After eliminating the onerous regulation known as net neutrality, Trump now aims to further liberate the internet by pursuing intellectual property thieves, also known as pirates, also known as human garbage. Finally, the Trump administration will make the internet more free by cracking down on pirates and making sure content owned by big companies is protected. Fuck you, users.
Trump protects internet freedom
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they killed trump and replaced him with a jew
Holla Forums users
He just got the North Koreans to blink today, potentially averting a devastating war that would have led to millions of dead. B-bu-but DRUMPF!!! MUH RUSSIA!!!!!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZIIIIISTTTTTTTT
He was a Jew all along. That was the tweest.
Bro, the guy doesn't even know the difference between Good Korea and Best Korea.
You convinced me. We should have vote Bernie.
We should of voted Rand Paul
Rand would be an abysmal leader, he's not tough enough. His best place is in the Senate.
It's like you people have so much cheeto dick in the brain, that you can't think.
Yes, praise our great leader, le god emperor Trump. Look how much he loves us. He's going to sell the internet to the media corps just like nobody said he would when he went after NN. Oh, wait, we all knew that except Trump fanatics.
He would still at least try to shrink internet survalience. That's the real issue net neutrality was a joke.
LOL we still have CruzMissiles around?
Stop reading reddit. It just removed something put in place during 2015.
That's what I meant the whole net neutrality thing was a joke of a policy
It did, you stupid faggot. The FCC kept trying to implement it under the information services section, but Verizon et al kept fucking suing, so the FCC finally decided to put them under the old regulation structure, where they could dictate neutrality. You fuckers are so uneducated. You can't even manage a simple fucking google search.
Try to learn what you're talking about.
This is your brain on reddit. Do you remember how bad the internet was before 2015? No you don't, because there was no fucking change you worthless simpleton.
But but but r-redit said my pages would load slow! They don't, and they won't you absolute fucking dunce. Take Obama's cock out of your mouth and go further than reading headlines on Google (jesus christ) searches.
SELL TO MEDIA CORPS? What are you fucking talking about???? Do you even know how the internet works?
That's already been explained to you by the fact that there was a regulatory structure that Verizon and others kept suing the FCC for. This is your brain on Holla Forums: illiterate.
ISPs are supposed to serve data, not shape it, and certainly not build their own private versions of the internet. No, not every ISP is a media corp, but it will be thanks to your dear leader.
That's what consumers do.
Yes, the 2014 rules. Which added needless government oversight. It's amusing, you're angry that Trump will involve the government in IP rights, but when it comes to the other IP (pardon the pun), you want him involved.
Yes, seeing as how they're the ones paying for the service. It only makes sense.
Yes, kind of like I don't want the police constantly searching my house, but would like them to actually investigate a murder. One is about benefiting users, the other is not. How much of a corporate cuck are you?
How much of a Netflix cuck are you? Anyways, there hasn't been a realized consequence of the FCC striking down NN laws. At this moment, your only opposition to the fact is 'muh drumpf'.
Yea going after people for stealing is a "fuck you" to users. Sure thing. Arresting people for shoplifting is a big fuck you to shoppers.
I'd like to see him try
You're a retard, and it shows.
The fact is that ISPs have a financial incentive to shape traffic to favor their services. This isn't rocket science. They'll always go the route of least resistance. I'm sure if we legalized murder, most people wouldn't start murdering each other, but it's about preventing future violations by pursuing present ones. I know you don't get this concept because you're in a cult.
Pray tell, how do you think they're going to go after "pirates"? By spying on you more, that's how. And file sharing isn't theft. No matter how much you corporate faggots want to paint it that way. It's funny that you'll defend Hollywood when daddy Trump says it's okay. Retard.
The fact that Trump was the best that was on offer last election... SAD.
He may not be a Jew, but everyone around him is, including special 'advisers' Ivanka whom he married to Kushner owner of 666 JewYork Place.
Brilliant argument.
It is, because you do not possess distribution rights. I know this is a hard concept for dolts, but just because something is easy to do, doesn't mean you have a legal right to do it. When you pirate, you're denying rightful compensation to the creator.
You're truly a scholar. I can see that it really will be worth my time continuing to debate positions with you.
