Another E-celeb not to listen to

Its 13 minutes but its worth listening to and puling apart and making sound bytes from it.
John B Wells cucks out and says that you shouldn't even talk about Israel because it could bring bad JUU JUU on YUU.

This guy is always talking shit on israel…he gets on a show with a jew and bam he cucks out to the jewish host and tells the host exactly what he wants to hear.

Another E-CELEB that you can throw in the trash can.

Then why the hell did you post his youtube link then ?
and besides, nobody likes e-celebs here, you're confusing us for cuckchan.
Sage and hide

Thats right…sage and hide anything you don't like rabbi. Anything that shows your doctrines intolerance to opposition of the thing that is causing people to war against each other.

You are doing the will of the man in the video already.

Who gives a fuck?

You have to pay to listen to his show. I tried it for a month and he's pretty on the ball about everything else, almost like he browses Holla Forums, but he sucks Jew dick so hard it's nauseating. He even goes "ITS DA JOOS", in a mocking whiny voice if someone criticizes Israel.

Also he's not really eceleb, he's a radio host and used to host Coast to Coast Am. I dropped him a year ago.

He has legit people on. You can catch him on the youtube for free as they are uploaded there to other chans..But he broke from his normal program and cucked out to the jewish inf.

Sorry faggot, trips of truth hath spoken.

If he wasn't such an Israeli cuck I would recommend everyone on Holla Forums to check him out. Trump supporter, hates Islam and says they need to go, all but calls BLM a bunch of niggers and he talks about white genoicide, tells people to arm up and he doesn't sell supplements. He also does mocking accents making fun of brown people and just generally doesn't give a fuck.

I think it's because he's a Christian he supports Israel. But the way he goes about it was enough for me to stop listening.

You red text kikes always do this.

Someone clearly states something…and you get alex jones on it and claim the new world order is connected and is trying to do _X _

Is it a Psyop user?!?!? REALLY?!?!?!?

I clearly stated that I used to watch him and that I don't watch him now because hes a fucking jew cuck.


create some fantasy to support something else.
How's godlike productions treating you nut?

He does advert filters and shit.
He is trying to AJ.

It's the same story with Bill Still. Christian Zionism needs to die.

another case, everyone.

.5 has been deposited into your account

Well he's better than George Noory for the X tier stuff, but that entire genre is a bit tired nowadays. You can listen to Art Bell in the '90s, and it's the same old bs.

Some christcucks have their best interests at heart but You can bet that the echo does its best to lock them down.

Are we talking about the nasally kike who sounds like a cartoon stereotype giving out super secret investing tips or fucking Linda Molten Howe and how the Twin Towers were brought down by a disintegration ray?

John B was good his first 100 shows. Now he's super Jew dick sucker and brings on people to talk about Big Foot once a week.

You most definitely are new here

Some christcucks have their best interests at heart but You can bet that the echo does its best to lock them down.>>8815493

Ahh my

Either a personal army request or a faggot shilling his own channel. Either way, fuck off.

Isn't this old fag a conspiratard? Either way, in the trash. Probably on a Jew ownage station like Bill Hicks.

You know you could just pay someone to tell you how smart you are while you jerk off.