Anyone else here feel out of place as well?
Tfw Libertarian socialist
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Why? There are plenty of you around.
Don't let yourself be scared off by the Holla Forumsyps shitposting as "fuggen tankos"-anarchists or "everyone goes to gulag"-stalinists.
Most people are something like you.
Why is it that you anarchists always need safe spaces and hug boxes? When your muh ideology doesn't survive scrutiny in terms of practicality, you always call out people tankies and statist not understanding that state/not-a-state is a false dichotomy that it is a means to and end, not the end itself.
it's not scrutiny though, it's just constant shitposting and insults
why should anybody waste their time going to a board where there's nothing but shitposting against them and no chance at anything constructive?
it's never
it's always
I know that feel comrade.
Anarkiddies have their heart in the right place, but they are on another plain of reality apparently.
Tankies can go kill themselves.
don't feel out of place friend just go along with the shitposting and have fun
Somewhat, but I think we're the future
I'm in your corner Comrade. I'm not an Anarchist idolization of the market but much like Ayncraps MLs refuse to acknowledge that a massive, top down, all pervasive state could ever infringe upon freedom more than it protects it.
This really goes both ways. In fact I'd say le tankie bogeyman gets thrown around even more than the term anarkiddie since there's non-Leninist Marxists on here as well.
That's what bothers me. I just don't understand how anyone is so quick to give so much power to the state.
I won't deny that, it's pretty much inevitable whenever you group together two groups that always disagree
I think the recent move to disassociate anarchism from the political left after the fall of the USSR is a step in the right direction
No the fuck it isn't. We're leftists and it's that simple. People thinking otherwise leads to bullshit revisionism where anarchism means literally whatever you want. "You could also have anarchist monarchism!"
post-left anarchy rejects both the right and the left though, the point is to make anarchism strong on its own now that the left is dead
wow stop pretending to be freudfreund
Yeah, by that argument we should still be on Holla Forums.
Which is just another reason it's for homos
seriously, as an anarchist you want to be associated with the USSR, socdems and everything in between?
First of all, post-left anarchy is mainly only a U.S. thing because the U.S. likes being special. Second, post-left anarchy like to pretend it isn't leftist, but it's as leftist as everything else:
It annoys me how they call other anarchists "left anarchists" as if you could be otherwise. It even gives a breath of legitimacy to anti-state capitalists calling themselves "anarchists.
It doesn't matter if you don't want to be associated with Ml's. You're both still leftists.
anarchists identifying as leftists give legitimacy to people associating communism and socialism with the USSR
not anymore bucko
Doesn't matter, anarchists are left-wing and
People don't associate left leaning anarchists with the USSR. People think anarchism is just a free market without the state, they don't know wtf left-leaning means. If anything, you'd be associated with ayncraps.
And? So fucking. Does that mean every other leftist that doesn't like the USSR should stop calling themselves leftists? It's such a stupid idea. This is what is bringing the bastardization of anarchism and its play by the right.
If you aren't a leftist, you aren't an anarchist. You'd be the same as those rightwingers co-opting the word.
meant to say that if you aren't an anarchist, you aren't a leftist.
by saying anarchists are a part of the left you're lumping them both together for no reason
so there's no point in claiming to be left-wing anyway if people already think that?
also claiming to be a left wing anarchist implies there is such a thing as right wing anarchism
post-leftists use it as a term for anarchists who cling to ideological vestiges of the left like Bookchin
the ideas of the left and anarchism are different, different words for different ideas
otherwise we'd still have the first international
Exactly, so don't use "left anarchist" or whatever kind of subtle bullshit that is.
Being leftist means being a part of the anti-capitalist socialists. If an anarchist isn't that, he needs to fuck off with his revisionism
I already said that when post-leftists say left anarchist they mean an anarchist with tendencies from the broader left
I know that. It's still stupid. I mean, it's fine if you are skeptical towards traditional leftist strategy, but don't bring that type of bullshit in. They should just call them "traditional anarchist" or something.
but everything that they critique can mysteriously be found in the rest of the left as well
They can call others "traditional leftists"
There, problem solve
there is already an old left and a new left and post-left disagrees with both though
"traditional anarchist" will do just fine.