Its really fucking easy without spying on anyone but pirates. Step one find the magnet / torrent file for your property. Step two begin torrenting it. Step three record every IP address thats pirating your intellectual property. Done.
Isn't tech approve following to licenses? Like gpl and BSD? Or only when they want to.
How does anyone 'possess' a non-physical thing, besides, encryption.
I agree. Rights are a spook.
Of course, they already do this, but it isn't enough for them. Just you watch. RMS already predicted it. They're going to want content cop bots right on your PC. Enjoy the future you chose, faggots.
This isn't theft. You haven't taken anything from them.
If you don't want the bot don't install it. Thats your right as the person that physically controls the computer. If its required to run a game for example then choose which you value more.
Copyright and IP over 5 years is shit. Defending the elitist system is also shit, especially if you are not an elite. Physical property is distinct from memes.
Would I be stealing code if I took a distro changed the name and sold to retarded people saying I made the os?
Get rid of intellectual property and DRM will just become more extreme.
Exactly. Something that can instantly be copied infinitely cannot be owned except by encryption. Laws need to be based in reality.
Only if you didn't strip trademarked assets from it.
Trademark is just more intellectual property. Cant steal a trademark. My software is named ubuntu, its actually windows 10 tho.
Your answer sir.
More like NK is doing another ruse to give them time to complete their nuclear program.
Hey, man, if you don't want ME or PSP, don't get a processor that has it.
To late.
Chinese hackers are the best in le world, and their spy network nears the power of the Khazar Mafia!
Read it again.
Oh I feel very good right now.
He's encouraging us to use Linux, right?
RISC-V when?
ISP lawsuits prompted the FCC to pursue reclassification and congressional legislation for the PRESERVATION OF EXISTING net neutrality, starting about halfway through the Dubya administration:
Because the rules in force aren't actually set to change until April 23rd, you corporate bootlicking shillbot:
This is your country on Jews.
>(((businessman))) protects interests of (((businessmen))), shits all over citizens
More news at 11
don't wall of text shit that you did not write
Lots of people here, me included, that are against piracy.
Why? In addition to the built-in botnet from the company, it probably also has a third-party botnet packaged in by the seeder. Using a free software alternative is wiser by every metric.
the absolute state of nu-Holla Forums
No this has something to do with china infringing on us intellectual properties by making knock offs or something like that
There are literally only 3 countries with any chance of ever nuking the USA and the norks are one of them.
and ????
UK/France ?
oh wait I forgot china :P
he did but it could back fire on piracy i hope not
yea the jews will nuke themselves sure thing
Hasn't piracy been subverted for the most part by now anyway? Normies and soyboys obediently pay their Spotify/Netflix subscriptions and get games on Steam, file sharing services have become a small niche, and so are torrents.
Nukes have't been used for 73 years only because there wasn't a situation where it would have made sense for anyone to use them (those worth nuking would retaliate due to having nukes themselves or having allies who have nukes). I'm afraid that with enough time the probability for another situation where using nukes is viable to some party is approaching 1, and at that point nukes most likely will be used.
Only in the US. The MPAA is still shitting themselves every day over the thought that some russian or albanian might try to get around paying $49.99 for their garbage. It's not a surprise that Uncle Trump continues the policies of Obongo, after all Warner Bros. and other kike corporations helped put him in office.
$49.99 is not an unsignificant portion of an average Albanian or Russian monthly income, now wonder they are not inclined to spend it on garbage.
I thought that Holla Forums put him in office (or so I've been told).
not to mention
There is no fucking chance of France ever nuking America.
Carpet nuking north korea preemptively would b a good use. They are so small there is almost no chance of retaliation. China won't end teh world to protect the fucking norks.
What the fuck are you even responding to? I said there are 3 countries with any chance at all of nuking the USA. And Euros are not on that list.
So, 16 months after Election Day the Trump euphoria is all dead and ruined?
I dunno, India & Indonesia strike me as the most potentially incendiary nuclear nations, and that's been the case for many decades.
I'd go a little further, that China would roll over NK themselves if they actually fired a shot against the US.
Publishers often refer to copying they don't approve of as “piracy.” In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all) circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions more complete.)
