shit on your fantasies about magical sky daddies and invisible space wizards… but do you have any with WN individuals who DON'T have imaginary friends? thanks

Only 20 mins left and they've only mentioned it once. Guess this passes for "asking the hard questions".

Seems like they don't want their users to see any dissent over this.

Never thought the TRS admins would be our first cows of 2017.

lol can you go back and not come here anymore

Any video editing software will work, you don't need anything fancy if it's just voice over clips. Hitfilm 4 is good, free with a lot of features. And you can always upgrade it to premium if you want to do something fancy.

Focus on creating first before you try selling merchandise

Someone posted an image showing they made $18k just in bitcoin over [I think] the last year. Wish I had save the screen cap, but it is in one of the dox threads somewhere. And I assume bitcoin was just a fraction of their donations since they also had PayPal which would be more popular.

That's why they deleted the forums, along with the users being in open revolt. There were tons of stuff that could be used against their narrative.

Sven himself would personally ban people for being racemixers or mischlings. But of course now there's no proof of this anymore.

That one user who said that Sven was PMing him and admiting he knew about the wife's YT channel also is an unprovable claim now.

niiiiiiiiiiiice good job guise. this is hilarious. KK and TDD must have had admin privileges to post their material and did that without Kike Hamhock and Sven the Schmuck knowing. GREAT!!!

yeah, but those are three diffferent things you dipshit. it could just be jews tricking the goyim into giving shekels. that doesn't mean they're giving your name to the FBI or ADL. they could be, but not usually

no, user, I know. I was just trying to get "your opinion" on who doxed whom and when. So, therefore, knowing which you identify as would be important to confront/confirm TRanShills


Please Holla Forums correct me if I'm wrong but I believe one's harddrive saves caches of webpages they've visited?
TRS should be no exception.

The inner circlejerk were libertarians larping as nazis and then figured out that they could role with it to get donations from actual natsocs

thats an oxymoron

Namefagging here for obvious reasons.

Myself, the KK and DD goys/gal, Jazzhands, Halberstram, Anglin, and Weev (there may be others but I don't know) were not aware of the jewish connection. I and McFeels were called four nights ago by Mike where he informed us.

I shoahed everything KK related afterwards and so did McFeels. The farewell post was cordial and grateful and it was taken down by one of the admins.

/record corrected.

Jews Raus!

*slips back into anonymity*

tl;dl of the "Rebel Yell" show released today:

I listened to the entire podcast, and as far as I can tell, about three times he mentions his "wife", actively, with no mention or implication that they are splitting up.
He says "my wife may be a liability….", and so on. From what I can tell, he isn't divorcing her anything, I think, but they are physically separating for some time, since it sounded like he was going to be doing some level of moving, though this was only implied, you'd think he would state it outright if he were actually divorcing.
He does talk about doing The Shoah again. He even opens up the possibility to be a leader again later on, after admitting he shouldn't be one. Him and his admitted, in this show, close friends on the call say "you leaving is what they want", which is totally gaslighting their audience, to borrow their terminology.

If they had any integrity, they would have done an interview with one of the shows that left TRS over this event, rather than their friends.
It is so pathetic, at the start of the show, it is called "an interrogation" in a serious manner, but nothing could be farther from the truth. It is beyond softballs, they barely even really talk about it, maybe 25% of the time.

They go on and on about trying to prevent their forum from getting "infiltrated", and whether or not they should open it back up, this being their main concern. They are trying to dance around the fact that most of the forum hates Mike now.
Like TRS or hate it, the forum was something that connected people IRL, and they are not going to bring the forums back for fear of criticism of keeping Mike on. Letting their ego get in the way of the thing most likely to do actual good.

Sven also said: "This is the last that we are going to be doing on this."
So, they hardly addressed it, and didn't even do it on their actual show, so people who just listen every week will probably have no idea that anything happened, unless they caught the mini episode 122.

Speaking of TRS people who disagree: two of their podcasts left, with a respectful message, but TRS just deleted their posts :^)
The post (seen here too: but they left out the final line: "Juden Raus! Nein Juden! Hail Victory."):
The link that now 404s:
Will be adding this to the infographic. THEY FUCKING NUKED IT. And all disqus comments are closed, and the forum is still down. Can't let anyone express agreement or disagreement!

Mike said in this show that he did the recording on his couch. His wife probably heard him do most of them, she can be heard in the background in some.

lol right, where tf do all these pagan white nationalists come from?

Fuck - i'm a retard.

This was tharru.

Are you the guy who is getting gangstalked?

Yeah, would love to see them tear someone like Sargon apart.

The only thing fracturing "the movement" is TRS's and the e-celeb's staunch refusal to disown Enoch, while calling like 90% of their fanbases antifa shills

The idea some ugly leftist bitch is behind it as suggest by Anglin is absurd as saying that ugly pig is a hooker. You couldn't pay anyone to fuck that and it looks insane so that thing doing anything online isn't happening.

I bet he tried to fuck her and got shot down then used the pig to run interference for TRS as he's clearly on their side. He's fencing sitting because he thinks he's going to go in their and take over.


TRS is shit talking by sad and angry life failures. There's nothing there. 'OH did you see what was in the news? I was soooo rustled I tweeted about it.' Which explains all the retarded homos in the caps that have posted the past few days.

Thanks for posting here, if you really are who you say you are. Which is, who?

Are you going to reupload the old KK episodes, and DD, so people can listen to a non Jewish podcast while you work on the new site?

Before you go can you give your perspective on how involved Jazzhands and Halberstram were with the more high ranking area with TRS? I just find it hard to believe that they weren't made aware of the jew thing when they were such a popular podcast.


how fuckin stupid are you? yes it's 3 different things so that means it cant be all 3 at the same time?

Listen TRS faggot, we know you're new and you're trying to fit in, but you were in kindergarden when 9/11 happened and you wouldnt be able to spot a controlled opposition if your life depended on it.

btw, you dont have to reply to every fuckin post that's posted, no one gives a shit.

Funny, since Mike said on the Shoah today that basically everyone he trusted in the inner circle knew about his wife.

I'm sure he trusts you. I'm guessing he is lying about it to force consensus, acting like all the "inner circle" was ok with it.

exactly. has it gotten to the point yet where Enoch even gets uppidy about the whole thing?

no Holla Forums is a Nietzchean board pleb

thanks. What if I just put a voice to Holla Forums sort of? Like, I'd just come here and say "hey niggers what should i talk about" and then get ideas and basically do Holla Forums sort of. Do you think that could work?

the merch is not just going to be for my podcast. I'm currently soliciting stable customers

it has been. they constantly say, "thanks for everything, but if you can do bitcoin instead" and stuff like that.

dude, he's in full denial mode. most of that podcast was cucked as fuck. it almost sounds like he's trying to get his job back, or get the MSM to lay off him

…and because they didn't want any more stuff happening like what happened with KK and TDD!!! They said a few of their mods went rogue. The whole Southern portion wanted succession. The War Room called for a coup!

I'm actually curious how much she really had to do with the podcast/TRS in general. Look at her LinkedIn and social media accounts: she's in brand management/internet marketing. It would be a hell of a thing if she helped him build TRS off the ground.

based tharru

It could even be that he is trying to shield her, so that she will not be fired. If he distances himself and acts like she had nothing to do with it, then they won't go after her for the Christmas poem.

Yeah, it was fucking great. I wish they just locked it instead of deleting it. I'd at least have liked to just look back over the forum threads to have a sensible chuckle.

I was spending my time 50% writing effortposts about why Enoch's version of the story is a farce and why he needs to go, and 50% posting JIMPACTED.com memes and making nickname puns like Mike "third base with the chosen race" Enoch. Good times. Will be sorely missed.

I wasn't kidding. The attacking christian shit is D&C done by literal jews. Maybe you're a retard and think it's real Holla Forumsocks doing it but it's not. You need to leave and lurk 2 years before posting here.

Don't punch right you silly fashy goy


Good on ya, lad. Glad to see you have standards. I had a feeling the jewish connection was why Anglin didn't head on the show as promised on Tuesday.

You have the honor of being one of the few namefags 8/pol/ does not appear to mind, did that cause flak for you?

Or by people who have been turning a blind eye to Christian bullshit for a long time and the current trend of being safe spaces, enablers and smugglers for invaders broke the camels back

Then you might as well go full anti-white like commonfilth if you're going to judge the user here by wider society.

It's because it's just another lie in a web of lies.

Separation isn't a legal status. There's no paper trail to prove or disprove this claim. If he claimed he was getting divorced, then people could actually find the court records or not and determine if he's lying. By just claiming separation, he has plausible deniability and is free to embellish whatever sob story he wants.

Any criticism of TRS from a more moderate stance is punching right
Any criticism of TRS from a more extreme stance is purity spiraling
There are no enemies on the right; we are a big tent
Anyone who criticizes Mike Enoch is antifa and only speaks lies


Too cordial for the circumstances. At least others capped it before it disappeared…

There is no rift between European Paganism and Catholicism. Sure their are civil disagreements but we are still on agreement of Natural Law and Logos. Paganism and Christianity had been fused together for centuries. The only reason these "kike on a stick" threads existed was because faggots and Christ-killing Jews wanted to make room for their butt-plugs in Greg Johnsons™ futurist poz'd utopia.

