Reclaim your country with this one simple trick! Feminists and niggers hate it!
tl;dr one can only vote if they pay more to the government than they receive in benefits
Why will this solve the problem? You're smart guys UUUU so I doubt I need to explain this very much. Niggers are usually on welfare, single moms are all getting benefits and every single government employee receives more than they pay in, just to pluck the low-hanging fruit. Beyond that, women in general take more than they pay throughout their lives. And no, I don't believe government employees should be able to vote, since they almost always vote to expand the government. Corporations don't let their employees vote on whether or not they get a raise. Why should government employees get to do so?
The beauty of this plan is that it can be presented on its merits, and most women don't realize that they are a net drain on the government coffers. Even if women figure this out, their reason for opposing it will have to explicitly be that they ADMIT they are a net drain, which will be a redpill all its own. It may sound like an uphill battle, but we've reached a death spiral in the West. When women gain political power the nation dies immediately thereafter. There are no known examples of this spiral being reversed once it has begun. So yeah, it's an uphill fucking battle. Faggots and pussies need not apply, if we do this it's a "first time in human history" moment. For some of us, that makes it even more worthwhile.
Well, except for that whole Constitution thing, ya know. That thing which gives every citizen the right to vote?
Oh, never mind. Kiwis.
Alexander Nelson
Fuck off back to fagbook That's not the fucking point, moron Also, the ORIGINAL interpretation of the constitution only allowed land-owning white men to vote. Any changes made since that time can be unmade.
Mason Cooper
Here newfaggot, I didn't even bother to go to kikepedia for the most preliminary source, I just pasta'd from the first result blurb on Startpage So it sounds like tax requirements were originally allowed by the Constitution. Do your homework before you start spewing newfaggotry, and lurk moar
Juan Gutierrez
Democracy would work if only white, male, natural-born, over 25 years old and employed people could vote. The property-owner part is wildly outdated now because owning property is 100 times harder now than what it was when this was written
Landon Myers
Maybe you don't know this, but the Constitution has been amended since then. 27 times in fact! Maybe you should look it up.
Colton Morris
I agree, that's why I'm saying that the new standard should be that you must pay more in taxes than you receive in benefits to be eligible to vote.
Josiah Rodriguez
Amazing argument.
Blake Turner
And where did you suggest the repeal of an amendment? Oh that's right … you didn't. You merely proposed a tax that was determined to be illegal decades ago.
I really think you need to pick up a history book.
Hudson Allen
You are a prime example of why women shouldn't be allowed to vote. Tits or GTFO etc
Samuel Jenkins
Doesn't matter. You have not proposed a repeal. There are at least 5 Amendments which will need to be repealed. Can you name them? Do you even know that it takes and Amendment to repeal an Amendment? It's only been done once, so I suspect you'd know.
Most importantly: Do you know how to amend the Constitution? Everything you've stated in your OP is meaningless without amending the Constitution. Since you're incapable of understanding that very basic concept, I will now leave your thread to die its natural death.
Nathan Harris
I just did twice you doublenigger. What's with these moving goalposts anyway? I'm exploring this specific idea, not trying to make a list of unrelated amendments that should be repealed. being this obtuse and rectal rumpled
Easton Ortiz
You are going along with the rights delusions. Thinking that God or some piece of paper generates a field of bosons or fermions or atoms or whatever, resulting in the """rights""". Where are the rights of a man drowning somewhere in the ocean? Where are the rights of someone who got his guts spilled by a tiger? Let's stop bullshitting ourselves and admit the truth that can not be avoided or circumvented; ==VIOLENCE IS THE ONLY UNIVERSAL GOLD STANDARD, UNDERSTOOD AMONG ALL CULTURES AND EVEN ANIMALS IN NATURE== and all of the 'rights' come out of it.
I am not claiming I have all answers, but here's what I think: Step one, separatism. Set up an ammo plant innawoods, set up a covert farm, set up the whole system and keep it hidden til you are ready for the step two. Step two, taking over.
Ryder Ortiz
Anyway if you're claiming that there are 5 amendments that would need to be repealed to implement this plan, and you know them all, why not just list them and actually be a useful poster?
Austin Parker
There's a reason the NZ stats are used so much–it seems like those are the only ones available for a Western country. I did find this tidbit though So most likely the trend is exacerbated in the US. What's hilarious is that all I can find on the US stats is women bitching about how they spend more money on their overpriced products and how unfair that is
Jonathan Rodriguez
Kek, leftists will try and call it racist but would have to admit niggers contribute nothing. Excellent.
