What does Holla Forums think of monarchism?

What does Holla Forums think of monarchism?

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There's a reason it was phased out by capitalism

Amazing. My hero the great Vladimir Lenin was himself a landed aristocrat!

Im loving it.

Only reason it exists, wherever it exists, is to have celebrities.
In most bourgie republics it is replaced by the president, AKA an elected monarch.

nice diggits though.


Anyway, Anarcho-Monarchism is awesome.

meh tbh

Tolkien pls go

Pretty awful.

No Gods No Kings
A is A
Eat the Poor
Hope we don't get food borne diseases from eating the poor since we scrapped all public healthcare

I imagine leftypol to simply accept the murder of all monarchs and their children. Good thing is that leftists also murder each other often, and involuntarily exact justice.

Yeah, they let kikes in, and started having social change based on popularity. In France the king died because he made several changes for the enlightened ideals, increasing food prices and making the plebs eat those around them.


Don't believe modern lies for a second. The current paradigm hates monarchy the same way Renaissance paradigm hated "the dark ages", and created the myth.

The renaissance hated the dark ages because it couldn't even compare with the Ming Dynasty and progressives wanted to actually reverse the decline of Europe that occurred with the fall of the Roman Empire. We hate the monarchy because they sucked so badly at primitive accumulation that Russia had a third world economy by the first world war.

Read the archive link.

Someone call the EPA, because this Holla Forumslution is off the charts!

The term "third world" means nothing outside of the period 1946-1991.

Sure, the intelligentsia is keen on following any ideology that is 'hip' and the pleb will follow just about anybody.

Yeah, the Opium war was just a myth, the Chinese man blames whitey for nuffin'.

look at dese po' unam'd boiz

Has no historical facts basing its bullshit. The Russian economy was so backwards that even Japan in 1905 was far more technologically advanced and industrialized.

Yes but my point is their economy was like how we view 3rd world economies today.

And your point was wrong, unless you know the situation better than Edmond Théry.

It's okay so long as I'm the monarch.

Dey need to espress deyselves, you know?



Yeah, just forget the 800 year war in Spain against Muslims.

Most economists view Russia in the early 20th century as the sick man of Europe thus why they got their ass kick by Japan in 1905 and that defeat led to a uprising. It is also why they had regular famines prior to the revolution and why the slogan "peace, bread and land" was so effective.

Charles Emmerson is a moron, if Tsarist Russia was so awesome where was their artillery in WWI, why could even the fucking Austrians outproduce Russia in terms of guns?

The worst studies are those that try to project population growth decades in advance and then try to draw conclusions from those absurd predictions.

Iz okay becuz we wuz slavez. Dey owe me ten milly! My gran gran gran gran gran gran gran gran gran gran mama she wuz riding the cocks of dem brown boiz. I got PTSD in my genes, mayne!

I have this issue of the magazine of a french monarchist association talking about left wing monarchism

0/10 would not recommend.

didn't Marx say we should ally with the capitalists to exterminate feudalism and aristocracy/nobility?

The tyrannical monarchist dictatorships "autocracies" are the basis for the proto-"that was CRONY capitalism!" arguments. Any hierarchical power structure is innately corrupt, concentrating it in the hands of one person certainly isn't any better. Fuck the apologists, there's no such thing as "a benevolent dictatorship", because if it were truly benevolent, it wouldn't exist; it's always going to be oppressing people in one way or another.

Holla Forums: What? Muh all powerful monarchist-lead society into a downward spiral of despair and destruction ultimately ending in its collapse? That wasn't REAL monarchism! It was uh…uhh…THE JEWS! Y-yeah! The Jews did it!"

Just wondering, why does Holla Forums have such an obsession with defending jews?

You guys are beyond paranoid.

Any monopoly on power is oppressive. And anarchist monopoly on power is oppressing those who want a state. Not to mention all the other shit the Anarcho-syndicalist did in Catalonia like forced collectivization, and planned economy managed by trade unions. Anarchism doesn't exist in the way you think it does. Not to mention you're revolutionaries which is one of the most authoritarian things you can be.

Check out this retard

He was saying benevolent dictatorships can't exist and I think that's wrong. His reasoning is that since they're a dictator they must be oppressing someone in order to maintain their position. My point is anarchist would have to do the same thing in order to keep the stateless society so "they must be oppressing someone" isn't valid reasoning in of itself.

What the fuck am I reading?
You forgot your SocDem flag, friendo.


Keep memeing anarcho-statist. That socdem article was gold. You guys are jokes.

You're the reason the UK turned into a bunch of pussies, why are you even here you stupid socdem?

You're going to have to slaughter a lot of people.

Again I'd be more interested in anarchism if real existing examples of anarchism didn't resort to statist tactics like planned economy and conscription.

Your movement is dead anarkiddie.

What movement isn't dead?

Only the ones who get in the way. Nobody who doesn't deserve it will get hurt.

So because one time in history a group idetifying as anarchist did something you didn't like and now it's forever tainted because of it? Nice association fallacy. I don't think revolutionary catalonia was ancom per se, but it was something of the socialist type at least.
It has more ground than yours does, markiddie

Anarchist do the same thing with "muh soviet bureaucracy, not willing to entertain the notion that the superstructure is subservient to the economic base.

Your desire to live is infringing on my desire to kill you.

It's shit. Dictatorship is where it's at.