This really rustles my jimmies. It's like when Hillary Clinton gets a "tough interview" from CNN where they do nothing but throw softballs and ignore all plot holes in the narrative given. Of fucking course this shit is going to happen. Especially when the interviewer himself ADMITS that he's inner-circle scum that knew about this and kept it secret.

I'm not asking for fucking Natt to be the one to interview Enoch (although that'd be funny) but for fucks sake, it needed to be someone who'd actually ask the tough questions and press Enoch when he denied evidence or tried to talk around something

I stopped seeing a great girl because she was 1/4 jap and this fucker thinks he can be married to a marxist kikess and be a cult of personality leader cuz he dindu nuffins. He would be so less fucked if he admitted he fucked up but he refuses and now he supposedly doesn't have shit. His ego is insane.

Radio Free Skyrim should do a special reunion episode for this.

What exactly happens at these "pool parties"?

user, I'm pretty sure gangstalking is a schizotypal fantasy

I literally read that in your voice in my head. You are awesome dude! We'll be awaiting your return!!! someone told me you might have a new merch vendor and he's a standup dude. let us know!!!

wait… what?

Rebel Yell? like, once Enoch gives up, Rebel Yell moves in?

wew lads this is getting good

wew lad

Holla Forums is a Nietzschean board pleb

Everyone call the fat man and ask him why he wears the mask of NatSoc when he's a fat disgusting kike?

Caller Type:CONSUMER
Carrier:Verizon Wireless

Flip the narrative on them. pol can't punch right because everyone else is to the left of pol.

you type almost exactly like the guy who was a few threads ago. Low effort and it reads like it was done by someone who dropped out of middle school. You need to leave.


lol i was just fucking around. user said "don't do x" so I did it. but this as well:
You know what Nietzsche said? "Jews, Christians, Plebians. What does terminology matter!!!" literal quote from the master troll himself

There are some good possibilities to come out of this. It's no secret that TRS's podcast monopoly put a stranglehold on allowable narratives. There's a reason you never heard any podcasters criticizing faggots or Spencer or anything like that. The people that did like RFS and NRO got taken down, banned, and blacklisted.

I'd like to see the new DD+KK site expand to also include other exiled shows. A resurrection of RFS and NRO would be fantastic.

Any backup of Kulturkampf?

I fucking hate that guy. He is emblematic of everything wrong with the Alt-Right.

Anyone defending Spencer is suspect. At least Anglin makes fun of him tongue in cheek.

"D-d-don't purity spir - I mean punch ri - I mean D&C ok g-guys?"

Checking in. Fuck em

holy shit. anons will be remembering this day for many years to come. I really think that JIMPACT thing is going to take off. it's useful for so much. someone got cucked? they now got jimpacted. is it happening? its the final jimpact. and then you got that cue-ball ass jim harvey looking nigger with the mustache. i really think that one has some staying power unlike TRS

or bc its so easy to buttfluster christcucks. could be either one. idk :^)


Also if anyone tells you that TRS did anything wrong, it's just gaslighting.

There was no real personal connection between the TRS inner circle and FTN. Any connection or conversation was strictly 'business' as it related to coordinating podcasts. They didn't go to meetups together, FTN was never a part of the "NY group", and FTN seemed like it was starting to evolve into it being it's own thing - hence why McFeels probably felt the need and desire to create a website specifically for FTN separate from TRS. As I mentioned before, neither I nor McFeels were aware of Mike's wife. I know this because I asked Mike who all knew in the inner circle (higher ups) and he mentioned McFeels didn't know and he'd be calling him after we got off the phone. He did say that a lot of the people he trusted did know however. And, as for Halberstram, he found out once McFeels knew. After that McFeels shut down everything for good. They may do another show, but as their own thing, and probably not for a long time.


P.S. I really don't like namefagging.

The trolling of TRS higher-up sycophants is so easy to do.

Step 1: make a post outlining just how shitty his jew wife is and explaining how Mike must be lying. See first pic.
Step 2: The shills will hiss and scream and make all sorts of non-arguments and use terms like purity spiraling and punching right and antifachan. At this point, you've already won the dialectic battle.
Step 3: start shitposting JIMPACTED memes.

Works every time

After NRO was killed on TRS for insulting the sacred sodomite cow, Natt and Florian started something new with Mysterium Fasces. I've enjoyed it so far. I think they have a dozen or so shows out so far if you want to check that out.


pls delete that deep jimpact pic, it's the rough version. Here's the updated one.

So many fags in the alt-kike. I love you h8chan, I had unironically identified as alt-right just a few months ago. I dropped it as soon as I saw the shilling raids here, because that's just not how allies behave at all and something really stunk. You all never fail to deliver either with the tasty compilation for the normalfag to easily digest like this. Keep on doing your thangalang lads, and always remember to post behind 20 proxies!

well, I'm not going to. what now?

Can we focus in on whether enoch's a jew or what level? The rebel show avoided the topic.

Good to know. I'll take it as fact that FTN dindu nuffin. Looking forward to your site being up.

New version, with TRS deleting other podcasters posts and stifling all commentary on the issue.

Have PNG and JPG versions, since the PNG is getting pretty huge.

We appreciate the insight. Looking forward to your return.


You have my utmost respect, user. We can make an exception in this instance. We need to hear more details on Mike "fiddle her on the roof" Enoch and what's going on in this inner circle.

What exactly qualified someone to being in the inner circle or not? Why is the head of X podcast in but not the head of Y podcast?

you faggots need to take this elsewhere.

Earlier I made a satirical TRS PSA (pic related) now think we gotta try to list of the stupid counter signal modules they throw around. I suspect they actually change their modules once we catch on to them

if anyone else wants a handy copy

As far as I know there's no backup of our shows. But it's late and I'm tired. This gay shit has been exhausting tbh.

If I upload all the shows which I have on a hard drive I'll have to edit out 100-120 hours/1 year worth of trs affiliation so it may just be a shoah and we're probably just going to start in new wheat fields.


FUCK. I only just started getting into KK. Starting with plato's republic.

God fucking damnit

if Holla Forums wants me to bounce I'm fine with that. Just wanted to answer some of the anons questions regarding those who left and FTN.

Just let me know and I'll ghost.

If someone hacks your server and makes a magnet link then you couldn't really control that now could you


Since you weren't in on it, did you ever, at any point, have the feeling that you were out of the loop? Like something was off compared to the inner circle people?

No more podcasts, namefags, whatever you wanna call it. If Mike Enoch's humiliation doesn't prove that all these "Hey Fellow Nazi" groups are literally controlled by Jews & Intel Agents you're fucking retarded

That doesn't mean individuals are bad or good it means they're probably just duped. But no more. It ends now


I do think it would be fine to leave things in, editing all that is basically herculean. I think people would get that those are pre TRS kike exposure.

But appreciate you doing anything either way, and appreciate you stopping by.

I think some of the cuckiness of Mike and Sven in particular is that they never visited the chans. They were missing a large part of the pulse of their listener base.

Why is Bongo Bongo Bookclub not in on your new website that caters to sophisticated topics and discussions?

How do you know he wasn't in on it?

Why don't you ask him what his cut of the shekel grab was?

last time I was an user was chanology and motherfuckery.org

Then I went to kill muslims overseas for ZOG. Then I came back only to find the real fight was ZOG itself.

I have no reason to doubt someone who is divesting from Enoch tbh.

14.88 in unmarked Shekels.

well, some anons had done some digging, but I'm not sure how far they got. Last I heard they had found what was likely his biological mother, who everyone thought was a Jew and was a huge Hillary supporter and AFT organizer. AFT is completely run by heebs btw. oh, and also she looked like Gary Busey

thanks man. you put out great content. I always get so squirmy bc I wish I was there to participate and whatnot. hang tight

there's always one faggot like that. just ignore

I do have one really serious question, which is my main concern.

Do these people cucking for Mike not realize that they are doing massive damage to the movement/alt right/white nationalism in its entirety by being soft on this issue? On TDS 122 Sven even opened with not knowing whether or not he should tell someone with an asian girlfriend to dump her.

This is pathetic. Duke was even defending him.

They love their close friend Mike, but can they not see the damage to the cause they are causing here? The rift? Can they not see that THEY are the ones that are going to be causing conflict and infighting going forward? If he steps down, there will be no more infighting.

If he stays, it will be a constant point of disagreement going forward. It won't go away.

so what?

podcasts are fuckin gay and lame and anything associated with TRS is assumed guilty before innocent and is poison.

this actually might be the best comment in the whole thread, and deserves a level and honest answer

Bongo Bongo Bookclub is too sophisticated even for our ivory towers.

They're in the platonic plane of their own.

Just checked some of the other shows,
All of these shows have had their episodes taken down. I know Weekly Narrative shut down a while back, but is there any relation between the other shows pulling their stuff and what's happening with TDS people?

I think a little nuance is always helpful. This guy has been open to us about TRS for a while now. If anything he's the only one whose been forthcoming.

I was very disappointed by Musonius today. Maybe he's actually pissed and I'm being fooled by the very polite demeanor he adopts during interviews; he does it even when talking to people he disagrees with, it has accidentally rustled peoples' jimmies before, and I don't want to do that.

Hopefully the Confederates are mad as hell and push him to secede. They just started a site.

I was hoping to meet up with those guys if I can realize my dream of moving to the South in the next couple years, most of them are Christians and good guys based on what I saw.

My point is, him staying or not has FAR reaching effects beyond TRS and TDS.