Just stoop calling other anarchists "left anarchists."
they already call them classical anarchists, but platformism for example isn't classical anarchism but it's still leftist
Come up with something better
i'm not the one who feels the need for that fam
Then stop calling us "left anarchists"
Yeah, with brainwashed conservatives but so be it. You can't just pander to every stupid person. I think most Americans are smart enough to understand that a left leaning anarchists isn't a synonym for a Stalinist.
The point of being a Leftist is to educate people, don't run away and bitch because people have never taken a history class before. Do your job.
but why not just say anarchist?
there's literally no point to being a leftist in 2016
Because it implies you're an ayncrap.
So then kill yourself, if you're not part of the worker's revolution, you're just dead weight.
And you're effectively a trump supporter, by not supporting whatever leftist opposition that challenges the right. So again, kys.
but this mentality implies that ayncraps are anarchists
I don't want to be a worker, I want to be me
a revolution that keeps people in the same social roles is not my revolution
ok hillary lmao
Hillary is a right-winger.
And by saying you're not a leftist, you're implying you're an anarchist.
*implying you're not an anarchist
Hillary is certainly to the left of Trump
for me if I want people to know I'm an anarchist it's enough to call myself an anarchist
even if you think anarchism is left-wing, calling yourself a leftist in no way implies anarchism
That's right. Anarchism should do just like how Marxists don't need to call themselves "left Marxists" because Marxism already is a part of the left like anarchism. I'm telling you that you don't need to introduce yourself as a "left anarchist" because if you're an anarchist, you already are a leftist. That's why I'm telling you that you calling traditional anarchists "left anarchists" is stupid.
That doesn't make her a leftist.
but anarchism doesn't fit with the left, it never did
that's the entire point of post-left, the first international, kronstadt, the barcelona may days
she's the only real opposition to trump by spurdoposter's logic
Okay, then you're just an idiot who's co-opting anarchism and ignoring history. Fuck off.
I didn't hear him say that. He said "opposition to the right". Hillary isn't an "opposition to the right" because she is the right.
but I cited several historical events which show the fundamental differences between anarchism and leftism
he was trying to say that you have to support one of a set of competing popular sides instead of thinking and acting for yourself
Are you really saying the anarchists in Spain weren't leftists? You know, they guys who were moved by anarchist syndicalism and Bakunin's collectivist anarchism.
Wtf…… I think you need to read
Not my logic. It's by reality, is there any other candidate with enough support to beat Trump?
Nope, she's a social democrat, get off Reddit and Holla Forums.
No dumb-ass, I'm saying if you don't support the only opposition there is, you are effectively supporting Trump. My views don't align with liberals, but I'm not a dumbass like you who thinks there's nothing wrong with splintering the Left when it helps the Right win. You are a child.
And don't act like you think, you dumb fucking snowflake.
no I'm not saying that
the left should be splintered if all it does is fail like the USSR and achieve nothing but helping reactionaries
actually I apologize, that guy ( ) is a fucking idiot.
So if we let Trump win and have his neo con supreme court.
That will be better for the workers movement. Yeah, you guys are really smart.
You don't fucking get it, dumbass.
Trump will make the left grow because he's such a dumbass, everyone will hate him, like Bush!
You are the reactionary. Read a book.
Ok Bush won, oh look, America is now a shining European Social Democracy on the verge of Market Socialism! Oh wait, yeah your logic fails completely when I look out the window.
That's because Obama won, dumbass.
Under Bush, the left rose and everyone voted for the charming Obama.
No, it's cause he had to clean up the shit hole Bush left and we had conservatives cock-blocking him at every turn, If you keep voting Right, the Left will have nothing to do but clean up and cry, no matter if they win or not. So your cute little reasons to vote Trump, would keep us in this shit hole for at least another 16 years. Read a book, you stupid fucking child. If you want the Left to win, you have to start with the State. You want control of the state now, you have to support progressives who are open to Socialism. This is how history works. Kill yourself.
Bernie wouldn't have gotten shit done either because of dumb asses like yourself, again, read a book, you troglodyte.
but the left shouldn't win, post-left dude remember
If everyone voted for Trump, next time everyone will vote for a democrat cuz everyone would be sick at Trump.
Then what's the point of electing B████?
I believe you wrote Anarcho-capi\talist but leftypol's thoughtcontrol filters changed it. Why is that accepted?
no that didn't happen
I'm here for you.
here, buddy