If you don't believe that copying not approved by the publisher is just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word “piracy” to describe it. Neutral terms such as “unauthorized copying” (or “prohibited copying” for the situation where it is illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as “sharing information with your neighbor.”
The term piracy has literally been around since the 1600s. People would ship large amounts of illegal intellectual property and would be treated just like other thieves. Not like the modern media industry invented this shit, it at least has a navy origin.
Hey Ivan, If you don't like the price, you don't pay it. Pretty simple, no? Why not chase girl or join military instead of waste youth on sissy American boy computing game.
No not at all. The US economy is on fire right now, and that means JOBS JOBS JOBS and more money in your pocket. That's ultimately what the man on the street cares about. Trump is showing that he's a man that can get things done.
Why would Israel nuke their own colony?
Not knowing that Trump is just playing games with Dems. How many times can he run this ruse to mollify his opposition, while never following through.
Art of the Deal Chess Master 6000
Dude, that's not even from this year.
This is exactly what file sharing is.
Yeah, because it's burning down.
Yeah, and when the next recession hits, you're going to be blaming it on Obama. I know how your cult works.
Nope. Trump is very much in charge, and that would be on him. Are you lot still blaming Bush?
Depends. The 2008 financial crisis? That was mostly the bankers' fault and deregulation of prior administrations. The mess in the middle east? Very much still his fault.
Stay mad, you worthless dolt.
Then you agree with Trump.
Gorbachev says "Red Alert" is impending.
I am confident that the Trump doctrine of Peace through Strength will see both sides de-escilate.
No, because I don't agree with protectionism, nor his retarded notions of muh deals. He also fucked us over with NN, being a faggot on guns (ask Floridians), and now this. Trump is a shit president.
Good. Less people using proprietary software means more attention on FOSS.
More FOSS users means more pressure on hardware vendors to publish tech data.
He hasn't done anything with guns, and that's a state issue. You might not agree with protectionism, but most American trading partners certainly do. Why allow American exporters to be disenfranchised? Do you like a trade imbalance?
Thanks for confirming that you're a low functioning drone.
He gave his approval. He's the leader of the Republican party, like it or not. This is directly his fault.
Except the moment they try to fire a ICBM (which probably won't reach America if they were allowed to) there would be dozens of fighter jets blowing the base up. NK is being monitored 24/7 by both the US and SK.
There is literally 0 evidence that North Korea has functioning ICBMs or nukes. Fat Kimmie is just some shithole dictator who gets off on attention, and the Jewnited States pretends to take him seriously because NK is one of the last countries without a Rothschild-owned central bank.
Taking the bait: I'd like a world without unreasonable copyright laws and software patents, and a world where trademarks would be restricted to prevention of fraud. But for as long as copyright laws are lame we should for the time being turn it to our advantage whenever and wherever we can. To quote from the GPLv3:
Reminder: The FBI used to raid peoples' houses for owning films
They've spent 50 years fortifying the DMZ with thousands of conventional mortars. It is commonly accepted that in the event of war, the could level Seoul in minutes. These facts don't matter to you though, it's just the sad cult of anti-Trump hysteria the MSM has inflicted upon you. If you don't like Trump fine, but should at least have the common sense to recognize genuine accomplishments, without having a meltdown like Mr. Maddow. Time will tell how this pans out, but it's certainly not a bad thing if it averts war.
Yes, life was different before the printing press. Medieval people also didn't have wire fraud laws. Go figure.
That's Freedom as define by the FSF, so it makes very little sense for you to continue extrapolating that definition into more general sentences. Otherwise you could just as well state that IP protects the freedom of the creator to distribute as he chooses.
pix related
So it's consistent to support the protection of the freedom to use copyrighted works while opposing unreasonable restrictions on the freedom to use copyrighted works.
(hope the formatting werks)
I can't believe how fucking ridiculous our current system of copyright and DRM is now. It's only gotten worse since DVD, Bluray, and all the streaming online dis-services that have come throughout the last 2 decades.
Blame the freeloaders who think they should be entitled to everything for free.
I blame the corporations who distort the original purpose of copyright to steal money from the public.
Put the bong down. Selling a product for a profit isn't stealing.