It is a permanent smear on White Nationalism in general.

Just listen to the reaction True Capitalist Radio had here:
For an idea of what is to come.

you got our respect as one of the few podcasters that didn't cuck out. We promise we won't go after you or any of your affiliates.
t. pegglecrew

trsodomites actually think the alt-kike would be redeemable if mike eunuch stepped down and apologized.

Just put up a torrent and say it leaked from your unsecured server

they have transcended their form, and even their archetype. they have ascended up Jacob's Ladder, up the planes of correspondence, merging with The All. They are now a pure unit of conscious energy in the mind of the universe, one that will permeate every living being with the desire to muh dick, chimp out, ask for gibs, and eat popeyes.

fuck off. all podcasts will die.

There's a difference between being polite and being a shill. You can still ask the questions people have been asking for the past 4 days without coming off as a dick.

Musonius is has been outed as a shill. An inner-circlite shill who knew for an entire year about the jewess and said nothing.

I appreciate the zeal but calm down. It seems TRS is dying anyway. Maybe we can get something not completely gay instead. Something with no sodomites, niggers, or jews, that's all I want.

No WN is going to take them seriously now. They are officially in the Milo-McInnes-Thermobitch camp now. Poor Baked Alaska just jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire

Lad, Southern-cucks are almost all in favour of multi-racial society. It's not a worldview that's compatible with today's pro-white advocacy against the importing of massive amounts of coloureds for more coloured labour, unless one stretches his senses to the breaking point, which is what people like that particular one must have done.

I cannot think of any time Enoch has done the right thing. Like at every fork in the road where you could make a moral decision or the easy decision, he took the easy way.

The newspaper section that literally reads "Life/Money"? lol


I can guarantee that within 6 months, TRS will either be dead or will have transitioned from white nationalism to outright civic nationalism. This is because this event will cause all the actual white nationalists to pick up and leave, with only a few edgy LARPers being left. With no one to keep them ideologically grounded, and with a desire for a new audience to siphon shekels from, they'll gradually moderate their image and really play up the "it's just ironic, bro!" stuff and slowly move over to cucky civic nationalism.

Screencap this post.

how about you read more kid. any podcast with a donation button will be shoahed so fast from now on.

It is a separate set of ideas with massive intersection.

The reason they can't come out as "we want a 100% white south right now" is because they're saddled with a huge, huge nigger population down there. It'd be an implicit call for genocide. Seriously, they have so many niggers in the south that they even exist in rural areas.

Long term, nobody wants an interracial society. I think a southern nationalist understands that murdering 30% of your population is not feasible, and would be more willing to pursue repatriation/secession/self-rule as intermediate steps.

You're being too nice. TRS & their ilk are irredeemably beneath the rest of the so-called alt-right. With the complicated exception of Cernovich, they people you named & others like them are what they present themselves to be. What you see is what you get, which is fine. Defending obscene hypocrites like Mike Enoch is never fine because it makes the defender complicit in the deception & corruption

TBH I'm waiting with bated breath to watch the lies come collapsing down around him. I just know we're going to hear some cucky faggot apology episode asking for a second chance after doubling down thrice.

fuck you okay popeyes is fucking good
don't you talk shit about my greasy indulgencies

Forgot to mention: the south has the advantage of an actual, intact ethnic identity. It is majority Anglo Saxon. Due to getting buttfucked in the civil war, the South didn't draw much immigration, and the founding stock didn't get washed out by Irish/Germans/etc nearly as much. They also have a shared cultural identity created by two centuries of political opposition to the North.

Compare that to other regions, which not only need to accomplish political victory, but must first forge a new (and arguably unwieldy and unprecedented) white identity in order to do so. They have a massive head start in that department.

I'm willing to compromise on the Donation Question. I think it's still acceptable for a site to have a standard paypal donate button on the banner of the site or whatever.

But if there's even a whiff of:
1) asking for donations during the podcast
2) reading out a lost of donations every week
3) talking about how important it is to donate
4) talking about how expensive it is to run a podcast
Then into the trash it goes.

Gross. Why? Why would you want to do that after directly witnessing Gamergay 2.0, TRS boogaloo?

Nope. donation button will be instant trash. this isnt a fucking game.

Thank you based pegglecrew.

I'm fine with BTC donations myself, and would like to support people that put out decent podcasts with regularity. I just don't want it to be a sodomite or a jew or a non-white. Is that too much to ask?

Because I have long commutes and like to have something to listen to

Donations aren't inherently bad. It's when it's turned into this jewish scheme bullshit. It's like the difference between some place having an unobtrusive tips jar vs having someone beg to your face to give them shekels.

Nevermind. Can't argue with those digits. You guys are right. no donations button, period.

checked for truth

If you love the white race so much you'll do things for it no matter how you make a living.

For example: I love reading, researching, & writing about topics that interest me; & because curiosity drives me the list of topics is long. Back in college a friend asked me a deep question: what if you end up in a job that has nothing to do w/ your interests, will you still pursue them? Could you live w/ managing a restaurant, say, and writing at night?

I confess I didn't have a good answer at the time but the point is blunt:
if you love the white race so much why you gotta beg autists for shekels they probably don't have? It's beneath Jewy

Goodnight lads

truly our greatest ally

Honestly, two days ago I'd have told you that if Mike had handled this better, gotten his shit together, and put in a solid year+ of honest hard work for the cause, I could forgive him. The initial round of doxxing was shitty and uncalled for imo, for example, Sven seems to be living true to the 14 words and didn't really have anything to hide. You can sperg out about low-level forum members shilling your imageboard, that doesn't justify trying to ruin the life of a white nationalist who is raising white kids while you're sitting in the basement.

But Mike's bullshitting on RY today was just infuriating. I got zero sense that any reflection or introspection took place. He made it sound like it was OUR fault for trusting him. I'm getting pissed off just thinking about it now. Sven has been a total cuck about this entire thing as well, very evasive, very insincere sounding. They think Mike's wife is just an inconvenience for them and not a MASSIVE embarrassment for anyone who ever supported TRS.

Now I'm debating whether I can even forgive Musonius. For fucks sake, TRS, what a joke.

Donations every week is degenerate and leads to lies imo. Donation drives for specific things with specific goals (new audio equipment for example) are fine imo

Musonius really did spread em for Mike lel

I think these people got really invested in their personal friendships as e-celebs and are very detached from how unbelievably pissed off their support base is.


I didn't even try listening. I've made a point to not participate in anything on that website since they started shilling here,
outside of the disqus comments over the last couple days behind a billion VPN's because the salt was of both highest quality and quantity.

PS double dubs with a Hitler, check 'em

Bro, I've been talking with their fanboys for the last few days. Literally cultists. Miscegenation with a jew? No big deal, it happened before he was "le redpilled" :D:D:D:D:D:D::::DD:D

Exactly. It's really hard for me to put into words and describe/list all the ways that it was fucked up, line by line. The whole thing was insincere. At one point I can quote him as actually saying he doesn't believe he's lied to anyone. For fucks sake.

Seeing this image made me think of They Live for some reason.

Go fuck yourself TRSodomite. You are not welcomed here. It's this kind of presumptuous bullshit that got you LARPing alt-kikes in hotwater to begin with.


There was one who was claiming this was some kind of elaborate troll and counter-sting by Enoch and his wife – that she posted all of this tranny fag shit just to throw the antifa and media off of his case.

I shit you not, and unlike most Australians he doesn't seem to be shitposting. He brings up his theory every 10 posts and refuses to consider how patently absurd it is.

The sperg cries out in pain as he strikes you.

I went to look at mike delaney's youtube and if that isn't A FUCKING FED I will eat my trump hat

you know that garrison cartoon with the "neonazi" handing a young kid a bat, that is literally mike delaney

These are the same people that are whiteknighting Emily Youcas, a literally-who attention whore who came out of nowhere, but since she has tits and a vagina, she gets instantly elevated to major e-celebrity of the alt right. Nevermind the fact that she spent the previous decade animating some of the most unironically degenerate and foul cartoons I've ever seen. I've been oldfagging it up since old Holla Forums circa 2005, and I've seen some fucked up shit, and I've NEVER seen anything as disgusting as the shit this psycho bitch draws.

yeah, but even with the podcast today, he made things worse. he would have been better off just acting like he was in hiding in Canada or something. For such an intellectual giant, he's fucking shit at PR

absolutely. TRS was – and this is one of the reasons it was good in a sense – balancing that line between all out cuck nationalism and 2edgy4me serious le skary wyte supreeeeemists. they existed in this netherworld, sort of like Holla Forums does, where they always had plausible deniability. To the hardcore 1488ers they could say "we're a stopping point on the way between Milo and Hitler." To the Cuck Nationalists they could say "well we gotta bring the hardcore 1488ers into the GOP if we want Trump/etc to win." And to anyone else they could always say, "dude its just edgy imageboard humor. chill out. what are you like 60 yrs old. get with the program." Now that has fallen apart. The sad thing is, I wonder how many out there were essentially doing the same thing but weren't jewish homosexuals. I don't want to go all "dey tuk r jobs!" but you know there are probably lots of good truly white folks out there who could have filled that role. Some of them like KK and TDD actually got duped into helping. It's sad

somebody screencap that

this is good advice and I totally agree. On the other hand, you can't read while doing the dishes or driving to work in the morning. Believe me I've tried. For some reason the cops call it "inattentive driving" and they fine you :^)

I've seen Milo claim to be Catholic and then the next day claim to be Jewish on a different show. At least Thermobitch just admits he's jewish. And, rumor has it that Canadian feminists say that McInnes claims he's just a plant on the right and he's actually still a Leftist. I wouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions. Enoch has been raked over the coals in a way that Milo etc haven't. I was actually surprised more wasn't found about him

I don't understand what's wrong with having a Patreon/etc if you're making good content. What are we a bunch of communists who think its only okay if you do it for free? Do you really think you can compete with the (((MSM/Hollywood))) with just hobbyists? I agree that incessant marketing is totally jewish, tho

Listen, we did three warning shots and gave them weeks inbetween each one. Sven had three opportunities to avoid getting dox'd and all he had to do was fucking apologize for the behavior of his community towards an ally. Instead he chose to do nothing and ignore it even after we proved we were serious with Bulbasaur. He chose to get dox'd afer we'd threatened for weeks. For a man living the 14 words, he's more childish about lads eating tendies - how hard is it to apologize to somebody you consider your ally after they have pretty substantial evidence of wrongdoing? If his pride was in the way, it didn't even have to be him, he could've made Lothar or at the time Mike do it or just fucking SOMEBODY with a position of authority in his organization say that the inner club does not approve of shilling on 8/pol/, sorry 8/pol/. Not a single one of them did.

