How often do you guys visit other boards? I recently realized I pretty much stopped browsing all boards outside of this one, and when I tried going to my previous home board (My country's board) yesterday, I realized it was full of reactionaries and right-wingers saying "cuck" unironically. There was even a communist thread going which was filled with Facebook tier replies. Is there a single board not infected with cancer?
How often do you guys visit other boards...
Other urls found in this thread:
I never visit other boards I came here specifically looking for a left-wing discourse board.
Literally every other board is filled with pol cancer. Apart from the history and literature boards but I still never really go there.
I often go to Holla Forums, but specifically for fighting game discussion. People into fighting games tend to be non Holla Forums, for some reason. Can't say I'm not happy with that. Fighting games ate popular with Japanese, blacks and Mexicans, so it could have something to do with that, but I don't know why that is.
I also sometimes read various anime boards, since I am only just now starting to watch anime. People there seem fine to help and discuss anime rather than Islam and Judaism.
Honestly though, I don't know why Holla Forums ideas are so strong on most boards that are often dedicated to 'degeneracy' or Japanese culture.
halfchan's /trash/
For the porn and the tulpa threads
Where there is sin, there is absolution.
Degeneracy is the sin, Holla Forums ideology is the absolution.
It's a dialectical relationship.
I go on /monster/ occasionally
I used to go on Holla Forums until they started blaming jews instead of publishers for all their vidya problems.
/anarcho/, /freedu/, /kind/, /liberty/
I'm daily on /lit/, /fa/ and /mu/
Feels like I'm the only lefty there anymore. /Fa/ constantly has "/fa/scist" threads. Everything is marxist cuckcore etc. /Mu/ talking about politics is probably the most embarrassing shit ever.
Fair point, but shouldn't they be in opposition rather than walking hand in hand? Or perhaps it's delusion.
Got some examples? I want to cringe.
Isn't that full of right-Libertarians though? Don't they hate us? The sticky specifically mentions "full-on communism" as an authoritarian ideology (Maybe they mean Stalinism?)
i still browse /g/, Holla Forums, /tg/ and /a/ on halfchan
it's alright
I never visit Holla Forums.
Yeah, they are fun to troll.
I never visit other Holla Forums boards since they're pretty much all Holla Forums colonies and can't stay on topic for anything. I occasionally go to halfchan /his/ and Holla Forums for some gayman news and to /mu/ to check if they've stopped being a circlejerking shitpile.
Sometimes i go to /d/ or /monster/.
The only other boards I vist is monster and halfchan jp for mgg. Sometimes /vg/ for a general on a series I'm playing.
I go to /a/ to talk about anime and Holla Forums to shitpost, but I only ever check Holla Forums if there's a game I'm particularly interested in.
Everything is Holla Forums now.
They are also starting to leak outside image boards, I'm seeing Holla Forums style posts everywhere on the internet now, shit's obnoxious as fuck.