That's a strawman. I never said that a business earning profit is equivalent to stealing. Corporations who buy laws for the sake of controlling shared culture are the corporations who are stealing money from the public.
Right, it's not the corporations, it's the jews, who own and / or control all the corporations...
Yeah, threadly reminder real median compensation hasn't grown since 1973. All GDP gains since have gone straight into the gaping maws of the fat cats.
Do you think, some day, we'll be able to look back on the whole abandonware/preservationist fiasco with the same bemusement?
Oh, if only. Instead, it's "licensed" in a fashion worse than rent or lease.
Trying to make China pay for all the Joovies they pirate, isn't going to happen.
Piracy in the west is an inferior product for the majority, they just use Netflix, HBO streaming etc.
we should have voted RON paul.
There are other ways. Remember that retarded tax on blank audio/videocassettes that went straight to the RIAA/MPAA? Or, more directly relevant to the chinks today, the centralization of 3rd-world 'net access at PC cafes, which have provide targets for publishers to demand site licenses?
The so called 'pirates' are known for copyright infringement, which is making an unauthorized copy of something. Mr. Trump is talking about intellectual property theft here, which is when someone takes someone else's IP and sells it as if it were their own. China does that a lot.
Daily reminder that shit the shit that has gone up in prices are things the government is involved with like health care, and college, while things like microwaves cost nothing now.
The only thing more despicable than the wealthy parasites robbing society are their useful idiots that suck up to them to their own detriment. Economic liberalism has been shown not to work again and again.
Thus spoke Ghandi.
My enemy is shooting bullets at me, but if I get a gun and shoot back I'll be a hypocrite.
D-dont worry, user! He's only t..taking animu off the internet b-because he'll m-make it r...real!
...won't he?
What works better? That article is hardly proof of anything more than one man mismanaged a city. Are you going to pretended Democrat cities like Baltimore and Detroit are a shining example of "what really works"?
The fact is Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea all fared very well under economic freedom.
Contrast with African countries that went from colonialism to socialism. Fifty years later almost every country is a shithole. The African country with the highest per capita income is 1200 miles away from Africa.
Yea those wealthy commie scum on the west coast that keep robbing society ... by importing a shit ton of welfare dependents.
They don't have to outsmart YOU now. They'll just threaten a website owner with DMCA takedowns and arbitration for copyright infringement and other bullshit since they can be held accountable for what a user does under FOSTA/FESTA if it passes through the senate.
Wow, shit, tech is cheaper than in the '70s, what a wonder! What's next, "muh iPhones"? The primary measure of consumer inflation in the US, the CPI, largely consists of goods that have inflated relative to compensation for the simple reason that productivity is being siphoned off, like food, energy, land, clothing, and transportation:
You know how much fucking better off people are with cell phones? You just choose not to count things because you take them for granted. Instead of traveling miles anytime they want to do something trivial just hop on the phone instead. If you actually count all the shit that has gotten way better at the same time the difference is massive.
Ooh yeah, that fancy phone makes a ton of difference when you're starving in a filthy cold gutter.
You know there's an entire genre of dystopic SF from the '80s about this, right?
Who the fuck in America is starving in a gutter? Every store literally throws away most of its perfectly good food. You know how easy dumpster diving is?
You know how many fucking things a cell phone does? You can get decent info on almost every topic with a trivial search. You can pay your bills, you can navigate with interactive maps, you can talk with anyone regardless of location, you can record events around you. I have a cheap android phone that cost $50 bucks. Works fucking great.
You know how much time people spent doing shitty trivial tasks before things like microwaves were invented. Now you just throw some food in a little box and 2 minutes later its done. Versus spending an hour manually cooking. Or things like electric ovens vs the shitty coal versions that had ridiculous pollution just in recent history.
For some people like an execute I'm sure it makes a lot of difference, but for me it hardly does.
Wow, it can settle trivia discussions. Sure makes life great.
Is that a thing people do? Pay bills on the street? I pay everything either at home or work, with a big fucking screen.
That one is somewhat useful I'll grant you that.
That makes no real difference for the quality of life of most people.
That was possible before phones too. Most people didn't carry a camera around though because very little is worth recording (your lunch for example isn't).