TRS's social structure is based upon proximity to the NYC club, and proximity is granted by sucking up to them as they ban anybody who doesn't from their small groups.
I have a feeling the revolt of the 504rm and the disqus shook them pretty good. Though much of the inner circle and wannabe inner circle is still dismissing and rationalizing away.

I don't understand why Youcis got all the attention all of the sudden. I noticed she was on TRS, Red Ice, best to avoid the ((( alt-right ))).

on Larry's fag defense of Enoch, before they shut down comments, they were claiming she was actually a based 1/4 jew infiltrating the sjws. I shit you not

t. grinder greg
but seriously the original looked better

Do you really want to test your luck faggot

I unironically believe she did sexual favors for people, being a girl doesn't just get you the top of the social latter like boom
Cathedral Princess for example had been around forever and was never treated like Youcis, wonder why

We can agree to disagree about the doxxing for now, from Sven's perspective he probably just saw some imageboard autist coming at him with forum drama and wanted nothing to do with it. The inner circle was too busy leaving breadcrumbs on Zuckbook, they basically delegated forum admin/moderation to the Fatherland guys.

Back on topic - TRS is fucking done. Especially after today's handling of the situation. Mike is truly, truly fucked now - not only did he throw away his Rick Wilson tier normal life, but he pissed off his entire support base that would have helped him transition into full-time WN content. He is just turbofucked, and right now I'm mad enough to say he kind of deserves it for being so fucking stupid and egotistical.

TRS never should have grown outside of a podcast repository and small private FB group imo, and this collapse will ultimately be for the good because it will cause the formation of smaller but more sincere communities. Hopefully they can figure out a way to cooperate instead of tear each other apart.


The userbases of every website are all against Enoch. But all the e-celebs in their tight-knit circlejerk are defending him. This is their "let them eat cake" moment. They're showing how truly insulated from the masses and out of touch they are.

And the more they keep deleting forums, locking disqus comments, and all this other censorship shit, the more the rage and discussion boils underneath the surface.

Literally gamergate part 2: electric dildoloo

Young woman with tits and a vagina. That's literally all there is to it.

The originals are right on this thread you fucking tourist. You do know how to read a thread, don't you? From the top to the bottom and look at the pictures, right, faggot?

Damn bro, nice skills you still haven't shown. You can't even into Paint.

Reddit is that way, down the hall, and go fuck yourself.

I think because:
A) She got doxxed for being a WN at NPI, people wanted to help her out
B) Omg gurl

All people did was give her a couple interviews and halfheartedly try to turn her into a meme. For sexual favors you'd do a lot more, lol.

Her problem is that she doesn't bring much to the table. She isn't overwhelmingly charismatic or intelligent, and she isn't an 8 or above, so what use is she?

Listened to the latest podcast and I'm going to continue listening to the podcast. Never gave them money and I'm not going to defend the lies but I still like the group.
The invasion of the west hasn't stopped. I have more of a problem with the retarded followers than the podcast itself.

Agreed. Up until tonight I was just kind of depressed about this whole situation, very disappointed. Now I'm livid.

I was the guy who posted his address. I did so firstly because he's a cunt. Secondly because he refused to admit his wrongdoing. And thirdly and most importantly because when Ghoul got doxed (by antifa) he went on a wild no evidence accusation spree against Iron March. With a shit person like that I knew something else would turn up later and so it did with the Enoch shit.

Also I own the house I live in ;)

wew lad

its like goatse. it took me seeing it about a hundred times before I was like… wait, that sick faggot has a wedding ring on

Check out this video she sure is redpilled!

All of these insider Alt Right faggots are huge degenerates. They also probably want her to make memes for them.

I made this analogy back on the TRS forum. I'll make it again:

Mike staying on TRS is like that zombie movie cliche where someone gets bit, refuses to tell anyone, eventually turns into a zombie, and ends up causing even more harm. He could've stepped down gracefully and TRS could've survived. But instead, he stubbornly refuses to capitulate and pretends like everything is fine. But this backfires, the whole thing crumbles instead of just himself. Either way he ends up with nothing, but his stubbornness will result in the rest of the site losing everything too

And I don't even lament this fact. The entire "inner circle" deserve all of this.

A few days ago I'd have given Sven the benefit of the doubt but now… Honestly fuck their special little club. I hope the good fragments of the community (the parts not engaged in worshipful defense of their podcast heroes) can recover and regroup and direct their energies in a productive direction.

You don't have to say 100% white south. You could say, we want big 100mile x 100mile territories that is exclusively for whites in some places, though. But they don't do that, because they think it's fine to rule over blacks in the manner that their "noble" ancestors who fought President Lincoln did.

Yes, I agree that their English and Baptist homogeneity is a strength. But that's not the entire formula, user.

Things are looking good in that regard. It appears that kulturkampf, darwin digest, and fash the nation are all distancing themselves. And with TRS out of the way, perhaps we can have a resurrection of RFS and NRO.

because she sucked of gavin mcinnes to get twitter fam then started sucking someones some cock at TRS. She was a groupie who had a fetish for being edgy and literally whored her way to the top of the "alt-righ". She also was a coal burner

Tfw I'm not alone :")

I'm not sure I can say this w/o it sounding like a neg: you still want to think the best of people. You should get over that

I wasn't gonna go into that but since you opened, here goes. My thoughts on some of the other 'alt right' personalities.

The one I've given the most thought to is Cernovich so maybe I should take the time to explain my theory on him in a separate post

He's a provocateur, plain & simple, and that's his public image. His actions are consistent with that image. So claiming to be Catholic in one setting and claiming to be Jewish in another isn't special.

He also doesn't deny being a degenerate. If you dig around you'll find some poetry collection he wrote under a different name when he was younger. The quality of the poetry is uneven. Comes across as attempts to imitate great poets, sometimes poorly. But it shows he's always been a fucked up guy.

I don't spend much time thinking about him. I have to say I can't figure him out b/c I don't fully "recognize" him. Idk if it's being Canadian or something about the culture of TakiMag or what. The topics he chooses to dwell on are things others would just mention in passing. And this Proud Boys thing seems like his own MK Ultra program he cooked up to amuse himself, maybe to see if he could brainwash some idiots.

This. The lack of contrition combined with shameless spin has really brought this home for me. I used to just think they were cringe and unfunny but now things seem far more sinister.

It probably isn't a good idea to listen to podcasters who use so much profanity in the first place, as such language is a pretty clear indication of un-principled edge-addiction.

shit likes this is what i cant feel sorry for when the whole db go public or gets sold, sven talked shit to wewsparta and dared him to dox him and then you not only paint him like he did nothing but you attack everyone from Holla Forums who actually did nothing , eat shit faggot

Absolutely degenerate.

Youcis' cartoons are very disturbing. Coal burning seems to be a common thing among ((( alt-right ))) women.

He's a typical jewish snake. He sheds his skin and takes on a new identity when it suits him.

Notice on the shows in which he claims he's Catholic: Seth Rogan and Amazing Atheist brigade. These are the same shows that he also defends faggotry as a cultural necessity and then talks about how pederasty is a good thing for young boys because it "gives them love."

He always advertises himself as a gay jew and "look how based and dangerous I am" until he wants to talk about how faggots raping boys is a good thing, and then suddenly he's a Catholic.

The most disgusting picture from the election is pic related where he has those young men carry him through the campus on a throne. Can't wait until he dies of an overdose or aids.

Dude, chill out. I'm trying to give a humorous representation of the situation as seen from both sides. Given the revelations of the last few days, and the super disingenuous way they were handled, I am not defending the DP and I can't imagine anyone doing so. Seriously there needs to be a database of cucks so they can be banned from any future organization.

When people get so rustled at shit not even directed at them, you have to wonder if you hit close to the mark ;^)

That's nothing compared to her newgrounds shit


SHIKSA… (pause for laughter) (cue laughtrack)




Milo is emptier than outer space, its good to see this degenerate faggot wither and die after getting banned from Twitter.

Do you have any pics/archives of that correspondence between sven and wewsparta?

