So, what went wrong?
All they have now is a hungry and jobless population and a retarded leader threatening to invade my country over some Mercosur random shit
So, what went wrong?
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Maduro has been losing his shit since new right wing governments from Argentina and Brazil have given him the middle finger.
Pick one.
And I thought pic related was a meme.
And why Venezuela is not to be considered socialist?
Venezuela always had a mixed economy. How the hell is that socialism?
dude what the fuck did you do to the stars
>the elected government defends the right to private property
fuck you
read up history of socialism
stop being a faggot
it's a broad term that can and will be used by anyone presenting themself as working class movement
your stupid bitching every single fucking time wont get you anywhere
Oh, okay. Mixed economies are socialist. The U.S. is socialist since it has a mixed economy. The Scandinavian countries are also especially socialist.
What are we fighting for again?
get over yourself faggot
"market socialism" isn't socialism either, it's the same retarded shit as "mixed economies", just a new autistic form of it
you wont see me bitching about it like you little faggot are
are you implying that they don't?
Venezuela still has porkies you know.
If you want socialism, go to Norway and go enjoy yourself.
norway doesn't claim to be socialist
liberals do
i tell them why their socialism is faggotry and only ML and cybernetic planning will be successfull socialism
not being a fucking assburger like you stupid cunt and actually adressing the topic rather than whining and bitching over the word is the answer
there only difference between you and a Holla Forumsack going "cuck cuck cuck" is the terminology
Oh, so it's only about whatever you call yourself then.
define socialism including all branches, from ML to "market socialism" to anarchism and so on and where the line is drawn to "mixed economy social democracy"
do it or just get off my dick you faggot
hey, faggot
i say anarchism is a branch of socislism too
pls go tell me i have to defend kakalonia, faggot retard stupid shit cunt nigger bitch
Well I was going to say worker mop, but I rest my case. Everybody is a socialist.
anarchism is branch of socialism. It's been so since it's begiinning
it's not though because it doesn't put the workers in control of the means of production but the market
anarchists btfo
l2read marx fgt
I can barely understand you through your autism. Go read leftist history.
said the faggot thinking if he bitches enough socdems cease to call themself socialists and anyone saying otherwise wants social democracy
go fucking kill yourself you insufferable retard
and you have yet to make a single argument and adress the ones i brought up instead of shitposting away with "hurr hurr so everyone is socialist now hurr hur rloololol"
you goddamn motherfucking retard
They WERE you filthy son of a bitch. They abandoned the original cause a long time ago. Go fuck yourself.
Socialism is a spook brah. It has never existed outside the minds of people who believe in it and defend it violently.
Nobody defends anything. Small companies can't deal with the minimum wage increase (around 2x) well. They have two options: Close down or bleed money.
The death toll just keeps on rising. How long until we accept that putting socialist in power doesn't work.
R e t a r d e d
Fat populist sells oil and gives shit away with the money, calls it "socialism", everything explodes when oil prices drop.
Is Venezuela a global moneyless, classless and stateless society?
We aren't "put in power" mate. We take it.
What else to expect from a Stalinist.
Market socialism has worker ownership of the means of production, which is socialism's most basic requirement.
kulaks don't count as workers, fag
what the fuck you stupid faggot, are you literally retarded or just "pretending" and shitposting?
Most of the socialist parties called themselves "Social-Democratic", like in Russia, prior to WWI. This ceased to be the case, in Russia for example, with the Bolshevik/Menshevik split forming the "Communist Party".
So yes, Social Democrats were once the representative congregation of socialists. Your denial that they were is quite surprising.
1. they are the "original party movement" of socialism
2. internal struggles lead to break with the communists and other factions
3. they only recently and in only some parties have taken the term socialism out of their party programs
4. many didn't, they still are, if heavily fucking retarded, a brand of socialism
learn2history faggot
Toma de Caracas in under a week. (September 1 opposition protests, where people from all over the country go to Caracas, the capital city)
What do you think?
venezuelan here, i predict a bloodshed
no i do not think this government its actually commie or socialist or lefty at all.
is there a secure way to talk about this online? is telegram good?
Dejate la mariquera, lo del SEBIN es un meme. Aqui los organismos de seguridad son demasiado incompetentes como para meterse en vergas como esas.
Good, though people will probably go to jail in an almost meaningless act.
Meten presos a los que juegan a airsoft, y en esta página que hablan de revoluciones, armas, y eso no? No me digas que eres un de esos que cree que el gobierno es estúpido.
Tal vez en sebin sea un meme, pero seria demasiado gafo subestimar al gobierno y no pensar que hay otra organización que si sepa su vaina
Theres no jails enough for 1 million new prisoners
Como van a andar metiendose con sitios como este si a cada ratos salen venezolanos, tanto aqui como en hispachan expresando la arrechera por el gobierno y sus fantasias sangrientas? Yo llevo bastante tiempo aqui y te puedo decir que aun si esos guevones saben de esto, no le paran bolas.
No pueden meter tanta gente presa asi de golpe, es practicamente imposible.
Try qTox
You need to fuck the horse pussy
No. qTox apparently is. But you'd better use Tails as an OS.
You literally said they weren't once the "original socialist party organization", expect they were it - once.
Stop posting anytime.
would you guys like to talk about shit over there? if so, then im installing it
also, why not just regular tox?
But they still have private property.
Private property that wouldn't exist without the state. Saying the state is incompetent doesn't mean the state doesn't defend private property.
See also: Argentina under Cristina, Brazil under Dilma
So, what went wrong?
Socialism and socialist economies will inevitably collapse in a global capitalist economy. Socialism must be worldwide or it will bust time and time again.
There won't be a bloodshed, MUD are pussies and back out after the first hour, we're fucked because our opposition "leaders" are comfy because they're back in their old positions of power and won't do shit
those private companies still exist because the state cannot provide what they do. to say that its better for the capitalistist to fuck off without the state to fill the gap up its dumb. and in venezuela most provate companies function better than the state own ones because the state is corrupt af
Sure. There are also guys from ISSU out there, I think.
Tox is protocol, qTox is the client, no?
mud doesnt have to do anything, and most likely wont. they just set the fuse on fire and theyre gonna let the people loose.
after the bloodshed theyll join in again and take the power, just w8 and see
whats ISSU?
so i just post my tox id here?
After the actual bloodshed of 2014, all protesters pussied out/are mocked and ridiculized and you know it
It's still capitalism, fam. All you've done is make the argument that private capitalism is better than state capitalism.
They are a bit SocDem, though.
Well, you can do it here instead:
i know its still capitalism, but we cant just be teenage retards about it. would you prefer no private companies but with even more scarcity?
i know, and the old politicians are still intact, now its going to happen the same thing: protesters murdered and the politicians will take the cake
do i have to make a rizon account? how?
Any name works, Gasset. Just don't run away immediately. I might be AFK.
financial issue in venezuelan economy which dates from 1970s + america fucking with the country = bad things.
get on it my africanamerican comrade
I would prefer no "companies" at all, but rather cooperatives.
using that definition, then ancapism is socialism because they also allow social ownership and democratic control of MOP (just not exclusively).
me too m8, but that doesnt mean the government is good
cant you arrive at socialism tru ancapism tho? i think it might