I've had it. Why does this british son of a whore must ruin every single comic he takes part in writing? The only thing I could enjoy from Ennis was the Dangerous Habits arc from Hellblazer.
Recently though, I had the displeasure to read how he utterly butchered Alan Grant's run on The Demon, wrapping it up with a stupid as fuck war allegory that made no sense for any characters.
Moving on to Hitman, Everything was more or less okay. It had it's issues but it was good overall. Jason Blood/Etrigan had a cameo where Ennis just had to shit up on his character a little more and then there's the atrocity that is the Who Dares Win arc.
Five issues worth of Garth Ennis felating the SAS, calling them the bestest of the bestest, making them out to be some godly ideal that's better than everyone else. And of course Monhagan and co. were made to be absurdly incompetent to make 4 military guys from some irish shithole no one cares about seem badass when they were not. The guy has X-ray vision and can read thoughts from a distance but nooooo, let's have him get ambushed over and over again.
Yes I mad
I'd feel bad about making this a thread if Holla Forums's first page wasn't so full of shit
Ranting thread
I don't mind Punisher MAX and Preacher was ok, too much filler but ok
Yes, he's responsible for his share of turds, but this is the burger comic industry. I think hating Garth Ennis is partly just a meme based in hyperbole considering there's so much worse infecting the medium.
Case in point: pic related.
l liked Crossed, liked Boyz.
Just noticed that whatever he write, he will find a way to shit on capes, shit on micks.
He will shove egdy degeneracy, bananatheism and bootlick the british army/colonizers like the greatest euphoric fedora eternal anglo that will ever exist in this world.
Ennis' problem seems to be that he either doesn't care for writing high fantasy or just doesn't have the mindset for it. Which is weird because some of his peers are very capable of doing both.
What the fuck is going on with smug mullet Cyclops here?
You didn't even read the page, did you? I don't blame you though.
This is one of my bigger issues with him. He shoehorns them in like the greatest force that ever existed and everything else is complete shit.
He hates capes, shits on them, shits on everything that isn't his story and forces every element into the same shit antihero pattern.
I'm serious. If you want to read something fun with a decent story, read Etrigan vol 2 (it's a 4 issues mini series) and then grant's issues on vol 3.
I can't say anything about crossed because I haven't read it. I would do it for the light gore and the shock value but a) it's unfinished and b) the premise doesn't really appeal to my tastes.
As for the Boys, I hated most of it. Preacher was constantly going to both sides of the scale. Cassidy was pretty much a complete Garth Ennis character. Brit, felates the SAS, amoral, degenerate, will be curbstomped to make others look good and he will try to make you feel bad for him.
What in the flying fuck. Is that a what if or just something that was retconned in an extremely convoluted way like 80% of the X-Men franchise?
His war stuff is objectively great. War Stories (specially Vertigo), My War Gone By, even Punisher MAX…
You could say that he keeps shoving the HARDENED OPERATOR characters and WAR IS HELL thing into every story of his, but I guess it's just style. In the end, his edgier stuff is just honest fun compared to most shit you can read nowadays.
Your taste is objectively shit. His war stuff is typical Svaing Provate Ryan "LE GERMUNS R EBIL!" trash. While his British characters are all edgy badasses.
His war stuff is great if you consider 12 year olds writing about world war 2 about hardcore SAS killing a million nazis and smearing their brains on the pavement.
I tried to enjoy boyz, but my brain cells just couldn't die fast enough. We get it you hate American exceptionalism. We get it you hate the American government. We get it you collect British commando cum in your basement. We get it you're a hardcore "HAHAH SUCK IT CAPE FAGS" edgelord.
He's perfect for Punisher trash. With the kind of shit you that actually belongs in a toilet.
Wanna read every Garth Ennis story ever?
Type in: British soldier jacking off on American and Nazi flag on pornhub
There. Saved you some time.
True facts.
I quite happy he hates cape comics honestly. Their domination of the medium only makes me happy knowing that faggots like him suffer as a result.
Robert Kanigher did much better and he was around many years before Ennis.
Even with his many shitty opinions, i'm sure the hating on him is just a hipster meme and everyone on Holla Forums love everything this guy touch.
Ennis is hack who can't make an person who is half-way decent. He probably gets cucked by migrants while writing more shitty of his fanfict- "war stories."
He's also an Anglo.
So he hates American Exceptionalism yet Garth Ennis writes stories about British Exceptionalism.
Why are so many Brits in comics such edgelords? Morrison is probably the tamest one of them all.