Yeah but you can't embed that easily here / it doesn't have fake furry masturbation in the first 30 seconds.

Fuck off no one will tolerate your hypocrisy.

why isn't the right infiltrating the left, tho? how is it that pretty much every popular 'right-winger' turns out to be a jew or fag or fed but you never see like a popular left-winger turn out to be a secret christian or WN? i was actually thinking about this bc i am/was in a position to infiltrate, but who would i infiltrate for? teh jewish homosexuals at trs? what's the point?

It's a white thing, being honest. There's a reason the infiltration only goes one way. Hopefully some NatSoc will infiltrate as some hyper lefty to take their cash like Enoch took his fanboys' cash, but, whatever, time will tell.

Because that sort of subversive kikery doesn't come natural to white people. There's a reason throughout history, jews have been spies.

The whole left vs right thing is a shabby world-view, user. Think about pro-white (and the things that amount to White Genocide) vs anti-white (those who say things against whites pretty regularly) and you'll see that often pro-whites come from anti-white places.

Couple reasons:

I think it is harder for right wingers to fake it, both emotionally and practically. On an emotional level, right wingers have real convictions that are greater than the self, and we're intrinsically honest. Cucking on principles and deceiving people is unpleasant. On the practical side of things… These days just speaking kindly of degeneracy is not enough to climb the liberal establishment, you basically have to be a transsexual dolphinkin half-Jew-half-Nigger for people to believe you. We're disqualified by virtue of being straight white males.

Also, leftism is still dominant, so even if there were infiltrators, they wouldn't have been revealed yet.

I totally agree on the left/right labels not making sense in the context of contemporary politics, but I think that there are definitely "left" and "right" neurotypes. They just have to be understood in the context of ethnic allegiance, which is universal and very powerful.

Because the left isn't an ideological left at all, it's an organ of power for the present establishment. If you think the present "right" is small and insignificant count your lucky stars you're not some kind of ideological leftist. You could probably fit all of them in the world in the seating area of your neighborhood McDonalds.

It's dualism, so you're going to have to accept the legitimate existence of the left if you're the right on some level.

First off, not true. I've had white people fuck me over for personal gain too. And it's like none of you have ever met a Slav. Serbs & Slovenians especially get into intrigues

Like being married to a Jewess and running a podcast site, heh

Holy shit, Enoch's a Serb? I don't believe it. He's probably hiding the fact his ancestors were really Macedonian or Albanian

Funny thing is, this is really just being orchestrated by a handful of guys and a relatively small percentage of their userbase. At first I thought they were only going to lose some small but still significant chunk of their users–maybe 10, 15, or even 25%–but now I'm wondering if they're going to keep any at all. How can they bring a forum back after this? Kek

Have you? I live out west. Only people who have ever taken my crap are the freaking beaners.

What do you think?

His surname is Peinovich/Pejnovic.

Some OC. I hate you TRS shill posters, I will never stop till you go away.

Basically this

Also it is pretty hard to act as degenerate as them.

as one gradually unfolds in life, and strips the veils of illusion that separate them from Reality, they begin to become aware of the true nature of all of this.It is quite literally the battle between Good and evil. At one layer, the individual grasps that left v right is an illusion, as they become aware of the esoteric commonalities between the particular faction within both parties. Further on, they may come to see it as ideals/principles vs pragmatism/realpolitik, and yet even further as spiritualism vs materialism. But at the end of it all is Reality vs illusion. Truth vs lies. Good vs evil. Beauty vs ugliness. Good is neither order nor is it chaos, but ordered chaos is an aspect of it. It is this principle that allows for creation and growth. Those of us who have awakened to this higher perception of reality (which really amounts to lifting the veils of illusion) come to realize this, and choose our sides accordingly. Holla Forums praises anonymity because it most engenders the minds of genuine posters towards unfiltered truth. What side do you think you are on? What side do you want to be on?

seriously guys, the new site will be great, there is a special surprise in store

she is a bit crazy but people give Sinead way too much shit to be honest. The coal burning thing is not really substantive and if I'm not mistaken her child that she sperging out is Kyle Hunts. But a parent being angry because someone threatens their children is understandable. That said she still is a namefag and a flat earthier so I still don't trust her. I don't trust anyone who leaderfags or namefags. I just think that people should think for themselves and not subscribe to an idea because of an appeal to popularity. A part of taking the "red pill" was always about questioning taboos and if that means being skeptical of (((albert einstein's))) general theory of relativity then good as long as it is inline with some form of logic, deductive or inductive reasoning. Apart of Jewish hegemony in academia is held up with our irrational devotion to Scientism. Yet questioning everything was fundamental to all scientific discovery and the method is born from scrutiny and pear review.

that an because I have a friend who was a high ranking official in the US military for many years and worked in the Pentagon. Who claims Mossad did 9/11, The Holocaust was fabricated by Hollywood working with the CIA and he also believed Heliocentrism is a Lie and likes Eric Dubay. So I guess I just am a bit more sympathetic to people who are a bit crazy.


it's like I knew the answer, but I had to hear it from someone else

just as i posted, I thought: what is a Christian going to do, take it up the bum for 10yrs just so he can be like "haha, I have your names and took some of your shekels – i really got you didn't I hahahaha" It doesn't make sense. You can hide degeneracy (to a point) its difficult to hide NOT being a degenerate.

fuck I hope so. also, KMac might be a good example

I was just using the terminology for the sake of simplicity. you know what I mean

yeah, it is true that the "true left" (whatever that means) is actually pretty sparse, and most who think they are left are just dupes of the establishment. good point

well, yeah whites can be devious for sure, but it seems like mostly they're interested in getting things done, not slyly infiltrating or whatever. and, yes, enoch claimed to be part slav. I think it was croat tho

(checked for truth)
Don't trust any namefags. Don't trust anyone. I'm not advocating trust. I am advocating genuine skepticism in fact.

Hi Sinead



He could very well be a Jew, I'd believe it in light of what's happened. Whatever he is, Jew, mischling, or otherwise, I think though this entire thing was part of a perverted raceplay/humiliation fetish in a defiled unholy marriage.

That may explain it. For some reason white people moved to states like Oregon, Idaho, Washington, & even California in the beginning to turn it into some paradoxical Nordic paradise where everyone's white, high-trust, and extremely liberal.

Go to the midwest or the South if you wanna learn how cut throat whites can be.

Listen here nigger, I was talking shit about Macedonians & Albanians while implying Enoch descends from people who gravitate towards organ trafficking as a career

Whether or not there was government or NGO involvement, they really got off on this. It wasn't just a job.

Get cervical cancer, cunt.

Anyone here got it? I haven't seen it yet.

Some anons said they he inferred he was a jew on whatever podcast they had earlier today.

Didn't mean you personally user, meant TRS Shills in general, shadilay.

I'm not against anything and I'm sorry if I came off as dismissive. I just don't want to have that conversation right now. anyway, the thread is about enoch and trs, not the vagaries of political philosophy.

as soon as I saw him I instantly thought jew. something about the misplaced and misshapen eyes reminded me of thermobitch

I've listened to that clip and seen the pic with the candles on the table. Wasn't his step mom undeniably one of the tribe? I guess it depends at what age his parents divorced, he could have actually been raised at least partially in jewry.

its posted ITT like three times

Do you seriously expect me to take your claims that Enoch can't have any credibility for white nationalism given that there are dozens - maybe hundreds - of threads attacking TRS explicitly before with no mention of Enoch?

You just hate TRS. That's an acceptable position to take, but don't pretend like you're suddenly doing this for the good of TRS. You said that you wanted them to fail, that you want them to be doxed and attacked by antifa.

Did TRS say anything about wanting 8/pol/ doxed and attacked by antifa? Nope.

I think it's retarded what you're doing, but I won't bitch about it if you will at least be honest and not act like a fucking kike about it.

no, I thought it was likely his biological mother. his current mom is the step mom. I think they were married in 83 iirc. Gary Busey AFT Shildog mom was supposedly his biomom

PLEASE tell me you have an archive of this.

What a fucking slob.

I think it's cute how you talk to the people inside your head.

bc Holla Forums hates ecelebs until… well, just hates them

bc Holla Forums loves destruction and they were shilling and insulting the almight Holla Forums

hold your horses faggot. no one ever said that

TRanShill pls go

I can definitely see it.

Do you have the stuff on this, big if true I'd love to push it.

The first pic is from one of his now deleted facebook accounts. The photo is old and not from one of their meetups, just using it to show what kind of people the alt-kike attracts.

b.b.but you clearly didn't read my blog post. I wasn't defending renegade. I just don't have a problem with crazy conspiracy theorist per say. shilling is never appropriate

isn't there some picture where Millennial Woes is flirting with this nigger?

I don't know about you guys Goys but I have never seen so many fucking family members use aliases, pseudonyms, different spelling of last names, nicknames IRL and the internet in my life.

My mom has had the same internet name for her AOL account, messenger and hotmail for 20 years now, Absolutely fucking fishy.

Holla Forums has proven to be pretty anti-fragile & withstood attacks from God knows how many different kinds of shills, going all the way back to when I started lurking in 2012-2013.