James Butler
It's apparent that you don't even know all of the amendments that concern voting rights. Why should we name them for you?
Xavier Reyes
or they could just say 'das still rayciss because they had different upbringing', which would mean you would still have to shit up the upbringing of your own children to fit in the nigger standard you can not compete with leftist mental gymnastics, the only real way to settle things with them is trough violence, they avoid facts and reason and reality to unbelievable lengths, the only thing they must obey is the most basic physics, such as those of ballistics
Ethan Cook
All barnacles will be removed from the ship.
Mason Diaz
Since when did commies care about the Constitution?
Since you're such an unhelpful bunch of faggots here you go. Now lets see: None of these need to be repealed. We just need a new amendment that acts as an umbrella to all the enfranchised groups of voters, stating that they must be a net contributor to the state in order to vote on its leadership.
Note that I'm not proposing a poll tax which is: This is completely different. Being a net contributor isn't a fixed tax.
Joshua Cook
m8 you can scribble whatever kind of bullshit you think of on whatever kind of paper, but how do you plan to enforce any of it?
Alexander Bennett
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel today aren't we
Carson Nguyen
well if you have it all so figured out correctly and it is all going to happen, then why is none of it happening? and if its not going to happen, then why are we discussing it?
Henry Garcia
This is an interesting idea. Calculating the benefits vs contributions for each person would probably be a political clusterfuck though. Simpler to just cut everyone who's on the govt teat from the voting rolls.
The problem is no politician would touch it though. Any attempt to limit suffrage can come back and bite you in the ass, cuz if it fails it usually leaves your opponent with the voting bloc you tried to remove.
Nathaniel Price
Carson Jones
You're probably right. Maybe this will be a good policy to implement in the next government structure that arises after this one inevitably dies, then.
Mason James
Exactly, it's easier to dismantle the government itself than put the suffrage genie back in the bottle. Of course, building from the ground up, you could easily implement much stricter voting guidelines than what is suggested in the OP.
Samuel Sanders
OP stop, you're just wasting your time.
Anyways you've got a good idea, just how do we spin it to get it past the leftists. Maybe utilize all the tax loopholes that let (((them))) and their goodest goys makes hundreds of millions annually and pay damn near zero in taxes. And then add some leftist crap about old evil white men or something. Feminists and dindus will eat it up if we drench it in enough anti-white and anti-male rhetoric, and won't realize the implications of their actions until it's much too late.
Their (((masters))) get stuck between a rock and a hard place. Reveal their absolute control of political dialogue to non-leftist normies by shutting down the narrative; or let events play out unopposed and lose their two biggest pawns -women and non-whites-, in their control over government.
Can't say - k 1 k 3 - or - n 1 g g 3 r - because I'm temporarily located in some shithole leftist country that both bans VPNs and has hate speech laws. Surprised this site isn't blocked.
Owen Nguyen
This shill. I hope you know that what you are saying is nowhere in the constitution, no matter how many idiots parrot it.
Isaac Bailey
Get the fuck out if all you're going to do is sperg out.
Chase Thomas
The United States was intended to become a monarchy. The Constitution (documen) is quite worthless.
Cameron Nguyen
Isaac Hughes
Forgive me for going off topic, but as long as we're enacting our fantasy legislation, I propose that we make as a prerequisite to receiving more than 6 months of public assistance (welfare) in any 5-year period: sterilization. Voluntary, of course.
David Evans
If you really want broke niggers and women to keep voting, just say so.
Colton Jones
I'm ok with this
Xavier Richardson
I keep telling you people, violence is the only thing that matters, and therefore only policies and legislations that matter should be policies that stockpile and accumulate violence. In practice:
All men must go trough basic military training. Sparta style eugenics. Universities exist only to teach physics, chemistry, mathematics and other stuff that can be weaponized or improves one's analytical abilities. Moral and cultural values must be tied to survival. Fat is not beautiful, but criminal. Incompetence is criminal as well. Weakness too. Feminism and lowering of combat effectiveness is high treason. Delusions such as equality and trillion genders, that can not be tied to reality or proven in any way, would be anti-values, or sins if you will, and if they lowered survival ability criminalized. Natural order forms the natural hierarchies, with right wing white males on top.
There you have it. A perfect system that can not fail, a few simple rules governing all morality and ensuring the ultimate survival and triumph, as reliable as the nature upon which it is built. A few thousand years later, you get biologically immortal spess muhreens colonizing the universe and fighting alien scum all over the place.
Anthony Sanchez
A majority of white women voted for Trump you MGTOW faggot