I don't even own one. Other than heating water I don't see the point, anything you put in it tastes like shit.
And it tastes like shit.
If you're fancy, otherwise you can do it much quicker than one hour.
Biased propaganda on everything, to negate any real knowledge; and you give up your whole ideology, and stand in these ideology to the government and google.
Can't say you couldn't give your shekels to pay your banker, nor say to your boss that you can't read his email at night asking you anything; basically making yourself available to your boss at any time. And I thought my companies gave me a phone just for fun!
You can give up to google/government exactly what location you're searching for, and your whole movement. I'm not talking about the inner gps tracking that is irremovable and directly transmitted to the government and to google.
You can freely give up all of your contacts to your government, and the content of your communications.
You're basically giving eye to the Hydra: the government would be the first to know if literally anything happen anywhere anytime by its controlled phones, since the retarded ship would first take a pic, with a computer they don't control.
The tracer is cheap.
Yeah user, destroy any mean of honor and your whole integrity by eating from trash and asking for money in the street is such easy, see, no one is starving! Why is there not more homeless! It's such an easy life! Everything is fine in the USA, there is no monstrous poverty, and no ghettos full of criminals and gang members!
Yea no information online that could ever actually be useful like learning where something is, what medicine you need, when something is open. Fuck you are a small brained one.
Phones have web browsers, most banks have apps. Your "big fucking screen" is gonna be using a web browser all the same.
Yea calling 9/11 because you got injured is not useful at all.
It was way bigger, way more expensive, and very inconvenient.
Well i'm sure you are representative of the world.
a pretty privileged reason
Even making fucking rice takes 20 minutes. If you can do it much faster than an hour, you are not cooking.
Yea thats the idea. You know how wasteful americans are? So much fucking free shit just in the trash that was 6 hours too old.
Not compared to almost any point in history ever, and not compared to 90% of the worlds population now.
I agree we need to deport the criminal gangs.
Compared to after the second world war? Assumption with no content.
No shit you're in better state than who you killed and stole from. But globally, the world is in a worste state today than in the 19e century.
Totally fucking wrong. The rate of poverty is so many times lower.
Which is is why America rocks.
Ah you mean when half the black population was in extreme poverty and we had no welfare system.
*A much smaller one
Then there is no discussion. You deserve death penalty.
Is there anything sadder than a guilty white liberal?
Screw anyone who believes in intellectual property, contract law is enough for the benefits people say are attributed to intellectual property law. Intellectual property is one of the most anti-freedom cons of the modern day.
The GPL is a means to an end, it is not an end goal, it exits to wrestle proponents of intellectual property into the ground so that we can finally strip it out of law and gain freedom for the user. The GPL won't matter as much if I can't be absolutely obliterated by a single company for using an idea or practice attributed to them in a way they don't like.
I wish intellectual property law was destroyed. Computing in the cloud, and using DRM would be a much better alternative.
I don't understand why people decided the state should ever be involved in something like this. If you want a contract go make a contract, otherwise deal with it yourself.
Communism has been soundly rejected.
In communism the workers in a given industry implement the DRM for themselves and not a boss.
And who arbitrates contract disputes? Who enforces penalties for violating a contract? You're totally clueless.
A professional private judge, just almost every business contract dispute every.
The enforcer whom you agree to be the charge of in the event that the terms of the contract are violated as is agreed to by you in the contract.
*just like almost every business contract dispute ever.
I know who enforces contracts you retard, I'm not an anarchist, I'm saying that intellectual property is abused as some sort of substitute for contracts in too many cases. Formal contracts are fairer than intellectual property law because of the amount of conditions needed for it to be valid (or that should be needed, I don't live in America so I don't know if they/you need witnesses or not, but I believe you should).
All of that can be obtained with a PC. The only exception is "where something is", which I already conceded is somewhat useful with the GPS.
So what? Unless using a browser is against your religion I don't see the problem.
That hardly ever happens, and when it does people do call for help, even before cellphones existed people called.
Well, in that specific thing yes, most people in the world don't own a microwave.
The fuck that even means? I'm hardly good at cooking, and if I were it would be an acquired skill, not an unearned privilege.
You don't need to spend 20 minutes staring at it, it won't cook any quicker.