TRS steamrolls over everyone else on the right for months unchallenged, monopolizes WN and the Alt Right label uncontested, melts down over one wave of doxers

Idk how Garey Busey mom turned out a beady eye Cousin-It-looking Slav like Mike

Wow it's almost like the guy in charge has an influence on the shit he supervises. Take your meds schizo.

i might have some of it in my trs folder. I've been trying to collect what i can. I'll get back in a sec. you should check thread #…. 19? I think that's where most of the mom digging occurred

I don't want to hear about muh jeebus, but they didn't do too much of that. They all need to hang, though–not just Enoch.

kek, post pls

Well you guys did do a great job of archiving all these posts. It's pretty easy to throw together a python script to go through them and correlate IDs with simple writing analyses.

Whatever else happens, I am done with 8/pol/. There's no point in coming here anymore.

Or maybe I should try to fill the catalog with Enoch Dox Threads, #4000: A White Nationalist Critique of Enochstein's Taste in Clothing. That's pretty much what 8/pol/ is about anymore anyway.

Bye. Don't forget to donate.

don't let the door hit your ass on the way to the next URL faggot

OP here.

If you truly believe what you just posted, can you please respond to these two posts?


its not a great as it sounds. its just a kikebook post. But MW is talking about how handsome he is or something If I'm not mistaken.

"Get thee behind me Satan" is my reaction to anything associated with Sinead or Kyle Hunt.

You do realize that merchant & the CIA seed radio, TV, & the internet with conspiracy theorists they handle in order to discredit any information that would point to an actual conspiracy?


Loving these, please continue.

Good point. Pic. related is a nice summary of this.

"On this IP" you mean

Natt was right.

Holla Forums Has survived legitimate lefty marxists, goons, CTR and a whole gaggle of other subversive destructive elements.

TRS attacks are nothing. Something to fill in the time before the inauguration, babby's first lessons in Non-TRS OPSEC, namefags, e-celebs, and "How do you do fellow white people".

is this jazzhands?


Too young.

This may sound like exaggeration or outright lie, but I noticed specific shills first week I lurked, during the 2012 election. The style of the posts was that of a political consultant & I deduced the DNC or leftists within the beltway might actually have use chans to test it's own weaponized psychology

Only the user with the screen cap of Jazzhands face from the time he broadcast it for a few seconds knows.


whos this guy then

I heard he is Grindr Greg's butt buddy.

Not sure if this has been posted, or what Holla Forums thinks of Mike Delaney, but his response to the Mike "married to a kike" Enoch dox seems to be spot on.


best part starts at 8:17

That guy is this guy.

This still hasn't been hashed out - but it would be par for the course.
Some user almost had me convinced his wife was a M2F tranny the other night. My sides are still in recovery.

what's that line from Romeo & Juliet? the candle that burns brightly burns out quickly i know, i know I just totally butchered shakespeare. but, he was a black hebrew anyway so fuck it, amirite?

jew genes do weird things when they're mixed with goy genes. also, his dad isn't mr handsome symmetry-face iirc

idk. i listened to a few early Fatherland episodes and they were boring, but it was about beehives and guns and stuff. its seems like later on they kept talking like cult-christians… but maybe I'm fucking it up. What's the one that comes out twice a week and has a woman and a man? maybe that's GMWA. maybe I'm mixing them up

implying Holla Forums gives out personal information and doesn't disguise their writing style. c'mon faggot. quit it with the impotent rage. its not Holla Forumss fault ur leadership is full of jews and trannies. if you want to be mad at anyone affiliated with 8ch look to the Holla Forumsmods and/or the BO of /trs/. if any real butthurt was generated and acted upon, then those are your main actors. most of Holla Forums were closet trs fans tbh fam… at least as much as Holla Forums can be a fan of anything

also this:

I think you mean anti-whites? user., the point is more how these paper tigers Alt.-Right talked a mean game but when a bit of foul wind blew their way, they collapsed.

Mr Griffin, in the tweet, is a veteran pro-white, and is tough as nails. Really admirable! Also, he isn't married to a nutjob like Mr P is.

so its mcfeels

Bah, I was furious from the second those screencaps leaked that they were shilling here. They had nothing of value to offer us and they knew it-they just wanted the 8ch seal of approval so they could wave it around to inflate the e-celeb faggot egos.

So after all of this is done what do we do? when can we actually move forward and make progress toward a white majority nation free of kikery? Are we forever doomed to shitpost on an image board?

Don't forget Millenial Woes. He folded fast.

TRShill please. There is no antifa on this site.

We do what we've been doing because what we've been doing has yielded actual results. Trump is president now, for frack's sake, and while he did most of it pol definitely helped a little bit. You peoples' problems is you think Rome will be built in a single day so you latch yourself onto any namefag you think is the newest god and you shed all reason and independence for the sake of feeling like you're part of something "edgy."

His generation wasn't warned away from character-destroying sodomy the way Mr Griffin's was.

I don't know. I titled it that way because I'm not sure. I don't remember if Jazzhands said he was the person who setup the Appalachian Lives Matter gofundme. If he did say that then Kissam = McFeels = GoFundMe. If he did not say that then KIssam = GoFundMe. I am curious to know if that $14,000 actually went out to families or what. Since TRS has lied about everything else it makes me wonder if they did something with the money other than charity.

I just want to throw it out there that this whole Kissam/FtN goose chase smells suspiciously of Holla Forums & co. could be wrong tho

the "shilling" evidence was pretty weak tbh. what i saw, they thought they were trying to fight CtR shills, not necessarily do harm to Holla Forums. seeing the way sven treated /trs/BO was pretty offputting i have to say

we just have to wait for hitler :^)

Yeah, I don't know, I listen with my 3D waifu and we enjoy it. It's nice to hear family men talk about practical things and day-to-day stuff. Simple. I can see how you'd think it's boring.


You're wrong. I'm more interested in the money though unless this Kissam guy really is McFeels, and it isn't really a goose chase. I'm just dropping the info that I have based on the info from /baph/. Someone else can pick it up or drop any additional info off if they're interested.

Donate to my Patreon to save the white race w/ this one weird trick

Here's a more overt lusting by MW.
Sounds like Kissam might like his men older, so I wouldn't doubt it if he and Grindr Greggie had some alone time together…

wasn't there a video with kissam tho? voice analysis seemed pretty shaky

yeah, I can see how others would think its great, too. just not my taste. seem like standup goys tho


are you saying the money donated didn't actually go to help folks in appalachia?

Not sure if it's gonna help but Jizzhands said he's 1/4 Polish some time ago on twatter. Then again maybe he was bullshitting.

Give it 6 months and the country will be ready for race war. Soros, the Clintons, and the terrorist group known as BLM will be out causing trouble as the weather gets warmer.

I really hope you're wrong, but

Kissam sounds like a kebab name

Not after this bullshit.


HAHAHAHA oh fuck.

what said

And yeah there's video of Kissam. There's a few points where he draws up some of his sounds like McFeels, but to me his voice doesn't sound like him. Others think it does.

Jizzhands confirmed homo

yeah, i'm probably just in denial, but i keep thinking "well sure x and y and z but so-and-so for sure didn't know!" its so disappointing. you keep thinking the whole thing can't be totally corrupt, right?

oh fug

The name "Jazzhands" was kinda the dog whistle


Can someone tell me why there seems to be homos on the alt-right? Attention seeking or something?

Yes, but not everything that is a crazy conspiracy theory is a crazy conspiracy theory. How do you think people her came to become world war 2 revisionist and skeptics. Being "redpilled" doesn't mean holding unpopular right wing ideology or being or a Fagtow or a Cultural Lolbertarian, or MRA. It means being willing to question everything and seeking truth even topics that are taboo. Who knows, maybe evolutionary theory is bogus, or whatever. Thinking for yourself is what is important. Thinks like the Alt-kike are created because people are sheep that look for leaders to tell them what to think. Yet Holla Forums was created by people who where perpetual contrarians. Apart of the culture is the only consensus is born from what is true and for many that uncompromising truth just happens to be national socialism. Freedom is the freedom to say 2+2+4. if that is granted all else follows. In that regard, I kinda miss the day's when Holla Forums and /x/ where a bit more united. Pizzagate is a great example of that harmony of tinfoil and inquiry.

he was the first to get documents dropped. Probably was a stool pigeon and ratted people out.


JazzHands McFeels is just a poor women in vidya gaymes being harassed by ebil neo-nazis. Pls the "community" needs to send help. Be sure to "signal boost" her patrion.

Homo mafia wants eyes in there.


wtf bro


It feels good being a part of the best internet community

its 10 yrs ago and lispy. on FtN they had a good studio mic and he was doing his "radio voice" who knows

probably two reasons. a) the same reason there are so many more jews on political circles in general: wholesome white people are busy raising families and going to church b) adorno said something about how fascists always go homo. idk. he was pretty full of shit. but, i mean, a political ideology about strong men dominating others… you can see how that would attract homos, right?

It really does. This is the comfiest.


inb4 someone says "entryists" because I think the matter is more complicated & I can't find an explanation that seems to fit. The gay mafia theme might be true. Attention-seeking might be true. Most of them are broken inside worse than normal people (we're all a little broken) so perhaps the stability & order resonates w/ a childhood longing for security.

I get what you're saying & while I agree on some level there's a lot of unresolved problems w/ celebrating free speech/thought for its own sake. The 1st Amendment wasn't written to protect the peoples' ability to strike back at those in power if need be, but it wasn't written with UFO-ologists or flat earthers in mind.

somebody should combine these
b4 you ask im not at a pc so i cant do it


Might not be him

The alt-right is advertised as a movement populated by clean cut young, college aged white men in good shape and are masculine.
Homos would be fighting one another to get into leadership positions so they could groom these young guys.