What else would he worship? Empire that was barely won by shooting guns at spear chucking savages and had to be sustained by cowardly and underhanded tactics? Military with a spotty track record? WWI/WWII era armies that would be a laughing stock without foreign mercenaries and aid? Government that can't keep citizens safe despite using more surveillance than commie hellholes like China and Russia? Decent special ops unit is all that he has to cling onto.
Why? Boys was entertaining at first, but Crossed is cringe worthy from the get go. At its best, it's just Ennis being edgy and trying to top himself in every new issue.
He also wrote the god awful Punisher vs Wolverine comic. He has a hate boner for anything not in a black trench coat masturbating to gore.
Why do you guys hate patriotism so much? He is british, there nothing wrong with him promoting his country, if anything american writers should do that more.
Have you read said war stuff? Because I really can't see how your posts apply to stories like 'J for Jennie', 'Dear Billy' or 'Valley Forge, Valley Forge' from his Punisher. Take Mother Russia for instance, the whole arc leads to Frank and a Green Beret risking everything to save a little girl, visual edgyness aside his stories are all about heroism.
How the fuck is he speaking?
comic book magic.
I had to read this entire page several times to process exactly what's going on in this. This is so nonsensical and out of nowhere I doubt even if I asked for context it would improve my current state of confusion.
Nothing wrong with patriotism. Ennis just shits on others, especially the U.S. and Germany, while praising Britain. His hypocrisy of putting down American exceptionalism while constantly indulging in British exceptionalism is what bothers people the most.
Besides that, he is seriously obsessed with SAS. Nearly every comic of his features a cool badass that was involved with SAS in some way. Whether it is a story about capes, zombies, hitmen, or wizards, SAS has to be there. It is just ridiculous. Ennis' obsession with it borders on full blown autism.
In Hitman it's even worse than that. Even if the SAS were worthy of that much cocksucking, Tommy can
a) read minds at a distance, even if walls exist between his target.
b) see through walls
And yet he gets surprised, ambushed and has to rely on a physic impossibility to win a 2v1 against a single non-powered SAS guy. Did I mention they were carrying weapons as well?
If the SAS were fighting another military unit that'd be something else but everytime Ennis shoves his britboys into a story they are instantly better than everyone else no matter what.
Reminds me of this anime called Gate where the creator felates the JSDF. Mainly because he was in the JSDF.
Imagine every burger story had a retired Navy Seal disemboweling everyone. It'd be insufferable.
It was good until it turned into haremshit.
Punisher MAX is far and away Ennis' best writing, and even it isn't free of his SAS worship and hatred for the Irish.
That reminds me of Ajin, a manga they're currently adapting where they actually say the Japanese Self-Defense Force is pretty much useless since they have no combat experience and instead puts the Police Special Assault Force as the cream of the crop only to curbstomp them moments later
At least he was sucking his own dick, Ennis was never in the SAS.
There's patriotism and then there's jingoism.
You know how you can tell when a supposed badass is not actually all that badass and kinda insecure based on how much he boasts and you find them annoying and loathsome?
Yeah, that's kinda the case with Ennis.
The IRA, you mean.
Because pretty much every single one of them is a faggot who wants to make cape stuff into some grandiose commentary on the human condition instead of the adventures of funny guys in costumes beating up other funny guys in costumes. It's no coincidence that the grim'n'gritty-fication of comics along with the pretentious and shocky writing began around the same time that the "British Invasion" happened.
Morrison embraces the silliness of cape comics a bit more than the others but he still has this same fundamental mindset at the core which is why you get all this "superheroes as icons/gods" bullshit in his writing. His Batman run is probably one of his most comic-book-y stories with less of that stuff than his other writing, which is fucking saying something.
Britfag here, when I want to read war comics, I read commando, once one of many pocket-sized picture libraries, it's miraculously survived into 2017 whilst acting as if it's 1961 the whole time. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever liked a war comic that was in colour, I even read pre-code EC in black and white.
Wasn't Ennis also involved in Ministry of Space? It was a story about the British Empire getting to rocketry first, never falling, and expanding to Mars by 2004 (or thereabouts), only for a (((shocking))) twist ending where it reveals they could only do this by maintaining apartheid… even though it shows an Indian on the Ministry of Space board of directors a whole two pages earlier, and a black man is the second or third Brit on the moon. Mind you, I'm full Holla Forums now, so I'd have welcomed that timeline lock, stock and barrel.