The US is hardly that much better than Europe. If you mean Apefrica, they never had anything stolen from them. Back when they were colonized there were no countries (no borders!) so it was free for the taking. And today everything they sell is done under agreements, either the official government or the local warlord agrees to it. Besides, the US didn't have colonies and the slaves were legally purchased in Apefrica from niggers.
You're wrong. There were far fewer niggers in the 19th century, even in the beginning of the 20th we outnumbered them. So it follows that today there are more extremely poor people (which includes other ape species like niggers) than back then.
That sound unnecessarily complex and inefficient. Ultimately there would be some megacorp that monopolizes both and you have effectively a government, just that it has no accountability to the citizens but only to its shareholders.
Ok, so a greater authority. No different than the state then. Because all of these industries need to be regulated, so that you're not allowing corrupt judges to rule for their friends. And I'd rather have a state I could be proud of handle enforcement, rather than Joe's biker gang.
A PC is stationary, requires a place to put it, is more expensive. You gonna make a homeless go walk to a dedicated place every time they want to google something?
phone is cheaper, mobile, smaller.
And it was a much shittier experience.
Thats how emergencies work lad
Take out all blacks and everyone is still worse off. No fucking children working in factories anymore.
What about people who didn't sign the contract? They're just free to use any intellectual property they want since there are no laws against that?
lol no. corporations go through private arbitration because its WAY cheaper and WAY more efficient. You know whats inefficient? The real legal system.
In private arbitration you pick your own judge. Don't like one? Don't agree have arbitration done by him in the contract.
The state has a history of killing a lot more people for shitty reasons.
That you agreed to in the contract. Instead of it being forced on you.
Yup, and that's the way it should be.
Then no wonder the people who make money from it wanted a law like that. IMO the law should exist but weakened, no "as old as Mickey + 20" or "you can copyright rounded edges".
13% of the population, or about 40 million Americans, live below the poverty line, meaning their paycheck (over 2/3rds of those able to work, do) alone can't pay for basic necessities. Similarly, about 13% of households aren't "food secure", and 4% starve due to poverty. About 1.5 million Americans (over half of whom work) are homeless, though many more drift in and out of homelessness.
Luxuries are called luxuries for a reason, they're dispensable. Without essentials, they're of little comfort or benefit. Until money starts trickling down to us normal folk again, the state of the "economy" is irrelevant.
Of course they do, it's the same reason usury is still legal despite it basically being slavery by proxy.
Who is making money from piracy lol?
Money will not trickle down until wealth taxation is instated and usury is at least not legally enforceable, if not made outright illegal.
You misread, he meant intellectual property holders are making money from intellectual property law.
Are neither starving, or living in a gutter. They have homes, and can buy food. I have done it buying full price shit in non bulk. Spent $3 a day. Around $1000 a year. Work for one fucking hour and you can feed yourself for 2 days.
They should try dumpster diving. Half of food is just throw away from stores, not moldly or anything.
Yes but it gets contaminated by the other stuff in the dumpster so it's not exactly 100% safe.
You have clearly never been homeless and don't know how this works. Its usually in original packaging and everything. Just try it some time. You will find all kinds of cool shit.
Do you have children? Other dependents like sick parents? Other bills to pay? Have to live in or near an expensive area for job reasons? Unexpected expenses wipe out your savings? Extremely long working hours or commute that make it difficult to do money-saving activities?
If you have children and dependents there is a massive amount of welfare for you. If you don't have dependents then even working part time pays for more than enough.
Welfare that you may or may not qualify for, which requires careful research and application to actually get, which is split between numerous programs, which must be renewed promptly in order to avoid short but potentially devastating shortfalls, and which is still often too little to pull households above the poverty line.
If you have multiple kids, are injured, have no job, then you qualify for almost everything. The worse off you are the easier it is to get lots of welfare, not harder. The people that are fucked are the ones than are able bodied, don't have kids, and are poor.
The process isn't automatic, continuous, or free of bureaucratic screwups. Utilization of welfare programs is far from full, as for instance about a quarter of eligible households don't get EITC, and half don't get SNAP.
Quiet faggots, the GOD EMPEROR is speaking soon.
Get comfy.