Jews infiltrate for money and power. Fags infiltrate for sex and status.

tbh they're better off d:^)

Is that the same thing as the white lives matter thing?

I know they knew because one of the guys from their podcast PM'd me on the 504um and told me that the forum was a containment zone for "crazy people" just after this whole thing popped off, and right after he got done relegating me to the microwave for openly admitting that I have a half-Asian 3D waifu. Also their cohost, Ryan, AKA @NO1 on the forums, is half Asian himself, yet two of the guys from that podcast are mods on the forums and ban people for purity reasons, etc. It's just a giant web of lies and hypocrisy.

Because of the male aesthetic and attention seeking. Pay attention to the kind of people who talk about brotherhood and male bonding constantly. It's typically very polished guys with pretty hair cuts in nice suits who like to eat fancy dinners. A lot of it is just homo signaling phrases. Typical leftist homos would be the mentally ill, hyper feminine kind. The homos on the right are trying to form their own elite clique of buttfuckers to play out some Greek fantasy they have.

Boy, you should have seen that necrophilia video before she deleted it…


So did Passolini, an actual fag, in the movie Salo

Wasn't Thorn just on here trying to answer questions?


I don't know, he's apperently on this show, but I'm not going to bother lisening, see if he sounds like jizzhands.

http:/ /therightstuff .biz/2015/11/03/the-daily-shoah-episode-57- trigger-treat/


filterman looks like a saint comparatively

actually it sort of was user. it was written with people who wanted to say the Earth revolved around the Sun and that the Pope wasn't infallible. Those were pretty crazy ideas back then

just curious. which part triggered you?

Wew it's almost like doxing people makes normal life impossible if you go against kikes

the part where you said about facism atracting homos

makes you mad too init

Just sounds like any classy adult male…


That episode's on jewtube, definitely the faggot from the video's voice.



when did they say that? He was the war room guy right?

Gas yourself

And also if you marry them, apparently,

Non-whites aren't to live in white countries. What's hard to get about that? Are you anti-white or something?

I've been listening since their very first episode and they talk about it now and then. The most recent reference made to it was Ryan himself saying something about "Pinoy" something, within the last 10 episodes I'd say, but I've lost track because they all bleed together. His father was German and his mother was Filipina.

I imagine he was a war room guy, yeah, because he's in the military and talks about it constantly on the show.

Dude, ditch the gook and save your race. Come fucking on. Don't create another Elliot Roger.

Fascism/natsoc is very polished, orderly and aesthetically stylish, yet not feminine, also places emphasis on strong alpha leaders and masculine brotherhood, so it attracts faggot like a magnet.

Someone explain to me what "war room" means in this context pls.

ALL their shows are in jewtube.

he he.

pic related.

You'll know the difference when you see it. Men will dress for a nice dinner out. Fags will make the dinner an event.

Yeah Jazzhands isn't Kissam. Different voices. The guy who posted on vox day's blog must have just seen Jazzhands advertise it and thought he started it.

they're a podcast for veterans. Pretty high energy and hilarious.

She's hapa and I'm Aryan as fuk, Elliot Rodger was a mix of something weird and a pure Jewish individual–totally different. And nobody here is saving anything, man, so don't pretend that I should give up something good to do what nobody here is doing anyway. Average "redpilled fashy waifu" in the TRS circles looks like a fucking orc and probably has the IQ of one, too.

podcast full of drunken military and ex-military guys bantering and drinking to the point where it's kind of sad


if ur the user who posted that rant about how its bullshit you got microwaved for the hapa gf, good on you… but why not release the PM at this point? So, you're saying that le supersekret FB club was where all the gay jewish leadership met and the 504ums were the containment zone where everyone could be monitored? this would be a bombshell if you'd just release the PM user. do the right thing

holy shit that movie was fucked. luckily i had already spent some time on Holla Forums or i would have probably thrown up. its like Sir Reginald Brownpill, the Movie

technically someone else said that. I just said it makes sense since normal ppl just want to be left alone to raise their kids and most homos have sadomasochistic fantasies

i don't speak britbong, sorry. could you put that in straight-teeth speak?

You're anti-white and you're dating a mestizo.

No the guy in the podcast is supposed to be lockerson

*with their wife and children

it's pretty easy to recognize if you think about it

did they ever NOT vote for a coup? haha

I missed this part about the Imaginary Father


Let's just be honest that you're total beta who can't get with a white chick, I guess it's better such weaklings are bred out of the white race anyways

do not be anti-white

lol wtf makes u think hes a fed?
Jews probably started that meme coz he tells the truth about their caananite origins, something literally no WNists are doing.

Yes and that is why plato's republic is still ideal but we live in a world where the the media and the educational system is controlled by the enemy. These institutions create a paradigm and many assumptions need to be questioned of any meaningful change is to take place. Holla Forums is not the board for normalfag and lemmings. Holla Forums in a sense is the philosopher kings divorced ego's in debate dictating the ideals that are forged through time and expressed in memetics.

You realize your child is likely going to be a disgruntled mass shooter being born as manlet wit a micro penis.

You're the reason your race will die then. At least your bloodline. You kids won;t be Arayan, don't throw away the work of all your ancestors.

Put aside the pleasure of fucking her and think about your descendants 300 years from now.

The greatest gift you can give your child is to be pure white.

Gook blood is no better than any other non white, 99% of inventions, advancements and technology are white. Why is that I wonder?

Also, she is probably with you for status.


who is being anti-white?

is mcfeels gay?

read this reddit.com/r/hapas/ and think about what kind of life you want to give your potential son. Even 1/4 asian is a roll of the dice.

im joking around jesus

Aren't Lockerson and Kissam the same person?
Here's the video of Kissam on the right. Sound the same to me.


rrite m8. what a total deflation. i still don't even know what to think. I've been fence-sitting and playing both sides. i guess now you just have to wait and see how the cards fall. everything is indeed fucked


frank's a hapa, hapa males are always fucked up, my kids won't be hapa obviously

do you really wanna have this silly conversation? I can call you a fat neckbeard on the internet etc

truth is that we were highschool sweethearts and I had no concept of race at the time, not that it'd matter because she's a catch

I'm the guy who shitposted Enoch's dox to the forums right when they hit and made a lazy attempt to point out the worship of homosexuality on the alt right, my username was NEET, I'm sure there's a pic somewhere

Well, at the time this was going on I thought the guy I was talking to was still a decent human being, so I didn't want to be an asshole and post a PM… I guess that was naive of me.

I think this is verbatim, to the best of my memory, right after I made my ebin shidpost:
the guy was @SeamanRising, aka salty seaman

I pretty much told him I already knew that and I was just sick of the bullshit… not to mention the fact that once I saw the Enoch dox I knew it was about to pop off anyway. I wonder if he realized at the time.

Anyway, it's clear to me in retrospect that these guys were basically the shepherds for WNs who were there in earnest, and the real motivation was to basically kowtow to the average opinion in an effort to maximize the flock and thus the future potential influence/shekels, which is why they say/do one thing on the forum and then another thing in their podcasts and in real life

Definitely, Jazzhands isn't Jizzhands afterall.

Whoever was digging through Kissam's fb should keep going though.

so who the fuck is guy

Move to Asia with her.

Just some fudgepacker in the TRS inner circle, I guess.

At least we have concrete proof that Grindr Greggy is a fag now. Time to update pic related?

oh yeah i forgot gregs butt buddy

well, i don't want to sound like Holla Forums but it really does seem like the profit motive corrupts everything. its a sign of the times, i guess

I hate to say this, and I'm not here to debate this point (at least not for that explicit purpose, although I'm happy to if you actually want to), if everyone here had to attach a picture of themselves when posting, nobody would take any of this purity stuff seriously. There are so many arguments against total purity and I can't be bothered to go through them right now. It's late/early AM on a weekday.

Anyway, my kids will have full citizenship in the Reich and my grandkids will be considered full-blooded Germans, so I don't mind what Sturmmann Anonymous thinks at the moment

There really isn't anything of interest there. Just pics and other average faceberg posts.


several things

1. he's calling on people to drop anonymity, get out there and do something! like get your face out there, with him, to be documented while protesting in front of an army base. maybe blow up a federal building

it's white nationalism 1.0 shit that failed and he wants to repeat it? OK.

even if he's not a fed, anyone touching him irl will have a file opened on them.

2. he mentions all these disadvantages he's had due to attacking jews, but he's well-off enough. who's employing him if he's blacklisted

3. he makes a ton of mistakes when talking about TRS. confuses TDS with FTN, talking about some bookclub, which I'm assuming is something from daily stormer. phoning it in like he's on salary

No other ecelebs outing themselves?

Why does it seem like the TRS shills took a break…hmm

archive.fo/3ZuX6 commenting enabled

Mike Delaney's been around forever. He's not perfect, but he's legit.

She's hapa and doesn't fit in in Asia, also I don't like Asians

I've spent a lot of time there and I hate those people, I made some borderline Holla Forums-tier shitposts there and despite being censored/banned the ones that stuck got plenty of upvotes, I was pleasantly surprised.

Sounds like you probably fucked up big time all in an effort to fulfill some borderline imaginary ideology.

and FWIW most of people here don't seem to know the first thing about national socialism as far as I can tell

You would be surprised. We never correct, though. Nobody thinks a 400 lb basement dwelling NEET is a threat to anything, so it's the best of ruses to keep.