The worst part is how the introduction calls it "Dan Dare for the demented", though. Fuck off you cunts, you don't get to namedrop a good comic in the intro to your shitty one while simultaneously going "lol don't take this seriously, we're just KERR-AZY guys".
Most of the greatest creative minds in comics history have been autistic to some degree which allowed them to concentrate on their singular talent whether it is drawing or writing and thus produce truly good stories under the influence of editors who actually cared about the task at hand. Modern ones like Ennis only have the autism without the talent, and their advanced autism made them think what they're doing is already great, so they will never bother trying to improve themselves. The fact that publishers continue to fellate them also doesn't help.
Don't bother with Crossed.
There is no way to "elevate" this shit, there is nothing wrong with superheroes, all the Gen X fags trying to deconstruct the medium are just failed screenwriters. The reasons comics suck now is comics became a gutter for failures. Anyone who wants to reinvent and destroy the medium they are a part of are just faggots who couldn't succeed in the field they wanted originally. Ennis is a perfect example of this.
Only in the U.S. As soon as you look elsewhere, capes are almost nonexistent. Comedy, adventure, crime, and history based books are far more popular and common. It was also the case in the U.S. before comic code resulted in the anomaly that American comic industry became.
There's a reason the golden age of comics were dominated by Jews straight out of the slums.
Well, Grant Morrison is a guy who loved the Silver Age stuff that he's willing to bring them back..well, at least some of them (see Batman R.I.P where dude somehow tied stuff like Zur-En-Arh Batman, Club of Heroes and even an obscure family member of Bruce Wayne to the modern take of Batman)
People who hate cape comics shouldn't write cape comics.
Actually these guys were sick of comic strips and wanted to devout entire stories to an entire book. They gave birth to the Medium, they didn't fall back on it like Richard Spencer or Garth Ennis
They shouldn't. But faggots lying their ass off for work is nothing new
You don't know shit about comic book history, do you?
Hardly. Syndicated newspaper strips were actually treated with prestige even after the comic book's conception. Even the first comic books prior to More Fun Comics were promotional strip reprint compilations.
Where are you getting this information? Are you just making it up?
Will Eisner said the hardest moral decision in his life was wither or not to take a job from a mobster drawing porn for $3 a page. During the Depression, $3 a page was a lot of money. He turned it down, but it's a great example of the trash comics were and the desperation of the people who worked for them.
Have you seen what the porn comics of the 30's looked like? $3 a page was essentially $1.50 a panel… but only $24 a comic. Still, was probably better than reversing a truck down the cuttings for the Hoover Dam because you'll be fired if you waste time turning it around.
I presume this is an edit? Please tell me it's an edit
No, it's just Mark Millar.
He's like some screaming, edgy ADD kid who keeps banging his head on the table and throwing things for attention, after a while you just learn to ignore him.
if you were a publisher, why wouldn't you push Ennis shit?
he writes exactly the same stupid shit every time, and people buy it, so it's a license to print shekels.
So basically it's all Watchmen's fault.
Could say the same about the Dark Knight Returns. But at least Moore and Miller were respectful of the source material, even when they do reconstructions. Moore's take on Mircaleman is one of the greatest comics I've ever read, despite him turning a Shazam rip off on its head.
Ennis has a superman parody jack off on the decapitated head of the President. Because he's that edgy kid that would draw stick figure shooting the pope with a shotgun. I'd put him in the level of a manchild thinking it's an adult.
I'm a advent opponent of taking money form the mentally Ill, user, It just isn't right.
That was an average read at best. Pretty ironic that Stormfront got killed by a group of people gang bashing him to death as no one could beat him one on one.
yeah and every single one of those is as ridiculous as your average superhero book. stop acting like dick tracey and tintin are worlds apart. The point I was making is that this grimdark psychological deconstruction bullshit doesn't fly anywhere else either.
Fucking exactly. I said this a thread before, deconstruction bullshit is like that jackass who openly pee in the pool where there are still people in it and I don't mean the one where you are still in your shorts while in the pool letting go, I mean, standing at the poolside, drop trunks and peeing into the pool..with people still in them.
Holla Forums here, I'm not sure this is on topic or not but I'll do it anyway.
None of us, you'd have better luck asking over at
Shoo, shoo, we don't want to catch your summerfag infestation.
We banished the (((Gems))) months ago.
I remember getting one of those comics in a pack and being confused as fuck as to why there were so many Franken Marvel characters. I remember there was a Spiderman knockoff too.
Steven is young Mark.