I'm not going to enjoy this unless his head's getting splattered.
so is life, if you cant figure that out you will fuck up any job you are given and cannot possibly live by yourself
Except we know you actually are a commie, or a "democratic socialist", a muh GPL FSF shill, etc.
You certainly sound like one. Gotta crush some lemons to make lemonade, isn't that what you gommies say?
I will give him this, he's been working to shill FSF over the past few days harder than they work prisoners in a soviet gulag.
No, I'm an Islamic theocratist, there's alot more to politics than 'gommie/nazi' ya know.
Actually I haven't used Holla Forums in the past few days cus Britbongistan's porn law is making it inconvenient to phonepost.
Here's some porn for you.
You should stick with terrorism Ahmed, it's the only thing you're half-good at.
Nah terrorism's too easy, Muslims need to be nerfed tbh
Until game DRM uses the AMD CPU ram encryption its not extreme. Modern DRM is better than ever, and its going to get more and more so.
The majority probably still uses intel or is this a feature on all amd64 cpus?
Besides it getting cracked it will only be applied to shit games anyways.
I have yet to see a single solid game using DENUVO.
DRM only exists because some people are shitty and try to steal things that do not belong to them. If you're against DRM, blame disreputable people, not the companies providing a service.
I've never actually been more embarrassed to admit I visit this board until this thread. The shier amount of 4chan tier retardation here is actually astounding. Well done, everyone. You've proven reddit is objectively more valuable than us and that's saying quite a bit.
AMD has some new fancy feature mainly for cloud servers, intel is sure to have something similar in a bit.
doubt it
i'm not a gaymer but I doubt literally everything on this list is bad
fuck off back to /g/, this shit complaining is what belongs there
I didn't know someone could own a mathematical formula which takes inputs and gives outputs. Why do people feel entitled just that they came up with it that they oyn it?
I didnt know that you could ban arbitrary combinations of atoms
The ironic thing is, you probably say that while still championing bitcoin.
i fully support the GPL but you should kill yourself immediatly
but you cant own information user
You're right. Post your bank details.
alex jones months ago
alex jones this month
hey, alex, why do you think google wanted to keep net neutrality? its because getting rid of it it gives them a monolopy, and believe it or not, they didnt want that, because they didnt want to be the ones who have to take your shitty show out back like a sick puppy and put it out of its misery. oh, did you think the internets were gonna be on your side? have you even ever used the internet? except for a few chans the whole internet is sjw as fuck...
Imagine if we had to pay Euler's decedents a monthly subscription to use his identities.
Mathematical identities are discovered, not invented or created.
I don't have to do that if I don't want to. Just because you can't own a word does not mean you can be compelled to say it.
How low would you say your IQ is?
You don't understand net neutrality one single bit.
So are computer programs
With computer programs, you're paying someone to devise an arrangement of bytes, not for the bytes themselves. In that way, you can certainly invent an algorithm, but a mathematical identity, being a logical deduction flowing from axioms, is considered a discovery. Also sorry to disappoint you, but you'll find academia is quite proprietary in their own ways. Those journal fees aren't cheap.
Programs are just a discovered arrangement of bytes
Good, people shouldn't be (((consuming))) (((media))) anyway.
Endgame is eliminating local execution, and phasing out legal possession of any commodity hardware with a CPU.
Yea all the anti DRM people are totally retarded if they think it cant get way fucking better, shit becomes online only, moves to the cloud, moves into encrypted ram, etc.
Look at appstores, signed execs, cloud storage, Intel's push to eliminate local storage, MS & Amazon's investment in "computing as a service". It all leads inexorably to one conclusion.
We have to stop normalfags from buying into this anymore, before network infrastructure becomes good enough to pull the final plug on the PC.
Holla Forums cut it out. no one from Holla Forums is this fucking stupid. stop it with the false flag nonsense
You Holla Forumsyard scum can be this stupid, and the majority of you definitely are. I have no reason to believe that poster is some sort of false-flagger. Remember how the election was rigged by Hillary and Soros and they were going to assassinate Trump?
A false flag post, mentioning false flags, cute. Holla Forums can be obtuse at times, but leftypol should be turned into paste. You're genetic refuse.