I honestly believe you, but I'm sure you can concede my point somewhat

Shoud Milo really be in that pic though?

because they are on our side now?

After all, they wanted us to be united as one group, no D&C and all that. The stronger has finally conquered the weaker, and now the synthesis can begin.

I don't like hapas.

hes not aut-right but they used to defend him before hailgate

really late reply to this but their is still a few episodes of kulturKampf on alt-right andy's jewtube channel. Glad you have some standards your show was one of the better podcast but I still don't trust namefags unless I know them IRL and vetted them personally.

Some anons just always have the most appropriate of 2hoos.

You are selfish cunt who thinks only about you're only personal happiness and nothing about your children or your race. Fuck off. I would never subject my children to becoming mud people. You brag about being "aryan" but are willing to shit on your children forever denying them of that honor.

Again, you're a beta male who accepted the first chink in high school who gave you attention. You're too much of a pussy to get a white girl.

Just looks like Grinder Greggie and Wews, who already were known to be fags.

Kissam is definitely prime real estate to bring the fags running, though.

Seriously, if anyone on the left wants to infiltrate the alt-right and learn the names of all the figure heads, all they need to do is send a young clean cut white guy in decent shape and the fags can't help themselves trying to get into his pants.

Not so fast. Look more closely. They just switched to sliding the thread.

He should probably be removed to make room for other faggotry..

No, they've always hated him, Milo was even more hated when the thing came out of him "explaining" what the alt-right was.

So where does this shit end? Are you fags just gonna keep doxing anything associated with white nationalism and namefagging and respond by saying lel read a book instead fag.

After you're done with TRS who's next? I'm sure you fags will find plenty of connections between TRS and other WN groups.

Let's hope so. By the end of Trump's first 100 days I hope all of you agents are unemployed

jews are not White Nationalists.

They're hit or miss, the main problem is that the men are nationless and generally the products of beta cuck males as someone said above and shitty self-hating Asian females who want to have "white" kids, so they end up sort of rejecting their sons from birth. If you go to /r/hapas and lurk, that's what virtually all of them say.

Luckily my waifu is not a "trad wife" as they like to call them over at TRS, meaning she's got two X chromosomes, so this isn't an issue, and my kids will be 1/4 rather than 1/2, which is acceptable to me. Purity aside, I probably wouldn't be able to have kids with a full Asian knowing what I know now.

That's not true at all. I've structured a large segment of my adult life around children. I don't know a single strong Aryan couple who have their kids' college funded already, for example, but I do.
I'm not bragging, I said it half jokingly and half seriously because of where I am posting, but I was also making a point. (Elliot Rodger's father was a Jew and his mother was something funky.)
I'm sorry that you'll never know the satisfaction of marrying your highschool sweetheart, user
Are you actually interested in genetics? I don't want you to think I'm emulating the leftists when I bring this up, but come on, man, at least approach the discussion in good faith. I know you just want to hurl muh gook muh beta male stuff at me but hit me with something substantial or give it up, because I've been here for a long time and I've heard it all before.

Any group that welcomes fags needs to be destroyed. No one wants to fight next to a bunch of sodomites.

lol these mental gymnastics
enjoy your chink-eyed hapa spawn, loser

lol this non-argument
enjoy your hand etc

kek I didn't understand a fucking thing in that image

b-but muh Hitlur! We literally thousands have fag's on this very website right now!

No. They won't. Why take the risk?

Don't make a mistake you can't undo later.

I too used to be with a gook. Just break it off man. You child is much more likely to be a beta faggot. You know you're with her partially because you yourself are too beta to get a white woman. Just admit it user.

I think you wish that most of the posters here weren't pure white, but you're wrong. Many Americans, like myself, only came over in the 1800s and can easy trace our roots.

You're going to regret it.

He has a job and a family dude…
And if you dont think your already on a list for posting shit online then your delusional

Nigger, opsec is number one here. Into the >>>/bog/ with you and your based jews.

Go ahead pool party retard, if you were too stupid to listen when we told you about trs 1 year ago you will obviously will not listen after being so invested into that relationship,

This. I know since I was once a faggot like this too.

There are other women user. A mixed race child, however much, will never have the sense of identity and connection to their Fatherland like you were blessed with.

Like I said, you will regret this years later, as beauty fades.

Pic very related for all the TRS shilling butthurt.

We're just gonna go in circles here, fellas. We've already covered the /r/hapas thing above, no need to repost the image we've all seen 100 times.

Who is your shining WN 3D waifu–April Gaede? kek

Yeah this video is really good
Spot on as you say.

These are fucking great.

TRS and TDS seem to be fucked right now, I don't think there really is anyone to fuck with, seeing as lots of podcasts have left, lots of people are not being supportive of Mike. Some shill might come along and try to start it up again on someone else for no reason and get told to fuck off, so I don't know, I've seen people mad on here because some were talking about doxing FtN, though they dindunuffin and left TRS anyway.

Watched it, thoroughly enjoyed it, and he looks like a nice white dude. But, you know the rule, no namefagging. I'm just very very cautiously optimistic on this one.

whatever kike. Your not the first to shill against Mike Delaney

At least think on what we said as you fall asleep tonight. Don't betray your race. It is the one thing that will be here long after you're dead, that you can meaningfully contribute to.

yeah his job consists of keeping tabs on WNs who are ready to "do something"

Yes but I am half Irish and Half Italian, that loss of ethnicity and culture is still a real issue. Just less of an issue because they are both white. You would be robing your child of a ethos. They will be literally born without an ethnicity. Its a tragedy in all circumstances even if both parents are good people and is one of the reason the modern world is becoming lower trust and people are becoming atomized individuals and consumers because they have no society, culture or people to call their own. There is more to this issue then Genetics. ancient man did not know about Darwin's evolutionary theory or DNA but they still understand the danger of missogination. Your child will be ostracized. I don't care how nice or hot your girlfriend is, if you truly loved her and respected her heritage you would give her a plan ticket back to the Orien's.

If I contradict you at all you'll just make unfalsifiable claims, there's nothing either of us can do in this situation to drive this conversation forward because you guys aren't approaching it in good faith whereas I am, or at least I'm willing to change my views, but you're not. The thing is, I've already heard everything you have to say. Maybe you've heard what I have to say, maybe not, but it doesn't matter because we'll never get that far.

heh, are you like , left a perfectly good woman because a bunch of guys on the Internet told you she wasn't pure enough and something about imaginary ideological purity as well? etc.

Listen to yourself, see the situation of trs and think for a second even if its hard, how many times in your life have you let false assumptions influence your decision-making.


They are still trying to dox FtN. They should come out and denounce kike Enoch quickly imho so you autistis can chill the fuck out but what if they just don't want to counter-signal someone who was on the same podcast out of a sense of decency and are just keeping quiet about it?

It's almost time for another thread but that would've been a good idea


There's always other women. It's always total betas who think they can't get a white girl who go on about how their asian gf is so perfect for them.

They're like the kids in middle school who think they're going to marry their first crush and when they break up they act like the whole world has ended because "how could there be anybody better." It's the most the childish position. But like I said earlier, anybody who's so weak and selfish as to marry a slant, the white race is better off without their offspring bringing down the race

British people are literally jews and sodomites

What would you say if some perfect mixture of Japanese and German–say 1/16th–were objectively superior in every way? Maybe it's not, but hypothetically, if it were, would that affect your ideology? How do you feel about Slavs? Finns? Again, do you know anything about genetics?

You're denying racial differences hard. You'll see the truth of it one day, hopefully before it's not too late. Night.

Nobody's doxing FtN, we were just trying to confirm that this faggot
isn't Jazzhands.

I guess this is the game you want to play, we both make silly, unfalsifiable generalizations in each other's general direction
It's always fat, lonely, unintelligent, ugly people who are jealous of healthy relationships who make these kinds of assertions on 8pol though. Like I said above, if people like you had your picture attached to every post, most of you wouldn't be taken seriously.

I'm genuinely sorry that you don't have a healthy, non-degenerate relationship and that you probably won't have children of your own. I hope you find your ideal white woman, m8

Good to have confirmation, I kept telling fags FtN dindu nuffins and I was right.

Sinead is crazy but her voice is top tier.

I fully understand and acknowledge them, which is why I keep bringing up genetics, but nobody seems interested in that.

Wew, I really black twittered that shit up fam, let me fix that.
In my defense, I felt the Spirit get a hold of me and had to get that idea in Meme form asap.

thanks fam, I just want TRS shill fags to leave, it's been over for them for like 3 days and they can't accept it. Maybe a re-branding to fight the ebil nazis for shekels instead?


which i hope he isnt

Anyone want me to make another thread? Is there any point?

Also thread's gonna hit the limit so our playtime is almost over anyway

Well maybe if this guy is making more content, I'll make a new thread. Planning on it?

We are not telling you to do something , atleast im not , im telling to stop lying to yourself and making decision based on false assumptions, you can not know how will your son will turn

There aren't enough posts left ITT for me to mock you and explain how I already covered everything you seem to believe in this thread

I have to add, denying your son a true identity is the worst crime.

sure, need a little feedback though fam

So of someone isn't pure white because of something like feather nigger blood does it really even matter, should those of us with totemfucker DNA even worry about White 3d waifu or would we just be tainting the gene pool even worse