I find it so strange how people will be so eager to share, but still hate on unauthorized copying or lending not authorized by the publisher, which is what piracy is.
People with the least to offer the world, are always the most eager to advocate sharing.
Those conventional mortars have all been accounted for. NK also doesn't even have fuel to train its troops and they're lucky to fire a bullet.
These facts don't matter to you though, it's just the sad cult of Trump the Jews and Jewish controlled Holla Forums has inflicted upon you. If you like Trump fine, but should at least have the common sense to recognize outright lies, without having a meltdown like Mr. Maddow. Time will tell how this pans out, but it's certainly sad watching people like you pretend there was ever a threat of war.
t. someone who was stationed in Korea
Remember that time when Holla Forums thought Trump wasn't the shame shit again?
Only the low-tier thought that, others knew what was in front of them since Trump never hid his jewish ties. But still Trump was the correct choice due to the Overton window, Hillary would pull it even further left by showing it's ok to treat Whites like shit and some other GOP faggot would just keep it as is, meanwhile Trump pulled it right by not being a complete PC faggot.
If it was a matter of Trump vs Hillary, then Trump is by far the better choice. If it was a matter of Trump vs Sanders, then Trump is by far the better choice.
Neither is the best choice, statist cuck.
niether does alex jones, didnt stop him, did it?
actually, google is an isp, believe it or not, and even if all the fearmongering was focused on comcast, it doesnt change the fact that nn was the 1 chance he wouldve had to make an argument that google wasnt leagally allowed to censor him on their own platform.
I'll be honest, you can take away a whole string of luxuries like pirating and I won't mind as long as he keeps islamic bombers out.
As long as there are multiple families living in society, there will always be a governor who rules. Anarchy where multiple families voluntarily live in peace doesn't happen in reality.
NN isn't the same thing as copyright issues. copyright is completely bogus statist crap and so is NN regulation
It was pretty sad watching the obvious shilling of Trump on Holla Forums and Holla Forumstards not realizing that they're getting shilled to.
Was funny watching people posting webms showing what a good goy Trump was then getting banned for it.
I don't believe there was anything about political censorship in the Obama-era regulations which were repealed, can you please show me where the repealed rule protected political speech?
Because I don't think it did, but I might have missed it.
oh wow what did he do?
Who ever said it was? You misread the post.
Nah it's cus the US continues to cause strife for other countries, dw Trump's not special, the same goes for Obama , Bush and both Clintons
Did Trump call it unacceptable? All I remember is he wanted to execute Snowden.
Kill yourself.
This is retarded, he is retarded, intellectual property is retarded, and internet was never free.
I am the creator Linux. I did all the work, it's mine. I actually distribute it in a bunch of proprietary systems too, fuck IP, I do what I want.
Good for you no one cares
Therefore you have no right to speak before people who defend freedom. 'No more riding the train until you get off,' Like Golum I mean, Erdogan.
True, Trump is still the best controlled opposition.
We actually do need to learn from V though.
But I think the Burka is a better uniform in public.
I'm completely unconcerned by what you think Islam is. I will speak as I please faggot.
Please remove. Very offensive.
>When you pirate, you're denying leftful compensation to the (((distributor))).
No, you'd be scamming the retarded people. That's a different thing.
Holy fuck, there's a chapter 4 already?
Because it started to rebel against its master?
I don't own one.
it's botnet
In my cuntry that's called filthy fucking rich you double nigger.
>(((journal fees)))
That fact would only be relevant if there were swarms of burgerstani and yuropoors over there, taking advantage of your lower PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) to live off their savings or telecommute.
Does average rent for a tiny 1-bedroom apartment cost $600/month in your country? Btw, that's not even expensive area. If you go to CA or NYC, you pay a whole lot more.
You know that USA has one of the highest PPP to median income rates in the world right.
Its also noteworthy that China in particular adjusts the Yuan to artificially raise their PPP at the expense of keeping labor cheap for the rest of the world and having the luxury of not having to export their currency on the same level as USD.
Gestapo Public License when?
Copying data is not theft no matter how many times you repeat this, pedant. That is why we call it "copyright infringement" and not "theft."
Its basically a legal way of whining at someone for being a copycat, and the mentality behind it is equally as juvenile.